Cheeni is panic stricken scared about her exposure in Arto’s accident and Dhairya’s death . Anu tries her best to calm n comfort her.Imlie is fighting tooth n nail to expose Dhairya’s killer .She plots to expose the culprit . But Anu who is keeping close watch spoils her plans and killer (Cheeni) escapes because of alert Anu.
Cheeni is still in panic mode fearing her arrest , she is controlled n reassured by Anu.
AthLie join hands to nab the culprit, they decide to work together to lay a trap to expose the killer. In order to fool the family members that they both were at loggerheads they fake fights . During all this planning n plotting and faking drama AthLie come closer and Kairi clicks their accidental close moments in her toy camera .
Same as yesterday
AthLie over hear this and confront her for the accidents .Cheeninchallengesbher that none will believe Imlie. Aero declares he will believe Imlie. Cheeni and Anu are shocked as AthLie join hands.