1) You are welcome to post your opinion, whether positive or negative, politely without dragging the opposing fandom into it.
2) Character critique is allowed in a polite/respectful manner. Bashing members and actors and/or name-calling of any kind is not allowed under any circumstances.
3) Please refrain from moral policing. You cannot tell members what they can or cannot post. They are entitled to post what they feel about a certain character or actor. If you don't like their opinion but it's put across politely, move on. We are adults here and we should know how to deal with differences in opinion without getting affected. However, if the opinion includes bashing of the actor or any kind of name-calling, that will NOT be entertained. Please REPORT such posts.
4) Do not bait, mock, instigate or provoke a fandom and deliberately post things to rile up an opposing fandom. Please do not make snide comments against members or gang up with other forum members to create mocking posts.
5) No new Discussion Threads are to be made until there is an official announcement by the channel or production house. Random posts on social media regarding upcoming shows can be posted under the new Lollywood SM Updates and BTS Thread. Any such discussion threads found with no official announcement and "Untitled" names will be trashed.
6) Any fights between different fan-groups on other social networking sites will not be allowed to be discussed here!
7) Lastly, any mocking, shaming, judging, name-calling of members for their differences of opinion will NOT BE TOLERATED. This will result in a direct raise in warning level.
When you see anything offensive, simply report the post and we will take action on it. Any moderation action taken up with a member is between the DT and that member alone. It will not be announced publicly.
Note: Permissions for the Lollywood SM Thread and Chat Club have been revoked. The new thread for those will be made by one of the mods when the active one reaches 150 pages.
We hope you keep this an amicable and polite space for discussion.
Tag: DreamOfEndless