HUMSAAYA # thread link on pg 142 - Page 28


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-indu- thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 9 years ago

Hello Friends... How r u all... Brfore update.. i want to say say thing... I used to type all the updates in my ipad and updated throught that only.. but recently my Ipad fell down and now it is in coma😭.. i have sent it for recovery... and now i have to type all the updatres on system and my 2 1/2 years son doesnt allow me to... So i will type and update in small parts and when ever possible.. so plz bear with me for few days.. thank you🤗

Part # 44

Anu looked at geet and sighed... she said to meera.. MB.. i don't think geet did anything wrong .. she does call bhai with his name.. that's not a wrong thing.. i think calling someone by their name is disrespecting them as you said...

Meera - but Anu.. don't you think... she should give him repect.. he is elder to her...

Anu - when did she disrespect bhai... did she say anything... she always refers him as Aap in house and sir in office..

Meera - I didn't like her calling him by his name... meera simply stated...


Anu looked at her and thought of something and said .. Leave it... lets go to Dadi.. i will show this new bracelet to her..

Meera nodded and both of them left to meet Dadi...


Here.. Maaneet were having their sweet time...


Maan pulled geet inside their room as soon as he saw her passing from there...


Geet got startled.. but she knew no one can do such dare other than him... Maan closed the door and geet came out of his grip and saw him with an annoyed look.. Maan was surprised... but he understood geet is angry...


Geet - Maan.. what is this...


Maan - nothing.. just grabbing some time with my wife...


Geet  - but it doesn't look like... it looks like u r a teenager and trying to..


Maan pulled geet and said.. yes I have become a teenager in love...what to do when I don't get time to spend with my beautiful  mishty.. and added she is angry on me...


Geet looked at him and she wondered when is she angry.. she then remembered they gyan given by naina and anu.. she smiled inwardly and said.. yes.. u r right.. when a hubby does these type of this which you have done I have every right to be angry.. don't I...she said making a straight face.


So madam is really angry.. maan thought - he said Ofcource jaan.. u have.. every right to be angry.. but I don't understand one thing.. morning u were normal.. then what happened suddenly...


Geet putting her hands aroung him and said... this is gyan given by my two sweet friends.. naina and anu...


Maan - so these two are spoinling my wifey.. I must be careful from now... he said pulling her more...


Geet - Maan.. I am not a small girl to get spoiled.. I have a brain and I know how to use it.. but I didn't like one thing you did..


Maan - I must thank god for giving you some brain and not blindly following Anu and naina.. but what did I do...


Geet - You shouldnt have shoute anu like that at lunch.. I know she is being silly.. but you could have explained her later... she was very upset at that time..


Maa - I know geet.. I was rude to her.. but she has to learn something before marriage only.. I may sound rude but I want her to be happy later..aunty and uncle will not say anything nor Rohan.. but I can't send her there like that.. she needs to understand ...certain thing change after marriage...


Geet - Maan..nobody is perfect.. she will learn with time... And I think you should about ur sister instead of her to be inlaws.. will they keep her happy.. will she be happy going there.. but u r more concerned about rohan.. what kind of brother you are..


Maan - That is coz I know them from my childhood...And I know rohan will not misunderstand her.. he will support her .. and madam...  I said sorry and gave her a gift... and now ur turn.. I got something for you too...


Geet - but Maan .. I don't want anything... I have you.. what else I need...


Maan - no geet.. this is ur right.. I should have done this earlier .. but.. I wanted this to be special.. see what I have got for you..


He went to the table and picked up his laptop bag.. he opened it and took out an envelope...  Left his bad and came to geet and handled her the envelope... see this  he said...


Geet - what is this.. this is a bank envelope...

Maan - yes.. now open it and see...

Geet opened the envelope and took out a card from that.. and she looked at with wide eyes...and looked at him...


Maan- what didn't like it... he asked seeing her reaction...

Geet - no.. not that.. but why do I need a debit card...

Maan - Geet u r working in KC.. so this is ur right.. and I want to open a new account for u with my name attached..and we cant disclose our marriage now  so I chose this bank when all the other accounts are in another bank... now tell mw how do you like the card..


Geet said looking at he card - Card is handsome...


Maan - and what about the guy on the card...


Geet - Umm...OK..


Maan - what only OK..


Geet - Yes coz.. the person is more handsome in real that in the pic.. she said winking at him...


Maan- I didn't knew that... So I am handsome..umm..


Geet - Arent you.. I thought you knew that..


Maan - I knew.. but hearing it from you is a different thing... He said winking at her...


Geet was still holding the envelope and another card fell from that.. Geet picked it up and saw the card.. she was stunned... she hadn't expected this ... she said Maan slowly... This...


Maan - Why.. is this not good.. I wanted my mishty with me all the time.. so I also opened an account...


Geet with tears.. Your mishty is with you all the time.. in house.. in office.. and what more do you want..


Maan - I want her to be with me 24*7 he said grinning...


Geet - Maan.. you are becoming such a romeo day by day..


Maan - Yes my Juliet.. Maan said pulling her into a kiss... 

Geet pulled out and asked - Maan how and where did you got this pic...

Maan - I have clicked it at marriage.. before you got to know about meera's missing.. you were smiling and giving poses for the photographer and i took this then...

Geet - This is very bad.. you click pic of girls without their knowledge... Very bad...

Maan - I dont care... and now dont disturb me..

Geet-  What... before she could complete.. maan pulled her into another kiss... 

They both were in another world... when maan's phone rang disturbing their moment...

A Special thanks to Lakshu😳🤗❤️ for the eidts..

Here is the update... over to you now...

Next part.. when typed😳😆

leave ur comment...

Edited by -indu- - 9 years ago
sanum23 thumbnail
Visit Streak 500 0 Thumbnail Anniversary 12 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: 9 years ago
nice ud 
meera making fuss that y geet calling maan by name 
anu defending geet
in maan room maan romancing with his wife
and giving gift 
if meera so these card ...
jasika08 thumbnail
Visit Streak 1000 0 Thumbnail Visit Streak 750 0 Thumbnail + 9
Posted: 9 years ago
Lovely update
Waiting for next update
rashmiverma thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
dnt lyk it whn meera put her nose between maan n geet.. but lyk the gift thats so dreamy.. hehe
sanghita0000 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 9 years ago
awesome update dear...loved it...
Inspite of so much problem u r updating...I appreciate a lot...thank u
fict thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
lovely update. maan romancing his mishty😉

Thanks for pm.
Edited by fict - 9 years ago
--Ratna-- thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 9 years ago
Indu 🤗...thank u so much for the awesome updates...finally finished reading...hayeee u included Mahesh in this story ...never expected this surprise...what an entrance for our hero 😃...i am so glad u are a YaRav fan Yami and Gaurav so much ❤️...thank many twists and turns...was worried when Maan did not come home...glad everyone is ok now ...Meera and her jealousy 😡...Maan's care and concern for Anu was so many dushman for Maaneet romance...did the phone have to ring just then 😕...sorry to hear about your ipad...hope it is repaired soon...till then small updates are ok...hugs and kisses to your 😊
suni_104 thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 9 years ago
Superb update
Thanks for pm

love2_soma thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 9 years ago
sooo cute...

superb update...

loved it very much...

thank u very much fr d lovely update n fr d pm also...

eagerly waiting fr d nxt prt...

continue soon plz...

tabby999 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 9 years ago
hi indu
love the update 
maneet teasing each other ..meera is gone case ..
love the card's concept ..

thank u for update 
waiting for next