Hatred is a poison that fills your body. It becomes impossible to think of anything else but the object of your hatred. Sometimes if you don't encounter the object of your hatred for a length of time, the hatred may dissipate throughout your body. You may under the impression that the feeling is gone. The truth is that is has spread like a cancer. It is very important if possible to tell the person who you are angry with how you feel.
"Hate is often an obverse form of love.
You hate someone whom you really wish to love but whom you cannot love."
"Hate is a disguised form of love.
You can only hate someone that you have the capacity to love because if you are really indifferent,
you cannot even get up enough energy to hate him"
Love and hate are two sides of a coin. Without love there is no hate and without hate there is no love.
Maan: How dare you geet?
Geet: don't raise your voice Mr. Khuranna? I m not deaf.
Maan: How dare you abort my child. Who the hell do you think you are?
Geet: your child, sorry Mr. Khuranna its a bloody rapist's child. Maan Singh Khuranna the RAPIST. He raped his own wife to satisfy his ego.
Maan: Geet? mind your words.
Geet: Mind my words. Did you mind your actions?
Maan: just stop it. How could you abort your own child geet. it was the Khuranna's heir.
Geet: it was not my child but it's yours. A bloody rapist. Oh sorry, I forgot tat it was Khuranna's, THE KHURANNA'S HEIR. However, don't you feel tat when people will come to know tat it's a rapist child they will hate him. Just a rapist child. Maan Singh Khuranna the biggest business Tycoon of India a bloody Rapist and he wants his wife to keep the rapist child. Don't you feel it's a big joke Mr. Khuranna.
Maan: Yes I m a rapist and you forced me do rape you geet. do you understand and don't forget tat I will spare you.. you will pay for aborting my child.
Geet: lets see Mr. Khuranna tat who pays and for wat..
So how was it?. Please give your comments on it tat should I continue or not..
Thank You..