Sai marrying Satya doesn't mean V isn't Savis biological father. He can still be in his kids lives. No one has negated that. Sai won't. She's not petty or revenge seeking. She will never ask Savi to replace Satya as her baba. She will never ask Savi to stop spending time with CN losers also. But Savi doing some tantrum about happy family and her aai-baba together cannot amount to Sai living in CN forever.
She is making a calculated decision to be with Satya with full disclosure of her past to him and so its not a conpromise. Its a weighted decision. Its a compromise when she has no choice. Like when she was cornered in her vulnerable state at the age of 18 to marry V and accept his deal proposal where he only told her part of the story. He told her he's committed but not that his ex is his current bhabhi and living under the same roof. He didn't tell her she married his brother to be near him and that brother was missing. So she's living alone.
Here she's older and more mature , and she's taking this decision after giving it thought and considering what is good for her and kids and Satya , and in a sense VP too . As a doctor jodi with a full family in Adhikaris- Sai can give Savi Vinu a stable home with loving people and strong female role modeld who didn't let their past define them. And kids can also spend time in CN if they want to. They get 2 homes . They get their parents. Sai and Satya both get a good companion in each other. V and P can tolerate each other/divorce/or do whatever the F they want.