RadhaKrishn Live Updates 15 Dec 2020 ...Pg #39 [NC] - Page 7


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Sutapasima thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago
WRITTEN UPDATES for 13 Dec 2018 

Update Written  by : Viswasruti

Krishna gifts kheer to Radha as a token of friendship and asks to have it and tell how it was! She agrees and she says she will not share it with anyone. On the other side, Jatila tells Ayan that they have to break Nand and Vrishbhan's trust for each other! 

Radha returns home with kheer bowl . She stops hearing Krishna's bansuri and runs towards him. Vrishbhan stops her and asks where is she going. Radha says she is going towards Krishna's bansuri sound. Vrishbhan says okay. Radha says nobody can play bansuri better than Krishna in 40 villages. Kirtida asks if she is fine, she is praising Krishna while she used to hate him before. Radha says she and Krishna are friends now, he gifted her kheer. Kirtida says she and Yashoda were worried for them, asks her  prefered to eat kheer first , but Kirtida pressed her to eat it after having her  food and takes her in. Vrishbhan thinks they were fighting till yesterday and became best friends within 1 day, how can it be?!

Krishna continues playing bansuri. Balram says Radha is in Krishna's love now. Krishna says Radha is in his attraction and not love. Balram asks what difference it makes whether it is attraction or love. Krishna says there is and he will find out soon. Balram asks to enjoy love and forget everything. Krishna says their love will be an example, so he has to be careful. He walks away silently. Balram thinks if Krishna is happy or sad or both??

Kirtida serves food to Vrishbhan and sees Radha staring at kheer, asks her to have food first. Radha hurriedly finishes food looking at kheer. Kirtida fills her plate again. Radha says she just now finished the whole plate, how will she have kheer now. Kirtida says she will get kheer only after finishing the food. Radha finishes the food and then finishes whole kheer hurriedly. Vrishbhan and Kirtida look in surprise. Kirtida asks her to eat slowly. Radha says it is very tasty. Kirtida asks to give her some. Radha says never. Vrishbhan says she will give kheer to her baba. Radha says only very little is left and she will ask Krishna to prepare more for baba. Vrishbhan thinks something is wrong.. Pandit informs Vrishbhan that food grains as the tax for Kans are ready. Vrishbhan asks to load it in the cart, they cannot face Kans' anger.

Ayan mixes the poisonous powder in the grocery. Radha reaches there and hearing sound asks who is it. Ayan hides. Radha starts buttering milk. A rat bites Ayan. Radha hears the sound and asks who is it. Kirtida walks in and asks what happened. Radha says someone is there on the other side. Kirtida says it must be a rat and hits bags. Radha tells Krishna gave her gift, even she should gift butter to him.

krishna gives moral gyaan that humans think about results, but why they shouldn't take care of their deeds, if they do so, they will not face any problem!

Precap: Radha get butter for Krishna. Her friend Vishaka says it is love and not friendship.

Edited by Sutapasima - 5 years ago
Sutapasima thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago

pic credits Madhuri

LIVE UPDATES for 14 Dec 2018
Episode begins with Radha telling Kirtida that krishn had sent her his first gift of friendship , so it was right on her part to gift him something in return . She decides to make makhan for him as it did not look nice returning empty pot .
Kirtida offers to give her makhan but radha says Krish made the kheer  himself so eve she will make kheer herself .
Krishn watches her fondly .
He loves watching her tasting the makhan n cheking it was cirrectly sweet or not .
Ayan over hears this n fumes .
Ayan decides it was time to separate Radha krishn , n end Nand Vrishbhan friendship .
Balram pulls Karishn's legs as he was getting makhan in place of Kheer . 

Krishn is waiting for radha's makhan ..right them Yashoda gets sweet makhan for him . Krishn makes excuses for not eating that makhan .
Yadhoda is hurt n wonders if Kanha was feeling unwell .
Later Balram makes some excuses . Krishn waits for radha's makhan .

Vrishbhan is very worried as Jatila informs him that his taxes  in the form of food grains n makhan were spoilt . Vrish is very worried he would face Kans's wrath .
But nand comes to his aid in the time of need .

Radha happily takes makhan for krisn. Her friends pull her legs .
Vishakha insists  Krishn  Loved her , he was not just her friend.  Radha disbelieves her . 
Radha happily watches Kanha climb up the mango tree n pluck ripe mangoes for all his friends .
He throws one for Radha too . Vishakha says this was her love for him .
Krishn watches n smiles . 

Nand tells Vrishbhan that he had helped Gokul waasies at the time of trouble , this time vrindavan waasies will help Vrishbhan at this hour of need .
All villagers of barsana thank n praise nand .
Krishn smiles as radha comes to him early next morning with her gift of their friendship ..pot of makhan . Krishn appears very pleased to know Radha prepared it herself . 
Radha krishn have eyelock and she is lost in him 
Krishn vaani 
Krishn speaks about maan abhimaan and swabhimaan 
 Swabhimaan is important for the strength of one's mind while Abhimaan destroys a person .

Precap .
Veishbaan notices the guy who added poison to the food grains .
Krishn says it was very difficult to look for Krishn . Radha is seen frantically searching for him everywhere , she runs after baansuri ki dhun, after peacock feather but he eludes her . 
Edited by Sutapasima - 5 years ago
Sutapasima thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago
                             pic credits Madhuri

LIVE UPDATES for 17 Dec 2018 
Episode begins with Balram offering Radha some tasty ripe mangoes   But she declines his offer n prefers to have the one Kanha had thrown at her himself .

Kanha  watches her n smiles...while he himself tastes the left over makhan  from the pot brought by Radha .He licks the maakhan from the walls of the near empty pot n relishes it . Radha watches him n smiles .

BG song plays .."kya ho raha kyun ho raha ..."

Balram asks Kanha what was he licking out of empty pot ?? Kanha says he was enjoying the sweetness of Radha's love ...he smiles as he watches Radha relishing the mango he gave her .

Tum prem ho ...plays in BG ...
Vishakha remarks how kanha was licking her makhan clean from that pot .
Radha says he was making sure none of her hard work was wasted, he understood fruits of  her friend ship . Bishakha says krishn loved her , thats why he lost in that game . Radha scolds Vishakha for saying auch things. 

Vishakha tries to reveal to kanha but radha stops her .Radha starts coughing 
Krishn  is concerned about her coughing.  He offers to take her to vaidh ji . She declines .
Krishn offers to make kadha for her ..

Krishn is seen plucking neem, tulsi leaves n crushing them with stones.. He squeezes them to extract juice ..he collects it in the palm of his  hand . Radha is about to drink it ..as he exclaims it was very bitter since it had neem n mulethi . He adds honey from beehive . Radha is concerned about his getting stung by bees ..but kanha says he will not be stung since he requested the bees for a few drops only .
Krishn makes Radha have the sweetened juice out of his palm .
Radha happily licks it off his palm while she looks at him and he stares at her 
BG title song plays ...
Radha Krishn smile n eyelock for long moments 
Radha's cough is cured .

Radha goes home to find her family concerned about her mom catching a cold n coughing. Radha impresses Vaidh ji by offering her mom kadha made out of Neem, tulsi, mulethi n honey . She tells her parents how krishn prepared the same thing to cure her cough  .

Jatila and Ayan feel disappointed at the failure of their plans to separate Nand n Vrishbhaan . Ayan feel he would be killed after 15 days . Jatila assures he would win Barsana as well as Radha . She makes new plot .
She takes Vishakha into confidence n uses her to make sure  Radha fell for krishn . Then jatila would use their love story to cast aspertions on radha's character n bring bad name to her family 
This would create rift between Brishbhaan n Nand 

Krishn Advises that it is best to avoid wars at all costs and settle for mutual agreements. None became superior or smaller by agreeing not to fight .. 
Jatila watches as Radha runs towards krishn who is playing  melodious tunes on his flute in the flowery meadows of Vrindavan. Jatila  thinks of informing Vrishbhaan about radha's nightly  escapades with krishn . 

Edited by Sutapasima - 5 years ago
Sutapasima thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago

                                              pic credits Madhuri 

LIVE UPDATES for 18 Dec 2018 

Radha dreams that she is asking krishn what did he find special in her that he chose her amongst al girls of Barsana to make her bhay mukt .
Krishn smiles for a long moment n then disappears .
Radha wakes up from her sleep n decides to ask Krishn this Qs . 
She rises n hears melodious tunes of Kanha's flute . She ponders whether it was allowed to go out at this hour .
Son she notoces many other young girls walking to wards the sound of melody 
Radha mutters an apology to baba Vrishbhan for leaving house at this hour n walks towards Krishn.

At the beautiful flowery meadows of Vrindavan is seen playing the flute under the full moon and waiting for Radha to come to him as tonight was raas ki raat .
Jatila notices radha walking out at night to meet krishn n decides to take advantage of this situation for her own nefsrious plots .
She follows Radha but she is blinded by high intensity lights n is unable to see anything .
Krishn says only those who believed in true love for God , with oure hearts   Full of love would undestand this raas leela and appreciate this raas leela ...and could watch this . 
Those with otherfeelings musunderstood this raas leela and arrive at undesired conclusions .
So they better remain out of this .

Krishn smiles as the girls arrive along with radha 
He magically transports them to his secret place which was even more  beautiful and impressive . The girls are impressded as krishn informs thosnwas their own secret place for raas leela .   

Krishn explains that raas leela was their enjoyment of life, merriment forgetting all fears, leaving aside all attatchments, all worries, all fears , all problems . Only those with pure love in their hearts and with pure feelings for their lord could participate in raas leela .

The girls are eager to start dancing and pleade Kahnanto start playing the molodious tunes . They were now Krishn's gopies . 
Krishn starts playing the flute n the gopikas start dancing lost in melody and in krishn .

Krish tries to tell Krishn that she had something important to ask him 
Radha watches krshn dancing with Gopikas and ignoring her.
She gets annoyed . She decides to go back home feeling jealous watchingnhim enjoy with gopikas .
Krishn thinks that thisnis the differnce between moh n pur love . He was far away from her yet he was so close to her .but radha was standing so near him yet she wanted to own him completely .
As radha begins to walk   away krishn confronts her. Radha is amazed that he could come to her in the wink of an eye 
Krishn asks her why was she leaving . Radha angrily accuses him of ignoring her n  doing raas leela with gopikas Krishn clarifies that this was not raas leela 
Raas leela would begin only when  she joined him .Radha stares at smiling Kanha .

At radha's house Jaila wakes up sleeping Vrish n Kirtida n informs that radha had gone out of the hiuse at this late hour without informing them . Brishbhan is in disbelief that his Radha defed him , walks out without permission . 

Krishn vaani 
Krishn preaches that mother is the only person who sacrifices everything she has for the sake of her children . She bears all hardships and ill treatment from the kids without complains and keeps on sacrificing fr them without expecting anything in return .
We should all respect out mothers she is the noblest person in our lives .


Radha Kishn have beautiful raas leela group dance with gopikas ...even Lord Shiva is seen waking up from deep meditation in kailash ...to smile at the beauty of Radha Krishn raas leela .
Vrishbhan, Kirtida and Jatila confront Radha for going out of the house at this hour of the night . Radha wonders what to reply .


Edited by Sutapasima - 5 years ago
Sutapasima thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago
LIVE UPDATES for 19Dec 2018 

                                   Related image
                                        Pic credits to Madhuri 

The episode begins with Radha getting annoyed with krishn for ignoring her n doing raas with the gopikas . She turns around to leave .

. Krishn stops her by saying that what she saw was not raas.  Raas would begin only after Radha danced with krishn .
Krishn thinks  R for Radha n R for raas ... Raas was that which was full of nectar of love  (prem ka ras ) ) Aadhaar for raas was Radha 
Radha is the basis for raas ...thinking this he stares  at Radha 
She gets annoyed with his quiet stare n decides to leave . 

Krishn smiles n starts playing the flute ... The air is filled with the melodies and Radha returns back and starts dancing with krishn n so do all the gopikas .
All are seen drowning in the nectar of love ..moving in synchrony with the lord of love ..krishn .. Swaying with the tunes of his flute ... And creating a mesmerising sight that spreads waves of love n happiness even waking up Lord Shiva from his deep meditation at Kailash parvat n he smiles as he  comes to earth n witnesses this celestial dance by Radha Krishn  in Vrindavan .

At Home Jatila wakes up Virahbhan n Kirtida n informs Radha had gone out of the house at midnight . Vrish, Kirti are shocked n look for her every where..in her room , in the house, In the jungles of vrindavan but fail to find radha .

At the raas leela the gopikas have left n Radha is seen leaning on krishn lost in the melody of his tunes. Krishn cherishes these moments he spent with Radha .
He then gently wakes her up n informs all the hopikas had gone home so should see lest some one saw her .
Radha reluctantly leaves him 
Krishn feels the pangs of separation from his beloved  n gets emotional as he thinks that this separation will be until,she got over all her limitations of human life n united with her lord ..then it will be eternal love for them. He too was waiting for that moment .

As Radha reaches home she is surprised to find her maa baba waiting for her . They ask her where had she been so kate at night .
Radha wonders what to reply so as not to hurt their feelings . She also recollects her promise to her baba that she will never bring bad name to family or disrepute to her baba. Jatila waits for radha to reveal all about her nightly escapades with krishn . 

Radha tells them she was feeling sleepless n so she went to mandir to see lord Narayan . Now she was at peace . Vrishbhan believes her beti n trust her . He asks her to go to bed . Jatila tries to protest Radha's lies but Vrish will hear none of it . Radha regrets lying to her baba . She weeps n apologizes to baba as she lies on her bed .

Krishn hears her weep n he too is saddeened ..he says radha has told the truth . She indeed came to meet Narayan and this place where Radha Krishn did raas leela was as pious as any temple ...where love will be celebrated for times immemorial ..
Krishn Weeps with radha . 

Krishn vaani 
Krishn says fire n ashes both come from wood . Fire is positive energy while ashes are begative energy 
All humans similarly have fire within them . They Should work to bring out the positivity within them n not spread negativity .

Jatila tells Brishbhaan that radha had reached marriageable age , they should think of her marriage . Vrish bhaan gets emotional and suggests he wouod soon start looking for matches for Radha .

 At the jungles of Vrindavan Radha meets Krishn . 

Edited by Sutapasima - 5 years ago


Sutapasima thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago
LIVE UPDAT!ES For 20 Dec 2018  
                            pic credits Madhuri

Episode begins with Jatila saying that If Radha had gone to the temple then it was nice of her . But asks Brishbhan to realize that none else would like the idea of young girls roaming out of the house at midnight. She advises Vrishbhan to   accept Radha was now of marriageable age n that he should start looking for a suitable groom for her .Kirtida is angry at Jatila's suggestion but Brishbhan accepts her advise . 

Radha is regretting  lying to her maa baba. Vishakha makes her ralise that she did this because she loved Krishn n he too loved her .
Radha says this was just friendship.
Vishakha says she had so many friends but she never lied to her parents for them nor did she go out of her house for them !!
She was changing because of her love for krishn . Even krishn loved her equally 
She suggests she should test krishn .

Next day there is paudha aropan ..sapling plantation going on at vrindavan 
All youngsters are planting saplings 
Balram notices how radha was staring at Krishn as if she was a sunflower n he was the sun.
Krishn says this was Moh not love 
Balram argues . Krish says to get over moh one needed sharp words, which could cut your feelings n make one realize moh n love .
Balram offers to prove radha loved him , he loudly says that krishn was covered with mud !! He Needed help Radha promptly arrives by krishn's side with pot full of water, offering to wash his mud  .
Balram winks at krishn . He he too  notices how smitten Rqdha was with krishn .

Right then Vishakha points out that there grew a beautiful flower with very  sweet smell up on the mountain n and this gives chance to Radha for testing Krishn she demands that flower . Krishn offers to get it for her .
Krishn visualizes the devil in the form of  an angry bull on the mountain top .
Other youngsters warn of the danger of that desolate mountain n the steep slopes , making radha wonder if she had asked for too much !!

Ayan over hears Vrishbhan discussingnwith Pandit ji about radha's groom hunting for suitable matchn. Thatbthis was suggested by Jatila bhaabhi .ayan is annoyed with his maa.  

Jatila Is seen discussing with vishakha about making radha smitten with krishn . Vishakh assures she was in the right direction , jatila rewards Vishakh handsomely .She asks her to carry on pushing radha towards Krishn .m He overhears all this n furiously questions her .
Jatila assures she was doing this for hs sake.  To drivewedge between Vrish n nand n vrindavan n barsana . 
Ayan is not pleased but calms down .

Krishn vaani 
He advises men to find faults within oneself , this was the most difficult thing to do . Of one found ones own fault we would easily overcome them n become better .

Krishn climbs the mountain top n confronts the ferocious bull .

Edited by Sutapasima - 5 years ago
Sutapasima thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago
LIVE UPDATES For 21 Dec 2018 
adding details soon  

Krish kills Aristasur to get exotic  flowers for Radha

Krsh confesses his eternal love for Radha 
Balram makes Radha confess her love for Krishn


Vrishbhan orders Krishn out of Barsana for the ghor paap he committed 
All are shocked .
Edited by Sutapasima - 5 years ago
Sutapasima thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago
Edit belongs to Janakivallav

LIVE UPDATES for 22 Dec 2018 

The episode.begins with Krishn asking ARISTASUR to.keep.away.from him but even after many requests he keeps.attacming Krishn . He has no choice but to slay him . Aristasur is seen rising to heavens after bowing before Krishn 

Krishn then requests the tree to lend him a few exotoc flowers that grew on it . A branch falls into his hands n krishn thanks the tree for the flowers.

As Radha is waiting for Krishn to return Balram makes Radha realise that she was in love with Kanha and he too loved her bery much . Thats why was got ready to do  dangerous things for her sake . Balram asks Radha that she must confess her feelings for Krishn ..and then even he will do the same for her .
Radha feels shy n reluctant .
Balram  then says he will talk to Nand Yashoda n VrishKirti about Radha krishn n hints at their alliance 
.radha feels very shy .. she is  ery happy n starts dancing n singing in the beautiful locales of Vrindavan. The trees shower flowers on her .
Balram smiles at radha .

Soon Krishn arrivez with the flowers . Radha is in ectastic mood as she admires the exotic flowers Krish offers her . Radha is hesitant to talk to Krishn
Krishn senses her feelings n smiles.as if he already knew what was on her mind ..yet he urges her to speak up what was going on in his mind .
Radha is hesitant..very shy  and stammers ...
Krishn waits for her patienly.

Right then sudama and other gopala boys come rushing n ask Krishn to come   meet vrishbhaan urgently as disaster had struck .
Radha is shocked to hear this 

They reach vrishbhaan,
'S house to.find the entire village collected there 
Krishn is accused of committing the henious crime of bail hatya being a gopala himself .

Jatila n Ayan are seen exchanging glances at their success.
Jatila.asks.Krishn ..that he had to undergo shuddhikaran by bathing in the watets of seven sacred rivers . Nand n Yashoda are very upset .they ask krishn why he did that ..he explains thatbhe did this in self defence .Vrishbhan then asks why did he need to venture into the bull's territory ?? Radha is about to confess that she was   the one who asked him to go there n get those exotic flowers but Krishn signals her to remain quiet . radha feels guilty n remains quiet .
he begins to walk out amidst heart rending separation scenes 

Krishn vaani 
Krishn says one has to get over Moh to atain pure love .
In the case of Moh we want to get that person's love n attention 

While in true love we want to only give without expecting anything in return .


Radha Krishn n gopikas are having maha raas leela

At kailash Parvati advises Shiva to go n take closer look 
Lord Shuva arives at vrindavan to witness Maha raas 
Edited by Sutapasima - 5 years ago
Sutapasima thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago

Edit belongs to Janakivallav

LiVE UPDATES for 24 Dec 2018 

Episode begins with Radha regretting her damand for those exotic flowers that resulted in his banishment .
Ayan is assured by Jatila that She will create differences between nand n Vrish n that wil lead to krish radha friendship breakup .

Radha will search for Krishn n find him.close by ..qhich will make  Vrish furiois that krish flouted his orders 

Lovelorn Radha looks.for Krishn ..she locates him ...Ayan secretly sees them...krishn ..asks her to keep away as he was criminal / paapi 
Radha sharws the blame.
Krish says she asked for flowers not killing the bull .

Vrish is seen consoling Nand 
Ayan informs krishn was not gone he ws closeby 

Jatila tries to brain wash Vrish bhan against Nand but he remans steadfast .

Krishn envourages Radha to reveal what she wanted to say ..
Radha then is about to confesses but they notice intruders 
..radha asks krishn to run or hide ...

Radha hides Krishn 

Nand n Vrish go together 
.ayan is accompanied by Balram .

Krishn hides Them.both on hih branches .. radha prays to Narayan to save them both ..krish says sakhi ki agya mera adesh 

He uses his divine powers to make them.invisible . All.fail to find krishn.except Balram 

Ayan is disappointed 
Radha thanks Narayan for saving them .
Radha refuses to let him go n she is sad . She asks.him.to stay back for her sake . Krishn asks.her to find a solution to his problem 

Radha asks him to go.if she fails to.find one .

Radha prays for a solution ..Krishn watches her secretly.n.smiles.

She decides to perform.penance ..krishn mutters that penance was for earning punya while she was punya aatma ..she had to find solution to his problem 

Right then Rishi durvasa is seen passing by with his seven maha rishies and they apear to have lost their way in jungles of Vrindavan.
Radha offers them.shelter n meal for the night and serve the munies n earn punya . As she serves them she prays for the waters of seven holy rivers . Krishn smiles at her .

Radha offers them.seats created by fresh straw ..washea their feet . Offers them.meal .. lights fire to keep them.warm.

Radha feels she failed to find solution to krishn's problem .

Krishn vaani 

Krishn advise men.to try using various paths but not the aim n be steadfast 
Success will come .

Radha krishn maha raas leela attracts Lord Shiva from.Kailash . 

Edited by Sutapasima - 5 years ago


Sutapasima thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago
edit belongs to risingPhoenix

LIVE UPDATES for 25 Dec 2018

Episode begins with Seven Maha rishis expressing their happiness with Radha for taking good care of them . They ask her to seek a boon .
Radha says it was her duty to serve the rishi munies visiting her land ..she could not demand anything in return .

Rishis explain it was her karma to serve them n whatbshe wuold get from them.would be karm phal .
Krish ia secretly watching n orchestrating everything ..unknown to Radha .
Radha seeks pavitra jal of 7 rivers for Shuddhikaran.
Rishis smile n ask Radha to seek with both her palms 

As radha closes her eyes with devotion 
 The rishes transform into seven river goddesses .
They bless Radha with a kalash fillled with waters of 7 sacred rivers 

Krishn bows before all the river goddesses one by one .

Radha thanks the rishis for this boon . She then asks Krishn to come n get purified . Krishn can hardly wait for pure soul radha to purify him with waters of seven sacred rivers .Radha is happy that Krishn will not need to go away from her any where.

Radha pours water on Krishn . A sacred pool forms where she purifies krishn . Krishn names it Radha kund .. he also creates Shyam kund next to it n fills it with waters from Radha kund .
Shyam can be complete only when he is with Radha ...

Krishn helps Radha out of the pool 
Radha Krishn inform Barsana n Vrindavan residents about Krishn's shuddhikaran 
All are happy  except Ayan n Jatila 

Soon Radha notices ful moon n reaizes it was a great night for raas . Radha gets specially dressed up for the ocassion .

 She rushes out hiding from her parents the moment she hears Krishn 's fllute . Krishn too is specially dressed for the raas 
Radha reaches Gokul n Krishn is pleased to see her . He tels her how they were going to have divine guest tonight .He would arrive at Brahm muhurat .

At Kailash Gauri challenges Bhola nath that he was good for tandav n he would never be able to perfo prem raas 
He accepts her challenge n decides to prove her wrong 

As all gopikas arrive ..maha raas begins n Krishn tells Radha that he was calling her by playing this flute 

Krishn vaani 
Krishn says she should be sure of our strengths . If we are unsure then we will always fear that the entire mansion would collapse over us ..
But birds who trust their wings never fear about the tree falling down .

Lord Shiva is dressed like Gopi with costume offered by Krishn 
Bhole bhandari  happily dances with Radha krishn n gopikas and all Gods from heavens shower flowers at the divine performances 

Edited by Sutapasima - 5 years ago