Virika FF: Of Pride & Prejudice - Page 24


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Sjam thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago
This update has been absolutely flawless! It had me immediately go back and take out my copy of the original and read Lizzie's thoughts after she read Darcy's letter. So amazing! I'm glad after the initial stages of denial Jeevika has come to accept the truth. Not just the obvious one about Maya, but also about Manvi. It was really interesting to read what she made out of the letter. I also loved the way Manvi reacted to finding out the actual truth. Something exactly what Jane would have done. And also, wow, I wish I could be like Manvi, channel all my anger and hurt to focus on my studies, but alas! I also find some solace in this version more than the Jane Austen's because there's no Mrs. Bennet here. Despite having Beeji who like any elder member of an Indian family thinks a LOT about marriage, there is thankfully nobody in this story whose "only comfort is that Manvi will die of a broken heart, and then Virat will feel sorry for her." I'm seriously grateful for no Mrs. Bennet!
I love how you've written a POV for Viren as well. We obviously didn't get Darcy's POV, so I'm glad to see the guy with the broken heart...channeling his anguish into studies as well...Damn! I need to be like that! And also I liked how you also showed Viren comparing himself to Manny. As soon as I read that update, I thought, "Oh no! Viren's going to do the same thing." But obviously Manny moved on soon enough, Viren thinks that he'll never be able to stop loving Jeevika. Little does he know that that most certainly won't be a problem.
I also love how Virat and Manvi are looking out for their older siblings. On that note, really worried about Manvi! Hope she'll be alright, but...
Anyway I can't wait to see what happens next! I remember in the 1995 TV series version where they made Colin Firth's Darcy completely wet for his "abrupt appearance". I'm super excited to see how you write that...and just to let you know, I don't think anybody here minds a shirtless Viren for that scene. It would be really good for the story you know. But of course you're the writer.
Anyway enough of me. Thanks for an amazing update!
Edited by Sjam - 7 years ago
cuteariya thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 7 years ago
interesting update
jeevika was shocked know abt maya 😲
more over she was guilty for judging viren very badly
now manvi also know the truth but still both sisters & brothers r having ego
both couples should talk & clear their problems rather then showing their ego & ignoring each other
viren felt bad for behaving like manny
oops jeevika's cousin going to marry at viren place as they rent it 🤔
now what jeevika gonna do if she will see viren?
continue plz
pinky.padda thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Networker 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago
awesome update
totally brilliant
loved it
adoomy_krystle thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago
Sorry I'm late but I totally loved this update !! ❤️

So good to know jeevika knows the truth aswell as manvi, but they both Still aren't talking to each other :( Hope everything is sorted out between them !!

Omgg jeevika's cousin is getting married in virens house as his grandfather gave him the property of the place !!

Can't wait to read more... Update soon !! Loved this updateee
Kays94 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 7 years ago
loving the story right now!!
firstly got to acknowledge how well you portray the main characters with this story
you're a flawless writer 👏👏👏 
the relationship between the siblings is amazing!! 
besides that the small details and the though process you write of each character is superb!! 
going to be really interesting to read the next update of Jeevika at the wedding!!
continue soon and thank you for the PM!! ❤️ 
KryanVirikaLuv thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 7 years ago

Chapter 20 |


"They were within twenty yards of each other, and so abrupt was his appearance, that it was impossible to avoid his sight."

-          Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice


Jeevika gaped at her aunt after the casual announcement. Of all people, how had it been possible for the property in question to belong to Viren Vadhera? Of all people?

"Beeji...I don't know if I want to go all the way to Chandigarh just to see the property...I mean, I'll see it at the wedding anyway," she said hesitantly.

Her grandmother looked surprised, "I can't go by myself, Jeevika, I'd prefer to have you with me. And besides, it's a beautiful place, judging from the photographs, why wouldn't you want to see it?"

Jeevika threw in a desperate excuse, "I don't really have that much love for big houses, remember when we were house-hunting? Manvi and I were really bored by the end of it..."

"It's not just a big house, dear," her aunt interjected, "The grounds are gorgeous as well, it's such a picturesque area, I'm sure you'll love it."

Realizing there was no possibly way out of the excursion, Jeevika conceded, "Alright...none of members are currently in the country, are they?"

"No, none of them are visiting, I believe," her aunt smiled, going back to discussing over the decorations.

It shouldn't be a problem, Jeevika reasoned with herself, after all, he was still in Toronto, he'd probably never know...still, something in her warred at the thought of visiting his childhood home. It was far too intimate, too personal and she had lost any right to becoming better acquainted with him the moment she'd turned him down.

She thought back to the last time she'd seen Maya. Ever since reading Viren's letter, she had kept a watchful eye on the girl and detected certain aspects of her character she'd previously missed out on. Yes, Maya had a cheerful, charming demeanour and a sweet manner of speaking...however, Jeevika also noted the girl had a tendency to too often paint herself in the light of a victim, she complained often and on more than one occasion, Jeevika realized she was more prone to mocking than teasing.

So, a few days before her trip, when Maya sought her out for some conversation at lunch, Jeevika lightly mentioned, "I spent some time with Viren the other day while I was waiting for the bus."

"You did?" Maya's expression indicated some alarm, "How did that go?"

"It went fine," Jeevika said carefully, "He didn't seem that bad when he spoke to me."

"Really?" Maya looked a little tense, before changing her tone to a lightly mocking style, "Maybe it's possible the man's turned over a new leaf? Become more polite? I believe him completely changing for the better is a little much to hope for," she ended off with a soft laugh.

"No..." Jeevika responded slowly, "I think he's exactly the same as he's always been."

Maya had looked unsure of the meaning behind Jeevika's words.

"When I said he didn't seem that bad when he spoke to me, I meant more that I could understand his behaviour better," Jeevika continued, catching Maya's look of agitation.

"I hope you aren't going to be fooled by it. I told you about everything he did to me, what a horrible person he is...I don't want you to fall into a trap just because he's physically attractive..."

"I think I can take care of myself," Jeevika smiled back before Maya could continue with her tale of false woes.

Now, thinking back to the encounter, she felt more embarrassed than ever over how she'd treated Viren. The knowledge that she would visit his childhood home without his knowledge troubled her, but there was hardly anything she could do to get out of it.



The next day, as Jeevika drove her uncle's car to Chandigarh, she had a deep sense of foreboding and wished she could simply turn back. But, there was no turning back now.

"There's the house!" Beeji exclaimed and Jeevika looked up beyond the road ahead to see the large white mansion atop a hill beyond the rows of houses and streets. Wow, she exhaled a breath of awe. It was definitely beautiful. And huge. She'd known Viren was rich, but to see it right in front of her eyes...well, it was quite unsettling.

Driving past the gates, which opened for them after a brief introduction to the watchmen stationed outside, Jeevika noted the grounds were indeed exquisite. It was a huge expanse of land, freshly-mowed grass, flora and a thicket of trees behind the house that she longed to explore. She parked right in front of the place and got out of the car with Beeji as a round, beaming woman who looked to be about fifty approached them.

"Ah, you must be Mrs. Choudary and Ms. Choudary," the woman smiled, as the nodded in return, "I'm Priya, I've been the housekeeper of the house for about twenty years now. Come on in and I'll show you around and we can discuss the arrangements."

Jeevika and her grandmother followed her in. It took a moment for Jeevika to digest the main hall itself. The whole interior was beautifully furnished and the architecture was truly stunning. Everything was impeccably maintained, from the gleaming, varnished floors to the crystal chandelier hanging from the ceiling. She was hardly paying attention to whatever Priya was saying, she was so mesmerized by the loveliness of the place. Then she suddenly recalled who the house belonged to and sobered. "The owner...he's not here right now is he?" she ventured to ask.

"Oh, no," the housekeeper shook her head with a smile, as they went up the stairs to the second floor, "He's studying abroad, he won't be back for a while. The last time he was here was early this year, oh here's a nice photo of him!" she pointed to a photograph on the wall of Viren.

Jeevika sucked in a breath. He'd always been attractive, she'd been able to admit that, but there was something about this photo of him...You could tell it was a candid shot of him, he probably hadn't been aware that the camera had even clicked. He was caught mid-laugh, with such an air of boyish happiness, it made him appear younger, kinder, gentler. She'd never seen him this way before, he was usually so solemn and quiet, but here, he possessed a kind of appeal she'd been previously missing out on, unless...she remembered their first encounter, when she'd fallen out of a tree and he'd caught her in his arms. She'd been definitely drawn to him then; she'd been lured by those eyes...

"Don't you think he's a handsome young man?" Priya said fondly and it took a moment for Jeevika to realize the woman had directed the question at her.

She swallowed, "Yes, very handsome."

"His younger brother is just as good-looking," the woman continued, indicating another photo on the wall of Viren with Virat, probably taken a good few years back. Viren's arm was slung around Virat's shoulders, he was taller than him here, and their was a good-natured ease and affection in his countenance. "We don't see much of either of them here any more."

Beeji spoke up, "Well, I suppose when the eldest settles down and marries, he might return to live here."

The woman smiled, "Perhaps. But I don't know if there's a girl good enough for him."

Jeevika thought that to be a bit of an exaggeration, but then the woman continued, "Everyone who knows him would say the same thing. I've never heard him be rude or cruel to anyone in his life and I've known him since he was a little boy and he'd come to visit every year."

Jeevika listened to her words with no small amount of surprise. She had always assumed him to be gruff and ill-mannered, but this woman who had known him for most of his life had just proved him to be the very opposite.

"Really?" Beeji smiled, inviting more words of praise from the housekeeper, "You must be very lucky to work for him."

"I am," Priya nodded fervently, "I couldn't ask for a better employer."

"His grandfather was a good man, I met him a few times," Beeji replied.

"Yes, he was. I'm sure his grandson will be just as good and generous. There are some people who think him dispassionate, but in truth, he is extremely kind and gentle. Most other young men his age are wild and immature, but Virenji has always been very calm and grounded."

Jeevika could hardly believe the woman's words, her mind rapidly forming a much clearer portrait of Viren Vadhera. She'd always based her judgments concerning him on vaguely negative assumptions, but the honest, affectionate words from this woman were swiftly revealing his true character to be...well...likeable. A man she could love.

She was stunned at the sudden thought and quickly pushed it aside as foolishness. Just because you've discovered him to be kind to his employees, that doesn't mean you start forming romantic attachments towards him all at once, she berated herself sternly. Besides, it wasn't as though there was any hope for her left now.

Her gaze caught the garden outside the window, blooming with beautiful, bright flowers. "Can we go outside?" she asked eagerly.

"Of course," Priya responded graciously, leading them back down the stairs and out the veranda, "Feel free to explore if you'd like. There is a small clearing of woods at the back and a river if you'd like to see."

"Jeevika, you go ahead," Beeji interjected, "I'll just discuss the rest of the details concerning the wedding arrangements with Priya."

Jeevika readily agreed. She was far more at home in the outdoors than the interior, as beautiful as it all way. The garden had to be the most gorgeous thing she'd ever seen; it was extremely well-tended to and tastefully arranged with multiple varieties of flowers. She wandered off, curious to take a quick perusal of the woods beyond, humming softly to herself.

She'd never felt so at peace as she did now, stepping past the trees. She could hear the soft trickle of a stream, or maybe a small river, and she followed the sound...and then she stopped abruptly, stunned.

There was someone in the river. Or, to be more precise, a young man. Even from afar, he was gorgeous, all lean, rippling muscle and light brown skin. If she was closer, she probably would've been able to see tiny rivulets of water running down his back, she imagined. Then she gave herself a stern little shake and turned back around, blushing. She'd better not be caught staring at him like some creep, no matter how attractive he was. Then, she frowned. How could this man go for a little swim in the river that belonged on private property? He was trespassing, that's what he was! She should probably let Priya know.

She started striding out of the woods and then stopped, uncertain. Which way led back to the house? She looked around, but everything appeared disorientingly similar. Damn. How had she managed to lose the path? "Must've been when you were distracted by an aesthetically appealing stranger," she muttered to herself, annoyed.

She decided she'd attempt to find her way out and if not, call Beeji. Priya could send one of the servants to find her, she reasoned, remaining calm. It wasn't as though there were any wild animals here. But, there was an illegally intruding young man...

"Aah!" she shrieked, as something grabbed her arm, pushing her back against the tree she was leaning against. Or rather, someone.

Someone who looked heart-stoppingly familiar.

"Jeevika?" Viren looked at her in stark shock.

She couldn't move, couldn't speak, she was so astonished. He looked a little different, perhaps because he was so disheveled, but it was definitely him. seemed he was also the man she'd been ogling at the stream, judging by his tousled, damp hair and hastily-thrown-on white shirt that clung to his wet skin, revealing hints of those finely cut muscles. And he was extremely close, still holding onto her arm, searching her face with disbelief.

He took a step back, running a hand through his dripping hair - she desperately attempted not to stare and failed - and he asked, "What are you doing here?"

Her heart sank, he didn't want to see her and how could she blame him? She stuttered at first, averting her eyes, "I-I'm here with my grandmother. My cousin's getting married in a few days my aunt rented the property from we came to check it out...but, I swear, if I'd known you were here, I'd never have come," she appealed earnestly, "I didn't mean to bother you or anything like that -"

"Oh, right, my mum mentioned that to me, but I forgot," his face lit with understanding, "Don't worry about it. I didn't know what you were doing here and I thought you were trespassing and that's why I grabbed you like that, I'm really sorry."

She was at fault and yet he was apologizing? She looked up at him shyly, "That's okay, I don't blame you. I just came to see the woods. You have a beautiful home."

"Thank you," he smiled gently. There was an awkward pause, as both seemed to remember their last encounter with each other and then he cleared his throat, "How's your family?"

"They're all fine," Jeevika replied, "Beeji's back at the house, talking to Priya."

"And Manvi?"

"She's home in Toronto, she couldn't make it for the wedding."

" you lost?" he queried, looking around.

"Yeah," she nodded gratefully, "I didn't mean to come in so far, but I wanted to see the river and-" she stopped, blushing even harder. Viren looked a little sheepish himself, "I usually like to take a little swim...I arrived yesterday, but I was visiting some of my other family members and then I thought I might as well come her to say hi to Priya and the rest of the staff, let them know I'm in the country..." his voice trailed off as he didn't seem to know what to say, "Here, let's get out of here. This way..."

Jeevika followed him out in silence, not knowing what to say, what to think even. He was being so polite and kind, she felt even more ashamed of her prior behaviour. As they made their way out, she could see Beeji and Priya approaching.

"We were worried, you were taking so long!" Beeji exclaimed, then looked at Viren in confusion, "Who's this?"

"Virenji, you're home at last," Priya ran towards him, engulfing him in a motherly hug which Viren returned, smiling broadly. Jeevika only gaped. In most households, she doubted the owner of the house would ever show such affection towards a servant and yet Viren was smiling and talking to the woman like she was family.

"Hi, you must be Jeevika's grandmother," Viren paid his respects in the traditional manner to Beeji. The old woman smiled at him, "You know my granddaughter?"

"We have classes together at university," Viren explained.

"Jeevika, you never told me," Beeji looked at her and Jeevika blushed even harder with mortification.

Viren saved her from further embarrassment, "I hope you're enjoying your stay in India."

"Yes, very much," Beeji responded warmly, "Thank you for allowing us to rent out your home for my grand-niece's wedding."

"That's totally fine, it wasn't really me. My mother usually takes care of these things, she only told me about it. I just came to visit some other family and I thought I'd stop by at the house."

Jeevika stayed silent as Viren smoothly took over the conversation, utterly charming her elderly grandmother. She'd never seen this side of him before. Virat had always been the charming, affable one. Yet, Viren seemed so at home here, so comfortable, even with total strangers. Or perhaps, he'd always been this good-natured, she thought. She'd just never noticed it.

"Thank you, again," Beeji smiled as she and Jeevika were about to depart - Jeevika was already seated in the car - "We would love if you could come to the wedding, or even visit us at home one day."

"That's very kind of you," Viren smiled back gently, "I'd love to."

He opened the door for Beeji, helping her into the car, even catching her slipper for her as it slid from her foot to the ground and placing it back under her foot in a gentlemanly manner. Beeji blessed him in Hindi, patting his shoulder and Viren waved as Jeevika drove away.

"What a nice young man," Beeji commented, "I'm surprised you haven't mentioned him before."

"We've never been particularly close," Jeevika said uncomfortably.

"I like him even better than that boy...what's his name...Monty?"

"Manny," Jeevika stifled a laugh.

"Yes, yes, whatever. This Viren seems like a very good boy, very cultured and calm. Handsome, too. I hope we'll see more of him," her grandmother shot her a sideways glance.

Jeevika caught it and warned with a laugh, "Don't start now. I'm only twenty-one."

"I was already married with a baby, at your age," Beeji teased.

"Beeji," Jeevika complained.

"Alright, alright, I won't trouble you. Still, he's a very nice boy."

Yes, he is, Jeevika thought with a small smile, remembering how he'd knelt down to help her grandmother with her slipper. Nice boy, indeed.

A/N: Ah, hope you liked that! I mean, who wouldn't like to read about a half-dressed, dripping wet Viren? ;) If you're in need of some visual aid, just go watch that Dekho Na Dekho Na sequence 😆 Anyway, this chapter was written entirely from Jeevika's perspective, the next update will probably be written entire from Viren's. The bit about Jeevs accidentally walking on Viren taking a swim was inspired by the 1995 miniseries - where Elizabeth meets Darcy (post-swim) in a transparent white shirt :') I had a feeling y'all might appreciate it.

Please do leave your thoughts and reviews :) I always love reading what you think <3

Edited by KryanVirikaLuv - 7 years ago
Crazy.kryanians thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago
Wow serah this is so so amazing. I can't get enough of it and yayyy finally jeevika is forming a better image of our virenji.

You know what when you wrote"he was caught mid-laugh, with such an air of boyish happiness, it made him appear younger, kinder, gentler. " it formed a image of Karan in my mind the one from praveen bhat's photoshoot.

Can't get enough of this update waiting for more interactions of virika.

Lots of love.
pinky.padda thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Networker 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago
in india at the same time
and now invited to the wedding
cannot wait to read what happens next
awesome update
cuteariya thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 7 years ago
I really don't like that viren was so nice with jeevika even after that horrible fight 🤢
jeevika shoud be ashamed for she did 😡
she heard only 1 side story & judge viren very rudely 😡
after hearing & seeing how viren treat other now feeling guilty 🤪
ita not that I hate jeevika but surly I hated the way she was rude to viren 🤢
uff now beeji start viren puran
continue plz
millee18 thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago
Woah that was an intense update!
Loved Virika meeting again each other <3
Viren must have looked Hottt! That i can imagine ;)
Totally loving Beeji liking Viren and want to hook him up with Jeevika :)
Waiting for the next part to know will Viren go to wedding or not?! Or how the story will progress now !!!