Don't let us get sick...Sonam amazing Interview..must read

Pirated_Fun thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 10 years ago


Yes, Sonam Kapoor is my wife. We engaged in conversation, married in dialogue; honeymooned in analogue. And she'll widow herself by shooting me tonight.

*Gibigianna (n.) - a woman who flaunts her charm or who wishes to dazzle you with her elegance. 

And the dance continues, right into the carnal desires of Midsummer Nights of hosting dinner parties and water fights. We're April fools for not dropping out at 14. Schools' a cesspool of bad dreams and H2SO4. You can make that shit at home with some Copper Sulfate.
But we're takin' it nice and slow, like first sex. 
"Close the escrow"... she says... "Open a Bordeaux". 
     And I do - forsaking the coffee alibied talk show for reruns of The X Files to catch a mid-90s VFX-ed U.F.O. Scully was doing the driving, which she preferred. Mulder knew only two speeds: fast and faster. 
"What do you think Mulder?"... Scully said.
"I think we should sleep with the lights on Scully"... he replied.
     But it was them you know; Fox and Dana, Tommy and Gina, Sid and Nancy, Kurt and Courtney. Something told me I was typing out the last of the love scenes for the last of the great movies. 
"The movies"... I say to myself..."The cinema, where dreams were made on."
     And so I start typing. Had to be sensual and flirty more than rough and dirty. We were together tonight. Phones were turned off. My answering machine gets my messages: ex-girlfriends, coach T, the friend who wants cocaine, cat who lost on a jugular vein, the kid who never got laid and pines a blowjob on that dream train, and Rumi, who's been dead for centuries. He says there's a field out there, beyond rightdoings and wrongdoings. 
"I'll meet you there"... he says.
     I'll you THIS: it's either the end of the f**kin' world or the best damn block party since 1969. The organ of corti is sensitive to political parties and narcotics. But you gotta bring a date right? Someone to circumnavigate through the callings of fate. So I ask Sonam Kapoor.
The full tilt diva says yes. 
"Engage me in conversation"... she says.
"I'll marry you"... I reply.
     She doesn't know it, but I'm practically down on one knee, proposing metaphorically, as yet another evening fell on yet another city that's too strung out to sleep. Cities on dope, wide awake as BBC; can't sleep no matter how many drinks its has or how much Propofol you shoot in its veins. Never figured cities to be insomniacs. But they are. And we wonder why Rome is burning. But Sonam is my date, my chance, the Butch to my Sundance. 
     She's is an inefficient liar, that's her kryptonite. She WILL die if her life depends on it. She's every kind of misunderstood, like Robin of the hood. The movie business is a Gulf Stream of bad dreams - arguments, settlements, indictment; enhancements in the breast area. When you're born famous you turn into the world kind of person. But she didn't; must have been a freak.
     Kalki Koechlin steps in and says, "The time for being wounded is over". But she's hangin' out in the U.S.A at the moment; probably trying on silk shirts and cigars. She's pretty badass. 
So is Sonam. 
     She wears her celebrity like a sunscreen; to protect herself from ultraviolet rays and stuff. She's no bimbette; or a love-struck Juliet, waiting on an Alfa-Romeo. She's all heart. And no, you can't peek into her blouse. Her Kung Fu is strong.
"Why me?"... She asks.
"Why not?"... I reply.  
     Sure she makes terrific copy; sounds standoffish each time she says, "That's all rubbish". But that's because her hearts' unpublished. 
     She's a spider Lily flower, swaying many miles an hour; smelling like a baby shower, leaning like a watch tower. When her time comes, she won't rest in peace like the rest of us; she'll rest in our stories. These pages will show, and the world it will know, she was here once. But dying is unbecoming, let's not talk of it. There is too much living yet to be done. So we're returning to the blank page a little braver, and a whole lot sober.
     I'm in her fan-club now. She's pretty f**kin' magic. And I'm claiming her. Her dads' not gonna like that, but running from him is an option. You cant mess with Anil Kapoor. He'll kick your ass ten ways to Sunday. 
     But Sonam, she wants to grab a hip, give it a slow kiss, smudge her own mascara and do it in the French Riviera to add to the hysteria of movie-star dating rituals. Its megalomania vs. Wrestle Mania.
Sonam invited me to her set; she was filming her next; sticking to text messages over calls.
I say yes, and arrive fashionably late.
That's supposed to be her job; right out of "How to be a movie star for dummies".
Her manager Tina walks me inside.
     I'm expecting Diet Pepsi, lights, doobies, boobies, long-drawn confessions, breakdown, megaphones, cigarettes, condoms, whiskey, pet snakes, a monkey named "Bubbles", salads, oysters, avocados, genuine leather, artificial weather, stationary, plug points, hair dryers, kohl, cocaine, Hip Hop, talc, novels, jeans, thongs, Aloe Vera plants, The Beatles, Mercedes Benz, and machine guns loaded with depleted Uranium shells. 
I sat in Sonam's trailer for a bit: mineral water and taking a piss. 
     She walked in dressed as a bride looking unbearable beautiful. Her hand is unusually warm - she's probably avoided drinking water. But sing this in the tune of the Bohemian Rhapsody: "Trendy little darling; very, very charming". 
     We were going to paint the sky with as much silver as we could use. The stars were shining on. She lifts her pallet knife and starts work on our still-life. We get into the back seat of her BMW and drive off home. She's chirpy, like a bird. Scary little creatures; minions of the Antichrist. But it's better than movie stars showing up in Cashmere.  Bet Sonam has a collection of shoes, and garter belts, everything that caters to the fairer sex.
I pulled out an old Dictaphone and pushed in a micro-cassette. 
     Sonam takes a moment. I'm an analogue guy, she's a digital girl. But the Universe had fortunately bent over backwards for us. 

I always wanted to ask you, when you were filming that song from Delhi 6, did they really put a pigeon on your head?

Oh yeah. That was a real f**king pigeon on my head. I had to train with it.

(Laughs) You trained with a pigeon?

Well, yeah. Dude, it had to be comfortable on my bloody head and shoulders. 

Birds are scary.

No they're not. (Laughs) What shit? At best, it was going to crap on me. I'm not scared of animals at all. I love them. (Fiddling) Animals and children, I get. And they get me. People not so much. But I have a tendency to be liked by kids.

I loved that picture, Delhi 6. Had this primary text-book quality to it.

What do you mean?

There's a moral to the story. Why'd you do it?

Well, "Saawariyaa" wasn't released yet.  And Rakeysh Mehra has just made "Rang De Basanti", which was such a great picture. We were fans. And I get this call saying, look, he wants to sit with you. So now I'm jumping. (Smiles) And so I met him. We got talking. And I kid you not, a few hours into the meeting we sort of fell in love with each other. He was auditioning a lot of girls for this one. (Laughs). But alright, the script has layers to it. There was the Ram-Leela in motion. The Ramayana. Great epic. And it's very symbolic of things, the perfect husband, and the perfect wife sort of thing. The perfect king. And through the film, we ourselves became symbols. The characters of the film I mean. My character represented the youth of India, "Bittu Sharma". You know what I'm saying? Om Puri was the patriarch of the family. Picture the middle class. Abhishek's (Bachchan) character "Roshan" was someone who was discovering India from within. Hence the name Roshan - he was shedding light on things. Delhi 6 WAS India. And I found something utterly liberating in Bittu Sharma as a character - she didn't want to be another "Bahu". She didn't want to make "Aachar" with the other women in the family. (Laughs) If you revisit the picture, you'll see she's barely with the mother. She's always with her father. 

Give me a moment.

(Laughs) why?

Because I got a feeling of being force fed from that picture. Free value education. Which is good. It's the stuff that rock bands can get away with; megalomania. Do you like being famous at all?

Sure I do. (Pauses) Every once in a while you have a go at yourself. Ask some difficult questions. "Why are we here?" Those questions. (Pauses) Maybe the goal is happiness. Maybe it's to live life a certain way. Do things that please us. Some people choose to be conspicuous. Fame on the other hand, allows you to make an impact. And a hard one. You can change someone's life by pulling your craft. I'm an actor. I do my job. I want to set trends. I want to use that to do good. Bring something good to someone else's life. Isn't that why you writers write? Or painters paint? Or people make films? Why we go to work basically. To be remembered. We want our name to go down in posterity. What else is there to do? Did you ever read Ayn Rand when you were younger?

Just "The Fountainhead".

Everybody has read The Fountainhead. It bullshit after 10 years. There's a line that really got to me, from "Atlas Shrugged". Which made a very strong impact on me. (Quotes) "Fransisco, what's the most depraved type of human being?"

"The man without purpose."

I thought we do it to fill a void. 

Maybe we fill a void. But without purpose, we're f**ked. You need something to drive you, at a gut level. I don't judge people who squander their life away. I'm saying I'd be lost without purpose. The idea of fame; is not forgetting yourself. It's a great way to meet yourself. The contrast. Because you can't act 24/7. I'm not in character right now.

Have you read a novella called "Into the Wild?" Christopher McCandless.

I have, I have. Love it.

He writes "Happiness is only real when shared". Using that logic, the more famous you are, the happier you can be...

...(Interrupting) Celebrity can be a lonely place. Sometimes, you prefer isolation.  But to be famous, and still connect, there's an idea. You can't think of your place in society as a morally higher ground. You can't belittle someone else, the ones who don't share your power, or place. Ideally fame brings opportunity. You're not different or better, you're only lucky. Pretty f**king simple. You're just lucky. I'm sure there are prettier girls out there, who can act, who are better than I am. But I'm here. (Pauses, and lowers her voice) That's my fortune. I was born in THIS family. I was discovered early. No doubt I worked very hard; but who doesn't? It's the meeting of luck and work. (Blushes a little like she often does). 

Go on a relative tangent with me.

Okay. Sure.

Keeping that novella in mind, mind you. (Smiles) Think about it, you bake a cake, smoke a doob, grab a boob, whatever, put it on Twitter. You're now sharing your day with others. Does your celebrity ever help you come clean?

You mean say things you want to say to people but can't? Ah. Honestly, I've pulled a lot of things. But you cannot help other people's opinion about you. You can't force these things. I'm an actor. I'd rather be spoken about. Being ignored isn't good for my business. Then, I'm f**ked. Grander scheme always. (Laughs). This is my job. I work so people can see my work. You're a writer; you're out there for them. Sure the world can be cruel. It can be jarring. Sometimes it makes me wonder, when you see cruelty: is that even possible. Can people be so ugly? 

Do you suffer from compassion fatigue? We can DDX (Differential diagnoses) this all you like.

(Thinks) My mom says this a lot, but I've concluded this myself: I have the Gautama Buddha Complex.

(In a patronizing voice) Sonam...nutter.

Really. Okay I've made that up. And I know I'll get a lot of shit for saying this. But whatever. Who cares? (Smiles) Ah, you know how Siddhrtha was in a gilded cage and he saw the real world after stepping out? He had never seen the world. He was a stranger to harsher reality. And when confronted by it, he became all the more sensitive to it. I've been protected my entire life. When I see the world through say the glass of my car, I see it with wonder and compassion. There's no filter. I relate to Siddhrtha. I never knew that people could be so amazing. How they could have so little and yet be so happy. How much they give, to others, in times of need. It reminds me of how lucky I am. Even in this industry, people have had difficult lives, difficult childhoods. And see how they've risen. The glass is always half-full. Do I deserve my luck? (Leaning forward and asking genuinely) Does that make sense? (Smiles)

(Smiling) Yes it does dearie. I'm glad you're this optimistic. Any asshole can see how bad things are. (Abruptly after a poignant pause)Hey, you know when your "Coffee with Karan" adverts came on, I thought you'd show up in a "Papa was a Rolling Stone" T-shirt.

(Laughs loudly) Why? No Mark Jacobs is the way to go. (Giggles beautifully). I really liked the Spring-Summer collection. Fashion is art. And I believe that. But you know, I try to avoid doing things with my dad. I get nervous doing things around him. And then I talk rubbish. (Chuckles). (After a short pause) There's not much that grows under a Banyan tree.

You use "Rubbish" the way Sting uses "Fashion".

(Laughs) I do? He does?

Yes. (Pauses) Is celebrity your inheritance? 

Ah. (Pauses) My mum's brought me up very differently. You have to understand, they didn't want this for me. Really. But I think my upbringing got in their way. Double edged sword. It was "Do what you want to do with your life". (Smiles) It wasn't an inheritance. I had to go snatch it. Hold it by the scruff, and take it. I auditioned my ass off for Sanjay Leela Bhansali. My father didn't launch me, or produce a picture for me. Sure, it's easier for me to get my way around in this industry. They respect my father. He's worked very hard for 30 some years. I do enjoy his success. And there's a lot of goodwill out there which lets me get away with things. But it wasn't an inheritance as much. No. I wouldn't say that.

Do people prefer artifice?

Yes, yes. (Raising her voice) Especially here in India. But no one has a choice; we see so much grief around us. Not us. (Pointing at herself and me) But we're not even 1%. We surrounded by ugliness. Such ugliness, in everything. When people go to the movies they want to see things that are larger than life. Something exotic to take their mind off things. Remember, when they go to the cinema, they're paying 200 rupees for a ticket. People lead hard lives. You can't give them hard shit all the time.

Fits perfectly in the pantheons of Rock N' Roll and its juvenilia. But isn't it unseemly in real life?

Sometimes, yes. But it's a global thing. People get to leave their difficult life and go into the cinema. Going to the movies is such a big thing in some places. They're going to the movies, to see wonder. That's the larger picture. Everything is that much beautiful. (Waving her hands as her eyes light up)Everything is cinematic. They get to forget their troubles for a while. (Takes a moment and smiles - I'm remembering black and white films. And Sonam's never looked this beautiful all evening)

Are you a trouble magnet?

I'm actually a very good girl. (Laughs) But trouble seems to find me. People don't understand a lot of the things I say. Maybe I'm not articulate enough. Tina do you think I'm a trouble magnet? (Talking to her manager. Tina nods "Yes") How can you say that? (Jokingly snaps at Tina). What do you think?

I think you're a Trouble Electromagnet. Finish this sentence for me would you?


Your Greatest Hits include...

Getting my tongue pierced.


A f**kin' Chinese symbol for a tattoo; does it get cornier? Getting my belly pierced. Getting 6 holes in each ear. Black lipstick. Terrible fashion moment. What was I thinking? I wasn't thinking. Trying to build a school in Pune.

What? (Laughs)

I tried (Laughing). Didn't work out very well. I was 16. I once elbowed a girl at a Basketball match in school. That was so mean. 

Very cool.

No. Not cool. I think its mean. I was one of those annoying kids who'd rather fail than cheat. You know what I'm saying? It seemed immoral to me, a crime. A violation or some sort. I HAVE to be honest. Maybe it's an inherent flaw in me. Even now. I can't lie. Which is why I come off the way I do. It's easier for me to avoid questions entirely than lie. I'd rather say things out loud. Some people keep them inside, and it turns into something else.

Compared to you I'm the AntiChrist.

Why? Did you cheat in school?

Awh. You're so nave.

What are your Greatest Hits like?

Tried to kill my teacher with a bomb, set a hill of fire...


(Laughs) Do girls in skirts hate wind?

Not if you're Marilyn Monroe. Did you see that Marilyn Monroe moment on Coffee with Karan? That was fun. (Pauses) Actually, I think girls in skirts LOVE wind. Gives you an excuse to be coy. A cinematic moment in real life.

Can you handle a compliment?

Absolutely not.

Great. Let's give you one. I saw the Coffee with Karan interview - moments of pure megalomania. I enjoyed it, because you gave the world a big kiss. The 90s saw some crazy stuff, Zoo TV for example.

I remember that. U2. Love that band. You want to listen to some U2 right now?

(Laughs) Rockstars emerging from 40 foot lemons. Do you think it's important not to be profound always?

Yes. Yes. One needs to have fun. What is the point of life otherwise? Please have fun. God. (In a frustrated tone) No one should take themselves too seriously. I love my clothes. I love being beautiful and fashionable. I love all of that. But at the same time, I can talk to you about deep philosophy. I can also be a bimbo and ask stupid questions. What's wrong in asking questions? We need that duality don't we? 

Sonam was unwittingly practicing the art of being Andy Warhol. 
f**k the censorship. 
     But I know why she prefers safety; it's hard to bequeath care. She'll spread her wings, not her legs. And I hope she keeps going. Because Carnations and lavenders need serious gardening. A vaginal exam trumps Jean Claude Van Damme. I did check her out though, in the back seat of her BMW.
"What are you wearing?"... I say... "What is all this?"
"What? My clothes?"... She replies, looking something horrified.  
Tods, skinny jeans, black leather belt, crop top, black formal jacket, and a Dolce & Gabbana sling bag.
"You mind if I open your bag?"... I ask.
"Are you serious?"... she says.
"Well, yeah"... I reply as we proceed to empty the sling bag. 
What's inside Sonam Kapoor's handbag? Nothing you wouldn't ordinarily find in your own. 
She's just a girl. 
     A wallet, her glasses (considering she's blind as a bat), hand cream, deodorant, wet-wipes, sunglasses, perfume, tampons, peppermint, mouthwash, lipstick, lip-balm, her Shiv-Chalisa, her Hanuman-Chalisa, her Rudraksh, and her ipod. Yes, she's a Shiv Bhakt. 
"I can't believe I just opened my bag for you"... she chuckles.
     Here's some of the stuff on her ipod: Dark Horse/ Happy/ Radioactive by Imagine Dragons/ John Legend/ Beyonc/ Bastille/ Avicii. And her few favorite Pop Song "Counting Stars" by One Republic.
I don't know half this music.
"Isn't Me & You by Barry Louis the most romantic song ever?"... She says.
"I don't know"... I reply.
"Can I play it for you?"... she ask.
"Yes"... I say as she leans back and connects her ipod to the Beemer. 
Its a nice little ditty. 
We were listening to love songs at midnight.
     Common friends were tenderly remembered. "Jitsu, my Jitsu"... she said, remembering Jitesh Pillai. He on the other hand had come down with the f**king Bubonic plague, and was freezing at a film trial. "I'm f**ked"... he texts... "f**k. f**k. f**k"; illustrating the power and versatility of the word.
     We sat there wistfully thinking: I want to date her and she wants to date Flea from the Red Hot Chili Peppers. f**king bass players. Just adds to my already ascending head ache. 
     Sonam hands me painkillers and some other stuff to prevent acidity. I pop them in my mouth and begin to chew. That's how I take my pills. But she makes a face and gives me water. 
"That wouldn't happen if you took your tablets like normal people"... She says. 
The scolding feels nice. Very sweet. I won't write about how we said goodbye - that's my memory.
     But parked outside her house we realized that the generation was sitting at the same venue, starring at the same menu. I never told her that she's a throwback on college, paper-tigers, commerce, consumerism, Helvetica, dancing, a quicky, exhibitions of your own paintings, bad graffiti, po*nography, carbon copies, Fast-Track, SUVs, monotony, jellyfish, and breaking up. She was the antithesis of Bollywood Bimbettes. 
     Jitesh once told me that the price of anything is the amount of life you exchange for it. He read that somewhere. What had I exchanged for Sonam Kapoor? Nothing. I guess everything. She had the swagger to be the epicenter of great quakes. Bring about rogue waves, Tsunamis; that kind of shit. 
     The rest of the world was out there. And it wasn't just devil's dandruff; the devil was God on sex, drugs, and booze. And I knew I was going to lose, her.
Sonam told me I was such a 90s boy. 
But she's such a 90s girl. 
     Takes simple pleasures in clothes, make-up, Bon Jovi records, ice-cream, foot rubs, panties, pillows, Grey's Anatomy, Garcia Lorca, The Lion King, Sweet Corn Chicken Soup, Chicken Soup for the Soul, sketch-pens, dancing naked, and Universal remote controls.
This was the polar opposite of serendipity. 
"Zemplanity", I think it's called. 
     We manufactured moments. And even though real life is never as sweet as a John Cusack movie, something told me paths that cross once, cross again. I must have really loved her.  
Edited by SmritiKatha - 10 years ago


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-koiza- thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
I don't think even anil Kapoor will care to read this much about miss motor mouth!
d-_-b thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 10 years ago
Such a short interview. Sonam spoke very less I guess.

ViccoTurmeric thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 10 years ago
Can someone give me summary...
HotMess thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 10 years ago
I don't have the patience to read through this. ðŸ˜†
blue-ice. thumbnail
Anniversary 15 Thumbnail Group Promotion 8 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: GundayVedant

Can someone give me summary...

Sorry...but I am watching the paint dry
piya2025 thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Visit Streak 365 0 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: 10 years ago
What is this...A fan fiction🤔
I feel for the one who actually write it..
Lalalalost thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
I really liked this interview.. Didn't know Sonam swore so much though 😆
grounder thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
w*f is this ... i can't even take a cursory look at this .. sooo damn long .. Edited by calmness - 10 years ago
chimchimcher-ee thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
Isn't this a fake interview?