||Junooniyat hai yehi ||MehRya FF Final Chapter Pg 109 06/May/19

KashishJ thumbnail
Anniversary 7 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 5 years ago

Hello Lovelies, 

Starting a new story here. Like we discussed in former thread this story is based on OS Ultimately Mine written by one of my favourite writers Anya. I have taken permission from Anya to develop a new story from this OS. Predominately my story picks up from the ending of the OS. 

It won't be a mushy romantic story. The characters are sketchy here. They tread on thin line between protagonism & antagonism. Circumstances push them to either side of the line every now & then. Basically it will be narration with characters who have they share of flaws and virtues. Kindly bear with the creative liberties I have taken.

Hope you will bestow you love and support as you have done in past for all my stories. 

Please do provide your feedback๐Ÿ˜Š and don't forget to push the LIKE button ๐Ÿ˜‰

Prologue : Pg 1

Chapter 1: Pg 8

Chapter 2: Pg 15

Chapter 3: Pg 21

Chapter 4: Pg 26

Chapter 5: Pg 34

Chapter 6: Pg41

Chapter 7: Pg 50

Chapter 8: Pg 55

Chapter 9: Pg 60

Chapter 10: Pg 66

Chapter 11: Pg 71

Chapter 12: Pg 79

Chapter 13: Pg 81

Chapter 14: Pg 87

Chapter 15: https://www.indiaforums.com/forum/post/149977195

Chapter 16: https://www.indiaforums.com/forum/post/150088367

Final Chapter : Pg 109 https://www.indiaforums.com/forum/post/150225732?tid=5039023

Warm Regards,



KashishJ2019-04-15 11:27:26



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Krishna537 thumbnail
Anniversary 6 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Commentator 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago
congratulations in your new story kash Di..  Title looks excited..  ๐Ÿค— 
As always I'm curious to read this one also.   
Waiting for the update now 
Haseena2020 thumbnail
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Posted: 5 years ago
Super excited Kashish... bring it on
AD04 thumbnail
Visit Streak 365 0 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 5 years ago
Wooow ... .kash.. ..congratulations  on your new story... So excited to read it ๐Ÿ˜›
Naam me hi junoon hai ๐Ÿ˜‰
Please continue  soon ...I cant wait to read more ๐Ÿ˜‰
KashishJ thumbnail
Anniversary 7 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 5 years ago




I saw her climbing down the stairs. It was evident that she already knew it was me who came to visit her. Fear and shock adoring her face stated it clear. God! She looked so cute, just like a lamb lost in woods. My body, soul and heart had craved to get a glimpse of her. A month devoid of her was pure torment. Initial week, I tried to ignore her absence. I believed she will be back in few days and then I could resume to relish pleasure of having her around me. But soon it was found that she had quit. Few of my buddies felicitated as I successfully evicted the chubby, scholarship, middle class nobody who dared to cross me.  While few nice ones in my gang, accused me for spoiling her future. Yet they all went on with their lives and forgot Mehek Sharma. Except me. I,  Shaurya Khanna couldn't. Next few days, I desperately tried to convince myself that she meant nothing more than a toy. I partied harder, boozed heavily and tried to indulge in women. But I failed miserably. I was unable to find pleasure or peace. She affected me, more than I care to admit. I recalled the night we had spent together. Even though it was far from ideal, it is still a very special night for me . Finally on last week, I decided to put me out of this misery and act quickly. She is mine and cannot leave me. I need to find a permanent solution to stop her from running away from me.



He is pure evil. I have endured enough to know it for sure. There is no debate that he is a well-crafted master piece by Almighty. In college she had always seen him casuals. He always looked sinfully handsome. But today clad in expensive tailored blue suit, he had taken it to top notch. Wicked disguises itself in many forms, I reminded myself. It didn't matter how well built or exquisitely groomed a person remains. What matters to me is the inner beauty. I am perfectly aware of his disgusting persona masked behind his charm. Shaurya Khanna is a man who took advantage of my drunken state and snatched away my virtue. A man who showed no remorse after committing a heinous crime but chose to boast it as his victory.  I am just a toy for him. An object to play , break and discard. He isolated me and preyed on me. I was alone and felt weak. I was unable to guard myself. I lost my innocence, my self-respect and my future. But today, I have my family. They are my strength so I will not bow down or retreat. I, Mehek Sharma will face him and fight back strongly.



"Why are you here?", Mehek questioned trying hard not to show her fear. Though they were left alone upstairs, she knew her family is near. "I am here to officially ask for your hand in marriage", he replied casually. "Are you insane?", despite her efforts to stay calm she raised her voice. He  smirked in response, "You cannot escape me, Sweetheart". "I will never marry you", she said shaking her head vehemently. Her refusal was not taken kindly. He grabbed her arms, "you don't have a choice , Mehek. You will have to marry me or else I will tell everyone that we slept together". "You took advantage of me", she cried out. Shaurya seemed to be momentarily disturbed by her accusal but he regained his composure, "Marry me or Bear the consequences". Mehek stood numb at the unfairness slapped on her. "I take your silence as affirmative answer to my proposal", he tried to conclude. But she shook her head and backtracked her steps until she hit the wall. "Then I will go down and reveal truth to your family. Both ways are fine for me bcoz in the end it will lead to our marriage. I prefer first option, saving humiliation and disappointment of Sharma family but then it's your call", he acted to make a move. He was sure Mehek will never allow it so he wasn't surprise when she spoke. But her words were a shock to him, "I will kill myself". His eyes shone with anger and he pinned her to wall, "Come again". Mehek felt triumphant, on piercing armour of his ego. "You heard me, Shaurya Khanna. Suicide. If death is the only way to escape you, then be it", she said vehemently. "Don't you dare, Mehek", he pulled her pony tail and she whimpered in pain, "You belong to me. Body, heart and soul. Not even you have right to harm yourself", he declared. She pushed him away and sneered at him, "But I do Shaurya. I could immolate this shell which you had stained by your lecherous deeds. Atleast my soul will be set free from you". Shaurya looked at her intently for few seconds and then burst into laughter. His wicked laugh puzzled her but soon he enlightened her, "I will haunt your soul, my dearest". Mehek was perplexed, 'He is crazy'.

"What's her name? The bolder, modern yet naiver version of yours whom I met downstairs", he asked coyly. Her eyes widened in shock. "Aaah, I recall it now. Nehal", he turned to her menacingly, "would your soul rest in peace if I turn my wrath to your sister? Won't your spirit burn when I break her painfully?". "Shaurya, please. I beg you. Don't harm my sister", she folded her hands before him. He smirked and pulled her cheek, "Calm down, Mehek. I have no interest in my future sis-in-law until my would be wife holds my interest. Just agree to my demands and all shall remain happy". Mehek understood her situation and decided to accept defeat. "So will you marry me, Mehek?", he proposed. Mehek nodded, keeping her eyes lower as shame was engulfing her. She was helpless. Her family is her strength yet weakness too. "I didn't hear you", he mocked her. "Yes", she said softly stifling her sobs. "Good girl", he appreciated patting her head ,  "Now let's seal it with a kiss", he asked. She stood still,  anticipating his brutal assault on her lips but he didn't move. "Kiss me, Mehek", he told her. Mehek was taken aback by his demand. He had stolen her first kiss during their college days. Infact he has snatched much more from her on that fateful night. But it was never with her approval. Yet kissing him willingly meant she have submitted herself completely to this brutal beast. "I don't have whole day", he grew impatient. It was utterly humiliating for Mehek to yield to his wicked fun. "Shaurya, please spare me. I can't", she appealed to him. "Don't be shy, Mehek. If my memory serves fine, your lips have roamed and pleasured all over my body. I must admit that for debutant, you were pretty awesome", he told her vilely. "You are disgusting", she cursed between her tears. He punched the wall beside her, "Stop provoking me, Mehek when I am trying to be good to you". Mehek wondered whether he knew meaning of being good. "Kiss me", he sneered.


She lifted her chin to face him. She tip toed to reach him but he didn't bend. Nervously she snaked her hands around his neck and pulled him slightly to reach his lips. She softly pecked his lips with intention of swiftly separating herself from him but he wrapped his arms around her waist to keep her closer. Soon he took the lead sucking her soft petals but she remained passive, refusing her participation. "Mehek", Mansi Chachi's voice startled them. Mehek was so embarrassed but Shaurya looked down as if he got shy. "Your parents and our elders are waiting downstairs", Mansi told Shaurya and he nodded. "Until next time, Sweetheart", he bid farewell and walked away. "Shameless girl", Mansi scolded her. Mehek was unable to justify since Mansi had caught her red handed. "So this is how you had spent your college days ? Chasing behind rich boys and chewing their lips. You have let down our upbringing", she rebuked Mehek, "Thanks God, my Nehal is not like you. Although she is weak in studies, I am so happy she behaves respectfully", she paused to gasp air and before she could start again Mehek fled to her room. She fell on the pillow and cried bitterly.


"Mehek Beta", she heard soft know on her door. She knew it was time for her to face Kanta Chachi. Unlike Mansi Chachi, Kanti Chachi was sensible and loved Mehek like her own daughter. Mehek wanted to come clean to her. She wiped her tears and took her steps determinedly. "Chachi...", she was about start but was dumbfound to encounter a graceful lady beside Kanta Chachi. "Mehek, this is Karunaji. Shaurya's mother", Kanta introduced. "You are so pretty, Beta", Karuna complimented Mehek and caressed her cheek. Inspite of her predicament, she felt a tug towards motherly figure before her. She folded her hands and greeted Karuna.  Kanta side hugged Mehek, "Her beauty is skin deep, Karunaji. Though we are not rich, when measured in prestige and morals, we are never lower. My Mehek is perfect symphony of beauty & values. She is my pride". Mehek felt a huge lump in her throat. Her Chachi will be devastated if she knew about her plight. It will be a huge blow to her if she knows that her niece was no longer the flawless girl she had brought up. Mehek sniffed and tried to give a weak smile. "Ofcourse Kantaji. She is unique else my son wouldn't have chosen her", Karuna agreed to Kanta. She took out a pair of diamond bangles and made Mehek wear them. "Though we will have official roka later, from today onwards Mehek is ours. I already consider her as my son's bride and light of our family", Karuna declared sweetly and Kanta agreed tearfully. They both blessed Mehek. It was supposed to be one of the happiest moment in her life but Mehek felt suffocated.


Edited by KashishJ - 5 years ago


AD04 thumbnail
Visit Streak 365 0 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 5 years ago
Thanks for the prologue  Kash. ...it is so beautifully written .. Loved it ๐Ÿ˜›
Anya OS was very beautiful  ...i just read it again to refresh my mind the story as you continued after the OS ends. 
Shaurya khanna managed to make mehek greed  for marriage proposal even suicide threat by mehek. .. Poor girl. Trapped badly by the devil. Mansi chachi words peirced mehek as the kiss was not intentional. Karuna ma came and gave kangan to mehek sealing her as her DIL.  
The journey of mehek just started ...it will be interesting to c who will play devil and who will play good when comes to different situation for both of them .
Do. Continue soon and thanks for thr PM๐Ÿ˜‰
Edited by AD04 - 5 years ago
Krishna537 thumbnail
Anniversary 6 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Commentator 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago

Thanks for the quick update kash Di ๐Ÿค—
Edited by Krishna537 - 5 years ago
Rajinder.k thumbnail
Anniversary 6 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago
Waoo! So you made my dream come true, another dark story from your pitara๐Ÿ‘... Prologue jab aisa hai to actual story kaisi hogi... One question , is Shaurya a gangster?... Pls continue soon as I am already craving for the chapter kash๐Ÿ˜‰
Anuteja10 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago

Wow RTM Kay dhamakedar shuruwath ki hi
This OS is one of the best stories I read this so many times 
Now it's on your hand means sone pe suhaga๐Ÿ˜›
Kya encounter tha maza aagaya poor girl buri tarah phas gayi
Thanks for the beautiful update kash๐Ÿฅณ
Continue soon 
N Congratulations ๐Ÿ˜›
Edited by Chandana2010 - 5 years ago
friendlyghost08 thumbnail
Anniversary 6 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Commentator 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago
Congratulations for your new story 
I m super excited about this story as i have read the os many times..
Awesome start..Shaurya is too much wicked as how he make mehek give in to what he wanted..poor mehek..
Totally loved it and also nervous about  getting several heart attacks reading your twists ๐Ÿ˜†... thanks for the pm...please continue soon 

Edited by friendlyghost08 - 5 years ago