Somewhere Over the Rainbow #7 -Remembering Pratyusha (Members Only) - Page 6


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Viswasruti thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago

Originally posted by: Tulasi14

Hello Friends ,
Can't   believe our Pratsi is gone ,who tied us together and can't believe she is not with us any more.I Pray who ever is responsible for this pay the price.Here is small prayer for all of us in this tough time


Thank you Tulasi for the soothing words . We are all sharing the grief .
vibraj thumbnail
Visit Streak 500 0 Thumbnail Anniversary 12 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 8 years ago
Nice prayer and lovely song, peace to everyone!
Tulasi14 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 8 years ago
I made few collages with out knowing what happened to Pratsi!But what I wrote I have to change this is one of the collage I made!

Only lord you know the reason ,Why you took her life ,
A blooming flower,her life cut short in a very shocking way,
You are a star to your Fans.more then a star you brought ,
So many friends from different cultures to gather,
So much love showered by you,through your performances,
Your character as Anandi deserves many accolades,
Your bubbly character as Sagarika, Where we got connected at some point
In this journey of life and you played Mohini a different role,
Proved everybody wrong with such ease you blended in to the character ,

We will miss you on the screen,you will be loved forever,
No one can hurt you now ,you are in a better place,
Your beautiful eyes through expressions used to speak volumes,
Your beautiful smile will be missed,You will be missed forever,
May your soul rest in peace and pray to God,
The people who are responsible for this will get punished,
RIP! Pratsi!Anandi! Sagarika and Mohini!!!

Edited by Tulasi14 - 8 years ago
Tulasi14 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 8 years ago
Hello Friends,It is tough time this year started with rough note but still going strong with help of my family and my friends .Love you all read all your messages and wishes!Madhu beautiful siggies ! Thanks for remembering me!
Branka! You hold a special place in life!thanks for your words n quotes n siggies!Vibha!my dear friend thanks for lifting my spirits ! Nats! I miss chatting with you,last but not the least Avi n riya n Padma n Biki!Thanks for all of you! You all have inspired me in some way in my life.You are all in my thoughts everyday may be you will not see me very often until I take care of my health.
Take care n lots of love to you all    🤗Edited by Tulasi14 - 8 years ago
Tulasi14 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 8 years ago
Seetha my beloved friend love you n miss you everyday of my life and thanks for introducing to this beautiful place
Love u all n take care!!!
riya_ss9 thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
Hi Girls...P made us do so many things...and she introduced us all but left us ...

Farewell cards

vibraj thumbnail
Visit Streak 500 0 Thumbnail Anniversary 12 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 8 years ago
Good morning!

Tulasi and Riya, there is an emptiness in all of us, yes, I too wonder where do people go after their death, so many theories, wish someone could call and tell! a big hug to all my friends here, let us be together for the girl who brought us together!❤️
riya_ss9 thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago

Originally posted by: vibraj

Good morning!

Tulasi and Riya, there is an emptiness in all of us, yes, I too wonder where do people go after their death, so many theories, wish someone could call and tell! a big hug to all my friends here, let us be together for the girl who brought us together!❤️

Yes Vibs and I do love gazing at stars and after Seetha's death I always ask the stars where is she??

Now I just want to know where is P?? How is she?? Why why why??
Viswasruti thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
Still to believe , yet to recover , many wishes for her future ventures are now looking like mere words .😭
Tulasi take good care of your health ,Riya , happy to see you around .🤗
Now imagining  the meeting of Pratyusha with Seetha , I am sure , Seetha will take good care of her , she will nurse her soul's wounds , must be writing new verses for her on the silver line of the clouds , and sending them to us through the summer rain . 
This image of her's is haunting me , wish I was with her at that weak moment , then definitely I would hug her and hide her from the glares of that dreaded  death .😭
Sneha.Love thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
Hello my dear friends ❤️🤗

I am in a hurry, because in one hour I have to leave my house. As you know I'm traveling to my mother's place and will be there for month. Willnot be able come to IF, but will send msgs through Vibha, and she will update me about everything that is going on with all of you and with this case against this monster...I am so happy when I read that he is arrested...hope he'll rotten in jail till the end of his life, thinking abouut a girl he killed.

Please welcome our new member Gina ❤️ in this place Over the Rainbow 🤗
Welcome Gina 🤗 I am sure that you'll enjoy here.😊

Love you all, have to go. I will miss all of you ❤️ See you in month.