minakrish thumbnail

Neutral Nomads

Posted: 3 months ago


Welcome to the Pakistani Serials Forum! We're glad to have you here. To keep things friendly and enjoyable, please follow these simple rules.


  • Minionite (Channel Moderator)
  • hinz (Moderator)
  • minakrish (Viewbie)
  • LizzieBennet (Viewbie)
  • ExoticDisaster (Viewbie)

Contact Chain:

  • First point: Viewbies/Moderators (hinz, minakrish & DreamOfEndless)
  • For unresolved issues: Channel Moderator (Minionite)

Note: Do not discuss moderation issues publicly. Contact us via PM.

Posting Guidelines:

  • Check Before Posting: Avoid duplicate topics by checking the first three pages.
  • Organizing Activities & Games: Get approval from the moderation team before starting any contests or activities.
  • No Disclaimers: Posts telling others what to do or including disclaimers like "Bashers stay away" will be edited.

Conduct Guidelines:

  • Edit Responsibility: Members are responsible for their posts. Do not expect mods to edit every inappropriate comment.
  • No Personal Attacks, Bashing or Mocking: No personal attacks, bashing or mocking actors or forum members directly or indirectly.
  • Be Respectful: Every opinion - be it positive, negative or neutral, is welcomed, provided it be done respectfully and without bashing, mocking, bullying or instigating or making personal attacks. This is an open forum and it belongs to every member present here.
  • No Moral Policing: You cannot dictate what others can or cannot post. Members are entitled to share their opinions on characters or actors. If you disagree but the opinion is shared politely, just move on. We have members of all ages, so handle differences maturely and enjoy the discussions that IF offers.
  • No Name Calling: Don’t use offensive or derogatory names for anyone. Only use names to describe a character or behavior from a show without mocking or being abusive.
  • No Swearing or Profanity: Foul language is strictly prohibited. This is a family-friendly forum. Violations will lead to warnings. Report any posts with such language.
  • No Chatting/Spamming: Keep personal chats to the Chat Club Thread on the forum.
  • No Advertising: Do not share spam or advertising content from other websites. Do not share discussion threads from other websites that do not get embedded into your post.

Reporting and Issues:

  • Report Problems: Use the report button or PM a moderator of the forum.
  • Response Time: Allow up to 48 hours for a response. Avoid mass PMing.
  • Multiple IDs: Do not create multiple IDs. Report suspected MIDs so the moderation team can investigate further. Do not accuse people in public either once reported or afterwards.
  • External Issues: Do not bring issues from other sites here. Any fights on other social networking sites will not be allowed to be discussed here. For further clarifications, please refer to: External Content from Social Networking Sites.

Privacy and Content:

  • Personal Information: Do not breach privacy by sharing sensitive information about others, including actors and forum members.
  • External Content: Only professional updates are allowed. Personal life discussions must have verifiable sources.

Discussion Threads:

  • Stay On Topic: Stick to the discussion at hand and avoid irrelevant or negative comments.
  • No Spamming: Minimal personal chatting allowed, provided it is on topic. No new Discussion Threads are to be made until there is an official announcement by the channel or production house. Random posts on social media regarding upcoming shows can be posted under the Social Media Threads. Any such discussion threads found with no official announcement and "Untitled" names will be trashed.
  • Respect Opinions: Do not mock or pinpoint other members' opinions. Learn to agree to disagree. Every member's opinion is valued if put forth respectfully.

Penalties for Rule Violation:

For Appreciation & Discussion Threads:

  • First Violation: Warning Note
  • Second Violation: Another Warning Note
  • Third Violation: Another Warning Note
  • Fourth Violation: Close thread for 24 hours
  • Fifth Violation: Close thread for 72 hours
  • Sixth Violation: Close thread for 1 week
  • Seventh Violation: Remove thread from the forum

For Members:

Any member who is found to be in violation of India Forums Rules and Code Of Conduct may be given a Warning Level increase by the moderation team.

If a member is found bashing or instigating fights, they will receive a warning PM. Continued behavior will raise their warning level. For issues with other members, contact the moderation team. Report any posts that violate the IF Code of Conduct, and the DT will handle it.

Please note, with each Warning Levels increase it will also restrict/limit the member's access to the forum features.

  • 20% - First warning, so members are given a chance, without any other restrictions
  • 40% - Only 15 posts (replies in topics) can be made in a day
  • 60% - No new topics can be created in addition to restrictions of 40% warning level
  • 80% - Restricted PM access whereby PMs can ONLY be sent to Dev Team to resolve issues, in addition to restrictions of 60% warning level
  • 100% - Automatically bans the member

Warning levels can be reduced after 3 months of active participation without new warnings or rule violations. To lower your warning level, send a request PM to the moderation team of the forum. If you don't get a response within a week, contact the Channel Moderator.

Avatar/Signature Rules:

Fan Fiction:

Adult Content in Fan Fictions has been a controversial topic.

Please refer to the guidelines here: Fan Fiction Rules

RPF (Real People Fiction) involves writing about actual people, not fictional characters. India Forums does NOT allow this. You may write about TV show characters, but NOT about the actors themselves.

Note: Always follow the IF COC Or Code Of Conduct at all times. Let's keep this forum a friendly and respectful place for everyone.

We hope you enjoy your time here.


Pakistani Serials Forum DT

Tag Credits: oh_nakhrewaali

Edited by minakrish - 2 days ago


Last reply









Frequent Posters

minakrish thumbnail

Neutral Nomads

Posted: 1 months ago

DT WARNING 30/08/2024

Attention, Everyone:

We've noticed an increase in sly digs and personal attacks among members. This is a reminder that such behavior is not acceptable. Please avoid making any comments that could be perceived as indirect jabs or personal attacks against other members.

This is a blanket warning. Going forward, any member who continues this behavior will receive an immediate increase in their warning level without further notice.

Let's keep our discussions respectful and constructive.

Thank you,


DT NOTE: 31 August 2024

Please note, that this is the last and final warning and any further rule breaches will earn a direct WL raise.

1) Making sly digs, name-calling and personal attacks among members is not acceptable. Please avoid making any comments that could be perceived as indirect jabs or personal attacks against other members.

2) Bashing members and real people (actors) is not allowed under any circumstances. Everyone has an opinion, be it positive or negative. You are welcome to post your opinion respectfully — without dragging the opposing fandom into it.

3) You cannot tell members what they can or cannot post. They are entitled to post what they feel about a certain character or actor. If you don't like their opinion, move on. We have members of all ages, so handle differences maturely and enjoy the discussions.

4) Please do not engage in petty back and forth. It only disturbs the peace and spoils the forum atmosphere.



minakrish thumbnail

Neutral Nomads

Posted: 1 months ago

DT Note: 05/09/2024

Hi everyone,

The topic has been reviewed and reopened.

Please note that this thread is dedicated to discussing TRP ratings of shows. Let's keep the conversation focused and avoid unrelated discussions. If you wish to engage in casual conversations, please use the chat club thread.

Please DO NOT make any comments that could be perceived as indirect jabs or personal attacks against other members of the forum.

Everyone has an opinion, be it positive or negative. You are welcome to post your opinion respectfully — without dragging the opposing fandom into it.

You cannot tell members what they can or cannot post. They are entitled to post what they feel about a certain character or actor. If you don't like their opinion, move on. We have members of all ages, so handle differences maturely and enjoy the discussions.

Let's keep our discussions respectful and constructive.

P.S.: There is already a blanket warning in place for anyone who makes personal attacks on fellow members. This will result in a direct raise in Warning Level. ⚠️



minakrish thumbnail

Neutral Nomads

Posted: 1 months ago

DT Note 15/09/2024

The topic has been reviewed and reopened.

This thread is for sharing Lollywood social media updates and BTS content. Please keep discussions relevant and avoid unrelated topics. For casual conversations, use the Chat Club thread.

Avoid making comments that could be seen as personal attacks or jabs at other members. Share opinions respectfully and don’t target opposing fandoms. Bringing fan wars from other social media platforms is against the rules.

Engaging in fan-wars and petty disputes disrupts the forum's peace. If you see any offensive posts, report them.

P.S.: A blanket warning is already in place for personal attacks on fellow members. Such actions will result in an immediate increase in Warning Level. ⚠️



LizzieBennet thumbnail
Posted: 22 days ago

DT warning

Posted on 28/09/2024

We've been noticing too many repeats of the same offenses despite several warnings, so please be aware that this will be the final one and we will not just remove the posts but also start handing out WLs for any one or more of these offenses:

1. Bringing in Twitter fights or opinions to prove your point & bashing/ attacking members on Twitter/X or any other Social media platform.

2. Any form of name-calling or calling out members on this forum for having a different opinion or for simply stating their opinion.

3. Tagging DTs bringing up problem posts and naming & shaming members in public for alleged offenses. Please note the DT will not respond to tags asking about rules/ targeting other members. Please reach out to the DT only via PM. This applies to discussion/ requests on WLs too. (Please be aware that even if someone is at 80% WL, they are still able to send PMs to moderators and above, just not Viewbies)

4. Engaging in fights or trying to moral police on a problem post by a member. We have said this before and will say it for the LAST TIME. If you notice any post that is breaking rules, PLEASE REPORT IT and move on. DO NOT ENGAGE with the member and call them out on the forum. This will mean action can be taken against you and your posts as well.

5. Celebrities will have fans and there will be people who dislike them for whatever reason. Discussing celebrities and their personal lives is ok up to a point, but slander will not be tolerated.

For eg:

Allowed Discussion: Commenting on a celebrity’s choice of roles or discussing public appearances and interviews. Questioning a celebrity’s professional decisions, like taking on certain projects, is fine. Critique on acting is also ok as long as there is no mocking or derogatory comments.

Not Allowed (Slander): Making derogatory remarks about a celebrity’s personal character, such as calling them immoral or making baseless claims about their private relationships. Spreading unverified rumors or making personal attacks against their character or family crosses the line. Mocking their acting by posting memes or making demeaning comparisons.

In addition to WLs, threads maybe locked for 24 hours or more if we see a lot of infighting, rule-breaking &/or reports.

- Pakistani Serials Forum DT
