Somewhere Over the Rainbow #18 With Prats in our memories - Page 4


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Ivone12 thumbnail
Posted: 6 years ago

Originally posted by: Viswasruti

Memories --

From my past posts --

Those eyes have expressed the purest and cleanest emotions of tenderness, towards love and longing, and a  dominating look in the demanding situations to define her authority, to make her point clear, to protect, to safeguard someone's interest, that authoritative look just stops even the sword to move forward!

The examples are innumerable and the conclusion must be that our heroine could perform many  miracles with her eyes, and no one on the Indian TV screen could match hers, with those  enchanting expressions with her eyes!

She was good with her eyes as well as equally great with her voice!Her diction was chaste, clean,  and well-modulated!She never mumbled, except when it is necessary !

To these inherent qualities, she added her own distinctiveness and range to every character she played!

A very good actress indeed!⭐️We lost her, but memories are with us forever!

Sneha.Love thumbnail
Posted: 6 years ago
Good afternoon my dear friends  🤗

It is so good to be with you again, here in my favourite place OL 😊
I have a lots of backpages to read, will probably took me a while, but I'll read it to know what are the news around here...😃

Hope that you are enjoying your Weekend, that weather is gentle on you (here it looks like the storm is coming, wind is picking up) Bino is resting after he was playing all morning with his friend, a cute stray dog that spent hot summer with us, and now it looks like she will be here through cold Winter as well...😆

We all went for a stroll in our little wood near by yesterday afternoon (he likes to check up all his favourite places), and we really enjoyed so much...Autumn is coloring it so beautifully...😊

Witness the miracles! xo Get the app of gorgeous and uplifting wallpapers at ~ xo #nature #miracles #walk

John Muir

The first Weekend after I return home from a longer vacation is always busy, friends and neighbours are comming to see us, we are sharing the news and memories while drinking coffee and having some sweets and snacks...I already had too much coffee (if there is such a thing 😆) So, as from Monday I will be more regular here 😳

 Mid Mod housewife thoroughly enjoying a massive pot of coffee.

Viswasruti thumbnail
Posted: 6 years ago
So happy to see , Dragice , Nado and Branka at CC sharing the friendly love with all of us. ❤️ Thank you, friends, for liking my old siggies . Just now tried a new one with Nado's lovely photo a kid on the swing, but not looking good, so stopped posting it .🤔
Good night friends .😊

Edited by Viswasruti - 6 years ago
Ivone12 thumbnail
Posted: 6 years ago

Originally posted by: Viswasruti

So happy to see , Dragice , Nado and Branka at CC sharing the friendly love with all of us. ❤️ Thank you, friends, for liking my old siggies . Just now tried a new one with Nado's lovely photo a kid on the swing, but not looking good, so stopped posting it .🤔

Good night friends .😊

cygnet9 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Commentator 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 6 years ago
Hello Rainbow Friends😃

Guys I think we have to go through the pain all of it again, if that leech enters Big Boss. Let me tell you all how, No.1 he will come into BB house using our girls name, 2, Initially he will try to prove himself innocent, 3. He will reveal all secrets between him and our girl (which otherwise no good lover reveals if he really loves that person) last but not the least simultaneously he will show his true colors which will make viewers hate him and wonder that what made Pratyusha to choose the kind of person he is

So fasten your seat belts and become think skin for the face off, ofcourse with the virtual world😆

But to be honest I watch all the TV segments, but did not came through this news that the leech is entering BB house. May be he used that Sahila Chaddha, as every one knows that the lady is known to Salman.

Good Night guys😃
vibraj thumbnail
Visit Streak 500 0 Thumbnail Anniversary 12 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 6 years ago
Good morning!
Padma, even if he is in BB, I refuse to watch, he is just not important to me, yes, agree with all the points you raised, it will pan out exactly like that, but first let's hope he is not in!

Nice creations, old and new, Madi, thanks for adding so much colour to our CC!

Dragice, you are a connoisseur of beauty, such pretty gifs and images!

Branka, it takes time to settle afresh, take your time and come to the CC, glad you and Bino are enjoying yourselves!😊

winnie the pooh quotes - Google Search

Edited by vibraj - 6 years ago
Viswasruti thumbnail
Posted: 6 years ago
Good morning friends , have a great day .

Josephine Wall Paintings, Art Print, Wallpapers, Art, Painting
Viswasruti thumbnail
Posted: 6 years ago

Originally posted by: cygnet9

Hello Rainbow Friends😃

Guys I think we have to go through the pain all of it again, if that leech enters Big Boss. Let me tell you all how, No.1 he will come into BB house using our girls name, 2, Initially he will try to prove himself innocent, 3. He will reveal all secrets between him and our girl (which otherwise no good lover reveals if he really loves that person) last but not the least simultaneously he will show his true colors which will make viewers hate him and wonder that what made Pratyusha to choose the kind of person he is

So fasten your seat belts and become think skin for the face off, ofcourse with the virtual world😆

But to be honest I watch all the TV segments, but did not came through this news that the leech is entering BB house. May be he used that Sahila Chaddha, as every one knows that the lady is known to Salman.

Good Night guys😃

I don't like to see this reality shows Padma, in such shows eating and chatting, nothing else worth to watch. If he enters into it , then will  pray God to eliminate him next week itself, because I don't like him earning any money to lure some more girls .😡 
Viswasruti thumbnail
Posted: 6 years ago
Thank you Dragice and Vibha for liking my old and new siggies .🤗
cygnet9 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Commentator 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 6 years ago
Good Morning Rainbow Friends😃

The above quote implies to all of us who never turned back to watch a shit of the show called BB. I never watched not intend to watch BB except when Prat's was there as a participant😃

And This to all you Beautiful girls of this Rainbow:

Wishing you all A great day ahead🤗
