Somewhere Over the Rainbow #20 With Prats in Our Hearts - Page 57


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Sneha.Love thumbnail
Posted: 6 years ago

Prithvi Vallabh, WU from 21st January 2018 

In the history of India, bomb was used first in arthashastra (the science of politics). Ashoka and the other Kings' who liked peace had refused to use it in their rule. In the 10th Century, Bomb was used in the war. The soldiers are seen fighting.

Mrinal asks who is this Prithvi Vallabh and what powers he has, which rajya's blood is running in him, says he is not ordinary. Tailap says he is an orphaned guy found, and asks how can he have extraordinary powers. Mrinal says mistake is ours. We tried to weaken Malwa, tried to enquire about Singhdant, and forgot to inform to our spy about Prithvi Vallabh. She says Prithvi Vallabh is a big hurdle between us and Singhdant, we have to end this hurdle this. She asks Guru Aditya to invite Bhilamp Raj and his family to Manyakheta. Guru Aditya nods. Tailap asks why Bhilamp Raj? Mrinal says they need a strong king who can help them to fight against Malwa. She says there is no good sena pat than Bhilamp Raj. Tailap says he is our friend, but will he help us? Mrinal ask him to make such situation. Later she asks Sulochana to gather info about Munj, from his hairs to toe nails, needs all info what he eats, drinks, about his shastra, Guru, how he cope up in sad situation, and how he gets happy, his enemies, friends, protections, and also how much time his heart beats. She asks her to get his sketch made and says I want to see him.   

Prithvi Vallab apologizes to Banjara and says I couldn't save your wife. Banjara says you have saved many and says Malwa is proud to have you. Munj's friend tells him that Sena pati Kalari is coming there. Sena Kalari comes there and asks them not to move. He takes out the belt. Tailap gets the dead African soldiers buried and asks Sulochana to tell two alive soldiers that they can't fulfill their promise. Sulochana tells them.

Mrinal comes and says we will fulfill our words. Tailap says we have lost much, and tells that they return defeated. Mrinal says promise is a promise, they died while fighting for us, they are our soldier. He says what we will answer to Raj Pratishad. Mrinal says you are King Tailap Raj and you don't have to answer anyone. She says even Sikander couldn't rule in North and South, I have a dream that you will do what he couldn't do. Senapati Kalari gives iron belt in Prithvi hands and goes near the dead body to pay his last respect. Prithvi then makes him wear it. Senapati Kalari says why didn't you inform me about the attack. Prithvi says it happened so fast. Senapati Kalari says you are taking advantage of my love and asks what would have happened if you had defeated. Prithvi says you are my Guru, how can I lose? Sena pati Kalari asks why did you let enemy go, who gave you this suggestion. He says Rasniti his friend suggested him. Rasniti gets tensed. Sena pati goes to him. Rasniti says how can I suggest to Malwa prince. Senapati says I don't know why Prithvi keeps poet with him and tells Prithvi that he loves him so much. He says what you will answer to King Singhdant and asks who sent those soldiers. Prithvi says Manyakheta. Sena Pati Kalari is shocked.

Sulochana tells Mrinal that Prithvi Vallabh's sketch is ready. Mrinal stabs knife on his face. Sevika informs her that Bhilamp Raj came with his family. Tailap greets Bhilamp Raj. Maharani Jakavve greets his wife. She says we are sisters, but meeting after long time and thanks Tailap. Maharani Jakavve says Tailap has no time for family. Bhilamp Raj's wife tells that I heard that Mrinal takes care of all work. Maharani Jakavve says where is your daughter Vilas. Vilas touches their feet. Maharani Jakavve says you are same. Vilas says I haven't changed and asks where is Mrinal. Maharani Jakavve gets irked and asks don't you want to meet me. Vilas says I heard that she is good yodhha than man, and says she wants to meet her. Mrinal comes and says even she wants to meet her.

Prithvi gives sponge bath to Malwa king. Malwa king asks when you will marry and says many princesses are waiting for you. Prithvi gives him promise and asks him not to ask. Mrinal blesses Vilas and gives her gold ornament. Vilas says I want to become like you and says I heard that you are soft like flower and hard like forest, sword for enemies and amrit for her loved ones. Mrinal says you wants to become like me. Vilas nods yes. Mrinal praises Bhilamp Raj and folds her hands. She says she heard good things about him. He says even he has heard about her and says you have all the qualities. Maharani Jakavve gets irked. Mrinal tells that she has invited Lakshmi with a purpose which she will tell later. She tells Bhilamp Raj that Tailap's son returns soon and she wants Vilas to marry him. Bhilamp Raj gets happy and says Vilas is yours now. Mrinal says I want your sword also. Bhilamp Raj asks who is enemy. Mrinal says Malwa king Singhdant. Bhilamp Raj says I am with you. Mrinal tells that Singhdant killed her family on Diwali. Bhilamp Raj tells her about the bombs and says someone from China can make such explosives. Mrinal says I want to see if it can set off fire in me.

Prithvi plays the Veena while Rasniti appreciates him. Rasniti says sometimes I feel you are not from this world, and says Rajniti, etc is not for you. Prithvi says I enjoy this. Rasniti says you shall marry. Prithvi says if my idol gets its eyes, if I see those eyes, my heart shall get mad for her, someone like she. The mannequin is shown which he made.

Lakshmi tells Maharani Jakavve that she didn't mean to hurt her. Maharani Jakavve tells that when she got married to Tailap, she didn't know that she is marrying a weak Raja who is ruled by his sister. Lakshmi tells her that Mrinal wants your son Satyashraya and my daughter Vilas shall marry. Maharani Jakavve is shocked. Lakshmi says even I was surprised when I heard this, as you are Satyashraya's mother and someone else is taking the decision. Maharani Jakavve asks when did this happen? Lakshmi says today and says I want to ask you something if you don't feel bad. Maharani Jakavve asks her to ask. Lakshmi asks her about the brothel near Godavari and the dancer Kosha. Maharani Jakavve says this is a rumor and asks why she is taking Tailap's name. Lakshmi says she haven't taken his name. Maharani Jakavve asks her to sleep.

Brothel is shown, Tailap Raj comes there to meet Kosha. Tailap sees coal on the way to reach Kosha. Kosha is sitting on bed and says poetry lines. She says today she will cross it and starts walking on it. Tailap asks her to stop and gives his promise. She comes to him while walking and hugs him. Tailap asks what is this madness. Kosha asks him to keep visiting her to make her take breath. He apologizes and hugs her.

In the morning, Tailap wakes up on Kosha's bed. Kosha moves the curtain and does his tilak and aarti. She says I see you after many days, and yesterday my mannat is fulfilled. She says she went to temple and thanked the God and prayed for his victory. She says she wants to wait for him in day and spent night in his embrace. Tailap says I think your wait started, this light don't like your presence. Kosha says she can bear this, but can't bear when he don't come. Tailap says I have to go. Kosha holds his hand and says she has nothing without him. Tailap leaves.

Senapati tells Malwa King Singhdant that Mrinal sent those African soldiers. King Singhdant gets shocked and reminisces little Mrinal. Singhdant says they want to expand their dynasty. Mahagay says Prithvi shall tell everyone before taking the decision and says he gets afraid. Prithvi says you always get afraid. Sindhu says Prithvi haven't followed the rules. Mahagay tells that Prithvi shall accept his crime and apologize to us. Prithvi throws plate towards him. Mahagay hits it with knife. Prithvi says it is a crime to take out knife infront of king. He says if I had gone to inform Soldier's head rather than fighting with African soldiers then Malwa would have been injured. He says I had no time, enemy was strong and more lives to save, it was the only way. Sena pati Kalari says it is necessary to postpone the rang utsav.

Rasniti says we shall not postpone it, it connects with us, and says everyone waits for it. Prithvi says he is right, if I don't get successful then I will resign. Sindhu says if anything happens then who will bear and asks Singhdant to cancel it. Singhdant announces that Rang Utsav will commence after 3 days. Singhdant's wife asks him what happened to him. He says he couldn't forget anger and revenge in mrinal's eyes. Mrinal, Tailap and Guru Aditya see the bomb as the makers demonstrate it. Mrinal asks them to give wealth for it and tells that she is going to malwa. She says she will remove it from the map and make it meet the dust. Tailap looks on...

Senapati Kalari informs prithvi that someone is attacking Malwa. Prithvi fights with someone. Mrinal comes to Malwa. Prithvi sees her and gets lost in her eyes while a song plays...

Sneha.Love thumbnail
Posted: 6 years ago

Prithvi Vallabh 21.01.2018.

U povijesti Indije, bomba se prvi puta koristila u  arthashastra (nauka o politici)Ashoka i ostali kraljevi koji su voleli mir odbili su da je koriste za vreme njihove vladavine. U desetom stolecu bombu su koristili u ratu.Vide se vojnici koji se bore.

Mrinal je pitala tko je taj Prithvi Vallabh, i kakve moci (snagu)on ima, cija kraljevska krv tece u njemu, i dodala je da on nije obican covek. Tailap joj je rekao da je PV siroce koga su pronasli i pitao je sestru kako bi on mogao imati bilo kakvu neobicnu snagu. Mrinal mu kaze da on mnogo gresi. Mi smo pokusali da oslabimo Malwa, da istrazimo sve o Singhdant, i zaboravili smo da obavestimo nase spijune o Prithvi Vallabh. Ona je rekla i dodala: Prithvi Vallabh je velika prepreka izmedju nas i Singhdant. Moramo da se resimo te prepreke. Ona je rekla Guru Aditya da pozove Bhilamp Raj u Manyakheta. Guru Aditya je klimnuo glavom.  

Tailap je pita sta ce joj  Bhilamp Raj. Ona mu odgovori da im je potreban  snazan kralj koji im moze pomoci da se bore protiv Malwa kraljevine. Ona je dodala da nema boljeg sena pati od Bhilamp Raj. Tailap je rekao: On je nas prijatelj, ali da li ce nam pomoci? Mrinal mu je rekla da se pobrine da tako bude.  Kasnije je rekla Sulochana da prikupi podatke o Munj (PV), od glave do pete...potrebne su joj sve informacije, sto jede, pije o njegovoj sastra, Guru, kako se nosi sa tuznim situacijama, i kako kada je stretan (sto ga cini srecnim) sve o njegovim neprijateljima, prijateljima i zastitnicima, i takodjer koliko brzo kuca njegovo srce.  Trazila ju je da joj nabavi skicu njegovog portreta, her zeli da ga vidi.

Prithvi Vallabh se izvinuo Banjari i rekao mu da nije mogao da spasi njegovu zenu. Banjara mu je rekao: Spasio si mnoge i Malwa je ponosna sto te ima. Pritvijev prijatelj ga je obavestio da Senapati Kalari dolazi tamo. Sena Kalari dolazi i kaze im da se ne micu. Izvadio je kais.Tailap je sahranio mrtve Africke vojnike, i zamolio je Sulochana da kaze prezivelim vojnicima da oni ne mogu da ispune svoje obecanje. Sulochana im je to rekla (prevela) Prithvi Vallab apologizes to Banjara and says I couldn't save your wife. Banjara says you have saved many and says Malwa is proud to have you. Munj's friend tells him that Sena pati Kalari is coming there. Sena Kalari comes there and asks them not to move. He takes out the belt. Tailap gets the dead African soldiers buried and asks Sulochana to tell two alive soldiers that they can't fulfill their promise. Sulochana tells them.

Uto dolazi Mrinal i kaze da ce oni odrzati svoje obecanje. Tailap kaze da su oni mnogo izgubili, i da se vracaju kuci porazeni. Mrinal kaze: Obecanje je obecanje, oni su umrli boreci se za nas, oni su nasi vojnici. On je pita sta ce odgovoriti Raj-u Prathishad. Mrinal: Ti si kralj Tailap Raj i ne treba da se pravdes (odgovaras) bilo kome. Cak i Sikander moze da vlada na severu i jugu, Ja sam sanjala da ces ti postici ono sto on nije mogao.

Senapati Kalari je dao zeljezni pojas Prithviju u ruke i prisao pored mrtvog tela da oda poslednju pocast. Prithvi mu je onda dao pojas da ga stavi. Senapati Kalari ga je pitao zasto ga nije obavestio o napadu? Prithvi mu je rekao da se sve odigralo tako brzo. Senapati Kalari: Ti koristis to sto te ja volim. Sta bi se desilo da si bio porazen? Prithvi: Ti si moj Guru, kako bih mogao da izgubim (dozivim poraz)? Senapati Kalari: Zasto si pustio neprijatelja da ode, tko ti je to predlozio?  Rasniti je postao nervozan. Senapati mu se priblizio. Rasniti: Kako bih ja mogao da predlazem bilo sta Malwaskom Princu? Senapati:  Ja ne znam zasto Prithvi drzi uz sebe pesnika. Onda je rekao Prithviju da ga mnogo voli. Pita ga sta ce odgovoriti kralju Singhdantu, i pitao je tko je poslao te vojnike. Prithvi je rekao da ih je poslao kralj iz kraljevstva Manyakheta. Senapati Kalari je bio sokiran.

Sulochana je rekla Mrinal da je portret Prithvija Vallabha gotov.Mrinal je probola nozem njegovo lice.Sevika ju je obavestila da je Bhilamp Raj dosao u posetu sa svojom porodicom.Tailap je pozdrvio Bhilamp Raj. Maharani Jakkave je pozdravila njegovu zenu. Ona je rekla joj je da su one sestre, ali se srecemo posle dugo vremena i zahvalila se Tailapu. Maharani Jakkave ju je pitala gde je njena kcerka Vilas? Vilas joj je dodirnula stopala.  Maharani Jakkve joj kaze da se nije nista promenila (da je ista) Vilas joj kaze da se nije promenila i pita je gde je Mrinal? Maharani Jakkve je to pitanje iziritiralo i upitala ju je zar ne zeli da se sretne sa njom? Vilas joj kaze da je cula da je Mrinal bolji  yodhha od muskarca, i kaze da bi volela da je sretne. Mrinal dolazi i kaze da bi cak i ona volela nju da upozna.

Prithvi je sundjerom okupao kralja Malwe. Kralj Malwe ga je upitao kada planira da se zeni, i kaze mu da mnoge princeze cekaju na njega. Prithvi mu je dao obecanje i zamoli ga da ga vise ne ispituje. Mrinal je blagoslovila Vilas i dala joj je zlatni ukras. Vilas joj kaze da zeli da bude kao ona, i kaze joj da je cula da je Mrinal meka poput cveta i  tvrda (cvrsta) poput sume, mac za svoje neprijatelje a amrit? Za one koje voli. Mrinal joj kaze: Ti zelis da budes kao ja? Vilas je potvrdno klimnula glavom. Mrinal je pohvalila Bhilamp Raj i  i sklopila ruke. Rekla mu je da je cula dobre stvari o njemu.  On joj je odgovorio da je cak i on cuo o njoj i da ona ima sve dobre kvalitete. Mharani

Jakkave se iziritirala dok ih je slusala. Mrinal je rekla da je pozvala Lakshmi sa namerom, koju ce im kasnije ispricati. Rekla je Bhilamp Raj da ce se Tailapov sin uskoro vratiti i da je ona zelela da se Vilas uda za njega. Bhilamp Raj je bio srecan kada je to cuo, i  kaze joj da je Vilas sada njena. Mrinal mu kaze da ona zeli i njegov mac. Bhilamp Rajje pita tko je neprijatelj. Mrinal mu kaze da je to Singhdant Kralj iz Malwe. Bhilamp Raj joj kaze da je on uz nju.Mrinal mu je ispricala da je Singhdant pobio njenu porodicu na Diwali. Bhilamp Raj joj isprica o bombama, i kaze joj da netko iz Kine moze da napravi takav exploziv. Mrinal kaze da zeli da vidi ako to moze da upali vatru u njoj.

Prithvi svira na veena dok mu se Rasniti divi. Rasniti mu kaze da ponekad ima osecaj kao da on (PV) nije sa ovoga sveta, i kaze da Rasniti i drugo nisu za njega.Prithvi mu kaze da on uziva u tome.Rasniti mu kaze da bi se trebao ozeniti.Prithvi mu kaze: Ako moj Idol dobije oci, ako ja vidim te oci, moje ce se srce ozeniti sa njom, nekim tko je poput nje. Pokazuju lutku koju je on napravio.

Lakshmi kaze Maharani Jakkve (MJ) da ona nije zelela da je povredi. MJ joj kaze da kada se ona ozenila sa Tailapom, ona nije znala da se zeni za slabog kralja kojim upravlja njegova sestra.Lakshmi joj je rekla da Mrinal zeli da se njen sin Satyashraya ozeni sa njenom (Lakshminom) kcerkom Vilas. MJ ke sokirana. Lakshmi joj je rekla da je cak i ona bila iznenadjena kada je to cula, jer si ti Satyashrayova majka, a netko drugi donosi odluku o tome. MJ ju je pitala kada se to dogodilo? Lakshmi joj je rekla da se to dogodilo danas i da ona zeli da ju nesto pita, ukoliko ona nece da se naljuti. MJ joj kaze da je slobodno pita. Lakshmi ju je pitala o bordelu pored reke Godavari i o plesacici Kosha. MJ joj kaze da su to samo glasine i pita je zasto u to uvlaci ime njenog muza Tailapa? Lakshmi joj kaze da ona nije ni pomenula njegovo ime. MJ joj kaze da ide da spava.

Pokazuju bordel. TailaP Raj dolazi tamo da se sretne sa Kosha. Kosha sedi na krevetu i recitira stihove neke pesme.  Kaze da ce danas da predje i pocinjeici po necemu (ne znam po cemu jer nisam gledala) Tailap je moli da stane i daje joj svoje obecanje. Ona dolazi do njega dok hoda i zagrli ga. Tailap je pita sta je to lufilo?  Kosha ga moli da nastavi da je posecuje kako bi mogla da zivi . On joj se izvinjava i grli je.

Jutro je. Tailap se budi u Koshinom krevetu. Kosha razmice zavesu i radi mu tilak i aarti. Kaze mu da ga vidi posle mnogo dana, i da je jucer njen mannat ispunjen (zavrsio se).  Kaze da je isla u Hram i molila se Bogu za njegovu pobedu. Kaze mu da zeli da ga ceka danju, a noci da provodi u njegovom

zagrljaju. Tailap joj kaze da misli da je njeno cekanje pocelo, i da ovo svetlo ne voli njeno prisutstvo.  Kosha kaze da ona moze to da podnese, ali da ne moze da podnese kada on ne dodje kod nje.  Tailap joj kaze da mora da ide. Kosha ga drzi za ruku i kaze da ona nije nista bez njega. Tailap odlazi.

Senapati kazeKralju Malwe Singhdantu da je Mrinal poslala te Africke vojnike. Kralj Singhdant se sokirao i prisetio se male Mrinal. On kaze da ta porodica zeli da prosiri svoju dinastiju.  Mahagay kaze da bi Prithvi trebao sve da obavesti pre nego sto  donese odluku,  i kaze da je uplasen. Prithvi mu kaze da je on uvek uplasen.Sindhu kaze da se Prithvi nije pridrzavao pravila. Magay kaze da bi Prithvi trebao da prihvati da je pogresio i da im se izvine. Prithvi je bacio tanjir prema njemu.  Mahagay pogodi tanjir svojim nozem. Prithvi kaze da je greh izvaditi noz pred kraljem. On kaze: Da sanm ja isao da obavestim Zapovednika vojnika, umesto sto sam se borio sa Africkim vojnicima, onda bi  Malwa stradala. Ja nisam imao vremena. Neprijatelj je bio jak i trebalo je spasiti mnogo zivota.To je bio jedini nacin. Senapati Kalari je rekao da je potrebno da se odlozi rang utsav.

Rasniti kaze da ga nece odloziti. To je, kaze, povezano sa nama i svi to  nestrpljivo ocekuju. Prithvi kaze da je on u pravu, i kaze da ako ne bude postigao uspeh, onda ce podneti ostavku. Sindhu pita tko ce snositi posledice ako se nesto dogodi, i tko ce pitati Singhdant da ga odlozi. Singhdant je objavio da ce se Rang Utsav odrzati nakon tri dana. Njegova zena ga je pitala sta mu se desilo? On kaze da nije mogao da zaboravi bes i  osvetu u Mrinalinim ocima.  Mrinal, Tailap i Guru Aditya gledaju bombu dok oni koji su je proizveli demonstriraju njenu snagu.Mrinal ih trazi da plate bogatstvo za bombu i  kaze da ona ide u Malwu. Kaze da ce skloniti tu kraljevinu sa mape i da ce ih pretvoriti u prasinu (unistiti) Tailap je posmatra.


Senapati Kalari obavestava Prithvija da netko napada Malwa. Prithvi se bori sa nekim.Mrinal dolazi u Malwu. Prithvi je ugleda i izgubi se u njenim ocima, dok muzika svira...

Sneha.Love thumbnail
Posted: 6 years ago

Prithvi Vallabh  WU from 27th January 2018

The 10th Century's India was going through a blind phase, all small and big rulers got engaged in fights, every king wanted to make himself called as Samrat. During this time, Malwa's neighboring king Gohil entered Malwa with an excuse. He was so inhuman who don't differentiate between animal's flesh and girls' flesh. A woman is sitting at a corner and crying. Other woman suggests her to smile like others, else you will become his victim. Gohil gets up and goes towards her, he asks her to have raw flesh. She refuses. He kills her and laughs..

Tailap tells Mrinal that she shall not go Malwa and says it is dangerous. Mrinal says until her revenge is fulfilled , she can't be at peace. Tailap says I will go. Mrinal says she can't take risk with Manyakheta's singhasan. Tailap

says you don't listen to me and gets upset.

Sulochana comes and says I have an important news for you. They hear Vilas crying. Mrinal gives her water and asks her to say. Vilas says she don't want her to go, and says everyone is not saying this as they are scared of you, why you will agree to me. Mrinal asks why do you think they are scared of me. Vilas says seeing their expressions. Mrinal smiles and says I have started liking you. She tells that there is a mission of her life and nothing will happen to her. She asks her to go and wait for her.

Sulochana tells Mrinal that Malwa have kept rangutsav where big poets will come and we can enter easily. Mrinal asks her to search poet in Manyakheta and says I know I have prohibited from singing and poetry, but someone might be doing it secretly. A man Parimal does poetry. His friends tell that Mrinal has prohibited it in Manyakheta. Parimal says it is her loss and tells that he is a big poet. He tells the poetry and smiles. Pradhan ji comes there and says you can do poetry only in Kotha/brothel and not here. Parimal says sorry. Pradhan ji asks him to sit in boat and go to Malwa secretly. Parimal thinks if I go to Malwa, then I will have independence to do poetry.

King Gohil tell his soldier to get 1000 girls and says he heard Malwa girls are beautiful. He says yes. Sindhu meets someone who tells that he knows that Singhdant wants to make Prithvi as the king, but we won't let this happen and gives his full support to him.

Senapati Kalari tells Sindhu that King Gohil wants to attack Malwa and asking for 1000 girls. Sindhu gets angry and asks Senapati Kalari to make arrangements of war. Senapati Kalari says we couldn't talk to Prithvi till now. Sindhu asks don't you believe on my sword and says Prithvi might be making idols somewhere.

Prithvi is seen making idols. Rasniti tells him that Princess Amrusha is coming again and asks until when you will refuse her proposal.. Prithvi says I haven't refused her, but not have accepted her proposal. Princess Amrusha says he don't want to break my heart and hear the sound. She asks did you find those eyes. He says whenever I come here, I think of you. Sevak comes there and tells that King Gohil is going to attack Malwa and Sindhu got permission from King singhdant to fight with him. Prithvi says Senapati kalari is with them, so I am not needed. Princess Amrusha asks did you know who is Gohil. He says no and I am not interested to know.

Sindhu gets ready to fight with Gohil. King Singhdant feels Munj should have been present. Queen asks him to have faith on his own son. Mrinal asks Bhilamp Raj to stay there till she returns. She asks Guru Aditya if he don't trust her. He says he is worried. Mrinal promises to return and says my life is not less. Bhilamp Raj appreciates Mrinal.

Mrinal tells Tailap if she don't return from Malwa, then give her position to Bhilamp Raj. Tailap is upset. Mrinal asks him not to be upset, and says if I die after taking revenge then I will be glad, and if I couldn't take revenge then think that promise me that you will take revenge. Tailap says I will wait for you. Mrinal asks him to promise. Tailap says I would have promise if I don't trust you. Mrinal asks Sulochana if poet is found. She says yes, but he don't know our identity.

In the ship, Parimal don't recognize Mrinal and asks her to move and give place to him. He tells that he got freedom from Vamp Mrinal etc. Mrinal looks on.

Sindhu raj asks Senapati Kalari to announce the war. Senapati kalari is silent. They see Prithvi coming there. Sindhu asks did you call him. Senapati Kalari says no. Sindhu asks Prithvi to return and says this war is mine. Prithvi says how can Malwa's land war is yours only and tells him about Singhdant's teaching. He says Gohil likes wrestling and that's why I will challenge him. Senapati Kalari tells that he will initiate the war and says you can't fight with Gohil. Supporting king tells Sindhu that prithvi will die. Prithvi asks him to understand. Senapati Kalari says he will fight. Prithvi says if his Guru fights in his presence then it will be an insult. Sindhu asks if you lose then who will be responsible. Prithvi says I.

Mrinal asks Parimal why he is against Manyakheta and Mrinal. Parimal says Mrinal is against singing, dancing, poetry and at the other side Prithvi Vallabh of Malwa likes it all, and says once Mrinalvati shall meet Prithvi. Mrinal gets angry, but controls her anger.

Gohil thinks he will choose the girls. Prithvi comes there wit*h Senapati kalari. Gohil asks where are the girls and says he heard that Malwa believes in peace and not in war. Prithvi says we haven't come here for compromise, but to warn you to return back. Gohil asks if I don't return then, who are you to warn me. Prithvi gives his introduction and says he is Malwa's son. He challenges him for wrestling. Gohil laughs and accepts. Prithvi says if you wins then you will get 1000 girls as gift and if you loses then you have to free the girls whom you have kept captive. Gohil laughs.

Wrestling starts between them. Prithvi attacks at Gohil's stomach. Gohil holds his neck. Prithvi sees the captive girls pleading to him. He attacks Gohil and makes him fall down. Prithvi hits Gohil on his ears and makes him deaf. He then attacks on his stomach. Gohil falls down. Prithvi frees the captive girls. They come out and hit Gohil. Prithvi asks Senapati to send Gohil Raj back and invites the rescued girls for Rangutsav. Mrinal asks Parimal if he knows poetry. Parimal says if she wants to hear then she shall take care of him. Mrinal gives him apple. He says he don't eat it and throws, and have banana. She asks where he stayed in Manyakheta. Parimal says he was hiding in Kotha and saw many men coming there.

Kosha gets ready for Tailap in the brothel. She rests on him and says sometimes I feel that I have done mistake by loving you. Tailap asks why you are feeling this. Kosha says I can love you only in these closed wall, we love secretly and I feel like a criminal. Tailap asks what do you want to say. Kosha says she wants to have fresh air with him and asks him to take her out. Tailap says yes. He asks about the wall. Kosha says it is an old secret way which was closed longtime back.

Maharani Jakavve is seen crying. Parimal asks Mrinal to do his seva and hold his bag if she wants to be his shisya. He says they have to take small boat from here. Prithvi tells Singh dant that rangutsav begins. Rasniti says many poets have come and they have to welcome them.
Parimal sees Prithvi Vallamb standing and says Jai. Mrinal looks at him. Prithvi sees Mrinal and looks in her eyes. Piya Tore Naina Churaye More Chaina plays...

Precap: Mrinal plans bomb attack on the palace wherever there is less public and says she will only kill Singhdant. Rasniti asks her to give proof of her art. Mrinal plays Veena. Prithvi says it seems your pain is old and asks her to share her pain if she wants.

Sneha.Love thumbnail
Posted: 6 years ago

Prithvi Vallabh 27th January 2018

Indija je u desetom stolecu prolazila kroz slepu fazu, svi mali i veliki vladari su bili angazovani u bitkama, svaki kralj je zeleo da ga se zove Samrat. U to vreme, Kralj Gohil iz susednog kraljevstva (komsiluk uz Malwu) usao je u Malwu uz izgovor. Bio je necovek koji nije pravio razliku izmedju zivotinjskog mesa i mesa mladih devojaka. Zena je sedela u cosku i plakala. Druga joj je zena predlozila da se smeje kao i druge, inace ce postati njegova zrtva. Gohil je ustao i krenuo prema njoj, trazio je od nje da pojede sirovo meso, ona je odbila. On ju je ubio i smejao se...

Tailap je rekao Mrinal da ne treba da ide u Malwu jer je to opasno. Mrinal mu je odgovorila da sve dok se ne bude do kraja osvetila ona ne moze da zivi u miru. Tailap joj kaze da ce on ici. Mrinal kaze da ne moze da riskira sa Manyakhetinim Singhasan. Tailap se naljutio i rekao kako ga ona nikada ne slusa.

Sulochana dolazi i kaze da ima vazne vesti. Oni cuju kako Vilas place. Mrinal joj je donela vodu i pita je da kaze zasto place.Vilas joj kaze da ona ne zeli da Mrinal ide, i kaze joj da joj drugi to ne govore jer je se plase. Mrinal je pita zasto ona misli da se drugi nje boje. Vilas kaze da je zakljucila to iz izraza njihovih lica. Mrinal se nasmesila i rekla je Vilas da joj se ona pocela svidjati. Rekla joj je da ona (Mrinal) ima zivotnu misiju, i da joj se nista nece desiti. Rekla joj je da ide i da je ceka.

Sulochana je rekla Mrinal da ce se u Malwi odrzati  rangutsav gde ce prisustvovati veliki pesnici, i da one mogu tamo lako uci. Mrinal joj kaze da potrazi pesnika u Manyakheti i kaze joj da ona zna da je zabranila pevanje i poeziju u kraljevstvu, ali da netko to moze da radi i u tajnosti. Covek Parimal se bavi poezijom. Njegovi mu prijatelji govore da je Mrinal zabranila pisanje pesama u Manyakheta. Parimal kaze da je to njen gubitak, i kaze da je on veliki pesnik.Govori svoje pesme i smesi se. Pradhan dolazi i kaze mu da moze da govori poeziju jedino u Kotha/Bordel a ne ovde. Parimal se izvinuo. Pradhan mu kaze da sedne u camac i ode u Malwu u tajnosti. Parimal pomisli: Ako odem u Malwu, moci cu slobodno da pisem pesme.

Kralj Gohil je rekao svojim vojnicima da dovedu 1000 devojaka, i kaze da je cuo da su devojke iz Malwe jako lepe. Sindhu je sreo nekoga tko mu je rekao da zna da Singhdant zeli da postavi Prithvija za kralja, ali da oni to nece dozvoliti, i dao mu je svoju potpunu podrsku.

Senapati Kalari kaze Sindhu da kralj Gohil zeli da napadne Malwa i da trazi 1000 devojaka. Sindu se naljutio i pitao je Senapati Kalari da pripremi sve za rat. Senapati Kalari mu kaze da nisu mogli da razgovaraju sa Prithvijem do sada. Sindhu ga pita: Zar ti ne verujes u moj mac. Prithvi sada sigurno negde pravi neki kipic (idol)

Prithvi izradjuke kipove. Rasniti mu kaze da je  Princeza  Amrusha ponovo dolazila i pitala dokle de on , Prithvi odbijati njenu ponudu (prosidbu). Prithvi kaze da je on nije odbio, ali da nije prihvatio njenu ponudu. Princeza Amrusha je rekla da on ne zeli da slomi njeno srce i cuje taj zvuk lomljenja njenog srca. Ona ga pita da li je pronasao te oci? On joj kaze da kad god dodje ovde on misli na nju.Sevak dolazi i kaze da kralj Gohil namerava da napadne Malwu i da je Sindhu dobio dozvolu od kralja Singhdanta da se bori sa njim. Prithvi kaze da je Senapati Kalari sa njima, pa im ja nisam potreban. Princeza Amrusha ga pita da li zna tko je Gohil? On joj odgovori da ne zna i da ga ne interesuje da sazna.

Sindhu se sprema za borbu sa Gohilom. Kralj Singhdant oseca da bi Munj (Prithvi) trebao da bude prisutan. Kraljuca mu kaze da treba da ima poverenje u svog vlastitog sina. Mrinal trazi  Bhilamp Raju da ostane tamo dok se ona ne vrati. Pita Guru Adityu zar joj ne veruje. On joj kaze da je zabrinut. Mrinal obecaje da ce se vratiti i kaze da ceni svoj zivot. Bhilamp Raj hvali Mrinal.

Mrinal kaze bratu da ako se ne vrati iz Malwe da na njeno mesto postavi  Bhilamp Raju. Tailap je uznemiren. Mrinal mu kaze da se ne brine, i kaze mu da ukoliko i umre nakon sto se osvetila, ona ce biti zadovoljna, a ako se ne bude osvetila, trazi od njega da joj obeca da ce se on osvetiti u njeno ime.Tailap joj kaze da ce on cekati na nju. Mrinal ga moli da joj obeca. Tailap joj kaze da bi joj obecao ukoliko ne bi imao poverenja u nju. Mrinal pita Sulochanu da li je pronadjen pesnik? Ona joj kaze da jeste, ali da on ne zna tko su njih dve. 

Na brodu, Parimal ne prepoznaje Mrinal i kaze joj da se pomakne kako bi mu ustupila mesto. Kaze da se konacno oslobodio od Mrinal itd...Mrinal ga gleda.

Sindhu raj pita Senapati Kalari da objavi rat. Senapati kalari cuti. Oni vide da dolazi Prithvi. Sindhu pita da li ga je on pozvao? Senapati Kalari kaze da nije. Sindhu kaze Prithviju da se vrati jer ovo je njegov rat. Prithvi kaze: Kako rat koji vodi Malwa kraljevstvo moze biti samo tvoj? Govori mu o Singhdantovom ucenju. Kaze da Gohil voli hrvanje i zato ce ga on (Prithvi) izazvati u tome. Senapati Kalari kaze da ce on zapoceti rat, i kaze Pritviju da

se on ne moze tuci sa Gohilom. Kralj koji podrzava Sindhu kaze da ce Prithvi umreti. Prithvi ga moli za razumevanje. Senapati Kalari kaze da ce se on boriti. Prithvi kaze da ako se njegov Guru bori u njegovom prisutstvu, to bi bila uvreda.Sindhu ga pita tko ce biti odgovoran ako on (Prithvi) izgubi, Prithvi kaze da ce on sam biti odgovoran.

Mrinal pita Parimal zasto je protiv Manyakheta kraljevstva i protiv Mrinal?Parimal joj kaze da je Mrinal protiv pevanja, plesanja, poezije a s druge strane Prithvi Vallabh iz Malwe voli sve to, i kaze joj da ce se jednom kada stigne u Malwu naci sa Prithvijem. Mrinal se naljutila, ali kontrolira svoj bes.

Ghokil razmislja o tome kako ce da izabere devojke.Prithvi dolazi tamo sa Senapati Kalari.Gohil pita gde su devojke, i kaze im da je cuo da Malwa veruje u mir, a ne u rat. Prithvi mu kaze da oni nisu dosli tu radi kompromisa, vec da ga upozori da se vrati odakle je dosao. Gohil ga pita sta ce se desiti ako se ne vrati? Pita ga tko je on da ga upozorava? Prithvi mu se predstavio i kaze da je on sin Malwe. On izaziva Gohila na hrvanje. Gohil se smije i prihvaca. Prithvi mu kaze da ukoliko Gohil pobedi, dobit ce 1000 devojaka kao poklon, a ukoliko izgubi onda treba da oslobodi sve devojke koje drzi u zarobljenistvu. Gohil se smeje.

Pocinju da se hrvaju. Prithvi udara u Gohilov stomak. Gohil ga drzi za vrat. Prithvi vidi zarobljene devojke kako ga mole. On napada Gohila i ovaj pada na zemlju. Prithvi udara Gohila po usima i ovaj postane gluv. Onda ga udara u stomak i ovaj pada. Prithvi oslobadja zarobljene devojke. One izlaze i udaraju Gohila. Prithvi kaze Senapatiju da posalje Gohila natrag, i poziva oslobodjene devojke da prisustvuju Rangutsav. Mrinal pita Parimal da li on zna poeziju? Parimal joj kaze da ukoliko zeli da ga cuje, onda mora da se pobrine za njega. Mrinal mu daje jabuku. On joj kaze da on to ne jede i baci jabuku i uzme bananu. Ona ga pita gde stanuje u Manyakheta. Parimal joj kaze da se skriva u Kotha/bordel i da je video mnoge muskarce koji tamo dolaze.

Kosha se sprema za Tailapa u bordelu. Ona se odmara na njemu i kaze mu da ponekad pomisli da je pogresila sto  ga voli. Tailap ju pita zasto tako oseca? Kosha mu kaze da je to zato jer ona njega moze voleti samo u ovim zatvorenim zidovima, jer se vole u tajnosti, radi cega se ona oseca kao kriminalac. Tailap je pita sta time hoce da kaze. Kosha mu kaze da zeli da udahne svez vazduh sa njim, i trazi ga da je izvede napolje. Thailap se slozi i pita je za zid. Kosha mu kaze da postoji jedan stari tajni prolaz, koji je odavno zatvoren. 

Maharani Jakavve place. Parimal pita Mrinal da uradi seva za njega, i da drzi njegovu torbu ako zeli biti njegov shisya. Kaze joj da odatle trebaju da uzmu mali brod. Prithvi kaze Singhdantu da zapocne Rangutsav.  Rasniti kaze Mrinal da su ovde dosli mnogi pesnici i da moraju da se pozdrave sa njima. Primal ugleda Prithvija i pozdravi ga. Mrinal ga pogleda. Prithvi ugleda Mrinal i zagleda se u njene oci. Svira pesma Piya Tore Naina Churaye More Chaina plays...

Precap: Mrinal planira napad bombom na palacu, kada bude bilo manje ljudi i kaze da ona samo zeli da ubije Singhdanta. Rasniti je pita da pruzi dokaz svoje umetnosti. Mrinal svira na Veena. Prithvi joj kaze da se cini da je njen bol dugo u njoj, i kaze joj da moze da podeli svoj bol sa njim ukoliko to zeli.

cygnet9 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Commentator 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 6 years ago
Wow Branka you are great inspiration, gave WU of the show👏 amazing. 
I am liking Prithivi and Mrinal ofcourse other characters also. The story, the background music and the performances are brilliant.

Hope we get to meet all our friends soon in this rainbow, with this anticipation Good Night all.
nn027 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 8 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 6 years ago

Hello friends 😊

Edited by nn027 - 6 years ago
nn027 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 8 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 6 years ago

Originally posted by: NatalyMusketeer

Hello friends 😊

Nale, da ti sapnem nesto...😛

Hajde  😃

Rezultat slika za squirrel cute


Dobro, dobro...Al' evo ti prvo pivo , da se malo smiris 😃

... a onda i grickalice 😃

Edited by nn027 - 6 years ago
nn027 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 8 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 6 years ago

Originally posted by: Sneha...Love

Good day dear friends  🤗

I hope that you are enjoying your Sunday 😊

So as from tomorrow Vibha will be back here 🤗 and Madi will be back to her home 🤗

I hope that Dragica will also be back here. We miss you so much Dragice. 🤗

So happy to see my Baby after so long 🤗

Hope that our CC will soon be filled with lots of colors that all of you, dear friends bring with yourself as you come here.

I am planning to watch today Prithvi Vallbach, and since I translated previous WU, I will post it here, together with WU on English, so you can catch up (I mean, those who are planning to watch or are already watching)😃 I will post that in separate posts. 😆

"Heart to Heart" by Rezzan Atakol

Hope tomorrow we'll have our coffee/tea together here in our CC...Waiting for you all. ❤️

Dark Chocolate Raspberry Pistachio Tartlets

Love Latte Art Love Coffee Art. Lovely Heart with Creativity.

Thank you, Branka, my dear friend. ❤️  🤗

Rezultat slika za love you friend
nn027 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 8 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 6 years ago

Originally posted by: cygnet9

Wow Branka you are great inspiration, gave WU of the show👏 amazing. 

I am liking Prithivi and Mrinal ofcourse other characters also. The story, the background music and the performances are brilliant.

Hope we get to meet all our friends soon in this rainbow, with this anticipation Good Night all.

I like the series as well. 😃  I  wait  Branka's opinion. 

Good night Padmaja.

Rezultat slika za sweet dreams
nn027 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 8 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 6 years ago

Prithvi Vallabh 28th January 2018 Written Update

Today's (28.01.2018) Prithvi Vallabh serial episode starts with Prithvi is looking at Mrinal as she passes by the boat, his frends tells him out guests have come.

Kavi Parimal who is with Mrinal praises Malwa for hosting events for artists like him. Prithvi makes entry. Malwa soliders spot Mrinal and her girls and stops them. Mrinal and other women her runs away from the soilders as they chase them. The soilders stop them and they surrender. She throws mud on the soldiers and kills them with sword, she manages to escape.

Prithvi's freind introduces him to the guests in Rang utsav, prithvi is looking at the girl (Mirnal), his friend asks who are you looking for, he says i have seen those eyes, his friend is happy that he has finally found the girl with those eyes he was always looking for. He asks where did you see her, he tells prithvi don't worry about this function, you find that girl.

Mrinal makes tsrategy with her girls about making attack on main door and other places, mrinal sasy i will enter the palace and will myself kill King Singdunt. Her girls says it will be very difficult, let us be by your side, she gives a letter to one of the girls and ays if i fail then give this letter to my brother Tailap.

Tailap's wife confronts him for taking Kosha for an event. She insults her and calls her nachnewali, he gets upset, she ays i wish you would be upset for me too. She call him closer to her, she says come at least for a moment, he tells her to sleep as she is drunk, she says i am the quenn, you cannot leave me, she cries and begs him not to leave her alone.

A lady tells Kosha that guests are waiting for you, go and spread your magic, Tosha says today i don't feel like dancing, the lady tells her we are in business of skin and not heart, keep hold on your emotions, you are a prostitute, Kosha says i know a prostitute cannot fall in love, she says but ever since tailap as come in my life, this prostitute has fallen in love, how do i make myself understand, the lady tells her stop dreaming about suhaag ka joda, it does not matter to us. Kosha says i wannt to be a bride for a few days, she asks her for a chance to live like a queen, lady says you will die like a prostitute only, she says raja and prostitute are never meant for one person. Kosha says i have seen first time love in eyes of Tailap, she says tailap wants to take me for hunting, i want to go too, lady says you will be hunted, Kosha says i want to be hunted, i am ready to die for Tailap.

Malwa's head of army and Prithvi's Guru sees his dead soilders and thinks Malwa is in danger, he sees ear rings and says these are some women in adivasi attire, he orders his soilders to find them and increase palace protection.

Prithvi is on horse in market area, everyone says prithvi ki jai, Mrinal sees him and wants to attack him, her confidant says your target is Singdunt and not him.

Prithvi overhears Mrinal's anklets and looks at her and he is lost seeing her walk past him.

He says rajkumari.. you are cuaghtt, Mrianl is shocked, she says what do you mean, he identifies her from her walk and behaviour, she says yes i am a queen of my  mind, my tribe, my people, he says looks like you are lost, she says may be i am closer to my destination, she says my name is Rukam, i have come with Kavi parimal, he tells her to go to Kala Bhavan. She thanks him for guinding her to destination, he says your and my destination is same.

he shows his horses and says he will not let a beaitiful lady like you walk s much, he offers his hands to her.  She gives her hands to him while he is lost into looking at her.. song plays in background, he makes her sit on the horse. mrinal's confidant is happy to see them together.

Prithvi's friend stops mrinal from entering the Kala Bhavan and says you will have to shocase your art first to get netry here.

Prithvi asks her what is your art that is favourite. mrinal looks at a musical instrument (Veena) and remembers her childhood. Prithvi asks his men to get veena ready and tells mrinal to play it.

mrinal walks towards the veena and says today to kill Singdunt, i will do anything, i had left playing veena since childhood after the masaacre night, but i will have to play it again for my mission. Mrinal's hands shiver as she is trying to play the veena and she looks at prithvi.

She does not play properly, Prithvi says looks like you have not played for years, he says let me help you. He starts playing the Veena and looks at her. he enjoys playing it. He gives it to her and tells her to play again.

She plays beautifully again while there are tears in her eyes as she remembers the dark night when her parents were killed.

Prithvi realizes the pain in her music, the Veena strings break, mrinal runs away from the place and cries alone, prithvi comes there says looks like your pain is deep and old, your fingers have been on Veena after a long time, but you pain is fresh, Mrinal walks away from him towards water fountain to clean her face, He says we are just new friends but you can share your pain with me. She says nothing like that, she says i was feeling bad as veena strings broke, he says but i could hear heart break also, they are lost in each others eyes.

He says your reason to come to Malwa is not Kavi sam melan, she says i have hear so many stories of Malwa and Singdunt, that's why i have come, he says let me take you to the king, she follows him.

Some soldiers stops Kavi Parimal and asks him about identity. They follow him as he runs away. He catch hold of him.

Mrinal says so much fun and music, people have no work and so much free time, Prithvi says a artist like you is saying such, she says only art is just not means of life, there are other things to do too. he shows her a big picture and says these artists have been making this pictures for so many days and waiting for Ran Utsav. he says today they will be appreciated for their work, in Malwa, arti is also work and its is very important to us.

Mrinal says looks like you are very dear to the people here. 

Soilders bring Kavi Parimal to Malwa head of army, he asks him if he is from manyakhet, Parimal says yes, i was born from there, head of army says why were you with the foreign women, he says yes i know i was with them, but nothing more, he says Malwa is very nice, i should leave, soldiers stop him, head of army says you can go if you can identity those women who were with you, parimal agrees.

Prithvi says today we will lecet kala vadhu. She asks why are you electing a  woman for entertainment, he says the woman will encourage art and creativity in Malwa, she says that why you are so much interested in this contest related to woman, he says you jump to conclusions, he says understand Malwa people, you will understand life. He talks about garland ritual where it is thought that soulmates are in heaven and if she finds her soulmate, she can make him wear.

A solider calls him to the place and Prithvi leaves. Mrinal takes out garland in anger.

Parimal identifies a woman from mrinal's groups, soldiers chase them.

Minal's confidant tells her that they have put bombs in different places but security is very tight as they have doubts already. She shows her a map and says this is only way for you to leave Malwa after you kill Singdunt. You have to get Singdunt to this place to kill him.

Singdunt makes a grand entry. Mrinal looks at him with anger. Everyone calls out Maharaj ki jai.

Mrinal's one of the woman from the group gets  caught by the soldiers. head of Army asks the woman, who has sent you, she says so much explosives have been put in malwa that only ashes will be left o Malwa and our queen will kill your King Sindunt. Bombs begin to explode, everyone is running here and there, its chaos, head of army orders his soldiers to go and take care of matter.

Mrinal says its time to seek my revenge Singdunt,  Her confidant kills all the solider around the area and throws a bomb in the area whwere the King has stepped down, other girls begin to kill Singdunt's solders, Mrinal walks to Singdunt and holds him from behind with a knife on his neck. Prithvi is shocked to see all the chaos. He shouts out for his father.


Prithvi chases mrinal, they get into a fight, she falls off from her horse and is seen jumping from a water fall, he looks at her. Singdunt is alive. In the royal court of Malwa, Prithvi is blamed for the incident as he had taken the responsibility of Rang utsav despite security threats, Royal Ministers says Prithvi agrees to his fault, Prithvi says i made a mistake to recognize Mrinal, minister says he should be thrown out of Malwa forever. 

Edited by nn027 - 6 years ago