Forgot to tell you girls that Branka is coming to Belgrade today and perhaps tomorrow she may come online!😊
Originally posted by: Viswasruti
Friends trying to translate our Nado's words.--
Nado , she referred Toral as goat, not anyone of us.🤗 I tried to understand your words and translated with the help of Google aunty for the benefit of our other friends before Branka correct my translation.😊 Please , no misunderstandings and accusing each other . Yes , bad words used there regarding us and our Padma. Please note this every one , Padma is nearer to our heart and very dearer to all of us , never hurt her , it will anger us and hurt us most. Here is Nado's words--Prats was special. She was an unselfish, wide heart and soul. She liked people. I'm sure that, no matter what, she did not hate Toral. She could not hate. Love keeps our memory on. Love and not hatred. That she, regardless of where she is, never gets up.-- Love you Nado for these words .🤗If that means being a goat [ fan ] I'll be a goat [ fan] . I'm not embarrassed. The self-proclaimed "greatest admirers" have the means to see everything, all the measurements, and to us, "with the utmost justice", are outraged. They put Prats's paintings and besides them they wrote insults and abusive things in our house. "Well done!" It is the "peak of exultation".
I see that there is also "evidence" material. Thanks for that. Now, I realized, the first condition to be "the real" Pratsin fan is, to unconditionally and unreservedly, everywhere and everywhere, hate Toral and hate her and express it. All other conditions are unknown to the soul, but if you violate them, of course, you will be strictly warned and by the way and properly misrepresented.
Everything we write about, about who or what, is our image of ourselves. And how do others see us? Well ... "beauty is in the eye of an observer." (I never thought about how the goats "see". I need to get more information.)
I hope all this is worth your police intervention and, yes, happy and satisfied. you close the door of our CC. If so, satisfaction is mutual .
In addition, I am embarrassed that someone who speaks my language, in the most indulgent way, is worth the people who did not deserve it.
PS Ms. Ljuba-55, I am sure, she can ask for her membership in this CC. I believe that no lawyer is needed. By the way, I wish her a good time at sea. Greece is a beautiful country. 😃
Dragica's absence absolutely has nothing to do with Toral. We know that, but it's not bad that others know it.
Signed: "Pushed" fan 😳
I apologize to friends, Branka will translate.Prats je bila posebna. Bila je nesebicna, sirokog srca i duse. Volela je ljude. Sigurna sam da, bez obzira na sve, nije mrzela Toral. Ona nije umela da mrzi. Ljubavlju cuvamo secanje na nju. Ljubavlju a ne mrznjom. Da nas se ona, bez obzira gde je, nikad ne postidi.Ako to znaci biti koza ja cu biti koza. Nije me sramota. Samoproglaseni "najveci obozavaoci" imaju nacin da sve vide, sve izmere i da nas, "s punim pravom", izvredjaju. Stavljaju Pratsine slike i pored njih pisu uvrede i gadosti i to u nasoj kuci. "Bravo!" To je "vrhunac obozavanja".Vidim da je tu i "dokazni" materijal. Hvala i za to. Sad sam shvatila, prvi uslov da budete "pravi" Pratsin fan je, da bezuslovno i bezrezrervno, svuda i na svakom mestu, mrzite Toral i tu mrznju i iskazujete. Svi ostali uslovi su do duse nepoznati ali ako ih prekrsite, naravno, bicete strogo upozoreni i usput i propisno izvredjani.Sve sto pisemo, bilo o kome ili o cemu, je nasa slika o nama samima. A kako nas drugi vide? Pa ... "lepota je u oku posmatraca." ( Nisam razmisljala nikad o tome kako koze "vide". Moram se dodatno informisati. )Nadam se da sve ovo vredno Vaseg policijskog intervenisanja i da, srecno i zadovljno. zatvarate vrata naseg CC . Ako je tako, zadovoljstvo je obostrano ( eto ipak se u necem slazemo).Dodatno me je sramota sto neko ko govori mojim jezikom, na najprizemniji nacin, vredja ljude koji to nicim nisu zasluzili.PS gospodja Ljuba-55 , sigurna sam , ume sama da zatrazi da joj se obrise clanstvo u ovom CC. Verujem da joj nikakav advokat nije potreban. Usput, zelim joj lep provod na moru. Grcka je divna zemlja. 😃Dragicino odsustvo apsolutno nema nikakve veze sa Toral. Mi to znamo al' nije lose da to znaju i drugi.U potpisu : "Posrnuli" fan 😳
Sri Krishna is considered as the one of the most powerful human incarnations of the Lord Vishnu. He was born around 5,200 years ago in Mathura. The sole objective of Sri Krishna's birth was to free the Earth from the evilness of demons. He played an important role in Mahabharata and propagated the theory of bhakti and good karma which are narrated deeply in the Bhagwat Geeta.The actual celebration of Janmashtami takes place during the midnight as Sri Krishna is believed to be born on a dark, stormy and windy night to end the rule and violence of his uncle, Kansa. All over India, this day is celebrated with devotional songs and dances, pujas, arti, blowing of the Conch and rocking the cradle of baby Sri Krishna.
Happy Janmashtami to all the Rainbow Members.⭐️
[ the first 2 images are from my Radha Krishna story]