Arhi OS Series : Shaadi ke side-effects [ Part 6 : Pg80 : 5/12 ]

mints23 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: 10 years ago

Welcome guys... this SS is going to be a series of short OS's... about Arnav and Khushi's post marriage life. How the wedding has changed them, their circumstances and their equation with each other. Enjoy the fun-filled and dhamakedar ride with our dearest Raizada couple.

P.S. : This is a series of OS's and each update will not be connected to the next one. Hence, I will be updating it as and when I can.


#1 : Wife is always right

#2 : Business ka Big-mess

#3 : Joru ka gulaam

#4 : The way to a man's heart...

#5 : Tu tu main main

# 6 : Three is a crowd

To read my other work just visit 

My Arhi Index : Mints Madness

Edited by mints23 - 8 years ago



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mints23 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: 10 years ago

Side-effect 1 : Wife is always right

Arnav Singh Raizada sat dazed, amongst all the chaos and mayhem. The Delhi summer was at its peak, his three-piece suit making him sweat profusely. How he itched to get back into his SUV and cool down with a cold blast of air conditioning. However, here he was, sitting amongst unknown faces, watching his beautiful wife help in the wedding rituals.


"Arnav babuwa... why are you wearing a suit today? Kurta-pyajama pehente... aaj shaadi hai bitwa... tumhri koi meeting nahi!!" Buaji's words kept on resonating in his ears. And not just her, almost all the people he knew in Laxmi Nagar, had asked him the same question. He wondered if Khushi had conspired against him and instructed all of them to question him, just to rile him up. He knew his wife was totally capable of such madness.


Arnav looked around the street of Laxmi Nagar, which itself had been beautifully decorated like a bride. It was Khushi's friend, Chitra's wedding and an over-excited Khushi had been planning and helping out her friend in all the pre-wedding rituals, for the last one week. Due to the mounting work pressure at AR Designs Arnav had only managed to pick up his exhausted wife, every night, from Buaji's house, to actually lay her sleeping form on their bed in Shantivan.


He remembered how, in one of his weakest moments, his seductress had extracted a promise from him to attend this wedding. It had been a year, after their remarriage, and he had realized that the master in bed had now become a slave. Khushi had always been a quick learner and was so well attuned to his needs, that she could make his world spin around on her fingertips. However, he would not let her know about this little...but important secret... NEVER!


He thought about today morning ... he recollected her particular words... "Arnavji, please wear the kurta-pyjama that I have kept aside for you. It is not one of your business weddings with cocktail parties and lavish receptions. It is a simple, traditional wedding that will wind up by evening. It is going to be an open-air affair, in the sweltering heat of Delhi... that is going to make you feel dizzy. Please Arnavji, listen to me for once..." Khushi pouted adorably, trying to put some sense in his arrogant head. However, Arnav Singh Raizada, always got his way and here he sat, wearing a branded three-piece suit, sweating profusely.


As soon as they had reached Laxmi Nagar this morning, the baraat was already around the corner... much earlier than expected. He mentally laughed at the crazy antics of his wife and her friends, who had joined the baraat and started dancing to the DJ's music, conveniently forgetting that they were from the bride's side. "Jeejaji, remove your suit and tie and just let go... come join us for a dance. Look at Khushi... come on, dance with her, jeejaji," the persistent pestering of Khushi's friends and the challenging looks of his wife, finally managed to drag him to the baraat reluctantly. He knew her smug expression, telling him just how much this dancing was going to make him sweat. Everyone danced and swayed to the Bollywood Beats' with complete abandon.


"Atleast now, take off your jacket Arnavji... it is completely soaked," Khushi screamed to reach him through the thick chaos of the crude music, which engulfed them at the moment. He shook his head slightly in denial, just as he was shaking his stiff body, in the name of dancing. He could not believe the things he could do for his dear wife. He had perfectly predicted his entire life... at his wedding sangeet, when he had danced for Khushi and said... Love can reduce, anyone, to anything.' Khushi had made sure, to never let him forget his own statement.


The dancing went on for an hour hour, with Arnav looking at Khushi from the corner of the street. Buaji had been kind enough to keep offering him some cold juice or cold drink, knowing very well that the heat would not make him bear even a sip of his favourite black coffee. He was annoyed, frustrated and sweating, even before the actual wedding had begun!! If his ego weren't as big as it was, he would have stripped right down to his boxers, in front of everyone. Anyways, the entire Laxmi Nagar had already seen him in just a towel, when he had stayed there last year, with Khushi. He smiled at the thought, of how much Khushi had troubled him then... and did, even today. However, the flashes of her sleeping at the poolside, her hurt hand, her broken heart and those tears that could break him completely... made everything else seem so small, in comparison.


The panditji had summoned the baraati's, and the wedding ceremony begun in full swing. Luckily for Arnav it had wound up early, and Khushi had immediately come to him, holding a plate of food. However much she would be busy doing other things, she would never forget to remind him about eating and taking his medicines on time. She sat him down in a quiet, shadowy corner of the chaotic street, and gave him a glass of cold water to drink. She quietly wiped away the perspiration from his forehead with the pallu of her beautiful saree.


He looked at his stunning wife, and thanked his stars for the umpteenth time. Her loving heart and ever-forgiving nature... was the only reason that she was in his life. Otherwise, he had made quite sure that she would hate him for a lifetime. It was miraculous how she had forgiven him so generously... and he could not have been more selfish and happy to keep her with him... forever. He took the small morsels of food, that she was feeding him right now, licking her delicate fingers, intermediately.


Arnav looked at her flustered face, and smirked at her... momentarily forgetting his discomfort in the burning heat. However, she could always see through his faade, and like always she said, "Arnavji, do you want to go and rest for sometime in Buaji's house? You can switch on the AC in our room and just relax. I will call you once the bidaai takes place." Arnav looked at his caring wife lovingly and nodded in agreement. He quickly got up from the seat, and had taken a couple of steps, only to turn around to look at Khushi, who had said something...


"Arnavji, you go and rest now... but just remember... a wife is always right!" A grinning with pride Khushi, almost shocked Arnav. Had she just taken a jibe at the expense of his discomfort? Well, fine, he admitted to himself that she had been right about the clothes he should have worn today. However, nobody dared to point out his mistakes to him... only Khushi could manage to get away with it. He fumed at her brazenness and quietly walked back, to drop in the seat again. He would show her, that he could pull of this entire wedding comfortably... dressed in his impeccable suit.


He watched his wife shrug in mock attitude, intending to say... Suit yourself, laad governor!' She was gone within seconds, mingling with the colourful wedding crowd. The bidaai, seemed like a never-ending, torturous ritual... while he understood when he saw Chitra's parents cry... but, why was his wife crying buckets? It wasn't like she was living with Chitra right now, and was going to miss her presence. They would meet just like they used to before... for movies, in shopping malls and for dinners. Dammit! There, she had tears in her eyes and here, Arnav could not stop the beads of sweat trickling down his forehead again, and again.




It was almost seven in the evening, when finally, an exhausted Khushi settled in the car besides an even more exhausted Arnav. She looked over at his tired form, and felt terrible for annoying and teasing him throughout the day. But, what was she to do? He had conveniently missed all the pre-wedding functions, leaving her alone to answer all the relatives and friends. She was miffed at him, for dedicating all his time to work. She never demanded his time usually, but on these rare occasions... she wanted him to be there with her.


She looked over at him again, driving swiftly through the roads of Delhi. Her handsome husband was an angry young man... who needed to cool down, every now and then. At that thought, she giggled a little, earning an angry glare from him in return. She moved the blinds of the AC, completely towards him. She knew her Arnavji was annoyed with her and his ego had added to his woes. What would it take, to make him agree with her... at least sometimes? She had politely requested him to wear a light cotton kurta-pyjama in the morning, knowing very well, his discomfort in the heat. But, no! Arnav Singh Raizada kabhi kisi ki sunte hain??


They had finally reached home, to an empty Shantivan. Akash, Payal and Mamiji had gone off to Mumbai for another wedding. Naniji and Anjaliji had gone to a relative's house for jagran and would be returning very late in the night. Khushi saw her husband take two steps at a time, to climb the staircase, which led to their bedroom. She sighed, knowing very well, how difficult it was going to be, to calm down her laad governor.


Khushi entered their room, to notice that Arnav's suit and waistcoat lay carelessly discarded, on the recliner. He stood near their wardrobe trying to pull at his tie, which seemed to have been tightly knotted. She saw the frustration and desperation rise, in his body language... as he stood, with his back towards her. He left the tie, and started unbuttoning his shirt. Slowly and steadily, his perfectly sculpted body came into her view.


Khushi stood rooted to the spot, enjoying the delicious display of her husband's toned body... his muscles flexing in agitation, the sweat still glistening on his bare back. As he turned around to look at her, she noticed first his surprise and then a shameless smirk steal across his striking face. She realized that the desire in her eyes had been very obvious... and her Arnavji, never let these kind of opportunities go to waste.


He again started fiddling with his tie to untie the knot, when Khushi could not stop the words that left her mouth... "Let that be..." Arnav raised an eyebrow to question her, as she walked up to him, with an extra sway in her hips... trying to be as seductive, as she could. She stood a foot away from him, his eyes moving languidly over her body. She raised her hand slowly, and held the striking red tie to yank her shocked husband towards herself.


How could she tell him... what that red tie, hanging over his flawlessly toned body, those rippling muscles and his desire-crazed eyes did to her? She saw him overcome his shock quickly, as he grabbed her by the waist and reduced every inch of the distance between them. His desirous eyes bored into hers, tempting her, and instigating her to make the first move.


She had missed him in the last week, exhausted with all the rituals and preparations. She had not even had the energy to stay awake, until they reached Shantivan. Now that the wedding was over, there was no real hurry... she took her own sweet time to move forward and took his lips in a slow, lingering kiss. Arnav, however, had different ideas all together. He turned the kiss into a maddening need to taste, driving them both into a frenzy, to touch the other.


Khushi did not even realize when he had stripped them of their clothes, until she felt him lowering her on their bed. However, the red tie was in place... just the tie and her naked husband. She blushed at her boldness, as he covered her body with his... kissing her endlessly, nipping at her tender skin, marking her, relishing her divine taste. Their bodies were on fire, as passion sizzled between the two. Arnav had always known and understood that the chemistry between them was something precious; however, nothing ever prepared him for the quirkiness of his gorgeous wife.


Arnav lay on the bed, cooling down with Khushi, snuggled into his arms, breathing evenly. He brushed a few loose tendrils off her face, and kissed her forehead lightly. She had surprised him today, and he knew how guilty she felt for troubling him. She had the kindest and most loving heart in the world... and it belonged to him... only him. He smiled, thinking about how the red tie had her raging towards him and pulled her soft form even closer. The last thought that he had, as sleep overtook him was, 'If this is how a wife is going to be right... he would love to be always wrong.'

#2 : Business ka Big-mess

You can send me a buddy request if you want PM's for future updates.

Edited by mints23 - 8 years ago


chitrajay thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
โ˜บ๏ธWhat a brilliant idea!!!
I have always loved stories which show us glimpses into Arnav and Khushi's happily ever after!
And I always love your dedication, Mints! They are truly special and mean a lot to me!

A birthday thread!!!! For me!!!!
Now that is totally totally unexpected !!!
I really don't know what to say ...
I wish I had an emoticon for "hawww"

At work now, but will continue editing as soon as I can!!!
Thank you so much, Mints and Vandy
I love you both - loads!!! Muahhh!!!
First of all, let me tell you that I totally loved the story --- love seeing how far they have come - loved their understanding - loved their complete empathy - they are so well attuned to each other, that they know exactly what the other needs...even though they may be apart and busy with other things!
ASR in his three pice suit- attending a wedding in the sweltering heat of Delhi - in Laxmi nagar - I tell you, this brought back memories of IPK itself - of the time, when Khushi drags her beloved Arnavji to Laxmi Nagar for a few days, to show him how the other half lived! Look how far they have come now...when he willingly attends a wedding, when some time back, he would have run miles to get away from it all...๐Ÿ˜†
"Shaking his stiff body, in the name of dancing"!!!!๐Ÿคฃ
Truly, love has reduced him to doing anything and everything for his wife...brilliant 'forecast" indeed made by one shaatir dimaagwala ASR on the day of his sangeet, when he officially proposed to one Khushi Kumari Gupta!
It was so endearing to see the care and concern - his memories of how he had treated her so badly...possibly, it hurt him so much more, as it is something he will live with all his life...the regret, the wish that he could change what had happened...
Khushi being herself - she had always been able to understand words needed...just something that was felt by them both...loved how she asks him to go and relaxin the coolconfines of Buaji's home...and he refuses...wanting to be there, stay around his wife perhaps? I would like to think, it was not just ego...but maybe a wish to be a part of his wife's joys, share her happiness at her friend's wedding...sigh!!!
And then the bidaai, the tears at a bride leaving her home...a daughter, a friend... (although I must tell you, I did not cry at all during my bidaii...๐Ÿ˜†)
Oh my...and it just kept getting hotter and hotter...I could not get past the mental image of an Arnav singh raizada in nothing but a red tie!! GULP GULP GULP!!!!!โ˜บ๏ธ

And oh my oh the tables have turned indeed...Khushi turning aggressive...I like!!๐Ÿ˜ณ And yes - the wife is always right...LESSON No 1, learnt and learnt so well!!!๐Ÿ˜‰

Edited by chitrajay - 10 years ago
vandana.sagar thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 10 years ago
Happy birthday C, love you...

Now for the comment...

Mints what a superb idea and concept loved it...

Such a delight to see the two well settled in their lives and settled into domestic bliss as if they were made to get married and be together...yet maintaining their individuality and their uniqueness which makes them even more endearing to us and each other...

I like that their relationship has blossomed post marriage, and I loved his admitting that she has the upper hand in some very crucial aspects of their marriage ...nice touch...but will never let her know this...I like picturing the once very innocent and naive Khushi as a seductress. 

I loved the way she sweet talks him and I loved their synergy... I loved how he thinks that she could he responsible for getting everyone to tease him about his clothes...ha ha and loved how she starts dancing in the baarat. 

Loved how she is so concerned for him and is worried about him being uncomfortable asking him to go and sit in the AC, or wiping his perspiration and getting him something to drink even though she enjoys pulling his leg but in reality it is the opposite. They are so irrevocably and completed in love and this teasing is just one of the ways it manifests itself...

Loved how he remembers how the entire Laxminagar has seen him in a towel...loved how she cannot stop ogling at her husband and how she wants him to leave the tie on...the image of him in only a tie ooh la la...and the colour red again...I am imagining him with nothing but a red tie...mints...yeh tumne kya kar diya...? 

Love this bold, sexy, confident Khushi not scared to express her desire for him...and of course they have to take advantage that no one is there and they have complete privacy..

And of course a very willing Arnav ...eager to please and rise to the occasion...

Arnav's muscles (s)exciting Khushi
Desire for him she felt urgently 
Seeing him undress especially 
The red tie on his perfect body
Nothing more...was her fantasy 
Taking advantage of the privacy 
Just that though so very steamy 
One of the side effects of shaadi

Loved it completely and cannot wait for next one...

Edited by vandana.sagar - 10 years ago
Javeria3991 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 10 years ago
OMG Its always a treat to read about post marriage life of our dearest and the most lovely couple Arnav and Khushi. 
Waiting eagerly for the first part. 
RizArshi thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 10 years ago
Moi excited ๐Ÿ˜ƒ


First of all, thank you so much for starting this series. Looking forward to it.

Coming to the first OS: 

I don't know about the temperature in Delhi but it was sure very hot in here.
Arnav and Khushi were in their element. Khushi teasing Arnav because he didn't listen to her and him bearing the unbearable heat just because his ego won't let him accept his defeat, his monologues, their nok jhok, challenging and counter challenging everything was superb. Loved it.

Arnav Singh Raizada only in a red tie โ˜บ๏ธ Need I say more? ๐Ÿ˜ณ

Absolutely loved a bold Khushi making her husband dance to her tune. Arnav really doesn't need to tell her the power she holds over him. Khushi already knows about it ๐Ÿ˜† 

What I loved the most is that though they were both trying to prove the other one wrong, they didn't forget to take care of each other. If Khushi was worried about his comfort and his food, he couldn't bear to see tears in her eyes. Loved how he recalled their sweet memories and also the sad ones. Their relationship has grown so much. He the arrogant ASR can do anything and everything for his Khushi and Khushi can do the same for him.
Loved the first OS very much. 

Wishing Chitra a very happy birthday once again ๐Ÿ˜Š

Edited by RizArshi - 10 years ago
Aalu_Malu thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 10 years ago

I am not sure when i'll unres ๐Ÿ˜’


Alas!!! *phew* 
Awesome concept!! ๐Ÿ‘

Lovely's minty it was lovely ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ˜†
I am at awe!! Hayeee!!! I wish IPK had this scene, I mean the marriage not others ๐Ÿ˜†
Egoistic Arnav Singh Raizada is what I prefer!!  And Khushi, the lovable doll!! 
It's!!! ๐Ÿ˜ณ I don't know it's more that wow!!
Ooh la la!! The secret, haha..keep it up ASR, keep it up!!  ๐Ÿ˜‰
By the way, he was wearing a red tie with a black three piece ๐Ÿ˜ฒ
 DAMN!!! I wish Barun wore one, he would look dashing Hayeee!!!!! comments on the last part ๐Ÿคฌ๐Ÿ˜†

Such an awesome OS!! ๐Ÿ‘ 
I loved it minty Mami ๐Ÿ˜ณ Do continue soon!!!

P.S: wife cannot always be right !! ๐Ÿ˜†
Edited by LOLWAsAalu - 10 years ago
jas0308 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 10 years ago



Happy Birthday Chitra di.. and I hope your birthday comes everyday.. so we'll get more and more works๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜†
first of thank you mints for writing new SS... and maybe for the first time.. mai late nahi hoongi๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜†
coming to this SS
that was awesome start yaar๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘
I am not married (oops you know)๐Ÿ˜† but you are right, as a female (as I am not a woman๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜†) I agree... wife is always right indeed๐Ÿ˜‰ and arnav got the medicine perfectly๐Ÿ˜›
ASR and his ASR'ish ego... tsk tsk kya khaake paida hua tha?๐Ÿ˜† then he suffered na๐Ÿ˜‰
he attended chitra's (di's) wedding (second wedding with same groom๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜›)... and even after knowing it's summer and heat is at it's peak.. then itna kya shouk tha? three piece pehne ka๐Ÿ˜†
but I loved his... lol.. frustaration๐Ÿ˜›๐Ÿ˜†
and lol.. he danced๐Ÿ˜ฒ in baarat๐Ÿ˜ฒ๐Ÿคฃ oh how I wish I could see that.. but I can imagine very well๐Ÿ˜ณ
aww, khushi is so caring wife๐Ÿ˜› 
well they did spend some cute moment
I just loved end part๐Ÿ˜ณ hayye... naughty naughty huh?๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘
I liked it๐Ÿ˜ณ
continue soon pleej.. hello hi bye bye๐Ÿ˜› naah, no bye bye๐Ÿ˜ณ
PS: ignore my bakwaas... I am getting mad ๐Ÿคฃ (nothing new I know, kya karu pad jaate hai dore mostlty๐Ÿคฃ)
PPS: hopefully aapko comment samajh aa jaye๐Ÿ˜†
PPPS: issi ke saath hum chalte hai.. next part ke comment mai milte hai
PPPS: kuch nahi... bas mood kar raha tha... PPPS karne ka๐Ÿคฃ
Edited by jas0308 - 10 years ago
Barun_Gf thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 10 years ago

2nd page๐Ÿ˜ญ

Ohhh boy Bhatt is dis.. Aisi shadi ho toh main aaj hi shadi karlu ๐Ÿ˜†

I mean seriously par ladka arnav hona chaiye ๐Ÿ˜ˆ Warna shadi cncl ๐Ÿ˜ณ

Ahh wife r always ryt .. Duuhh par were arnav is cncrn he is always ryt ๐Ÿ˜Ž

Ufff i so loved d strting ..

D way his mrng strtd nd den he say how seductress she has turned in bed nw โ˜บ๏ธ

Nd den d marriage ritual poor arnav ๐Ÿ˜” D whole guptas didnt leave a chamce to make him feel guilty ๐Ÿ˜ก

D red tie Seriously kahan se layi yehh idea ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

Ufff boy wat wil hapen wen i will pull my arnav wid dat tie โ˜บ๏ธ

Awsm strt dii ๐Ÿค— โค๏ธ

Cntinue soon ๐Ÿ˜ณ

Edited by Barun_Gf - 10 years ago
Skiran thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 10 years ago



Laad governor suit boot pehnke Chitra ke shaadi mein haajir hai ASR. Kitni baar Khushi boli kurta pehenneko, but he didnot listen and had to face the consequences of heat.

This cracked me: Khushi crying buckets, its not like she lives with Chitra.. they go for shopping malls, movies and dinner like before.. khushi has tears rolling down while Arnav has sweat trickling down his forehead ๐Ÿ˜†

The Red tie fantasy of his wife and the scene henceforth is โ˜บ๏ธ โค๏ธ

Loved it Mints, waiting for more ๐Ÿ˜‰

Edited by Skiran - 10 years ago