Somewhere Over the Rainbow #7 -Remembering Pratyusha (Members Only) - Page 4


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NatalyMusketeer thumbnail
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Posted: 8 years ago
vibraj thumbnail
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Posted: 8 years ago
Thanks for the link, Nats, this news is really tragic and devastating, a promising young life just snuffed out😭

RIP, my dear Prats❤️
Viswasruti thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
R.I. P my dear talented actress .
I am in shock and sorrow .😭
Viswasruti thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
An Eternal Monument At the Crossroads of Memory .

 Poets have written many songs about the beauty of this young girl.:  when she smiles, the mornings will be pleasant, the noon will be soothing ,the evening will be cool and calm. and the night will be serene... birds will sing, the sky and  the wind will be so refreshing. Every object of Nature looks very beautiful if she is around! Flowers bloom. New leaves come out of the branches ! The beauty of her expressive eyes, the glow in her smiles make  us forget our surroundings . The music in her voice  fills our ears. Her beauty pleases our eyes. So, Spring and Pratyusha have many similarities .With that name and fame --- In that Spring morning ,Pratyusha was walking down the garden  path with a beautiful  flower bouquet in her hands .

 Mom ...she ran towards her mother who is sitting on the bank of the backyard pond  , trying to find her daughter's smiles  in the gentle rays of the morning Sun.
 " Mom  my dear ,  I love you, longing to see you since long , but busy with career prospects ,  for which you are so proud of me " whispered Pratsi with her musical voice  !

" Love you too Pratyu , I missed you a lot nowadays " .

I always miss you when we are not together, I'm growing up so fast ma , See ,how big I've grown ,since you saw me last?"- a child in that young girl showing her youthful glow to  her mother, She put her head on her shoulder and as if seeking a new world in her mother , looked intently into her eyes

"Mom , want your presence everywhere , please  always be  with me, Let us build a big mansion in the sky , sway on the clouds , smile with the lightning , bathe in the morning dew ,sprinkle fragrance on every flower ,and garden .With you ,I can do all these things very easily !"
Pratyu , there is a little handprint you printed  beside Devi Maa's photo hanging on the wall.  you are growing  every day but these little hands and this special smile will stay in my heart forever

  Maa ,when I was very small, sometimes you used to get disturbed, because I was so small and used to leave my fingerprints  on furniture and walls. But see ,someday  all those tiny handprints will surely fade away.---Now I started collecting awards and accolades , with which I am adorning your feet , beside these tiny hand prints ..." A kid  with a  glowing delight  showing  her achievements to her mother !

"Pratyu ,do you know ,  just now I realized , surprisingly we are growing together ! As soon as I gave birth to you , simultaneously a mother was born ! In a way you gave birth to a mother in me, never looked into teary eyes and cried inconsolably ... my cutie pie , do you know ,        I never got gloriously happy over a simple grin !

I never sat up late hours at night watching a baby sleep. I never held a sleeping baby just because I didn't want to put it down!
I didn't know how special it could feel to feed a hungry baby .I didn't know that bond between a mother and her child could make me feel so important. Before I was a Mom I had never gotten up in the middle of the night every 10 minutes to make sure all was okay,I had never known the warmth, the joy ,the love, the heartache, the wonder or the satisfaction of being a mother. Prior to your birth I didn't know I was capable of feeling so much  !

I can't  describe to you  the exhilaration of mine , seeing your tender face with your pure and innocent smile for the first time , the most  magical moment for me is  the laugh of my  baby while touching the soft fur of a dog for the first time.Pratyu , I want you  to taste every

 joy in life"-- 
Her daughter's quizzical look made  Sneha Priya  realize that tears were flowing down as she was recollecting and narrating! .

"Thinking of you Pratyu since morning , I know, you will definitely  greet me today , but seeing you in front of me  is a pleasant surprise to your mother, getting her daughter's hands as garlands around her  neck and her sweet smiles as precious gifts to her mother ! What else I want in this world my dear cutie pie ". Her fingers touched her daughter's cheeks delicately as if the creator himself was touching the tender flower he created with satisfaction .!

A humble tribute to the wailing mother --Madhuri .😭

Excerpts from my last year's Mother's Day OS .

Edited by Snehamadhuri - 8 years ago
Viswasruti thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
Some of Seetha's great comments about Pratyusha and her acting skills !---
This type of expression is very rare to see ...a great opportunity to art lovers to witness the extraordinary talent ! An exhibition of great acting skill ,a demonstration of  the forthcoming  visual treat ...showcasing the character Anandi in the minds of the viewers !

Tulasi14 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 8 years ago
Came here looking for all My friends and hear that Pratsi is no more?at first could n't believe it but now indeed I have to believe it looking at all the posts searching for answers! May your soul rest in peace! my Dear!😭 Edited by Tulasi14 - 8 years ago
Tulasi14 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 8 years ago
We will miss you Prats! You will. Be living in our hearts as Anandi,a life cut short at a very young age! 
I pray to God to give strength to the family and all the fans!We will miss you !😭
Edited by Tulasi14 - 8 years ago
Viswasruti thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
Still in shock , unable to believe this news . 
A young bud was nipped from the life abruptly .
Rest in peace our dear girl .😭
NatalyMusketeer thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Commentator 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
