Guruvishva thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 9 days ago

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Guruvishva thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 8 days ago

Chapter 01 : A Day in the Life of Vijay Swaminathan

Vijay's POV

Good morning! The sun filters through the curtains, and I slowly push myself up from the bed, only to reach for my mobile. Not to check personal or official messages, but to indulge in my morning ritual of scrolling through YouTube and Instagram, catching up on the latest videos and updates.

It's already 7:30 AM—time to get moving. I grab my towel and head straight into the bathroom, where my routine unfolds. The sound of running water greets me as I open the tap. I wash my toothbrush, apply a pea-sized amount of toothpaste—maybe a bit more—and begin brushing. Up and down, I navigate the runways in my mouth, finishing with a gargle and spit. One last brush, and I'm done.

Next, it’s time for a shower. Nothing to elaborate here: just me, the water, and a bar of soap. Fifteen minutes later, I'm refreshed and ready to tackle the day.

I walk out of the bathroom and open my wardrobe, searching for clothes that don’t need ironing. While dressing, let me introduce myself. I'm Vijay Swaminathan, a 25-year-old software engineer. Just an average middle-class guy, navigating life one day at a time.

As I finish dressing and step out, there is Mrs. Swaminathan—my Amma—waiting for me with a warm breakfast and a cup of plain tea. I sit down, place my phone on the stand, and start scrolling through random videos while enjoying my meal. Once done, I bid my mother goodbye and head off to work.

The drive to the office is uneventful, and upon arrival, I clock in with my fingerprint and make my way to my cabin, greeting a few colleagues along the way. After setting up my workspace, I dive into the day’s tasks. This is my new company, which I joined a few months ago. Initially, it was tough—I even had days when I wanted to quit. But now, I’ve found my rhythm. As someone once said, "Once you've got nothing to lose, you become unstoppable." This doesn’t mean I’m ready to get fired, but I’ve learned to prioritize my own space over others’ expectations.

The morning flies by, and soon it’s lunchtime. I’ve grown accustomed to eating alone in this corporate world, finding a certain peace in it. Today, though, a few colleagues join me. We chat and laugh, but I no longer feel uneasy dining solo. It’s a small thing, but an important one I’ve learned over time.

The afternoon is filled with meetings and tasks, and finally, at 5 PM sharp, I sign off and leave the office. Back home, I unwind and freshen up. Dinner is early, at 7 PM, and I find myself scrolling through my phone again, losing track of time until it’s already 11 PM.

Time to hit the bed. And that’s a day in my life—simple, routine, but mine.

Edited by Guruvishva - 8 days ago
tatum86 thumbnail
Visit Streak 365 0 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 8 days ago

Im sorry to disappoint you reason being i like to read about kratika sengar ff

Guruvishva thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 8 days ago

No issues. Thanks for dropping in. 

I'll continue the other one very soon. 

tatum86 thumbnail
Visit Streak 365 0 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 8 days ago


coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 4 days ago

Vijay actually does want someone to love and to be loved. He is just afraid of rejection.

coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 4 days ago

He has a simple, quiet life. He is ready to something to happen and bring something interesting along.
