Somewhere Over the Rainbow #16 With Prats in our Hearts - Page 38


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Sneha.Love thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 7 years ago

Originally posted by: Viswasruti

Nataly , our dear friend , tried to express my feelings in a subtle way but was unable to express my emotional turmoil at this moment. Dedicating this to all the mothers who lost their child and living with that memory, including my mother.😭

I have no words to express my sentiments, and can't share my feelings to console, you . 🤗
Image result for life and death quotes

😭 You stirred my soul, my dear Madi ❤️...Beautiful Rain story 👏👏👏⭐️, for me the most emotional one...It will be for Nats, too, I know...You expressed with all the right words your sentiments and sentiments of all of us here...🤗🤗🤗

I have to go now, but will be back in few hours and than I will translate this Rain story ❤️

If only... My sweet awesome daughter Kayla, I love and miss you so baby gurl!
Sneha.Love thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 7 years ago

Originally posted by: Reenatyzed

hi everyone🤗

i know its been ages since i posted here

hows everyone

good to see such posts and prayers for our prats

Hello Shobhi 🤗

It is so good to see you again 🤗 Missed you a lot. Hope that you are fine and well 😊

I'm fine and the rest of the girls as well...It would be nice to see you more often...😊

Prats is living with us here Over the Rainbow, we remember her and love her...we'll for sure remember her on her BD, and you are most welcome to join us here ...

Thank you for this hashtag ❤️...will for sure tweet there (for long I was not on Twitter)
cygnet9 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Commentator 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago
Hello Rainbow Friends😃

I was missing since morning, and did not have time to inform you all. I went out for some work today after that household work greeted me, so was busy with that. Finally I am done with everything and came here running😆

Just saw Madhu's emotional and artistic story dedicated to Natty. Madhu is a gifted writer. She weaves each and every emotions with passion. God bless her.

Hello Shobhi😊 very happy to see you here. Do drop in often.

Ivony and Nado Kako Si?
Ivony Kako je tvoja ker? Nadam se da se oporavlja.

Branka very happy that the atmosphere got cooled over there.

cygnet9 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Commentator 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago
Good Night Rainbow friends😃
Sneha.Love thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 7 years ago

Originally posted by: Viswasruti

Life Begets Life And Can't Know Death Ever!

Zivot pocinje zivotom i nikada ne zna za smrt!

Image result for a GIRL HUGGING MOON

Rain Story Part --7.

Rain is like God's own poetry, each drop is a single letter in the song of life! But for her, it's a reminder of past which she loves most! It's the rain which is allowing her to break barriers and let the emotions flow and allow the raindrops to mingle with tears on her face!With her head down, sitting on the bench, supporting her chin with her clench. The gentle breeze is playing with her hair, didn't mind the dust, she has a void in her eyes, didn't mind the hurt! She is watching the torn clouds , trying to understand the enormity of things happened in her life , so far beyond her perception, it is a spell , not a trance, to describe her state of mind, language is insufficient! She is thinking , talking to herself in that rainy morning --

Kisa je poput poezije samoga Boga, svaka kap je pojedinacno slovo u pesmi zivota! Ali za nju, to je podsecanje na proslost koju najvise voli! Kisa je ta koja joj omogucuje da polomi prepreke i pusti da svi osecaji teku i da dozvoli da se kisne kapi mesaju sa suzama na njenom licu! Pognute glave, sedela je na klupi, podupiruci svoju bradu stisnutom sakom. Nezni povetarac se poigravao njezinom kosom, nije se osvrtala na prasinu, u njenim je ocima bila praznina, nije marila za bol! Posmatrala je razderane oblake, i pokusavala da shvati taj ogromni uzas sto se izdesavalo u njenom zivotu, sto do sada nije mogla ni da zamisli, da bi se opisalo njeno stanje svesti, moglo se reci da je bila kao zacarana, ne kao u transu, reci nisu bile dovoljne! Ona razmislja, razgovarajuci sama sa sobom u to kisovito jutro...

"Your memories are floating on the stilled moments, the brightest star in the sky calling me now, want to hug the entire sky to have you once in my embrace, for that feel for which this mother is longing now! --

"Rain and tears mingle on my face, salty tracks blending into the fresh sky-fallen trickles. Only the pinkness of my eyes gives any clue to my sadness, trying my best to hide it from the world!

Rain above, destruction below, my torn heart is in-between and tears that did nothing but add to the dampness -

" Secanja plove (lebde) po tihim trenucima, najsjajnija zvezda na nebu me sada doziva, zelim da zagrlim citavo nebo, da te imam jos jednom u mom zagrljaju, takvi su osecaji za kojima zudi ta majka!--

"Kisa i suze se mesaju na mom licu, slani tragovi se mjesaju u sveze tanke mlazove koji padaju s neba. Samo crvenilo mojih ociju pruza dokaze o mojoj tuzi, dok ja pokusavam, na najbolji nacin da to sakrijem od sveta!

Iznad mene kisa, ispod mene razaranje, moje pokidano srce je tu negde izmedju, i suze koje nisu ucinile nista, osim sto su povecale vlagu svuda oko mene-

"There is an intense anxiety to the rain it seems as if between the tumbling cloud and the earth below, there is a fear of never reaching its destination! My soul is longing to soak itself in the showers to douse the flames of sorrow, but this rain is carrying the sky's warm blessings of many Angels who want to see their creator [ mother ] happy on earth !

Postoji snazna tjeskoba u kisi, cini se da, izmedju oblaka koji se prevrcu na nebu i zemlje ispod njih, postoji strah da nikada nece stici na svoj cilj! Moja dusa zudi da se upije u te pljuskove, kako bi prigusila vatre moje tuge, ali ta kisa sa sobom nosi i tople nebeske blagoslove mnogih Andjela, koji zele da vide svoju stvarateljicu (majku) sretnu na zemlji!

"Rain has its own enormous, variegated castles! Some castles take you to your hidden dreams and some castles have their own roller coasters of memories! In fact, it creates swarms of unreachable moments, mono- happening past!--

"Kisa ima svoje ogromne, raznovrsne dvorce! Neki od njih te vode do tvojih skrivenih snova, a neki dvorci imaju svoje sopstvene vrtuljke (rolerkostere) uspomena! U sustini, stvaraju se rojevi nedodirivih trenutaka, nesto sto se dogadja samo jednom u proslosti!--"

The accumulated dark clouds are making me feel as if I am in the embrace of pain. And at the other side of the sky, a rainbow taken me to multiple color swings of past, someone's presence and absence in it! By touching the puddles, the droplets are creating bubbles which are looking like globules, seems like as a kid the God is playing with the paper boats, those paper boats made of someone's childhood! They weren't just the boats! They were our happiness sailors. Creativity used to push the happiness in those boats in my past!The murmuring of rain, it sounded like a wind chime's musical melody with full of life at that time! Trees carried Imperial greenery in those days .Few dreams of taking steps forward together then, and now these realities of being far away from you what to say about the love I got and unable to reach it now ?! all of a sudden the bubble burst, the boat sank.

Nagomilani tamni oblaci cine da se osecam kao da sam u zagrljaju boli. A na drugom kraju neba, Duga me odvela do visebojnih trenutaka u proslosti, sa necijom prisutnoscu i odsustvom u njima!Dodirujuci barice vode, kapi stvaraju mehurice koji izgledaju poput kuglica (loptica) cini se kao da se dijete, Bog, igra sa papirnatim camcicima koji su sacinjeni od necijeg detinjstva! Nisu to bili samo camcici! Bili su to i nasi mornari srece!Kreativnost je umela da gura srecu u te brodice moje proslosti!Romorenje kise je zvucalo poput prekrasne melodije zvoncica koji zvone na vetru, prepuni zivota u tom trenutku!Tih je dana drvece bilo obojeno u kraljevski zelenu boju. Tada je bilo nekih snova o tome kako cemo ici zajedno napred, a sada, ta realnost o udaljenosti od tebe, sta da kazem o ljubavi koju sam dobila, a sada ne mogu da je dohvatim?! Iznenada se mjehuric rasprsio, camac je potonuo.

The rain is falling softly as if it knew of the hardships both behind and ahead of a life! Each droplet alighted on her skin with just enough coolness to command her mind to the present, to pull her away from the pain of the past.The beads of rain over her face trying to wash her grief in a delicate flow of trickles. She raised her eyes to see the gray layers of clouds that touched every mountain top and thought that there was more to come before the skies cleared. She stood there for a moment under the gloomy clouds. Then droplets began to sprinkle, cold and wet on her heart, trickled down her body as she stood there frozen, her gaze fixed on the horizon, staring at the change of the whole scenario. As the clouds continued crying, she turned towards the path and started walking towards the Rainbow!

Kisa je padala tiho, kao da je znala sve poteskoce i posle i pre zivota! Svaka je kapljica dotakla njenu kozu, sa taman toliko hladnoce da bi naredila njenom umu da se vrati u sadasnjost, kako bi je odvukla od boli iz proslosti!Kapi kise na njenom licu pokusavaju da speru bol slivajuci se nezno. Podigla je oci da vidi sive slojve oblaka, koji su doticali svaki planinski vrh, i pomislila je da ce jos toga doci, pre nego sto se nebo rascisti! Stajala je tamo za trenutak pod tmurnim oblacima. Tada su kapi pocele da prskaju hladno i vlazno po njenom srcu, slivajuci se niz njeno telo, dok je stajala tamo, zaledjena, pogleda prikovanog za horizont, zureci u promjenu cijelog scenarija. I dolk su oblaci nastavili da placu, okrenula se prema putu, i nastavila je koracati prema Dugi!

The rain turned in to waves, she turned her face to the dark sky again, a realization is overdue to comfort her and to give solace to her aching heart on this day!
She told to herself " you are history, past, present, and future to the motherhood of mankind! "

Rain has infinities over finiteness. It has a rainbow over dullness. Every drop has a story, every drop has a remembrance.

Kisa se pretvorila u talase, ona je ponovno okrenula svoje lice prema tamnom nebu, kisa je spoznala potrebu da je utesi i da pruzi utehu njenom bolnom srcu toga dana!

Rekla je sama sebi !Ti si povijest, proslost, sadasnjost i buducnost majcinstvu covjecanstva!"

Kisa ima beskonacnost protiv ogranicenim. Ima Dugu protiv dosade. Svaka kap ima svoju pricu, svaka kap ima secanje!

A drop of rain, carrying years of shattered hopes and promises, streaked on her pale skin to her quivering lips where it struggled to drip down onto the ground!--While walking, she was thinking --
I imagined my whole life spending with you, your every gleeful laugh created a quiver in my heart, we were playing and laughed together, listened to many melodies, oh ... that was just yesterday! See how the God made a tender life and then how he grabbed it !!Whenever I see the lightning, I recollect your ecstasy, it will keep me awake all night, all I can do is crying, as the hankering of my heart makes me helpless, trying to make my heart to understand the mystery of life and death ... philosophers defined it as -- life and death are one thread, the same line viewed from different sides, the theology explained -- The real question is not whether life exists after death! The real question is whether you are alive before death! Who will be able to understand parental grief is different from other losses, it is now intensified, exasperated and lengthened?! The child is considered as a gift of God to the parents, and now I was forced to give up that gift."-- a hug from her Mama brought her back from that cascading stream of grief, looked into her eyes. Those are defining her the real meaning of life and death. There in her Mama's eyes, a tear as a mother and a soothing word as her friend . Many shoulders are there to lean on, many hearts are sharing her pain and disbelief, her each and every friend is there, sharing her grief, a consolatory word to calm her pain. Now she was under the wings of wisdom, her friends stand beside her to express their concern for her recovery. They all know, the time has immense power to heal an aching heart to some extent in future.🤗

Kapljica kise, koja je nosila u sebi godine razbijenih nada i obecanja, klizila je po njenoj bledoj kozi do njenih drhtavih usana, gde se borila da padne na zemlju!- Dok je hodala, mislila je-Zamisljala sam kako cu provesti ceo zivot sa tobom, svaki tvoj radosni osmeh izazvao je drhtaj u mome srcu, igrali smo se i smejali zajedno, slusali mnoge melodije, ohhh...bilo je to jos jucer!! Vidis li kako je Bog stvorio jedan nezan zivot i kako ga je onda zgrabio!! Kada god ugledam munju, setim se tvoje borbe, to ce me drzati budnom cijelu noc, i sve sto mogu da ucinim je da placem, dok me ceznja moga srca cini bespomocnom, pokusavajuci da moje srce shvati tajnu zivota i smrti...filozofi to ovako definisu...zivot i smrt su jedna nit, ista linija koja se posmatra sa razlicitih strana, Teologija je objasnila - Pravo pitanje nije da li postoji ivot poslije Smrti, pravo pitanje je da li si bio ziv pre svoje smrti ! Tko ce moci da razume da se roditeljska tuga razlikuje od svih ostalih gubitaka, ona je pojacana, ogorcena i produzena?!Roditelji smatraju svoje dete Bozjim darom, a sada sam bila primorana da se tog dara odreknem ." majcin zagrljaj ju je povratio iz te bujice tuge koja se poput slapa slivala po njenoj dusi, pogledala ju je u oci. One su joj objasnile pravo znacenje zivota i smrti. tamo, u majcinim ocima, suza poput majke, i nezna rec poput njene prijateljice. Mnoga su ramena tu da se oslonis, mnoga srca dele njenu bol i nevericu, svi njeni prijatelji su tu, deleci njenu tugu, pruzajuci utesne reci da umanje njenu bol. Sada je pod krilima mudrosti, njezini prijatelji stoje uz nju, da bi izrazili svoju zabrinutost za njen oporavak. Svi oni znaju da vreme donekle ima ogromnu moc da izleci srce prepuno bola u buducnosti.🤗

A mother is hugging another mother with an emotional outburst Nataly. 🤗

Majka grli drugu majku sa izlivom osecanja...Nataly 🤗

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Wah...Madi...waaahhh...You did it again, touched our hearts with so much emotions. ..🤗
What to say..😭. You are such a great writer 👏⭐️
Beautifully written Rain Story,where you captured a true essence of Mother's pain...❤️
I am sure that Nataly will be deeply touched...❤️ just like we all are.
Love those Quotes too...

This is for my Baby 🤗 In this days when all the emotions are intensified, and memories are falling down, like a heavy rain , here is what you do...You Picture your Son, Sinisa, standing by your site...smiling his most beautiful smile, and if you could hear him, here is what he would say...

Love You Forever I believe that...mum


Volim te vecito!

Saljem ti poljupce nezne poput leptira,
Ti ne znas uvek da sam ja tu,
Ali, to sam ja, sto viri tu iza coska,
Ili dodiruje pramen tvoje kose.

Vidim te u danima kada places,
Ili pozelis da mozemo povremeno popricati,
Iako sam ja sada na nebu,
I dalje zelim da te vidim kako se smejes.

Posecujem te nocu dok spavas,
Ulazim tiho u tvoje snove,
I sapucem ti tako nezno reci
Da smrt nije ono sto se cini.

Vidim te ponekad dok sedis za stolom,
Kada ne znas da sam ja tu,
I dok gledas u moju sliku,
Nadam se da znas koliko mi je stalo do tebe.

Saljem ti zagrljaj sa nebesa,
Voleo bih da ga mozes osetiti danas,
Ljubav koju mi delimo je zauvek,
Vreme i prostor je ne mogu oduzeti.

Heart - Animation Telefon 1370764
Edited by Sneha...Love - 7 years ago
Sneha.Love thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 7 years ago

Originally posted by: cygnet9

Good Night Rainbow friends😃

Hello Padmaja 🤗

Good to see you around 😊

Yeah, we finally got some rain and a cooler temperatures...😃

Good night dear ⭐️ After a busy day, you deserve a good rest and peaceful night. 😊

See you tomorrow. 😊

Avyakta thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Commentator 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago
Madhu , we all know that a story goes nowhere and offers no value unless a relationship with the reader is established! What makes a story great is it should be relatable, interesting, with complicated characters having capacity to fuel the curiosity!Storytelling is not a layman's joke It's knowing your punchline, your ending, knowing that everything you're saying, from the first sentence to the last, is leading to a singular goal, and ideally confirming some truth that deepens our understandings of who we are as human beings with all our strengths and weaknesses!
These beautifully crafted rain stories gave authentic characters, the real ones with full of life.By focussing the spotlight on one person in every rain story and allowing them to tell their stories to their friends, it gives authenticity and credibility to the emotional expressions as a whole!
This last one is highly emotional, with soul stirring revelations of life and death and that all important little part in between!
Thank you for this wonderful artistically crafted, emotionally described write-ups with all sensibilities and sensitivities. Well done Madi . 🤗
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Edited by Avyakta - 7 years ago
Avyakta thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Commentator 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago
Nataly ,🤗
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Viswasruti thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago
Good morning friends , have a nice day .
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Viswasruti thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago

Originally posted by: vibraj

Thank you for this wonderful compendium of rain stories, so exquisitely, imaginatively and emotionally elaborated!! But complete😲, I feel a last chapter on Viswasruti , the sensiitive, emotional and very talented author,is pending! If you do not write that, it will be the blank Pending Chapter of your Rain Series, but a big, big hug and a million thanks for the seven beautiful stories!!🤗

Thank you Vibha for your encouraging words . A story on Viswasruthi ???? Am I not there in each and every story of my friends ? ! Yes, I am! There is nothing special to write about me. Related image