Hello PSF members!
We asked, and many of you voted yes or maybe so we decided to give this another shot on a TRIAL basis!
Welcome to the Fight Club Thread!
Are you ready to unleash your inner Tyler Durden?
Then this is the ultimate place for unfiltered, uncensored, and raw discussions.
Let off some steam, share your thoughts, and engage in lively discussions.
While we encourage a free-flowing conversation, there are a few ground rules.
Timings: 8 PM IST - 10 PM IST on Saturday and Sunday
This is an experiment, whether this will be continued or not depends on its overall impact observed in the forum.
1. No Tagging People Not in the Thread:
Keep it in the circle, folks. Don't drag members who are not participating. Keep the conversation contained only to those who are actively participating here.
2. No Bashing of Mods:
We know you love us. But since we are not participating in the Fight Club, you’re not allowed to bash us.
3. No Using Terminology That Could Lead to Legal Action Against You:
This includes threats, defamatory statements, or any language that could be considered illegal. You are free to express your views without crossing the legal boundaries.
4. Option to Opt Out:
If someone says they want to opt out of the Fight Club, then let them go and don’t tag them again.
This fight thread is for fun and for venting out for a brief time, but if it is stressful to any member then let them go.
Also if someone decides to opt out, they can’t rejoin again during the hour.
5. Remember, What happens in Corsica stays in Corsica!
Err.. we mean what happens in the Fight Club thread, stays in this thread. Do not take arguments elsewhere on the forum, remember that forum rules will still apply in those threads and action may be taken against you.
After the time is over (i.e. after 10 PM IST on Sunday), this thread will be sent to RCV.
Enter only if you can take the risk and then move on.
No action will be taken as a result of anything you say on the thread except the four rules mentioned above.
This is your space to speak your mind without worrying about getting censored (except for those simple rules). So, go ahead and let loose!
Ready to start a ruckus? Let's go!
Tags: DreamOfEndless