Readers' Choice Awards Nominations for EDKV ||Nominations Closed||

oh_nakhrewaali thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

Hello and welcome to Phase 2 of the biggest ever FanFiction Awards organized by India Forums.

Hopefully, you have read everything that is posted in the Global Announcement Thread for this Phase

Readers' Choice Awards Phase 2 ||Nominations Open||

If you have nominated stories/ authors in Phase 1, you already know the drill, but feel free to check out the GA link or the following posts for the rules and FAQs posted. The names of the co-ordinators for each forum are posted here as well, so feel free to hit us up in case of any queries. Keep an eye out for our PM if your story is nominated!

Write-up: LizzieBennet, Aparajita_K

Tags,Dividers and Bullets: Grey_licious

Color Coding: oye_nakhrewaali

Edited by oye_nakhrewaali - 2 years ago


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Frequent Posters

oh_nakhrewaali thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

Please do not post any query or chat in this thread. For that please refer Readers' Choice Awards Phase 2 ||Nominations Open||

The awards will have 4 main categories in each forum:

Best Fan Fiction (8 chapters or more: ongoing/ complete)

Best Short Story (4 to 7 chapters- complete)

Best Ficlet (1-3 chapters - complete)

Best Author

Both authors and readers are eligible to nominate stories.

You can nominate upto three stories under each category and up to three authors for the Best Author category.

Authors can nominate 2 of their own stories in each category but cannot nominate themselves for Best Author.

Please submit your nominations in the respective nomination threads for each forum stating clearly the category you’re nominating the story for. Check the stories to see which category they qualify under.

Please make only one post for all your nominations in one forum. You can edit the post later if you need to before the deadline. If you do so, please let the coordinators know.

We would like to spread the word about these awards as much as possible and create a buzz, so while nominating, please tag at least 5 of your friends/ readers/ writers in your forum in your nomination post (in addition to the authors you are nominating).

You must provide an embedded link to the story and the name of the author.

Eg. Correct way of nominating:

Ramya's Potpourri of Prose and Poetry

by moonglade

Incorrect way of nominating:

Ramya's Potpourri of Prose and Poetry by moonglade

Authors can ask their readers to nominate their stories by tagging them.

Ficlets and short stories must be completed before 15.2.2022. Fanfictions can be ongoing, however, please note that stories that have not been updated for more than a year will not be eligible.

All nominated stories will need to be migrated to the New Fan Fiction section.

The whole story needs to be posted on IF. Stories that are published on other platforms and linked here will not be considered.

Once migrated, Authors can request a book cover in the Fan Fiction Book Cover Shop #23. Please note, however, that because of the huge volume of work our graphicers may not be able to supply a cover in time for voting. Your book will be provided with a temporary generic cover in such cases.

The stories WILL NOT be beta-read by the IF BetaReaders for this contest. However, after the winners of the awards are announced, the authors can put up the story for beta-reading in the House of Beta Readers thread.

There will be one winner and two runners up in each category in every forum that nominates stories and authors, however, the final call on this will be left to the discretion of the coordinators.

The last date for nomination for Phase 2 is 7 March 2022, 11.59 PM IST.

Closed forums (Colors, Sony, Zee TV): oye_nakhrewaali

Colors: tournesol, Serpensortia

Sony: oye_nakhrewaali , LizzieBennet

Zee TV: shahsb_26, LizzieBennet

Edited by oye_nakhrewaali - 2 years ago
oh_nakhrewaali thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

1. How can I nominate stories?

In the assigned nomination thread in your forum, you can put up the names and the links of the stories and authors under each category.

Example of how to post nominations:

Best Fan Fiction

1) Love is Eternal by xyz (with links to story and author profile)

2) Love Hate Stories by abc (with links to story and author profile)

Best Short Story

1) Blossom by xyz (with links to story and author profile)

2) Bonded by abc (with links to story and author profile)

Best Ficlet

1) Ice and Candies by xyz (with links to story and author profile)

2)Walk to not remember by abc (with links to story and author profile)

Best Author

1) xyz (with link to author profile)

2) abc (with link author profile)

2. Where should I nominate the stories/ authors?

Each forum will have its own separate thread for nomination, which will be stickied, where you can post your nominations. Please only nominate stories from that particular forum.

Please tag 5 people you know that read/ write FFs in your nomination post.

For eg. If you want to nominate a Qubool Hai FF, please do so in the dedicated nomination thread in the Qubool Hai forum, and tag 5 people.

Stories that are wrongly nominated/ not nominated in the right thread will be disqualified.

Follow the format given under FAQ Q.1 to send in your nominations.

3. I'm a Newbie/ Groupbie and don't know many people on IF. Do I still need to tag 5 members in my nomination post? I’m also not allowed to post links. Will my nomination still be accepted?

The idea behind tagging is to spread the word to people that may not be as active, and to as many members as possible so that there is greater involvement and the contest is a success.

That being said, if you cannot tag anyone/can tag only 1-2 people, your nomination will still be taken into account provided it meets all the other criteria.

For newbies, we are making an exception since they are not allowed to post links: They can post only the story name and the name of the author, but kindly make sure you spell it correctly, and also put your nomination under the correct category.

4. What do the terms Fan Fiction, Short Story and Ficlet mean?

For the purpose of this contest, we have distinguished these categories as below:

Fan Fiction: Stories that have 8 or more chapters

Short Stories: Stories with 4 to 7 chapters.

Ficlets: Stories with 1-3 chapters. Includes drabbles/OS/2S/3S

Please check the stories you are nominating for what category they will qualify under.

5. The story I want to nominate was a winner/ entry in a contest held previously on IF. Can I still nominate it?

Winners and Runners-up in any contest held by the FFDT between 2019 - 2022, including IFFA 2019 and IFFA 2020 are not eligible for nominations. All other contest entries will be accepted.

The authors of the winning stories can still be nominated under the Best Author category.

This does not apply to contests held in individual forums. You are free to nominate all contest entries in this case.

6. I only read the shorter Ficlets, and skip the longer FFs. Can I only nominate drabbles or one-shots in the Best Ficlet category?

Yes. It is not compulsory to nominate in every category. But please try to nominate in as many categories as possible to give these stories and authors the best chance.

7. Why do I need to migrate my story to the new section? I would prefer to have my stories stay in the forum where my friends can easily access them.

This is not just a contest for recognizing good stories/ authors, but also an initiative to increase the visibility of your stories.

There are several advantages to migrating your story.

By moving them to the new section, you are allowing them to be read/ followed by a wider audience that could potentially include all of IF’s active members who read FFs. Our purpose is to broaden the reach of your stories and migrating will help you do that.

Additionally, the New FanFiction section allows you to tag your story, which makes it easier for users to find it. If you use the Content tag for the show you're writing on, your story can also be easily accessed through the Fan Fiction Tab in your forum, and is not lost/ hidden among the multiple threads among the forum topics.

Moreover, your story can still stay in the forum as well. Migrating will not remove your story from where you first posted it.

8. I don’t know how to migrate. Does that mean my story will not be eligible for the contest?

The FFEs - Aparajita_K, Viswasruti, or oye_nakhrewaali will help with the migration if the authors are finding it challenging to do so by themselves. You can contact one of them or one of the co-ordinators for assistance.

You can check Steps to Migrate your FF in the new FF section for help. Multiple Threads can be added in one single story. Your likes and comments are migrated altogether, and all the members that have liked/ commented on your story are automatically your followers.

We do require the stories to be migrated for them to be considered for voting in the contest.

9. My story has already been moved to the new section/ originally posted there. Is it still eligible?

If it is nominated and meets the IF COC and all other listed criteria, it is eligible.

10. What do you mean by nomination and voting? How are they different?

A nomination means you are just listing out the stories from your forum that you wish to be considered for the contest. This allows even authors to nominate their own work.

The voting process is where members will actually cast their vote for the stories listed under the 4 categories. The votes will then be counted by the co-ordinators and winners declared after the process.

There will be a nomination thread posted in every participating forum (forums with active stories), where members will post the nominations. Co-ordinators will compile them into a list of nominees and put them up for voting in the voting thread that will be posted separately.

11. If I have nominated stories, does that rule me out from voting in the voting round?

No, you can nominate as well as vote.

However, in case of authors there is a slight exception - they are allowed to nominate their own stories, but not vote for them (such votes will be disqualified). They are also not allowed to nominate or vote for themselves in the Best Author category.

They can, however, still vote for other stories/ authors in the nominee list.

We are allowing upto 3 stories per member (2 stories if an author is nominating their own work) to be nominated in each category.

Please note that the voting thread will open once the nominations are locked in, and rules for voting will be posted there.

12. I have written stories for multiple forums/ I'm an active reader of FFs in several forums. Can I nominate in all of them?

Yes, since these awards are forum-specific and there will be individual winners in each forum, there is no limitation on the number of forums you can nominate stories in.

As an author, if you have stories in more than one forum, you are welcome to nominate them all provided you stick to the limit of 2 stories per category.

Readers can also nominate stories in all the forums they are active in or if they want to support their author friends in other forums.

13. The story I wish to nominate has been placed under the Mature Post tag. Can I still nominate it?

Yes, you can nominate it, but the FFEs will look at the content and decide whether it is eligible as per IF COC.

If your story has MATURE content and is marked as such, the FFEs will be reviewing it, so kindly wait until you receive a PM from one of the FFDT members saying your story has been accepted before you migrate and tag your story.

14. I would like to nominate 3 Short stories - one is a Romance, another is from the Mystery/ Thriller genre, and the third is a Tragedy. How should I send my nominations?

We have not differentiated the categories with respect to genres. All short stories, irrespective of genre, should be nominated under the Best Short story category. The same applies for FanFiction and Ficlet.

15. The FF I want to nominate was written a few years ago, it has more than 10 chapters, but it is not complete. The forum/ thread is now closed/ locked. Can I still nominate it?

There is no limit on the start date of a story to be nominated. However, we will not be considering newer stories (those that are posted after 15th Feb 2022).

If it’s an ongoing story and has begun before 15th Feb 2022, it will be eligible.

The final decision on this rests with the FFDT.

If the forum is closed or the thread is locked, the co-ordinators will attempt to migrate it/ contact the author.

If the author is inactive/ left the site but the story is complete, we will still consider it.

If a story is incomplete/ ongoing, and the author has been inactive or has not updated the story for over a year, we will not be considering it.

16. Can I nominate a story written by a Newbie/ Groupbie/ FFE/ FFG or BR?

Yes, you can nominate stories written by a Newbie or Groupbie.

In case of FFEs, FFGs and BRs we will accept nominations for stories written by them, but the final decision on whether they wish their stories to participate in the voting will be left to them.

17. I have already posted my nomination but I now want to make some changes in it. Can I do that or is my nomination final once I post it?

You can edit your nomination post as long as it is before the Phase 2 nomination deadline. After this, no changes will be accepted. When you edit a nomination please tag the forum co-ordinator to let them know what change you’re making.

18. My story has been nominated. What should I do next?

The coordinators for every forum will check the stories, and if your story is eligible, you will receive a PM from them instructing you on the next steps. On receiving the PM confirming your nomination/s, kindly migrate your story/ies first (if it’s not already in the new section) Then add the tag #ReadersChoiceAwards in the title of your book. Also add the tag readerschoiceawards in the general tags for your story.

19. Whom do I contact if I have questions about the nomination process?

If you have any further questions, feel free to post them here on the GA thread, or contact the co-ordinator/s for your forum as listed in the post above.

The FFDT reserves all rights to discard nominations if they fail to meet any of the above criteria or have been identified as having any other issues that make them unfit for consideration.

We are not bound to give individual explanations if at all a nomination is deleted from the final voting list for any reason whatsoever.

Edited by oye_nakhrewaali - 2 years ago
LizzieBennet thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

Phase 2 Nominations are Now CLOSED.

Thank you for your participation!

Please wait for the voting announcement.
