Devil's Den:Geet:Lets Admire Her - Page 33


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luvmaneet thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago
@yash sorry for late reply😊my net crashed😡
We all connect ourselves with maneet life,thanks to DD,GC their hard work👏 sometimes make us forget that they are not real😳.I'm sad for geet too,the way she was missing maan on the stairs,but I'm proud of kudi,you noticed one thing in her dialogues and way of talking so similar to MSK😳,she is truly now female MSK,hayee main mar jawa,this is for u geet🤗

@jyo MANEET separation😭,noway I cant handle this anymore its already been two weeks,i want kudi by my munda's side in the hospital,i hope the gynecologist meet geet there and address her as Mrs.khurana in front of dadi,Dev D,NT😳 and then take her to maan,munda needs only her kudi right now,noone else,u better understand this Nissar😡😭.For the first time jyo, iwant ur predictions to  go wrong😭,plz understand my fillings😔
Mellowfellow thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 13 years ago
Everyone: Watch and feel good


How he looks at her!!

Geets: DO you have the snaps of the fall??
Edited by ykannan - 13 years ago
maybe-just thumbnail
Anniversary 15 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 13 years ago

Originally posted by: 49erFan

@ may-be just Faz right...not sure - Yah I think we gonna have to let the dramabaazi aside til GC returns in full form

Yes Faz 😆 Yeh dramaybaazi will carry on...but im glad its NT, I dont have to bear Deva torture 🤢😆 Bheegay Nain has something about her which makes you love her as a villian 😆
@Yash - By passionate reunion do you mean consummation? ☺️ I would love to see MG return back in ishtyle I only wait till that day 😆
Mellowfellow thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 13 years ago
@Faz 🤗🤗🤗 Looong Time

Yup, I mean consummation, I like to call it Organic CON. (Stole Anj's Word!! 😆)

Tent mein Mangal...but there seems to be no use of tent!! 😭
49erFan thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 13 years ago
@ Yash, let me chk the video...I have most of the episodes when Geet comes to Delhi...I record it all on DVD...crazy Geet fan na! 😳
BheegiBasanti thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 13 years ago

The writers will bring Maan and Geet together soon.

For now, I am completely in their corner (please go read my ode to them on page 2 or 39...yep that is pure self-promotion at its bad! 😆).

Here's what will chavanni prediction 🤣:
1. Geet will be shown not seeing Maan...either because Daadi/NT interrupt or because she gets stopped or distracted by something else. Jyo...I cannot imagine the writers having Dadi or NT giving her the taveez...they have no clue about its importance. If they do that...I will don my Kali avataar! 😡
2. Geet will leave the hospital determined to make a life for her baby and line with yesterday's promo
3. She will meet Aditya who will likely give her a new job. I am still pondering if and what connection he will have to the Khuranas. Based on the Geet page admin's feedback, he will be a positive character.
4. Maan will wake up soon...I'm thinking Monday or Tuesday next week.
5. He will hear of what happened with Geet & Dev/NT/Sasha at KC. He will be heart broken that he was not at her side.
6. He will confront Dev but leave without immediately punishing him as finding Geet will become his priority.
7. He will be jealous that she is working for somebody expect some fun nok-jhok soon!

All in all...a great story to look forward to!

Edited by darlunia - 13 years ago
jyoti06 thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Group Promotion 9 Thumbnail + 8
Posted: 13 years ago
@All:Separation will b just for 3-4days and not 3-4months😆 and this separation only will give rise to more passionate romance between the two or else why Geet admin on FB will raise this poll saying "Do moms watch Geet"😉😆...learn to read between every line😆 is not always a bed full of roses..some thorns r necessary for reality checks even in fiction world.😳...just imagine what romance we r going to get with Geet looking after MSK's body double in hospital🥱😆...but MSK on a mission to woo back Geet without any body-double business is better na😳 learn to think from future story POV and not what will happen tomorrow 😆...and we wanted office-romance and roothna-manana phase na😳..all this won't happen if they don't separate for 2-3days..try to understand😆...
@Anvi:Watch today's was very good ...Geet stood up like a real sherni👍🏼
Edited by jyoti06 - 13 years ago
maybe-just thumbnail
Anniversary 15 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 13 years ago
@Yash - Still holding a grudge against you 😡🤣 but here 🤗😆
Organic Con?  That sounds like a veggie! 🤣
jyoti06 thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Group Promotion 9 Thumbnail + 8
Posted: 13 years ago
@Jaya/:I m myself not sure what will they do with the taaveez😕...lets see...promos can b misleading😆..but your prediction sounds fine to me😳
Once again I repeat this separation won't b Kektaish😆..its just for 2-3days...if it was Ekta separation then by now Geet would hv remarried Dev instead of sending him to jail😆...
Edited by jyoti06 - 13 years ago
maybe-just thumbnail
Anniversary 15 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 13 years ago

Originally posted by: jyoti06

@All:Separation will b just for 3-4days and not 3-4months😆

Reactive Depression for 3/4 days? Got it 👍🏼😆 Meh, im so calm whilst thinking about all this drama its a miracle 😆 I thought it was weird as to why she asked Do moms watch the show? 🤣 W*H 🤣
BTW Jyo did Gouri tell you about Noodles being a right rude poodle? 🤣😡
Edited by maybe-just - 13 years ago