ArHi FF:A Heartening Journey #2 Epilogue PG 69

norolim thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 11 years ago
Really. I cant believe it! Look where all your wonderful comments got us! Across 150 pages!
This post is Res* for Chapter 21. Which I'll update tomorrow. Part 20 is in the first thread. :D
See you all kal!
Chapter 21:
Rather than be in the recliner where Arnav had left her, Khushi lay snuggled comfortably into the duvet. A relieved sigh left him at her sleeping position. Thank God she'd listened to him and gone to sleep.
Smiling indulgently at his beautiful wife, Arnav made his way across to the cupboard to hang his clothes. He did so silently, so as to not wake her from her slumber.
As he slipped on his night clothes, he went back to the question that had occured to him in office.
Arnav padded quietly to the french doors and stood there in a muted manner.
Could he let go of all the unhappiness in his past? Of all the pain?
He released a heavy sigh and stared at the brightest star in the sky.
His ma twinkled at him, almost as if giving him permission to move on.
A smile made its way across Arnav's mouth as he gazed upon the shining star. His mother was right. It was about time that he started
Once again.
Khushi awoke to an extremely warm climate. Even more than usual.
Turning her head to the side, she saw that she was wrapped around her husband like a vine; hands and legs all over him.
An involuntary smile lit up her face as she looked up on his sleepy visage. He looked so adorable when he slept, Khushi thought fondly.
She traced a soft line from his eyes to his nose in a serene manner, careful not to wake him.
Drawing her hand back, she twisted away from him and got up from the bed. Gigantic yawns made their way out of her mouth as she stretched her tight muscles.
Khushi stared at Arnav as she opened the wardrobe to take out her clothes. She wondered when he'd come back home. 
Whenever it was, she knew that it had been quite late. Thus, there was no need to wake him up.
Plus, it was a sunday.
Not only was that his off day, it was now officially a week to their marriage.
A week.
Dreamily, Khushi made her way to the bathroom in a daze.
Shutting the door behind her, she thought about the past seven days she had spent with her husband. Such beautiful days. Such wonderful nights.
She blushed as the warm water cascaded over her. Memories of their passionate lovemaking filled her senses and made her dizzy.
Such a caring man, she thought in wonder. Whether it had been talk or their coupling, Arnav had been nothing but gentle.
Always thoughtful, always so concerned.
Always her pleasure before his own.
Once again, a blush highlighted her cheeks with the most delicious shade of red.
Khushi swiveled the taps shut and wrapped a fluffy towel around herself. She dried herself, all the while thinking about what she could do for her ever so caring husband,
She knew that he was a devoted brother, an amazing businessman and a beautiful husband. So what to do for a man like him?
Confusion adorned her features as she slid out of the bathroom.
She walked blindly ahead, deeply wound in her thoughts of doing something special for Arnav. So lost was she that Khushi slipped on the tail of her towel, and fell quite inelegantly on her behind.
"Ouch" a yelp left her mouth as she laned with a thump on the uncarpeted part of the floor. She grabbed the edge of the bed in hopes to pull herself up, but she had no need to.
Her husband was standing in front of her with an amused expression alight on his face. His shirt was pushed back to the elbows that were folded across his chest.
Khushi bristled.
"I could use some help" she gritted out in a snarky manner, her hazel eyes narrowing at her handsome husband.
"I see that" was his highly insolent reply.
"Could you so something about it then?" she questioned in a sickeningly sweet voice, but with a sour edge to her tone.
He grinned in response to her dubious enquiry and within a second, grabbed her outstretched hand with his own. Arnav pulled her flush against himslef, quite to Khushi's happiness.
"What do you want me to do about it?"
He didn't wait for her answer, merely captured her lips in a powerful kiss.
Its short. Very short.
I know, but guys please please give me a break. Lots of people have been PMing me for an update of AHJ, and so this is for you all.
Im still not completely out of the lack-of-inspiration here, so I'll be updating probably once a week or so.
If you like my writing and are interested in reading more, here is my Index;
Enjoy. :)
Chapter 22: Page 17
Chapter 23: Page 24
Chapter 24: Page 33
Chapter 25: Page 41
Chapter 26: Page 50
Chapter 27: Page 60
Epilogue: Page 69
Edited by dreamyshadows - 11 years ago


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shonagudia thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Networker 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
Congrats for the new thread...
Waiting for the next part...
chavvi16 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
oh thank god i found your 2nd thread i though i wouldnt be able to comment on the previous update
congrats on the 2nd thread
this ff is getting even more interesting than before so is your other ff
arnie arnie dude stop being so ASR  please this is your wife you are dealing with not your employees
they always seem to be disturbed in their romance right
well arnav keeps forgeting about his meetings when he is with khushi
dont worry khushi you will get him back to being arnav instead of ASR
cheers for pm looking forward to the next one
kishu81 thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Visit Streak 30 0 Thumbnail Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
Can you pls give me the link to thread 1? Thanks
norolim thumbnail
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Posted: 11 years ago

Originally posted by: kishu81

Can you pls give me the link to thread 1? Thanks

Enjoy. :)
jankisoni86 thumbnail
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Posted: 11 years ago
I have started reading this ff...
farheen75 thumbnail
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Posted: 11 years ago
Congrats on your new thread...can't wait to read more of this wonderful story.
-Yuks- thumbnail
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Posted: 11 years ago

Don't you think we need a celebratory update?
meera06 thumbnail
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Posted: 11 years ago
Congrats on the new thread!!
norolim thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 11 years ago
An emergency has come up everyone! I am really sorry, but I cannot update today. I have to go to the hospital as a loved one has met with an accident.
Pardon me.