Best show I've watched in a while

FindingLife thumbnail
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Posted: 4 years ago

in my opinion both harshad and Zoya did a phenomenon job on bepanah, to me pre Paris time leap Zoya shined and post leap Aditya did. Than after marriage I do admit they both had their moments and just as they were picking up momentum the show ended. I had no problem with show ending at episode 186 I had a problem with a story clearly not finished ending, they still had a lot to give. I only came upon bepanah this year and I only wish the whole story could have been told. But from what I read maybe its a good thing it ended where it did. wow the show kept on getting better and better because I have to admit I kept on waiting to get disappointed thinking they couldn't possibly top the previous track and they kept on delivering. I was only disappointed by the last two months because I started expecting  more and was not able to get out of the ewe I had for Zoya's realization and confession track, than Aditya went and proposed in such a beautiful manner. For a while I was stuck there and could not move to the next track. I think that watching bepanah all at once back to back for the first time is both intense and beautiful, living you little time to think. If you have watched greys anatomy than you know whose wedding I'm talking about when I say arshad and Zoya wedding reminded me of that. And I never thought another show could ever execute it as beautifully, while at the same as tragically as that one. With hurt people and curses and all. Living you rejoicing for the couple while feeling guilty for being happy while another character was in grief, while also knowing that, that curse is going to cause you the viewer more heartache 😳because there's bad times coming. As if it wasn't bad enough when Zoya decided to take our thing. Zoya, Aditya and the audience moment, or thing and give it to Ashard, later on I thought to myself at least she never fed him the noodles, but at the time I was ready to strangle both Ashard and Zoya did she not know that she cannot go around feeding random people noodles, only Aditya😳. Thank God Aditya came along, and than she goes on a date with Ashard I was ready yo quit the show ( as a rule I don't like love triangles anymore, too many bad experiences), but than Aditya came along and totally stole his date from right under his nose I was smiling from ear to ear by the end of that episode. Than Ashard was there between them when they were singing, it was an almost perfect picture, but Ashard was oblivious to the fact that he was intruding in my moment, never mind Aditya and Zoya's moment😳. I understand Aditya's insanity and words in the Im inlove cofession and when he mentioned how Ashard was always around Zoya😳. Ashard became less of a threat after Aditya decided to fight for Zoya, its like the guy wasn't even there anymore, the real love triangle was between Zoya's, her dad and Aditya and since all three are experienced fighters and were unlikely to truly give up these three only retreat from each other for a while but, come back, one way or another, they find their way back to Zoya or Zoya finds her way back to them. Non egives up forever, non could let the other go away from them for long, non truly stopped loving the other, through their egos, hurts, pains and idiocy. Than there's the Love triangle between Aditya, his mother and Zoya and of course Anjana ended up totally falling in love with Zoya too😳. There was always little chance of Aditya escaping Zoya, there was more chance of Zoya escaping Aditya. Once she falls in you can't escape her love even in death, 😳ask Yash. You could escape Aditya not because he'd stop loving you, but because his very good at camouflaging it with hate or anger once his hurt. Zoya does not know how to mask herself very well. And he'd let you go away physically if he thought its what you needed. All in all This is a story about Love a Love of a father, a mother, a sibling, an in-law, a friend and a spouse, and not forgetting zosh employees and their bosses. But most important the love story of Zoya and Aditya's. Although it never finished properly what we had was really really good, I don't think that Harshard should feel a sense of in completeness to this serial, what they all did together was really, really good, and who knows one day they could come back and and do something even better than this whether individually or together. I as a fan am great full for what we had, it was really really good and I hardly felt the channel interference and I only noticed a few inconsistencies in the story, but was so engrossed in the story itself that I overlooked them. Someone said you feel bepanah and I must tell you I felt every moment. And was impressed with Harshad and Jenifer's acting skills and even the rest of the actors were great, everyone was part of the story. I like stories that make you think, analyze and feel. I think the writers studied psychology or something.


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mystique_4008 thumbnail
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Posted: 4 years ago

Hi there, nice reading your thoughts about BP. Yes we all wished the story wasn’t left unfinished and though initially I was upset about it ending, I am glad it did go off air. Colors never respected the show. The cast and crew didn’t deserve to be mistreated any longer by them. For 8 months, the director Anirudh tried to maintain the quality of bepannaah despite channel’s interference but by the end, it got to a point where it was evident the essence would be completely lost if it ran for more episodes so it had come to an end. 

Bepannaah is one show which will never be forgotten by anyone 😊

FindingLife thumbnail
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Posted: 4 years ago
Yes thats true we will never forget the show, thank you for reading my thoughts and yes its a good thing it ended there and the director did a great job in maintaining the essence of the show. The actors, writers everyone. It was a great show. Maybe they'll make another good show one day. Im feeling hopeful today:). I was feeling down for a while, so I started reading some writers comments on this forum the beginning till end and got to read the ups and downs of the fans and show, which got me thinking bepanah had passionate writers fans and dedicated analysts. It was a good run, that ended on a good note. Before even the dedicated fans left. It just got me thinking that we need more shows that are know what they want to teach people and will try by all means to stay true those teachings, because no matter how what anyone says, tv does influence and inspire a lot of peoples thinking and life choices.
mystique_4008 thumbnail
Anniversary 7 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago

Originally posted by: FindingLife

Yes thats true we will never forget the show, thank you for reading my thoughts and yes its a good thing it ended there and the director did a great job in maintaining the essence of the show. The actors, writers everyone. It was a great show. Maybe they'll make another good show one day. Im feeling hopeful today:). I was feeling down for a while, so I started reading some writers comments on this forum the beginning till end and got to read the ups and downs of the fans and show, which got me thinking bepanah had passionate writers fans and dedicated analysts. It was a good run, that ended on a good note. Before even the dedicated fans left. It just got me thinking that we need more shows that are know what they want to teach people and will try by all means to stay true those teachings, because no matter how what anyone says, tv does influence and inspire a lot of peoples thinking and life choices.

Yeah we need more shows like Bepannaah. Actually sometimes I feel this show would have been more appropriate as a webseries because as a viewer you needed a lot of patience and maturity to understand the concept which the TV audience in India don’t have. Also the CVs would have been able to show the story without interference. Or if not webseries, then as a mini series on the weekends. 

FindingLife thumbnail
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Posted: 4 years ago

Me and my sister were saying that the other day that next time they need to start and finish it online. Yes you need to be patient for this type of serial, you get the whole picture in the end, and the ups and downs even the ones that dragged to me made a better picture in the end, for instance as frustrating as Zoya's silence was for me by her wedding day they had me at the edge of my sit because I was there cheering her on saying be brave and speak, speak, speak !!! and whenever she looked like she was about to speak I'd hold my breathe just as Aditya was holding his breathe when she stopped at the bedroom, I was holding my breathe when she was looking up at him, almost begging him with her eyes to not leave her. How many times have we or should I say have I kept quiet because of fear when if I had spoken sooner things could have gone better, when she spoke I was as proud of her as Aditya was. Although at the same time ,I wish she could have spoken more, even to herself, just for the viewers peace of mind, as I've noticed that a lot of viewers lose interest in subtle and quieter characters. I don't know why, but we seem to pay more attention on a person that is more vocal with body language and much more better at expressing themselves with words. Which Aditya can. I have often lost arguments simply because I could not articulate my point in an understandable manner not even to myself. Sometimes opinions take years to form, something starts out as a feeling an idea, or one word that makes sense only to you or a couple of people and to the rest of the world it makes no sense, so you often sound like you are speaking gibberish, Zoya thinks a lot, she listens, processes and than speaks or acts and because her actions don't always go with the crowd, her actions are often seen as stupid. In the Ashard track she was just reacting mostly to Aditya. I use to be so fascinated by people who always seemed to have an instant answer to everything, while I was always left with a question mark. And coming up with answers when said person was long gone and getting frustrated with people who would make accusations about me to me and having no way of answering them immediately, because answers come too late, and it always seemed foolish to say something after the other person has long forgotten even I'd sometimes forget about it when I see them again. What I've learned about speaking, a lot of us learn the art of getting our opinions through way better than others, but we often speak too soon or too late, there is also a time to listen and observe. Speaking too soon makes your words wrong and speaking too late still makes your words wrong. That's why I liked Aditya and Zoya as individuals, we had Aditya who spoke a lot, but actually said little, because he'd speak out of anger, accept for those few times where he poured out his heart to Zoya. Than we have Zoya who very rarely spoke, but when she did, her words were always few, but really meaningful to Aditya at least, they stuck with him, because he always quoted them back to her. Or used them against her later in an argument. I'm a wordsy type of person even in book's I become fascinsted by novels where a character can take simple everyday words and turn them into something more than just I don't I do. When Zoya finally made her vows to Adi, I found myself saying, I believe you, because her actions have shown me that she doesn't just use words to the best of her ability she will try by all means to keep them, her words are followed by action even on to her death, to her a promise is a promise, which is why she speaks as little as she can, and when her heart is in those words, they become a guide, she tried to the best of her ability to keep her vows. Although without God's guide its impossible to keep vows or laws and its hard to distinguish what to do and when. And I like how Aditya said if this is crazy than I'm crazy in love, his always the voice of the audience, because I too thought he was going crazy. While also thinking to myself how many people actually take the initiative to fight for what they want anymore. We too often let our dreams go because of own fears and others opinions, if we had half of Aditya's faith, we'd accomplish so much. A pastor once said something like the richest place is the graveyard, because so many people died without ever exploring their dreams, talents and gifts. 

dodemoon22 thumbnail
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Posted: 4 years ago

Thank you very much for the wonderful topic i love the subjects that talk about adiya😊yes, the story of the series is different and beautiful and it is different from other serials Which i have seen and is the best for me❤️ i can understand what you feel like what you said it doesn't matter the number of episodes but we are sad because we couldn't see more of their moments after marriage and also some happy moments before the end of the series and we know that the series we wish to end better

and yes the same problem i felt it too you feel that the series ended but the end was not complete there are a lot of things we have not seen so we can't feel that the series is over and that is why we want to go back again😭 for arshad track yes ,i wish that if she had never fed him noodles (i felt bad for him💔)

Sorry for this question but i didn't understand what exactly you meant when you said (You could escape Aditya not because he'd stop loving you, but because his very good at camouflaging it with hate or anger once his hurt. Zoya does not know how to mask herself very well. And he'd let you go away physically if he thought its what you needed)

in the end yes I love all the characters in this series very much❤️ i miss them so much now😭

dodemoon22 thumbnail
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Posted: 4 years ago

Originally posted by: Cherryfairy

Yeah we need more shows like Bepannaah. Actually sometimes I feel this show would have been more appropriate as a webseries because as a viewer you needed a lot of patience and maturity to understand the concept which the TV audience in India don’t have. Also the CVs would have been able to show the story without interference. Or if not webseries, then as a mini series on the weekends. 

yes, this is what i was thinking of. this web series should have been better for him, especially with his story, and there would be no chance to change the story or abrupt end 

i hope to see a series like him we learned lessons about different things

Edited by dodemoon22 - 583 years ago
dodemoon22 thumbnail
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Posted: 4 years ago

yes, in arshad track on the wedding day i was worried about what would happen and i wanted her to speak at the same time i was crying. yes we wanted to have more dialogues or to speak for themselves to understand what she was thinking of in the past days 

aditya and Zoya were characters you could feel cry with them and laugh with them ,they feel they are people who really know them and are not just a story😊

Edited by dodemoon22 - 583 years ago
FindingLife thumbnail
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Posted: 4 years ago

Originally posted by: dodemoon22

Thank you very much for the wonderful topic i love the subjects that talk about adiya😊yes, the story of the series is different and beautiful and it is different from other serials Which i have seen and is the best for me❤️ i can understand what you feel like what you said it doesn't matter the number of episodes but we are sad because we couldn't see more of their moments after marriage and also some happy moments before the end of the series and we know that the series we wish to end better

and yes the same problem i felt it too you feel that the series ended but the end was not complete there are a lot of things we have not seen so we can't feel that the series is over and that is why we want to go back again😭 for arshad track yes ,i wish that if she had never fed him noodles (i felt bad for him💔)

Sorry for this question but i didn't understand what exactly you meant when you said (You could escape Aditya not because he'd stop loving you, but because his very good at camouflaging it with hate or anger once his hurt. Zoya does not know how to mask herself very well. And he'd let you go away physically if he thought its what you needed)

in the end yes I love all the characters in this series very much❤️ i miss them so much now😭

FindingLife thumbnail
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Posted: 4 years ago
Thank you for responding :). When Yash and Pooja died, Zoya hung on to Yash by believing in his innocence until the divorce papers, she kept his name alive by re opening his business. Even after the divorce news, when Yash was falsely accused she still opted to try to clear his name and be his friend after his death, while Aditya did not necesseraly stop loving Pooja, but was too angry to show it. He mostly started to show after Sakshi accusations. Than when he thought she Zoya "cheated" he stopped fighting for her completely, his ego, guilt, the fact that she left and most importantly the picture of Zoya and Rajvir he had in his mind stopped him from even talking to her properly after she came back and took care of his mom, its only after he found out from Nani that she was never with Rajvir that he stated building a bridge. His anger towards cheaters and conviction that cheating is unforgivable it seems no matter the reason seperated him from Zoya. Although we all know he loves her. Funny thing for some reason I kept on thinking he would kidnap Zoya, his done it 3 times already... Zoya in the other hand left yes, but she still took care of his mom when she came back. Its not just her Love, but her unwavering faith in the one she loves, it makes it difficult to escape her because even if they both, Zoya and Aditya can hardly stand to be in the same room as each other, she still comes back and takes care of his mom and indirectly him. Aditya let her go, even though he Loves her and although he Loved Pooja, like he said cheating or what he perseves or sees as cheating is too much to forgive. I don't know if I made sense.