Originally posted by: Bikica
Just to say hello to you all, wish you a nice rest of the evening and our friends, beautiful morning.
Enjoy every seconds, minutes, hours, days your lifeπ€
Tek tako...za dusu se zasilo jedno ime(SY), jedan lik, jedan daleki svet.
Tek tako...u oku ucrtao onako bez mane savrseno, zauvek.
Tek tako...poput vremena, skriveno, tajno, nedokucivo, neophodno.
Tek tako...odnekud, jedan razliciti svet, postane razlog, osmeh, smisao...LJUBAV --------------------Love SYβ€οΈ
Just like that...one name (SY)sewed up on my soul, one couple,one distant world
Just like that...it drew itself in my eye, fautless, just perfect, forever.
Just like that...like a time, hidden, secret,unobtainable, necessary.
Just like that...from somewhere, one different world, became a reason, a smile, a meaning...LOVE---------Love SYβ€οΈ
Jeste stari rad ali ...π It is an old work, but...π
"When I miss you, it is not just plain missing of anything...it is missing of EVERYTHING" AnandiGood night all girlsπ€
Oprostite ja sam bas zauzeta,imam toliko toga da zavrsim,uradim,svaki dan mi se to skuplja,gomila,nikako ne mogu da stignem da budem vise na FCSY i ovde i bilo gde drugde.Zaista nista ne postizavam,a imam i licnih obaveza.π
I am sorry, but I am so much occupied, have so many things to do, to finish, every day it all just pile up together, on one heap so I just can not manage to be more in FC or here, or anywhere else. I can not accomplish anything, and I have my personal obligations as wellπ
Non stop kada sam za kompom radim nesto kao npr.π
Non stop when I am at my computer I do something like this π