mili9 thumbnail
Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail Anniversary 8 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 4 years ago

Good evening girls😃 !!!! 

I hope all of you are maintaining your calm or hiding under a rock like I did last week😃 My good friends, Arfa, Chandu, Anshi who cared about my sanity asked me to stay off till today's episode. Chandu, I am sorry, couldn't respond earlier to your message, I was simply too busy this weekend. I am sorry for all of you girls who may have religiously watched last week😭. I simply refused to watch that blasphemy😡

Not that today's episode is any better, but at least didn't get my brain aneurysms to blow off😡

OK, girls, let me tread a little lightly here and put my perspective across. Bear with me. Needless to say, I am HOPPING MAD AT THE residents of that mad house😡 Childish Radhika gets me going every single time, her giggling, spewing nonsense, and conveniently overlooking Mishti, Ruhaan alone talking in the room, Ruhaan running over to Mishti the minute he comes back is....... is what now, you loopy woman?  Ruhaan not sparing a thought, glance, a flicker of a muscle or one neuron in his head towards........ Ewwww sissy is the greatest love on this planet that you are ohhhh ...... so celebrating with giggling? What the bloody heck!!! 

Mishti completely lost it💔. She is now the over zealot, just like her mom who mercilessly and ruthlessly is trampling on a living, breathing person, who is the love of her life. Just like her mom did, she is dragging him in dirt for no sane reason😭She is not caring for his emotions, his turmoil, his feelings, his heart for ANYTHING😡She is so much embroiled in wanting to be a what now..... ? Selfless sissy? Magnanimous sissy? A charitable sissy? A philanthropist? Toh, woh de dena jo tumhara hain? Not somebody else's peace of mind. Not somebody else's deepest and finest feelings for you. Not somebody else's EVERYTHING, which is their feelings for you. Not somebody else's gift for you😡💔 In her quest to be all of the above, a great sissy whose statue needs to be erected at some point in her life, she had given up on all humanity. She had insulted the person who holds her as his everything. She had humiliated and disrespected him as a living, breathing person who has his own wishes, thoughts, feelings and will. She is disregarding that he, in fact is HUMAN and has his own free will to choose. SHE HAD FAILED AS A DECENT HUMAN BEING👎🏼 by doing this. I have vehemently defended her about her behavior towards Veer, I felt she is right to feel the way she did as she didn't care for his touch. Yeh, kya kar rahi hain, now? She is behaving the same way with Ruhaan now. For some INSANITY that is brewing in that whole family, for a foundation-less castle she and her GM are helping foster for that crazy sissy. I reject this reason completely with no rebuttal and I hold her completely responsible for whatever turmoil she is going to bring to Ruhaan. What about her responsibility towards Ruhaan? Does she feel like she has any towards him? Does he even factor into her thoughts? Any guilt for what she is doing to him? What she is putting him through? How many important people does she have in her life? To satisfy one, she is going put another through a wringer and break him to a point of no return? Yeh, kaise aur which angle se justified hain? In what planet ? 

Can she imagine what Ruhaan has to go through if she forces that crazed woman on him? What if he only cares about that whole family, just because of their association with Mishti? He, in fact eloquently put it in today " I DON'T CARE" 👍🏼x 2 about what you tell that stupid daadi. All he cared for, is for them to be together. What if he tells her, that he looks at and feels for sissy as his sissy too like all BILs do? How is she going to face him then,  for letting lose a crazy, delusional sissy on him ? Is she then going to die of shame for fostering what might amount to incest from his side?  I am sorry, if I am offending anyone, but this is how I felt last week and refused to watch that depravity🤢Did she take that into consideration what he might feel for that sissy? It is not that being a sibling takes higher priority in the pecking order, does it? I hope not. Certainly, I don't look at my relationships that way. SHE HAD FAILED HIM😡

Living for yourself is liberating sometimes- Ruhaan, you are my kind of a guy👍🏼❤️. This doesn't mean you are selfish, it just means that you care enough and respect yourself and your loved one. This is what Ruhaan had always done, prioritized her and his time and moments with her above everything and everybody. Isn't that what you want from a life partner? Mishti certainly doesn't deserve him, where he factors in as the lowest rung of the ladder, a means to fulfill somebody else's delusion. Should he then consider Mishti to be his soul mate, his confidante, his life partner? If he were my brother, I would advise him against that. She cares nothing, ZILCH  about him. My heart is bleeding for this guy💔🥺

Fruity, I hope you are reading my friend. I have a lot of gripe about delusional sissy. You asked me why I have so much disgust and contempt for this one. You are right, I simply CAN'T STAND her, to a degree that I don't  like to utter her name👎🏼. I don't know if any of you had experienced this before, but often in personal and professional life you come across people, these kind of people who feign innocence, ignorance which are effective manipulative strategies. The person towards whom such behavior is directed, can feel the discomfort, the manipulation, covert aggression, but they project an image that they have the faintest idea of what they are doing. If God forbid, you confront them, they can turn around to make you the perpetrator, victimizer, since you won't have any concrete evidence to prove otherwise. This tactic serves the purpose of obscuring the true purpose of their actions and character. I always felt that this is how this character and her mommy acted and I can't stand that. She often had heard and seen what she wanted to listen and visualize, rather than taking stock of the reality. When something tells her that " you must consider looking at and doing things in a different way" she resists that. She tries to reframe things so that everyone sees things her way. It is a heck of a lot easier to feel bad about yourself and guilt trip people around than to do the hardwork and self-sacrifice involved in making a decent person of yourself. I wish, I can elaborate some more, but with the state of mind I am in about the show, it seems like we will be wasting a lot of breath over nothing. These writers and this character they portrayed doesn't deserve as much attention from my side and that is final in my mind😲Again, totally my perception only. I may be totally off, and some of you may have warm, fuzzies for her. My apologies to those of you who like her, I simply don't🤢

Lastly, what is the difference in actions/ behavior of Mishti than that of her cheater father towards their loved ones, Ruhaan and Mauli respectively? I am not talking about physical cheating which is a superficial symptom , but a more, deep rooted, dangerous disease of "intention to betray" their loved ones, in the course to kill their very soul. 😡👎🏼💔. The bio dad left his loved one a mere shell and Mishti will be doing the same.  Have the writers completely lost it, to have Mishti portrayed as this kind of betrayer, the cheater ( not in physical sense ) who has no conscience? Why did the writers not draw this parallel? The crazed sissy toh, bilkul apne maa par gayi hai, feigned ignorance, feigned innocence, I DON'T KNOW ANYTHING, I WILL TAKE WHATEVER YOU OFFER ME ON A PLATTER, I DON'T MEAN TO HURT ANYBODY. Disgusting😡

OK, girls, see you later if I have the patience to watch today's episode........ 

Edited by mili9 - 4 years ago


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NamrataRa thumbnail
Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail Anniversary 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 4 years ago

Originally posted by: mili9

Good evening girls😃 !!!! 

I hope all of you are maintaining your calm or hiding under a rock like I did last week😃 My good friends, Arfa, Chandu, Anshi who cared about my sanity asked me to stay off till today's episode. Chandu, I am sorry, couldn't respond earlier to your message, I was simply too busy this weekend. I am sorry for all of you girls who may have religiously watched last week😭. I simply refused to watch that blasphemy😡

Not that today's episode is any better, but at least didn't get my brain aneurysms to blow off😡

OK, girls, let me tread a little lightly here and put my perspective across. Bear with me. Needless to say, I am HOPPING MAD AT THE residents of that mad house😡 Childish Radhika gets me going every single time, her giggling, spewing nonsense, and conveniently overlooking Mishti, Ruhaan alone talking in the room, Ruhaan running over to Mishti the minute he comes back is....... is what now, you loopy woman?  Ruhaan not sparing a thought, glance, a flicker of a muscle or one neuron in his head towards........ Ewwww sissy is the greatest love on this planet that you are ohhhh ...... so celebrating with giggling? What the bloody heck!!! 

Mishti completely lost it💔. She is now the over zealot, just like her mom who mercilessly and ruthlessly is trampling on a living, breathing person, who is the love of her life. Just like her mom did, she is dragging him in dirt for no sane reason😭She is not caring for his emotions, his turmoil, his feelings, his heart for ANYTHING😡She is so much embroiled in wanting to be a what now..... ? Selfless sissy? Magnanimous sissy? A charitable sissy? A philanthropist? Toh, woh de dena jo tumhara hain? Not somebody else's peace of mind. Not somebody else's deepest and finest feelings for you. Not somebody else's EVERYTHING, which is their feelings for you. Not somebody else's gift for you😡💔 In her quest to be all of the above, a great sissy whose statue needs to be erected at some point in her life, she had given up on all humanity. She had insulted the person who holds her as his everything. She had humiliated and disrespected him as a living, breathing person who has his own wishes, thoughts, feelings and will. She is disregarding that he, in fact is HUMAN and has his own free will to choose. SHE HAD FAILED AS A DECENT HUMAN BEING👎🏼 by doing this. I have vehemently defended her about her behavior towards Veer, I felt she is right to feel the way she did as she didn't care for his touch. Yeh, kya kar rahi hain, now? She is behaving the same way with Ruhaan now. For some INSANITY that is brewing in that whole family, for a foundation-less castle she and her GM are helping foster for that crazy sissy. I reject this reason completely with no rebuttal and I hold her completely responsible for whatever turmoil she is going to bring to Ruhaan. What about her responsibility towards Ruhaan? Does she feel like she has any towards him? Does he even factor into her thoughts? Any guilt for what she is doing to him? What she is putting him through? How many important people does she have in her life? To satisfy one, she is going put another through a wringer and break him to a point of no return? Yeh, kaise aur which angle se justified hain? In what planet ? 

Can she imagine what Ruhaan has to go through if she forces that crazed woman on him? What if he only cares about that whole family, just because of their association with Mishti? He, in fact eloquently put it in today " I DON'T CARE" 👍🏼x 2 about what you tell that stupid daadi. All he cared for, is for them to be together. What if he tells her, that he looks at and feels for sissy as his sissy too like all BILs do? How is she going to face him then,  for letting lose a crazy, delusional sissy on him ? Is she then going to die of shame for fostering what might amount to incest from his side?  I am sorry, if I am offending anyone, but this is how I felt last week and refused to watch that depravity🤢Did she take that into consideration what he might feel for that sissy? It is not that being a sibling takes higher priority in the pecking order, does it? I hope not. Certainly, I don't look at my relationships that way. SHE HAD FAILED HIM😡

Living for yourself is liberating sometimes- Ruhaan, you are my kind of a guy👍🏼❤️. This doesn't mean you are selfish, it just means that you care enough and respect yourself and your loved one. This is what Ruhaan had always done, prioritized her and his time and moments with her above everything and everybody. Isn't that what you want from a life partner? Mishti certainly doesn't deserve him, where he factors in as the lowest rung of the ladder, a means to fulfill somebody else's delusion. Should he then consider Mishti to be his soul mate, his confidante, his life partner? If he were my brother, I would advise him against that. She cares nothing, ZILCH  about him. My heart is bleeding for this guy💔🥺

Fruity, I hope you are reading my friend. I have a lot of gripe about delusional sissy. You asked me why I have so much disgust and contempt for this one. You are right, I simply CAN'T STAND her, to a degree that I don't  like to utter her name👎🏼. I don't know if any of you had experienced this before, but often in personal and professional life you come across people, these kind of people who feign innocence, ignorance which are effective manipulative strategies. The person towards whom such behavior is directed, can feel the discomfort, the manipulation, covert aggression, but they project an image that they have the faintest idea of what they are doing. If God forbid, you confront them, they can turn around to make you the perpetrator, victimizer, since you won't have any concrete evidence to prove otherwise. This tactic serves the purpose of obscuring the true purpose of their actions and character. I always felt that this is how this character and her mommy acted and I can't stand that. She often had heard and seen what she wanted to listen and visualize, rather than taking stock of the reality. When something tells her that " you must consider looking at and doing things in a different way" she resists that. She tries to reframe things so that everyone sees things her way. It is a heck of a lot easier to feel bad about yourself and guilt trip people around than to do the hardwork and self-sacrifice involved in making a decent person of yourself. I wish, I can elaborate some more, but with the state of mind I am in about the show, it seems like we will be wasting a lot of breath over nothing. These writers and this character they portrayed doesn't deserve as much attention from my side and that is final in my mind😲Again, totally my perception only. I may be totally off, and some of you may have warm, fuzzies for her. My apologies to those of you who like her, I simply don't🤢

Lastly, what is the difference in actions/ behavior of Mishti than that of her cheater father towards their loved ones, Ruhaan and Mauli respectively? I am not talking about physical cheating which is a superficial symptom , but a more, deep rooted, dangerous disease of "intention to betray" their loved ones, in the course to kill their very soul. 😡👎🏼💔. The bio dad left his loved one a mere shell and Mishti will be doing the same.  Have the writers completely lost it, to have Mishti portrayed as this kind of betrayer, the cheater ( not in physical sense ) who has no conscience? Why did the writers not draw this parallel? The crazed sissy toh, bilkul apne maa par gayi hai, feigned ignorance, feigned innocence, I DON'T KNOW ANYTHING, I WILL TAKE WHATEVER YOU OFFER ME ON A PLATTER, I DON'T MEAN TO HURT ANYBODY. Disgusting😡

OK, girls, see you later if I have the patience to watch today's episode........ 

You wrote everything which we feel.Missed you.

khatimeethi thumbnail
Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Anniversary 5 Thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago

Thank you mili for posting it 🤗

I am.no longer villain in forum for pointing same things but not in so good manner..u are best 

NamrataRa thumbnail
Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail Anniversary 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 4 years ago

Originally posted by: mili9

Good evening girls😃 !!!! 

I hope all of you are maintaining your calm or hiding under a rock like I did last week😃 My good friends, Arfa, Chandu, Anshi who cared about my sanity asked me to stay off till today's episode. Chandu, I am sorry, couldn't respond earlier to your message, I was simply too busy this weekend. I am sorry for all of you girls who may have religiously watched last week😭. I simply refused to watch that blasphemy😡

Not that today's episode is any better, but at least didn't get my brain aneurysms to blow off😡

OK, girls, let me tread a little lightly here and put my perspective across. Bear with me. Needless to say, I am HOPPING MAD AT THE residents of that mad house😡 Childish Radhika gets me going every single time, her giggling, spewing nonsense, and conveniently overlooking Mishti, Ruhaan alone talking in the room, Ruhaan running over to Mishti the minute he comes back is....... is what now, you loopy woman?  Ruhaan not sparing a thought, glance, a flicker of a muscle or one neuron in his head towards........ Ewwww sissy is the greatest love on this planet that you are ohhhh ...... so celebrating with giggling? What the bloody heck!!! 

Mishti completely lost it💔. She is now the over zealot, just like her mom who mercilessly and ruthlessly is trampling on a living, breathing person, who is the love of her life. Just like her mom did, she is dragging him in dirt for no sane reason😭She is not caring for his emotions, his turmoil, his feelings, his heart for ANYTHING😡She is so much embroiled in wanting to be a what now..... ? Selfless sissy? Magnanimous sissy? A charitable sissy? A philanthropist? Toh, woh de dena jo tumhara hain? Not somebody else's peace of mind. Not somebody else's deepest and finest feelings for you. Not somebody else's EVERYTHING, which is their feelings for you. Not somebody else's gift for you😡💔 In her quest to be all of the above, a great sissy whose statue needs to be erected at some point in her life, she had given up on all humanity. She had insulted the person who holds her as his everything. She had humiliated and disrespected him as a living, breathing person who has his own wishes, thoughts, feelings and will. She is disregarding that he, in fact is HUMAN and has his own free will to choose. SHE HAD FAILED AS A DECENT HUMAN BEING👎🏼 by doing this. I have vehemently defended her about her behavior towards Veer, I felt she is right to feel the way she did as she didn't care for his touch. Yeh, kya kar rahi hain, now? She is behaving the same way with Ruhaan now. For some INSANITY that is brewing in that whole family, for a foundation-less castle she and her GM are helping foster for that crazy sissy. I reject this reason completely with no rebuttal and I hold her completely responsible for whatever turmoil she is going to bring to Ruhaan. What about her responsibility towards Ruhaan? Does she feel like she has any towards him? Does he even factor into her thoughts? Any guilt for what she is doing to him? What she is putting him through? How many important people does she have in her life? To satisfy one, she is going put another through a wringer and break him to a point of no return? Yeh, kaise aur which angle se justified hain? In what planet ? 

Can she imagine what Ruhaan has to go through if she forces that crazed woman on him? What if he only cares about that whole family, just because of their association with Mishti? He, in fact eloquently put it in today " I DON'T CARE" 👍🏼x 2 about what you tell that stupid daadi. All he cared for, is for them to be together. What if he tells her, that he looks at and feels for sissy as his sissy too like all BILs do? How is she going to face him then,  for letting lose a crazy, delusional sissy on him ? Is she then going to die of shame for fostering what might amount to incest from his side?  I am sorry, if I am offending anyone, but this is how I felt last week and refused to watch that depravity🤢Did she take that into consideration what he might feel for that sissy? It is not that being a sibling takes higher priority in the pecking order, does it? I hope not. Certainly, I don't look at my relationships that way. SHE HAD FAILED HIM😡

Living for yourself is liberating sometimes- Ruhaan, you are my kind of a guy👍🏼❤️. This doesn't mean you are selfish, it just means that you care enough and respect yourself and your loved one. This is what Ruhaan had always done, prioritized her and his time and moments with her above everything and everybody. Isn't that what you want from a life partner? Mishti certainly doesn't deserve him, where he factors in as the lowest rung of the ladder, a means to fulfill somebody else's delusion. Should he then consider Mishti to be his soul mate, his confidante, his life partner? If he were my brother, I would advise him against that. She cares nothing, ZILCH  about him. My heart is bleeding for this guy💔🥺

Fruity, I hope you are reading my friend. I have a lot of gripe about delusional sissy. You asked me why I have so much disgust and contempt for this one. You are right, I simply CAN'T STAND her, to a degree that I don't  like to utter her name👎🏼. I don't know if any of you had experienced this before, but often in personal and professional life you come across people, these kind of people who feign innocence, ignorance which are effective manipulative strategies. The person towards whom such behavior is directed, can feel the discomfort, the manipulation, covert aggression, but they project an image that they have the faintest idea of what they are doing. If God forbid, you confront them, they can turn around to make you the perpetrator, victimizer, since you won't have any concrete evidence to prove otherwise. This tactic serves the purpose of obscuring the true purpose of their actions and character. I always felt that this is how this character and her mommy acted and I can't stand that. She often had heard and seen what she wanted to listen and visualize, rather than taking stock of the reality. When something tells her that " you must consider looking at and doing things in a different way" she resists that. She tries to reframe things so that everyone sees things her way. It is a heck of a lot easier to feel bad about yourself and guilt trip people around than to do the hardwork and self-sacrifice involved in making a decent person of yourself. I wish, I can elaborate some more, but with the state of mind I am in about the show, it seems like we will be wasting a lot of breath over nothing. These writers and this character they portrayed doesn't deserve as much attention from my side and that is final in my mind😲Again, totally my perception only. I may be totally off, and some of you may have warm, fuzzies for her. My apologies to those of you who like her, I simply don't🤢

Lastly, what is the difference in actions/ behavior of Mishti than that of her cheater father towards their loved ones, Ruhaan and Mauli respectively? I am not talking about physical cheating which is a superficial symptom , but a more, deep rooted, dangerous disease of "intention to betray" their loved ones, in the course to kill their very soul. 😡👎🏼💔. The bio dad left his loved one a mere shell and Mishti will be doing the same.  Have the writers completely lost it, to have Mishti portrayed as this kind of betrayer, the cheater ( not in physical sense ) who has no conscience? Why did the writers not draw this parallel? The crazed sissy toh, bilkul apne maa par gayi hai, feigned ignorance, feigned innocence, I DON'T KNOW ANYTHING, I WILL TAKE WHATEVER YOU OFFER ME ON A PLATTER, I DON'T MEAN TO HURT ANYBODY. Disgusting😡

OK, girls, see you later if I have the patience to watch today's episode........ 

Missed you.You wrote everything which is going on in our mind.

P.s. Why Pari wants mediator to confirm Ruhaan's feelings for her.You are a modern girl go & propose him directly. Cvs completely spoiled Misti's character.There is no sympathy for her from my side.

sweetzzz thumbnail
Anniversary 7 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago

Mili, thank God you are back 🤗we missed your posts. 

We have been screaming our hearts out that we have been feeling terrible for ruhaan for the last , well more than a week. Forgrt about an emotional bonding they both share, Mishti isn't even giving ruhaan the basic value a hand gives the other. He is being treated as dirt whereas the poor guy who came back home from work with so many expectations is damn worried about her behaviour. Look at how he so wants to be with her, hold her, make her feel secured! I mean how the hell could Mishti think that he can be happy with anyone other than her?

And of all the people she decided to use veer as an arrow to shoot him? You know what, I don't feel a bit of pain she is going through in doing all this sacrifice drama, she deserves it coz she invited it herself. 

I just hope ruhaan knocks some sense into that insane family's heads. 

khatimeethi thumbnail
Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Anniversary 5 Thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago

Originally posted by: sweetzzz

Mili, thank God you are back 🤗we missed your posts. 

We have been screaming our hearts out that we have been feeling terrible for ruhaan for the last , well more than a week. Forgrt about an emotional bonding they both share, Mishti isn't even giving ruhaan the basic value a hand gives the other. He is being treated as dirt whereas the poor guy who came back home from work with so many expectations is damn worried about her behaviour. Look at how he so wants to be with her, hold her, make her feel secured! I mean how the hell could Mishti think that he can be happy with anyone other than her?

And of all the people she decided to use veer as an arrow to shoot him? You know what, I don't feel a bit of pain she is going through in doing all this sacrifice drama, she deserves it coz she invited it herself. 

I just hope ruhaan knocks some sense into that insane family's heads. 

Exactly ,but all hell break lose if u say mishti is treating him.as dirt and toy🤣

Because she loves him apparently...

As milli said had Ruhan be my relative i would suggest him yo run away...

Because mishti doesnt value him whatsoever...

Tom if she has to chose whose life to save either pari or Ruhan she will happily let Ruhan die ...that is how much Ruhan is important to her 😂 😂

sweetzzz thumbnail
Anniversary 7 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago

Originally posted by: khatimeethi

Exactly ,but all hell break lose if u say mishti is treating him.as dirt and toy🤣

Because she loves him apparently...

As milli said had Ruhan be my relative i would suggest him yo run away...

Because mishti doesnt value him whatsoever...

Tom if she has to chose whose life to save either pari or Ruhan she will happily let Ruhan die ...that is how much Ruhan is important to her 😂 😂

I understand siblings are important, more so in mishti's case. But leaving the loved one at a gun point without giving a penny of thought to his emotions, and God knows what she is going to do with veer. It's just is intolerable. When we as viewers could understand it, how come the character who had loved him not understand? 

lol he'll run away and the whole family will run behind him 😂😂

Your last para is so damn true. She would defo choose sister if it's a life and death situation between Pari and ruhaan. EHMMBH ki sisters Jo hai ye dono

mili9 thumbnail
Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail Anniversary 8 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 4 years ago

Thank you girls, for that welcome. I am sorry you missed me. I was totally repulsed. On top of that, I had very important teaching assignments last week, so thankfully, that occupied my time. 

Anshi, Namrata, Sweetzz, I am sure everybody is in the same boat. I derived sadistic pleasure as I just watched today's episode. This is what I firmly believe in, when you think you have manipulated and fooled people around you and feeling smug about yourself, life turns around and delivers a zoru ka thappad,  a RESOUNDING SLAP😡How the hell did she think that she can play Ruhaan into .... sissy's hands?👎🏼💔I think Mishti is deserving of👏 this one. Unfortunately for us, per Ruhaan, he will feel her pain, so we can't even rejoice😭. 

The actress seems to be lost in what to portray even, should she portray hurt, her pain or her reservation when she is with Ruhaan. I simply can't understand what she is trying to portray. Ideally, she should be breaking down because she will be losing her soul mate, not withdrawing as if he is repulsive. Anybody felt that or am I over-reacting? 

Yes, Sweetzz, she is totally brainless and heartless to be using Veer to do her dirty job. No conscience left or there is no thinking about Ruhaan, which is not our chotu Mishti. The chotu Mishti is rough at the edges but righteous to a T. What is this Mishti? I can't understand. She can't be blind. Why does it not occur to her even once, that may be, just may be Ruhaan feels Ansh and sissy as his own siblings because they are hers. I don't know, don't most of us feel that way? How does she think that Ruhaan maan jaayega and run into yuck....... arms? HOW THE HELL ! I can't seem to wrap my head around it. This is plain OFFENSIVE. 

Namrata, ditto, ditto about sissy. Using others to catapult herself seems to be that character's MO👎🏼The whole family is disgusting and despicable. 

Anshi, get that out of your head, none of us are villains here. The writers are the villains for their own story. I can't believe they thought that we would lap this nonsense up😡

khatimeethi thumbnail
Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Anniversary 5 Thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago

Originally posted by: sweetzzz

I understand siblings are important, more so in mishti's case. But leaving the loved one at a gun point without giving a penny of thought to his emotions, and God knows what she is going to do with veer. It's just is intolerable. When we as viewers could understand it, how come the character who had loved him not understand? 

lol he'll run away and the whole family will run behind him 😂😂

Your last para is so damn true. She would defo choose sister if it's a life and death situation between Pari and ruhaan. EHMMBH ki sisters Jo hai ye dono

Ek hazaro sister kept guys informed atleast🤣

Shhh sweetz i said this yesterday and drama that followed🤣

Siblings are important for anyone ...but noone pushes siblings into a well because sibling wished..

So if my sibling wanna commit murder/suicide i wont be an ally to it ...i will rather counsel him and take step to get him back to normal..

Mishti is pushing pari into a loveless relationship after seeing what her mom went through 🤔🤔🤔how is that being good sister ?

Pari no.comments at all on her 

khatimeethi thumbnail
Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Anniversary 5 Thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago

Originally posted by: mili9

Thank you girls, for that welcome. I am sorry you missed me. I was totally repulsed. On top of that, I had very important teaching assignments last week, so thankfully, that occupied my time. 

Anshi, Namrata, Sweetzz, I am sure everybody is in the same boat. I derived sadistic pleasure as I just watched today's episode. This is what I firmly believe in, when you think you have manipulated and fooled people around you and feeling smug about yourself, life turns around and delivers a zoru ka thappad,  a RESOUNDING SLAP😡How the hell did she think that she can play Ruhaan into .... sissy's hands?👎🏼💔I think Mishti is deserving of👏 this one. Unfortunately for us, per Ruhaan, he will feel her pain, so we can't even rejoice😭. 

The actress seems to be lost in what to portray even, should she portray hurt, her pain or her reservation when she is with Ruhaan. I simply can't understand what she is trying to portray. Ideally, she should be breaking down because she will be losing her soul mate, not withdrawing as if he is repulsive. Anybody felt that or am I over-reacting? 

Yes, Sweetzz, she is totally brainless and heartless to be using Veer to do her dirty job. No conscience left or there is no thinking about Ruhaan, which is not our chotu Mishti. The chotu Mishti is rough at the edges but righteous to a T. What is this Mishti? I can't understand. She can't be blind. Why does it not occur to her even once, that may be, just may be Ruhaan feels Ansh and sissy as his own siblings because they are hers. I don't know, don't most of us feel that way? How does she think that Ruhaan maan jaayega and run into yuck....... arms? HOW THE HELL ! I can't seem to wrap my head around it. This is plain OFFENSIVE. 

Namrata, ditto, ditto about sissy. Using others to catapult herself seems to be that character's MO👎🏼The whole family is disgusting and despicable. 

Anshi, get that out of your head, none of us are villains here. The writers are the villains for their own story. I can't believe they thought that we would lap this nonsense up😡

Are u sure milli,ppl have been defending mishti left right center that she is doing for family 😂 🤣 her sister she chose her sis over Ruhan as we would do our family 

And i cant tell u how amused i am 🤣🤣🤣

Ppl worship character and can't see mishti being questioned whatsoever ...unfortunately for them sane ppl dont with brains dont do ..

Mishti is practically and figuratively thinking Ruhan to be  toy who can be programmed and he will behave same with pari...with no regard to his feeling..