Asad Ahmed Khan is a Hypocrite - EDITED - Page 2


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mochhug thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: mandarin26

I agree word to word. It was kind of disappointing of him to do that. He has always been the one who has respected his traditions, that he'll never make fun of a paak rasam like nikkah. But then he himself agrees to a nakli wedding between his bhai and his bride. And above all he gave away his bride just like that.
But like you said we can't blame him for anything that he's done. Things wouldn't have gotten so complicated if Zoya didn't venture on going out on the day of her nikkah to begin with. But lets not go there.
I've done certain things that I am not proud of under pressure.  Likewise being human, Asad Ahmed Khan has also succumbed to pressure, guilt and responsibility. Situations changes people. Just because it was under pressure and the intentions were good, it still doesn't change the fact that it is wrong.If he thought it will all pass and he can get away with this, he thought wrong.

Exactly! 👏
mochhug thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: merrydock

i'v always said the people have choices,  but it is their choice to make. i'm not saying what Asad did was right. may be shoud have put his foot down and  told Ayaan to FO, and let Nikhat kill herself. what is the worse that could happen Ayaan will end up hating Asad for not trying to save thier sisters life. but then you see Asad has not given up Zoya, he has not sacrificed her, he knows he'll get his zoya back, Asad love zoya best of all, he loves his brother and sister  too. i really wished Nikhat had died, but Alas!

what eeked me is the totalitarian and autocratic  institution of the Muslim clergy.   were all the molana qazi and committee members blind  which girl stands in a corner sobbing on her wedding day,  all the life had gone out of zoya face. didnt they once ask her why she was so sad on her wedding day,  was she happy with this marriage. all they did is  simply think of their cultural prestige, and their community decorum.  they could see that Ayaan and Zoya don't want to be together. but they ignored it. because for them peoples emotions not count. and are not important

Zoya was right Asad should have asked her what she wanted,  but probably he didnt ask  because he knows Zoya  will want to be with Asad.  she would never agree to this sham, Zoya does not care about the people in SH, she barely knows them. but she also knows that if  any thing happened to Nikhat Asad would only blame himself, he could never be able to forgive himself. what Zoya did is for Asad and Asad alone. now she is in a situation  that she does not want to be, and so she blames Asad and Ayaan. for using her like a commodity.

i felt really bad for zoya, her anguish was so visible. and her Anger righteous. but i hope this stupid track is over very soon..

I agree. The clergy was really pissing me off. And they said too. If you don't want to sign the Nikaahnama then don't. But they did. All because they didn't want to look bad in society. Even taking Nikhat to the hospital. WHO CARES IF THEY SEE HER!? Just say she isn't feeling well she needs medical attention. What's more important? Your dignity? Or SOMEONE'S LIFE!? 

Nikhat, although I didn't wish her to die, was really pissing me off. She was so disheartened when Haseena wanted her to quit college, and yet, here she is, acting like marriage is everything. So what if you don't find a rishta? So what if you're parents get rid of a snake like Haseena? It's not the end of the world. It might even be good for you! But no, you ended up trying to end your life. The worst possible answer. now when she realizes what her brothers tried to do for her, she'll feel even more guilty. And the burden on her family is greater now. So she can see it backfired. Ugh. 

And Zoya, while I agree that she did it for Asad, he still didn't wait to hear it from her. She still was forced. The way he was grabbing her hand was not, hand in hand. He was holding on to her, so she wouldn't run away again. That's what it looked like. Zoya tried to leave. She tried to tell him she didn't want this. Not once, but twice. Why didn't he try to talk to Nikhat? Why didn't they take her out from the back and call an ambulance? Or why didn't Asad take her out from back when he saw her like that and then try to talk some sense into her? 

And don't even get me started on Ayaan. Ayaan hasn't even talked to Humeira. The only time he remembered her, was when she was crying in front of him. That's it. Even after signing the Nikaahnama, did he go to her? Did he try to talk to her? No. If my loved one suffered because of my actions, I would move heaven and earth to talk to them, to comfort them, to know how they're feeling. 

I did feel bad for Zoya. You and Dilshad are right. She only had Asad. And now she doesn't even have him. But she still could have refused to sign the Nikaahnama as well. I don't hold her completely innocent. After all, she had run away from a nikaah once, and even left her OWN nikaah to save someone else. So why not open your mouth when it's your own life that's going up in flames? Mana ki it's for the man she loves. But that man never asked her even. He claimed his right on her without so much as a please. I totally disagree with that. 
tvbug2011 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 10 years ago

Def seems like Gul herself is very ambivalent abt Asad's crtrisation. She admits that she knows men like this in real life. And no doubt she doesn't like them too much. Her dislike is seeping into Asad's portrayal now. And this time around I don't think his tears and pashchataap will redeem him in viewers' eyes, leave alone Zoya's.

mariam1368 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
I hope he realize n rectify his mistake before its too late
sheilasandhu thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: roopshas1

It is said that daughters often choose men who are like their own father as their partners. Zoya proved it.

Even without ever knowing her father, she choose a man like him for a husband. 

Asad and Ghafoor are so similar.
1. Women of their houses straighten up their pallus and become meek as soon as they become back from work. 
2. Both think that women wearing jeans or being out late is a sin. 
3. Both thought of Zoya's outspoken nature as being rude.
4. Both have threatened to kill her at certain points of time and conditions.
5. Both however started liking Zoya.😃
4. Both have a "terror" effect.😆
5. Both own successful construction firms.
6. Both are sexy, handsome (oh yes I think Gaffur just looks awesome)😳 and filthy rich.

Absolutely correct about women looking for their father in their husbands but vice verse even Men look for their mothers in their wife.
Edited by sheilasandhu - 10 years ago
.Kiran. thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 10 years ago
I disagree Monica. When you are stuck between a rock and a hard place, you don't think about beliefs. If he had promised Zoya to always respect her, he had also said Nikhat is like his real sister and he would do anything to save her. So if he had chosen to get married to Zoya over Nikhat, he would still be called a hypocrite because he didn't stick to his words. It's easier said than done. I wonder how many people would think about their beliefs and promises in real life if stuck in such a situation. At this moment, it would've been better for him to give his life than to be stuck in such a situation. This world is a hard place to please. No matter what you do, you'll still be called names. You'll be a scapegoat even if this whole situation is someone else's fault. So I don't blame him, in fact he's the one I feel for the most.

mochhug thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: ..Kirann..

I disagree Monica. When you are stuck between a rock and a hard place, you don't think about beliefs. If he had promised Zoya to always respect her, he had also said Nikhat is like his real sister and he would do anything to save her. So if he had chosen to get married to Zoya over Nikhat, he would still be called a hypocrite because he didn't stick to his words. It's easier said than done. I wonder how many people would think about their beliefs and promises in real life if stuck in such a situation. At this moment, it would've been better for him to give his life than to be stuck in such a situation. This world is a hard place to please. No matter what you do, you'll still be called names. You'll be a scapegoat even if this whole situation is someone else's fault. So I don't blame him, in fact he's the one I feel for the most.

I agree with you hun, that he was between a rock and a hard place. But ultimately. It wasn't his decision. Yes he could've certainly begged her, explained his situation, made her see why he felt compelled sacrifice his love for his sister's life. 

Zoya is selfless. She would have understood. If he had appealed to her justice side, to her side that cared for others over herself, I'm sure she would've hesitated but eventually given in. 

But dragging her like that, forcing her to go to that house, to stay there, to sign the nikaahnama even. They were wrong. It was not his choice to make. He says he loves her. Undoubtedly he does. But this just goes to show, they he still does not respect her as a woman. If he did, he would've tried AT LEAST ONCE, to ASK her to do this for him. 

He knows very well she will do anything for him. Instead of appealing to that side of her, and that quality in her, he took advantage of it. I feel his pain. Giving away your love and trading her for your sister's life is hard. And painful. Indeed. But it's not WHAT he did that bothers me. 

It's HOW he did it. Yes situations change people. But before NIikhat's second attempt, there was no ticking clock on the matter. It wasn't like someone had a gun to his head telling that he only had 30 minutes to get Zoya to the SM. He had time. He had a chance to reason with her. To make her see his side of the situation. Especially when he could see how much she was against leaving. 

The only time he brought up Nikhat, was when they realized that she had to sign the nikaahnama. AND EVEN THEN, he didn't ask her. He just demanded she do it. He said "we HAVE to do this." 

I'm sorry but I will forever disagree with how he did this. HIs character was meant to respect women, to allow them to not be forced into things. And allow them to have say. Especially after Zoya's involvement in his life. And all that went down the drain with this action of his. 

I'm not saying his character is ruined forever, but it's severely damaged in my eyes. The Asad I knew, is highly corrupted in my eyes. 
Ilhamez thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: ..Kirann..

I disagree Monica. When you are stuck between a rock and a hard place, you don't think about beliefs. If he had promised Zoya to always respect her, he had also said Nikhat is like his real sister and he would do anything to save her. So if he had chosen to get married to Zoya over Nikhat, he would still be called a hypocrite because he didn't stick to his words. It's easier said than done. I wonder how many people would think about their beliefs and promises in real life if stuck in such a situation. At this moment, it would've been better for him to give his life than to be stuck in such a situation. This world is a hard place to please. No matter what you do, you'll still be called names. You'll be a scapegoat even if this whole situation is someone else's fault. So I don't blame him, in fact he's the one I feel for the most.

👏 Same here
Sabhayata thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 10 years ago

And why isnt zoya to be blamed for this situation who asked her to shut her mouth.Does zoya respect herself?No if she did she would have taken a stand for herslef but she didnt she agreed to what asAD said so zoya herslef is to be blamed as well becuase she allowed herself to be treated as thing didnt say anything against it

Ilhamez thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
To be honest zoya herself accept all this 
And if u tell me she accept this because she loves asad
I Will tell u asad does all this coz h loves his sis allot
I know th way he grabs her to sm was inAppropriate Maybe somewhere
But h cleared everything to zoya and she herself sign the paper
She is an independent girl who is respo of her actions if she said no on one Will force her to nikahh she already run from her nikah when she thought its wrong 
Btw zoya ruined her nikah day to save her SIL so she Did the same thing right now just now sacrifice is big
I m nor defending asad but its not his fault also 
Its m'y pov his sis was between Life and death there is not so much Time to think