Virika FF: Of Pride & Prejudice - Page 26


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kryanvirika22 thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago
Amazing update
I'm glad that you're including a lot interactions between Viren and Jeevika
I'm absolutely loving this India track because they're finally clearing their misunderstandings and have apologized to each other
I love how Viren didn't make a big deal of Jeevika's apology and forgave her easily.
Can't wait to see how their friendship progresses
Update soon!
millee18 thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago
Omg those words for me! Those were too much!!! I love you so much :) ❤️

This update was so so so amazing! The way things are progressing I can totally imagine something good to happen btwn Virika or you can say I want it to happen!
Love the whole shopping part! That was so cute! And Viren totally blown away by Jeevika! That was so good!
They both are feeling bad for the way they acted and it's amazing:)
Hope to see more of them soon!

Thank you so much for updating it for me!
Sjam thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago
Hey! I agree with Mebin. Could we get an update please? I'm sure we're all eager to read more.

Dying to talk to you! But I think we're back to the same problems...
KryanVirikaLuv thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 7 years ago

Chapter 22 |


"But people themselves alter so much, that there is something new to be observed in them for ever."

  Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice


Viren knocked on the half-open door to Vanshika's room, poking his head in, "You ready, Maa?"

"Almost," she slid in a few more pins into her elegant coiffure, "It was very kind of Jeevika to invite us over for dinner, I'm anxious to meet her."

"I think you'll like her," Viren smiled. His mother cast him a searching look, but did not pursue the topic, instead saying gently, "I'm glad you went to Canada to study for your final year."

"You are?"

"Mmhmm. You've changed...or rather, you've returned to me as the Viren I remember...After your grandfather passed away and then with what happened with Virat and Maya, you became more serious and quiet. I rarely saw you smile and you could be, well, a little rude at times. Unintentionally, but you often came off that way to some people, particularly at the funeral."

Viren ran a hand through his hair ruefully, "I know. I didn't mean to...but I guess, that was just my way of dealing with the situation. It was rough. For all of us, I mean, not just me."

"I know," she patted his shoulder reassuringly, "I just meant that I'm glad to have you back."

Viren mused over her words a little more. Had it not been for Jeevika, he supposed he might never have realized how his prior behaviour had been affecting others. She had humbled him, in a way, and he wasn't ungrateful for it. The world didn't revolve around him. He had scorned the idea of women chasing him for his good looks and money and yet had used the same generalization to trick himself into believing there was no way in hell she'd turn him down...because who would? It was that arrogance that had blinded him and ended up hurting him.

"Shall we go?" Vanshika picked up her purse and asked.

He nodded, holding the door open for her as they left.



Jeevika hummed to herself as she stirred the pot. She had discovered from Priya that rajma chawal was a favourite of Viren's and she had decided to make it for the dinner.

"Someone looks cheerful," Beeji remarked as she entered the kitchen, getting a whiff of the cooking aroma, "Mm...that smells good."

"I've learned from the best, after all," Jeevika quipped, earning a smile from her grandmother. "Apparently Viren really likes it."

"Ah, does he?" her grandmother cast her a perceptive glance, "It was nice of him to drive you around yesterday, wasn't it?"

"Yes, he's a sweet guy," Jeevika said without thinking, then realized she meant it. "I thought I'd make him something he'd like in return for all his kindness."

"I'm sure he will love it," Beeji replied, then continued casually, "You know, they say the way to a man's heart is through his stomach..."

"Beeji!" Jeevika blushed despite herself, shaking her head, "Don't you get started now..."

"I'm only teasing you, child," her grandmother laughed as Jeevika turned off the stove and washed her hands, "They'll be here soon, won't they?"

"Yes, I'll just go change my clothes and be back," Jeevika nodded, quickly striding into her room and picking out a lemon yellow suit with a pretty pink and yellow dupatta. Upon hearing the doorbell ring, she scrambled in front of the mirror and then ran to get the door.

Viren smiled at her, "Hi, Jeevika, I'd like you to meet my mom."

Vanshika Vadhera stepped forward with a smile that was almost identical to her son's - Jeevika could certainly see the resemblance now - and said, "It's lovely to meet you, dear. Viren's told me a lot about you."

"He has?" Jeevika blurted out, wondering exactly how much he had told his mother, her eyes flitted back and forth between them warily, before she suddenly remembered her manners, "I'm Jeevika, it's really nice to meet you. Do come inside."

She ushered them in and sat beside Vanshika while Viren took the opposite chair. Beeji entered the room as well and the three women began to converse comfortably with one another - Vanshika allowed no room for awkward silences, she was a sweet, charming woman and in her own quiet way brought Jeevika out of her tongue-tied state. Viren remained quiet for the most part, interceding here and there when necessary.

"Jeevika's made dinner for today," Beeji announced with a proud smile, "She's an excellent cook. When she found out Viren liked rajma chawal, she decided to try it out for dinner."

Jeevika winced, her eyes flitting cautiously to Viren's, who looked pleasantly surprised. "Wow, I can't wait to try it," he said, "Who told you?"

"Priya," Jeevika spoke up before Beeji could, "We were talking...and...and it came up," she ended lamely, but Viren didn't seem to suspect anything and only nodded, while Beeji looked amused.

"Do you cook back at home, as well, Jeevika?" Vanshika inquired with interest.

 "Well, I live on res during university - I share a flat with my sister - and we usually split cooking duty between each other," she smiled.

"What are you studying?"

"Psychology. I'm planning on getting a teaching degree - I'd like to teach younger children."

"I was a teacher before I got married as well," Vanshika smiled, "It's a lovely job, if you have the patience for it."

"Jeevika does," Viren spoke up unexpectedly, "She's kind and compassionate. The kids'll love her." Vanshika turned to look at him with an expression akin to the one Beeji had given Jeevika and Viren turned sheepish.

"Thank you," Jeevika said softly, looking at him; she hadn't exactly been kind and compassionate to him, but he had always seen the best in her for some reason.

Beeji cleared her throat and said, "You must be hungry, I'll just go set the table."

Vanshika looked at her son, "Coming, Viren?"

Jeevika looked up to find him still looking at her with something unreadable in his gaze, a small smile playing about his lips.

"Viren?" Vanshika repeated, with amusement, not missing the exchange.

He started and broke eye contact with Jeevika, "Yes, Maa?"

Vanshika laughed, looking back at Jeevika and then said, "Come, we're going to have dinner now."

"Ah, okay," he rose up from his seat, evidently unaware he had been deaf to her prior calls. Jeevika stifled a smile and went to help Beeji.



At the table, after the rest of the Choudhary family had arrived and everyone delighted over Jeevika's cooking, Vanshika suggested the two go up to the terrace, while the rest finished eating. Viren followed Jeevika up the stairs and she asked shyly, "Will you be coming for the wedding, then?"

"Probably - judging by how my mother's getting along with your entire family like a house on fire," he chuckled, "She likes you as well, I can tell."

"I like her very much, too..." she hesitated, then said, "She mentioned during the dinner that your aunt had brought you up for much of your childhood. So I guess you're really close to her as well?"

"Mmhm, she's like a second mom, to be honest," Viren replied, "And she treats me as though I'm her own son. She's pretty lonely, living all by herself in Canada, even though she's a rich, independent business woman and that's part of the reason I decided to come for my final year to the university."

"What's the other part?" she asked, sitting on the swing, while he lounged on the little cot.

"Well, after what happened with Maya, I wanted to get out of Texas, go somewhere different with Virat, to help him get over it...and I think, in a way, I needed a fresh start as well."

"But, she followed you here as well," Jeevika murmured, with a surge of anger.

"I don't know. It could've been an accident? But, whatever the reason, I'm not happy for it. I didn't want to leave Virat by himself...I mean, without me...but he insisted I go and Maa really wanted me to come as well."

"I'm glad you came, too," Jeevika said gently, "It's given me a chance to get to know you a bit know, without all the misunderstandings..."

"Yeah, I'm pretty glad I came as well," he looked at her for a long moment, before changing the subject, "So, how are the wedding preparations going?"

"Good, good," she nodded, "I'm just gonna go by the venue - I mean, the house - tomorrow and make sure the decorations are okay."

"I can come pick you up or meet you there, if you want," he offered.

"No, it's fine, I don't want to bother you."

"Alright, I'll meet you there. Not to help out or anything," he raised his hands in defense as Jeevika opened her mouth, "Just to hang out. Cool?"

"But, won't Vanshika Aunty want you to spend the rest of your vacation with her?" Jeevika asked, worried, "You're leaving the day before me, after all and-"

"I'll just come for an hour or so, Maa won't mind," Viren reassured her, "Unless, you don't want to spend time with me?"

"Oh, no, I do-" it took a moment for Jeevika to realize he was teasing her, she'd never seen him so lighthearted and then she laughed, "Alright, fine. Tomorrow at four?"

"Sounds like a da...plan," Viren ended off on a subdued note and Jeevika realized he'd been about to say "date" without thinking.

"Viren!" Vanshika called. "Coming, Maa!" he responded, before looking back at Jeevika reluctantly, "Guess it's time to go."

"Thanks for coming," she got up, smiling and he got up as well, "Thanks for the food. It was pretty amazing."

She thought about hugging him goodbye, like she did all her friends, but something stopped her. Maybe it was because they were still on tentative footing with each other, or maybe it had more to do with the fact that hugging him didn't, wouldn't feel simple and platonic like it did when she hugged Charlotte or Manny. Because even now as they stood facing each other, there was a tangible current in the air between them - she'd previously put it down to mutual dislike, but now she knew it had a lot more to do with too many unspoken words and words that still lay between them, coupled with an intense flare of attraction from both parties.

She attempted to move past him, just as he turned and they collided, his arm catching her waist while her hands splayed over his chest. She looked up at him, wide-eyed. She'd never been this close to a guy before - or maybe she had, but it certainly didn't feel like this. Definitely not platonic.

"Sorry," she murmured, a strand of hair falling across her eye. He lifted a hand as though to brush it away for her and then stopped, hesitant, as though if he did so, he'd be crossing a line he dared not breach. He took a step back, letting go of her and stood aside, letting her walk in front of him first.

She moved past him, her heart thudding and something warm spreading throughout her insides. She had to repress a little delighted smile and she had no idea why, but for a little voice in her head that was whispering that it might be because Viren Vadhera made her completely...and perfectly...and incandescently...happy.  

A/N: Do leave your thoughts and reviews! I love reading what you think <3

kryanvirika05 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 7 years ago
Yayyy progress!!
Loved this light hearted cute chapter!!
So Jeevika does feel for him 😆
Clearly beeji and vanshika knew what was going on, with the food and the staring...hayeee...
Loved the terrace scene, so adorable!
And I cannot wait for their "date"

Loved it as always!
Rj_Kryanite thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago
Amazing as always .. Can't wait for d steamy romance to come up''
pinky.padda thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Networker 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago
amazing update
absolutely loved it
kryanvirika22 thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago
Lovely update as usual
I love how Jeevika is beginning to realize that she may have feelings for Viren
Their interactions are so cute and well-written
It seems like Vanshika and Beeji are realizing Virika's mutual attraction
Can't wait for their "date" and growing closeness.
Please update soon!!!
Sjam thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago
There's nothing more exciting than to see a great writer develop her characters in a beautiful way. And that's why I'm really excited!
This update had many elements of EHMMBH. The rajma chawal, Viren getting lost in Jeevika, the elders exchanging knowing looks, the terrace of the Hrishikesh house...I could go on...
This version has a lot more conversation, so we get to know these two characters better, as it's not just the two of them who need to discover the other's personality and mannerisms, but us readers do too. So conversation is great!
Jeevika's feelings have started changing, I sooo want to know how this charming man is going to win her heart.
I'm eager to know what's going on with Manvi and Virat as well, I hope that they're doing alright, and staying away from Maya.
Can't wait for the date, I mean, plan to hang out!
Thanks for the update! 

Dee-jay thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago
im loving this sotry. pls update soon!