RadhaKrishn Live Updates 15 Dec 2020 ...Pg #39 [NC] - Page 9


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Sutapasima thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago
                                            this pic belongs to Madnuri 

LIVE UPDATES for 09Jan2019
Krishna asks Radha what did she love him ?? Was it because he got her flowers ?? Did what she wanted , saved her life , would she love any one who did these things for her ??
She had to hide from her father to meet him secretly . 
Hiding n keeping in secrecy is not love it's Attatchment . Love is very pure like Ganges ..  how can Ganges prove her purity ?? 
She wanted him to prove his love ?? Love can never be proven . Loved ones never ask for proof .
Radha accuses him of not being good enough for her love . Who was he to declare her love was not love but Affection ??
She breaks Rishra with Krishna n decides to please forgiveness from her baba, marry the guy of his choice , she hated Krishn.  Neither will Krishn even play flute nor will she come to him ever again ..saying this she breaks the flute , removes the Saligrama n hands it back to Krishn . He is ready eyed .. the heaves thunder at this sight ...
Sad BG song plays ..
Radha walks back home ..Krishn is left feeling bad but Radha's Moh was broken now . She will no more feel any attachment with anything worldly henceforth ... this was radha's step towards Radha Krishn eternal reunion .. ..

Radha goes back to Baba n tells him she had wronged by not listening to his advise and falling in love , she realised her mistake n apologises n agrees to marry. Yomesh 
Baba hugs his loving daughter .

Balram comes to meet terry eyed Krishna n grieves over what happened . He hugs  Krishna n laments how he could not foresee all this . Krishna tells Dau that he had sought this boon to be his elder brother in this birth n boss over him .so he better behave like his elder brother . Krishn advises him not to grieve as Radha had taken a step towards him by getting over Moh . Now she was going to fight another sin that was Anger n hatred . Both there were thought to get over n they destroyed the person . 
Radha was not going to fight these two to come closer to him .

At Barsana Vrish has invited Vuomesh's family n seeks apology for their insult . They are ready to accept what ever they decide . Vyomesh is ready to marry  Radha because he is impressed by her truthfulness, her straightforwardness, ready to accept her faults , honesty ... he hopes Radha was ready to marry him 
Radha agrees to marry him willingly n thanks him for forgiving her , she apologises for insulting him n his family 
Vrish hugs his samadhi n decide to begin the wedding rasams.

Radha is getting ready in her room for her wedding rasams .
Krrish appears in her room n tells her that he loved her n will not let her marry any other guy . Radha gets angry n orders him to get out .
Edited by Sutapasima - 5 years ago
Sutapasima thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago

                                    this pic belongs to Madhuri 

Radha has to get over her problems herself 
Balram asks why go thru all this when they both are divine 
Krishn reminds they have been born as Humans so they have to use human methods .

Yashoda arrives n asks them if Krishn was responsible for the confrontation between Vrish n Nand  
Dau Ed apes from tricky situation . Yashoda asks him to take maaa ki kasam that he didn't nothing . Krishn declines .Yashoda refuses to speak to kanha only after he mamds friendship between Vrish n Nand  like earlier .

At Barsana Radha is getting decked up by her friends for wedding rasams 
Radha misses Krishn 
Kirtida advises Radha to get over Krishn n get married to Vyomi with open mind . To forget the past n move ahead to her bright future ... 
Radha declares she had forgotten that Krishn . She will not do anything to insult Baba n Maa . Love was an illusion. 
Krishn says if prem ki Devi spike this way then love will wilt in this universe .
Radha should not goes so angry !!
Balram asks Krishn to stop the phaldaan ceremony of Radha . Krishn smiles n says Radha belonged to Krishn for eternity n. Oils never marry any one else .

Soon Radha is brought to the venue of phaldaan rasam ..she still misses Krishn n sees him in Vyomi .
She accepts the phaldaan with reluctance n then the khandaani kangan with reluctNce .
Krishn enters Barsana by fooling the guards thru Sudama . He teases Ayan in the forests , he enters Radha's room n tells her that he will never allow her to marry any one else .
Radha dares him to do that n decides to call baba.

Krishn Vaani 
Krishn exp,aims Differences between Moh n prem. Moh restricts the loved ones but prem gives freedom n happiness .

Edited by Sutapasima - 5 years ago


Sutapasima thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago
                                this pic belongs to Madhuri 

LIVE UPDATES for 12 Jan 2019 
Radha complains to Vrishbhan that Krishn had sneaked into Barsana and was in her room .
Kirtida asks for restraint but Vrish reaches with Guards .

At the jungles Ayan tries to attack Vyomesh n kill him to keep him away from Radha .
Initially Buomesh pleads him not to kill him ..
 Alarm arrives n stops Ayan . 
Jatila n Ayan had planned to kill Vyomesh n put the blame on Balram . 
Balram n Ayan fight . Sudden,t Balram gets hit by powerful force ..alerting Krishn too... for hitting sheshnaag avtaar !! 
Vyomesh reveals hit true face ..Vyomasur ..no human could hurt him 
His powers were endless like the skies 
Balram ByomSur get into fight . 

In Radha's room no one finds Krishn ..he has reached the spot where Vyomi is fighting Dau .
Ayan orders Vyomi to hit the friends of Balram who were tied n blindfolded n captured . 
Balram soon releases his friends ... Krishn arrives ...n calms Dau ..
Vyomi reveals he was son of Maya who had Aseem kaali Shakti ...matter marrying Radha he will take her to Kans and then Krishn will reach there to save Radha ..that time kans will kill Krishn ... asks Ayan to follow this plan or Ayan will get killed .

Dau is furious .. Krishn smiles. He decides to take care of Kans mama's messenger .. he will wait n watch.

In Radha's room Vrish gets angry as Radha informs that Krishn wanted to break her marriage to Vyomi.
Right then Vyomi n Ayan arrive . Vyomi complains that Krishn n Balram had hit him to prevent his marriage to Radha 
Angry vrishbhan decides to teach Vrindavan waysides lesson 

Dau asks Krishn to show his Leela 
But Krishn wants to remain within Human capabilities .. 
he can change thinks with the flick of his finger but he didn't not want to change the thinking of human minds .
Vrishbhan warns Vrindavan resident an Nand of dire consequences if any one crossed this wall again ..

Krishn Vaani ..a mother gives birth after nine months of discomfort n labour pains ..but the pain does not stop her from giving birth to go the joys of becoming a mother of a child .. humans should not get disheartened with pain in their oaths of reaching their goals n then attain happiness 

Lord Shiva  at Kailash decides to come back to mrityulok to end this Varaha in Radha krishn's lives ..
Krishn is dressed as Maniharin n smiles at Lord Shiva 

Edited by Sutapasima - 5 years ago
Sutapasima thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago

 UPDATES for 14Jan2019
Episode begins with  Vrishbhan accompanied by Barsana residents reaching the wall dividing their village from Vrindavan 
Nand is called ..n Vrindavan residents arrive there on the others one of that wall 

vrish  accuses Balram  of bashing up their son in law Vyomi .
Also Krishn had entered Radha's room n warned he will not allow her marriage to Vyomi 
Nand asks his sons but they deny all charges vrish accuses them of lying .
Radha is shocked to see Krishn lying .

Balram is about to reveal the real face of Vyomi but Krishn advises him otherwise .

Vyomi stands there looking like a wounded solider . While Ayan fumes . 

He asks Vrindavan residents of dire consequences if they crossed over the wall n ventured Into Barsana .
 Nand asks Vrish not to listen to 
At Barsana Vrish orders Radha's tilak rasam  the next day .
Radha is disheartened ..but remains quiet .
Vrish tries to sympathise with his loving daughter 

Krishn n Balram are seen having moments of fun n masti with Yashoda n Rohini n the other boys . Balram.disguised as rishi and seeks alms from.Krishn ..he bows before thenrishi n touches his feet fully knowing it was Balram ...Rohini too guesses it was balram n slaps him with annoyance 

Vyomi contacts Kans thru magical  Doordarshan ... 
land tells Vyomi that he wa ted Radha at. Athira next day .. he wanted Krishn to follow soon 
Ayan n jatila are worried to hear this .

Radha refuses to come for Ras n stops other Gopika too 
Krishn wonders how will rats happen if Radha does not come ??
Lord Shiva decides to come to mrityulok as his aradhya Krishn wanted to have Ras Leela 
Krishn dons Gopa Devi look and ventures into Barsana n they have Ras Leela .

Edited by Sutapasima - 5 years ago
Sutapasima thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago
edit belongs to BARBIE

LIVE UPDATES for 15Jan 2019 
Episode begins with Krishn having. A great time laughing while he watches Dau try out various disguises and Rohini can identify her son easily .
He tries out Wood cutter.. bandit ..mad beggar ..
She gives him good beating ..
Dau taunts Krishn that at least he was attempting to gain entry into Barsana !!

Krishn admires full moon n says it was time for Raas ... he starts playing flute 

At her house Radha looks at he moon n hears Krishn's melodious tunes she recollects she had broken his flute !!!
She rushes to balcony to check n fumes as she spots Gopikas sneaking out of their homes to meet Krishn for raas .
Radha Says she will not come ... Krishn who was creating melody with broken flute 
... Asks Radha to come ..how will raas happen without her 
Radha notices Gopikas trying to cross the wall to meet Krishn for raas 
Radha stops the girls to go for  raas ... 
she accuses Krishn of betraying them soon 

Radha refuses to let Any one go to Vrindavan ,,,no raas will happen 

Krishn says raas happens with Radha ... not with Vrindavan or Barsana 
If Radha could not come to Vrindavan He would come to her at Barsana for raas 

Radha sey Milne Barsana ayenge Kunj Bihari .

Lord Shiva smiles ..
He tells Narayan that he had helped Shiva to participate in raas ..so this time he will assist his aradhya Narayan to take part in Raas with Radha 
Krishn smiles to hear that...
Balram meets an old man lying in his path in Vrindavan 
He tries to persuade him to move aside but the old man refuses 
Balram n the old man have minor confrontation n old man asks him to try n move him himself as he was too tired to move 

Krishn arrive and identifies the old man n bows in reverence .
He too acknowledges 
Balram tries to lift the old man but fails after numerous attempts n falls flat 

Krishn taunts that sheshnaag could life the entire world on his head ..but failed to move this man ?? Surely he must be some one great !!

Balram apologises to the old man saying he failed to identify this Maharishi 

Krishn then saysnhe was Mahadev . Balram is very happy to see Lord Shiva here n that he was going to help Krishn meet Radha !!

Balram is very happy to have this cherished moment in eternity when  Lord Mahavev n Narayan will walk this earth together ... 

Mahadev them offers a bundle similar to the one Krishn offered Lord Shiva when he helped him become Purnanarishwar roop n partake in raasleela ...
Krishn thanks him n says this was an awesome way of returning the favour at the same time helping him too.

Lord Shiva takes Krishn to Yamuna Devi ..who had helped Shuva too 
Soon Lord Shuva watches n beautifully describes Krishn's transformation into Gopa Devi ...
His Purna Radheshwar  roop ...

Radha hears Krishn announcing his arrival 
She rushes out n is surprised to see a beautiful woman arriving on horseback n entering into her house ...
Radha Radheshwar come face to face ...

Edited by Sutapasima - 5 years ago
Sutapasima thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago

edit belongs to Aarti_

LIVE UPDATES for 16Jan 2019 
Episode begins with Lord Shiva admiring the feminine form of Krishn 
He names the form Gopa Devi 
Krishn thanks Mahadev 
Balram is soon disguised as BalDevi 
Their disguise is a success as Neither Yashoda nor  Rohini  Anu guess it was Krishn Balram 

Krishn takes help from Yashoda ... to help him in reaching Barsana 

Radha is shocked as she hears Krishn's voice in her room , she looks around but fails to see him she curses Krishn 

manage to send letter to Vrishbhan that Krishn n Balram were being sent to Granny's house to avoid Anu further interruption in Radha's wedding . Jatila asks Ayan kt check if Krishn was actually at his granny's .

Radha is disappointed that Krishn had promised to stop her wedding to Vyomi .but he betrayed her n did not keep his word . 
She is furious with kanha n refuses to see his face 
Krishn mutters that she will see him only when she wishes to .

Krishn n Balram reach their granny's place ..Ayan follows 
Gopa Devi n Bal Devi manage to get lift to Barsana from Ayan by faking an attack by fake goons ...

Krishn Vaani 
Krishn says water is the same but river is sweet as it gives water to every one .. ocean is salty as it takes from every one . Drains smell bad as it is stagnant .

Humans should give n keep working then we remain worthy n sweet like river or we stagnate n become useless like Ocean or drain .

Radha senses Krishn's arrival.  Rushes to meet him but is surprised to meet beautiful woman .
Gopa Devi n Radha eyelock 

Edited by Sutapasima - 5 years ago
Sutapasima thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago
GIF belongs to Radhikarani

LIVE UPDATES for 17 Jan 2019 

Gopa Devi and Bal Devi convince Aayan  to allow them to ride to Barsana on his horse while he walked along with them 
Krishn In his mind is amused that the same person who was plotting to separate RK is not going to unite them .
Barlam is amused .

The trio reach Barsana . 
Gopa Devi and Bal Devi introduce themselves as destitute n orphans .. they feel happy as  Brishbhan offers them refuge .

They thank Ayan . Kirtida asks them if they were capable of doing any work .Gopa debi says Bal was good at cooking while she herself was good at Sringaar.
Bal and Kanha have minfpd talk .over this matter .

Kirtida escorts Bal to kitchen while Vrishbhan orders Gopa to make sure Radha looked the prettiest at her Tilak ceremony today 

In Radha's room Gopa does entire Sringaar for Radha .
Beautiful romantic moments n conversations between Radha n Krishn ... as ke decks up Radha Rani ...lovingly . 

Krishn Vaani 
Krishn preaches that every this was having its importance because of the situation . .
Just like a gold coin was very expensive as compared to glasmof water . But for a thirsty oerson in a desert the glass of water was more expensive than gold !!. 
Elsewhere Ayan, Jatopila and Vyomi are having talk with Kans theu the magical Doordarshan ...
Kans warns no one should come to know that they planned to kidnap Radha n get her to Mathura .

The trio turn around n find Hopa Devi has over heard n seen everything they are shocked .  she 
Edited by Sutapasima - 5 years ago
Sutapasima thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago
edit belongs to RisingPhoenix

LIVE UPDATES for 22Jan 2019

Gopa Devi and Bal Devi ..use girlish tricks to fight off all the goons sent by Kans to kidnap all the girls of Barsana 
Radha and her friends are impressed Radha though has her suspicions 
Numerous cute moments between Gopa Devi and BalDevi and Radha are seen 

 Vrishbhan adopts both Gopa Devi and Bal Devi as his own children 
Kirtida hugs them lovingly 

 IRC's Han and Kirtida are very happy to see Radha n all girls safely back to Barsana layman, Vyomi and Jatila are furious .
Gopa Devi tries to tell Brishbhan that they have a betrayer within Barsana whonhad opened the main doors of Barsana for the goons to sneak in Barsana 
Gopa Devi tries to point fingers at Ayan 

Krishn preaches that diamond shines only aspfter it's been polished ... it remains dark like coal otherwise 
Similarly experiences polish a person to become wiser n brighter .not just by ageing .

Radha accuses Gopa Devi and Bal Devi of being the actual betrayers 
Jatila smiles .
Edited by Sutapasima - 5 years ago
Sutapasima thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago

edit belongs to RisingPhoenix

LIVE UPDATE for 24 Jan2019 
Radha suspects Krishn is in the form of Gopa Devi 
She decides to expose him.
She prepares Makhan for Vyomi and is about to offer him 
Krishn feels hurt that Radha was offering Mishka she made herself to some one other than Krishn he asks her to taste it first n Radha says it was good Krishn offers to take the Makhan to Vyomi himself 
Krishn mets Balram who is frustrated Ofer u wanted attentions he was getting in Bal Devi costumes.
Krishnnjokes with him , Radha over hears Krishn talking that Radha failed to recognise them in this avtar. Soon Radha   confronts  Gopa Devi over his confession of being Krishn 

She also guesses BalDevi was Balram 
Balram and Krishn have argument over Radha not understanding the facts 

Her shaadi to Vyomi was incorrect .. that she better not reveal their real forms 
Balram silences RK .
Jatila Vyomi and Ayan want to check who were the real faces behind Gopa  n BalDevi 

BalDevi suggests Radha marry Ayan instead of Vyomi .Gopa suggests she marry Vyomi only ..  bal and Gopa fake a fight n argument ... 
Radha is furious with Bal n Gopa .

Krishn challenges Radha to reveal 
Krishn Vaani 
Life was like a chariot ...it moves ... karma was like the horses n wheels were karmaphal .

If karts was good ..Yatra is pleasant ,.if Karn was sinful then wheels went thru bumps n potholes .


Krishn asks aradhya not to feel so angry that it started giving her pain 
Radha confesses that when Love hurt ..how much it pained he did not have any idea 
She will henceforth give Krishn pain to make him realise 
Heavens thunder at the idea . 

Edited by Sutapasima - 5 years ago
Sutapasima thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago

edit belongs to Janakivallav

LIVE UPDATES for 25 Jan2019 
Bal Devi and Gopa  Devi have discussion on what will happen if Radha reveals their identities to Vrishbhan . Bal reminds Krishn their real aim and why he was not acting . 
Krishn says Radha had to realise things for herself .Vrishbhan finds Radha unhappy n asks her about it ...she makes some excuse 

Radha arrives and reprimands them for cheating her. Krishn asks her to reveal to Vrishbhan if she so desired n it gave her happiness.

Radha asks Bal to excuse them as she wished to speak to Krishn privately .
Radha tells Krishn that she had changed her mind and wanted to see Krishn supper pain when he watched her get married to another guy lhenhd given her pain in love when he rejected her love so she wanted him to suffer the same pain she wanted him kt watch her get engaged n married to Vyomi .

She places Krishn's hand on her head n asks him to promise 
Krishn does that with teary eyes 

On the day of sagayi Kirtida is very loving n emotional about her loving daughter Radha  ..she wished to deck up Radha herself but Radha requests her to send aGopa Devi who was very good at decking up brides 
Kirtida sends her .

Krishn as Gopa Devi is teary eyed as he starts combing her hair 
Radha asks if he was feeling the pain of losing love to another guy Krishn asks if Radha was not in pain n was enjoying all this why was she in tears 
Radha does not reply n wipes off her tears .

Krishn Vaani 
One who turned small arguments into war was not great .
Krishn preaches that the one who spread malice n hatred was not great but the one who controlled hatred by sweet words ..who prevented war by making agreements was the great one just like floods spread mud and clay all over but floods are never considered great the person who uses that mud n clay to create beautiful statues was great .  Mahadev was great who confines the poison in his neck .. 

Krishn is ready to record Radha to the sagayi mandap 
She looks at him as he says if this gave her happiness then it would give him too much pleasure to see her happy 
At Kailash lord Shiva is upset with Radha Devi for torturing Krishn this way .

Edited by Sutapasima - 5 years ago