Looking for tips on how to get started with running

lokprakash1126 thumbnail
Posted: 10 months ago

Hi everyone,

I'm looking for some tips on how to get started with running. I'm not a complete beginner, but I haven't run regularly in a few years. I'm hoping to start running 3-4 times per week, and I'm not sure where to start.

I'm wondering what kind of running plan I should follow. I've seen some plans that start with walking and gradually introduce running, but I'm not sure if that's the best way for me. I'm also wondering how long my runs should be when I first start out.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!




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Sutapasima thumbnail
Posted: 5 days ago
  1. Wear the most comfortable footwear you have to begin with Don't Buy New Sneakers... Yet!
  2. Start with brisk walking then slowly start running in a few days Build Confidence by Starting Slowly.
  3. Wear loose well ventilated attire.
  4. Always Look Ahead and Stay Relaxed.
  5. Run Outdoors When You Can.
  6. Wear a High-Impact Sports Bra.
  7. Know the Optimal Time for Running.
  8. Prevent Boredom at All Costs.
  9. Stretch Before and After!
  10. Always stay hydrated .
Edited by Sutapasima - 5 days ago