YIKES! Just three more episodes? So the initial speculation about the show being 20 episodes was true. SHUKAR! KUR usually drags his shows but with three more episodes left, we can expect them to be a tightly written roller coaster. No time for dilly dallying, just show what is need to be shown to get this story over. Man, I am excited.
I specifically praised Saad Sultan in my review because of that last scene when Daaji flashbacks to his call with NM. And when that flashback gets over and the camera pans on Daaji's guilty face and the guitar music in the bg and the episode just ends...ahmazing! Really! Mostly in MNYH the episodes end quite abruptly with scenes often left unfinished...but this episode's end was fantabulous. It seemed like a proper end and made you gasp when the screen froze.