Somewhere, over the rainbow #1 (Members Only) - Page 39


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Bikica_Biki thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Commentator 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: loveansh

bold...I translated Biki's words dedicated to all of you dear friends who made her day really special. 😊

Hvala na srcu i prekrasnim recima Bikice, lepotice ❤️🤗Candy graphics⭐️

I hvala ti na svim ovim prekrasnim avisima iz SY GPA plesa, toliko su carobni, da sam lepo stala i gledala ih i potpuno se u njima pogubila, jos i ova predivna pesma uz koju su SY plesali a cije reci tako divno pasu SidYushi, stvarno neprocenjivo ❤️👏

Drago mi je da su te nasi postovi ucinili srecnom, uvek volim da vidim osmeh na tvom licu. A sto se tice mog kompjutera, on i ja smo sklopili dil da ima da se lepo urazumi ova dva dana, da ja mogu na miru da pozavrsavam sve sto sam isplanirala, i da vidis poslusao me je (hvala Bogu za sitne radosti 😊) i lepo je saradjivao...naravno, danas vec opet gura po svome, i kida mi zivce...ali sta da se radi...upo*nija sam ja toliko mnogo vise od te kutije pune nekih cudnih zicica.😆

Nadam se da si prsle noci ugledala neku zvezdicu padalici i pozelela zelju, zelim da ti se sve zelje ispune, a sigurna sam da ti je jedna od njih, bas kao i svima nama ovde ispod duge, da vidimo ponovo SY zajedno u nekoj novoj seriji. Valjda ce to da nam se i ostvari...evo ovde kisa zvezda padalica ovde iznad ovog prekrasnog mesta obojenohg duginim bojama i SYinom magijom ⭐️

Candy images dolls Candy graphics

Siggy je napravila nasa carobnica Bikica ❤️ Dollz pictures dolls⭐️Love you comment gifs

Draga moja duso
Nema na cemu da se zahvaljujes,sve sto osecam,mislim to sam i iznela,a sto se tice avisa i pesme,znas da sam obecala da cu to uraditi,posto se i tebi jako dopada ova pesma i ovaj ples kao i meni.Jeste da sam radila 23-eg uvece upravo da bi postavila na najsrecniji dan u godini i moj dan 😳 Obozavam ovu pesmu kao i ples,oni su mi ovde fantasticni bili,naravno kao i svugde,ali ples je nesto posebno 😳 za mene.❤️
Znas onu pesmu od Danijele Martinovic -plesi sa mnom takva sam i gotovo,plesi sa mnom jos se niko nije otrovo, itd...ja to pevusim zekici🤣
Uvek cu biti zahvalna dragom Bogu sto sam na ovom putovanju kroz IF nasla prijatelje koji su od neprocenljive vaznosti za mene ,svako od njih je na svoj nacin poseban za mene .
Toliko sam jos pod utiscima svega i vase ljubavi i paznje kao i postovanja prema meni ,zaista ne znam kojim recima da se obratim svima koji su dirnuli moju dusu i srce,prosto eto nije mi se desilo da od tolike srece placem toliko sati.da si me videla kako sam izgledala posle tolikih suza ,veruj ni rodjena majka me ne bi prepoznala,ali to je od srece...toliko mi se dusa ispunila da nije moglo drugacije izneti emocije koje su iz minuta u minut navirale sa vise strana ,i onda je dusa to podelila sa suzama...suzama radosnicama...😳
Od pocetka moja jedna od mojih zelja jeste da vidim SY ❤️ponovo,od toga nikad ne odustajem,sanjam to,mastam i lepo mi...dok ne dozivim ponovo...❤️
Divnu slicicu si nasla,zaista zvezdica padalaica ,koja romantika ,koja lepota...divota
Hvala draga moja duso za prevode mojih postova,nasim dragim prijateljima.ja zaista nemam ni vremena toliko da bi napisala sve na engleskom a i on me nesto zeza -znas😆😆😆
Volim vas...

Edited by Bikica - 10 years ago
Bikica_Biki thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Commentator 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

My Riya sweetheart How are you dear?
Bikica_Biki thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Commentator 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
Vidim nema vas ovde 😲,negde ste drugo😳,posto sam jako umorna i iscrpljena ja vam mogu samo pozeleti slatke snove noci ove .🤗
A mi se cujemo kada budem u mogucnosti -zbog gostiju😉
Ljudi kazu: ''Pronadji dobre ljude, a lose ostavi iza sebe'' Ali, to nije tacno, trebali bi reci: ''Pronadji dobro u ljudima, a lose u njima ignorisi.'' Jer niko nije savrsen,jedino dragi BOG-jedino svrsenstvo
I ova divna pesma od neku vece😳 Love all...Love SY

vibraj thumbnail
Visit Streak 500 0 Thumbnail Anniversary 12 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: loveansh

Good Morning Vibha ❤️, my pyaari Saheli 🤗

I have some Quotes for you too, know you love them.

Do not linger to gather flowers to keep them,
but walk on, for flowers will keep themselves
blooming all your way.!
- Rabindranath Tagore

"Life is in the here and now, not in there and afterwards.
The day, with all the travail and joy that it brings to our
doorstep, is the expression of eternal life.
Either we meet it, we live it -or we miss it."
- Vimala Thakar

Candy images dollsCandy pictures dolls

Siggy created by Bikica ❤️

Aww Branka, lovely quotes, love all the ones you posted yesterday and such pretty visuals too, they all had a fairy tale air about them, wonderful👏👏👏!
vibraj thumbnail
Visit Streak 500 0 Thumbnail Anniversary 12 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 10 years ago
Good morning all, happy week-end!

I love this CC for so much color, such a visually pretty look, so much emotion, love you all, love SY!

Biki, hope you had a wonderful day, you deserve every bit of love and happiness because you are very special❤️
seetha74 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

On July 23rd 2010 ...a great actress made her debut in the Indian Television Serial BV, as the grown up Anandi ! With her innocent looks ,with her chirpy and bubbly nature, she portrayed the new and adolescent Anandi with great ease and efficiency !

Really she is the queen of expressions!!

She was never bogged by the expectations of her character and instead proud to be associated with a social message .. social cause.! She expressed it in one of her interviews! Her presence influenced other actors' acting abilities and total a great performance by all !

Complex situations...complexities of relationships ...a phase ...very difficult to handle ...for any great she established herself ...deserves accolades...but the main challenge for her is...without even touching with finger tips...shown a great connectivity...ever great chemistry ...with emoting eyes...built a bridge between their locks...written a beautiful classic ...romantic poetry---longing to see...deprived to have that privilege...honour...what a pure love ...with her musical voice ...with her dancing like movements ... in a subtle manner with such demanding situations...a feeling if we are witnessing an Angels' Opera ...for me it is just impossible to imagine anybody in her place !Thank you Pratyusha for that pure and beautiful love saga!!

Here we are celebrating your entry and presence in the BalikaVadhu ...that phase was remarkable for it's fan following world wide and draw great applaud and applause ..for your performance and your presence !

My strong feeling is that ...on so many occasions ...beyond the expectations of the d/p... or even of the writer... on her own ,she has given a new dimension to the character ... the way she carried herself through out! For eg., on one occasion... fully bloomed mehandi on her hands... the thick red crimson colour reflecting in her dreamy eyes ..gleaming with love for Shiv...fondly swinging the beaded-anklets [payal] ...looking into new horizons... with a soft..sweet cooing of a Koel.. she said 'Rang poora chadgaya Gulli '...who holds the mobile for Anandi ... taking care that, her love for Shiv is not explicitly obvious to that little girl! She coaxes Shiv not to reveal their love-- intimate feelings... secrets ... in front of Gulli...whith that inherent angelical glow is intact--- That level of action is rarest of the rare !!

The art of acting consists in keeping people from moving.. ! She is such a performer that in every scene she acted, she put her special talent in it!

Pratyusha your beauty is present in all seasons !

Your beauty extends into the heavens...
it goes on forever and never lessens...
Even when the clouds heighten in the blue sky
You are here and the world brightens...for us ...forever !

Where ever you are--- loveliness is sure to follow.
You shine so bright you cast your own shadow !!
A beauty that others would love to borrow. ...
But try as they might your beauty--- they will never catch !
Because something like you they could never match!!

A rhythmically organised musical voice of yours ...sounds to my ears

like a great song singing by the Spring itself !!

Edited by SEETHA.K - 10 years ago
seetha74 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
A Very Good Morning my dear friends !
Here is my gift to all of you .. I am bringing back our favorite actress Pratyusha amidst us ...into this Serial Story A romantic Ecstasy...The Euphoria of love ! an attempt to achieve something that was unsuccessfully tried by many in the TV serial ! This is an effort to fulfill our long felt wish !

Edited by SEETHA.K - 10 years ago
seetha74 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

Preamble --- [A romantic Ecstasy...The Euphoria of love !! ]

Uvod---[Romanticni Zanos...Euforija ljubavi!!]

In the early stages of their association and marriage, Anandi and shiv participated in Saraswati(Goddess of learning) Pooja on Vasanta Panchami day, the first festival in Spring , in the school founded by Anandi for the education and emancipation of girls & women of the village Jaitsar; Shiv as the collector and Anandi as the sarpanch !

U pocetku njihovog druzenja i braka, Anandi i Shiv su sudelovali u Saraswati (Boginja obrazovanja) Pooja na dan Vasanta Panchami, prvi proletni festival. U skoli koju je osnovala Anandi za skolovanje i emancipaciju devojcica i zena u selu po imenu Jaitsar: Shiv kao collector i Anandi kao sarpanch!

Anandi got an invitation from her mentor, teacherji to be the chief guest in the school function at her place and to be felicitated for her achievements in uplifting the women's status in the society, so that the young school girls can take Anandi as a role model and emulate her.

Anandi je dobila pozivnicu od svog mentora, svoje uciteljice, da bude pocasni gost na svecanom obelezavanju otvaranja skole, u njenom mestu, i da primi cestitke za svoje zasluge u popravljanju polozaja zena u drustvu, kako bi devojcice i mlade zene mogle da uzmu Anandi kao primer i da se takmice da postanu kao ona.

After her marriage with Shiv, conjugal bliss is still alluring them ...because of her past was still lingering in her mind and keeping her away from uniting with her lover husband! SR' is yet to happen for this fidgety couple ...!

Nakon sto se udala za Shiva, bracni zanos je i dalje bio primamljiv...zbog proslosti, koja ju je i dalje pomalo mucila i drzala je podalje od sjedinjenja sa njezinim muzem! Prva bracna noc se tek trebala desiti ovom nemirnom paru

In a sudden revelation ...her heart realised her longing for her Shiv and how much love she had for him! ...since then she was eager to express her passionate yearning for him at an opportune time !

U iznenadnom otkrovljenju...njezino je srce shvatilo koliko ona zudi za svojim Shivom, i koliko ljubavi za njega postoji u njoj!...nakon toga, bila je nestrpljiva da iskaze svoju strastvenu zudnju, koju je osecala, u svakom trenutku kada bi se mogucnost za to ukazala!

Dreams started inundating her ...emotions started drenching her ...imaginations are pushing her towards her lover ...submerging her with thoughts of Shiv; she was lost in her dreamy world an animated anticipation ---Just like any love smitten lady!

Snovi su poceli da je obuzimaju poput poplave...emocije su pocele da je iscrpljuju, njena ju je masta gurala prema coveku koga je volela...potpuno je preplavivsi mislima o Shivu; bila je potpuno izgubljena u svom carstvu snova...u opipljivom ocekivanju...poput svake ljubavlju obuzete zene!

That level of longing for Shiv happened very slowly ...but soon it engulfed her with a strong desire ...when she saw him as a surprise visitor in her school function in the morning, she was unable to stop herself to run towards him and wanted to hug him with all her consent ...but stopped just short of that and embraced him only with her looks ...but she stood there like a quivering flower in a gale of wind ...waiting for him to caress ...cajole her !

Taj nivo ceznje prema Shivu desio se vrlo polako...ali ubrzo ju je potpuno obuzeo svojom jakom zeljom...kada ga je ugledala ujutro u svojoj skoli, koju je on posetio u zelji da je iznenadi, bilo joj je gotovo nemoguce da zaustavi sebe da mu pojuri u narucje, toliko je zelela da ga zagrli svom snagom...ali zaustavila se u zadnjem trenutku, i zagrlila ga jedino svojim pogledom...stajala je tamo poput neznog cveta koji podrhtava na snaznom vetru...cekajuci ga da je pomiluje...da je osvoji !

Yes ...the journey has started sailing away from the shore ... , love is the stream and imagination is the boat and heartfelt emotions are the driving breeze...which makes it to sail to reach the most exquisite romantic destination, the conjugal bliss !!

Da...putovanje je zapocelo, otisnuli su se od obale i rasirili jedra...ljubav je reka, a masta je brodic nosen neznim povetarcem emocija koje dolaze iz srca...koje cine da taj brodic stigne do najsavrsenijeg romanticnog odredista, bracnog sjedinjenja !


Here are the VMs prepared for us by my friend SAI !




A Romantic Ecstasy...The Euphoria Of Love

Romanticni Zanos...Euforija ljubavi!!

Spring is approaching ...and made it's presence felt with the flowering of mango trees on both sides of the road ..every tree and bush are enthusiastic to express something ...they are swaying with the midday breeze ..a little warm ..but pleasant because of the presence of trees and fields creating cool surroundings ...

Priblizavalo se prolece...i njegovo se prisutstvo osecalo u cvatnji drveca mangoa sa obe strane ceste...svako drvo ili grm su zudeli za time da pokazu nesto...ljuljajuci se na blagom povetarcu...pomalo toplom...ali ugodnom, zbog prisutstva drveca i polja, koji su stvarali tu ugodnu okolinu...

Anandi was travelling in her jeep to reach the venue , Baroli , a small village near Jodhpur to meet her Teacherji !

A sweet smile is swaying on her face since morning ! Even now it is playing with her lips ...and just like an attracted lover is not leaving her lips since yesterday night ! She is thinking ..

Anandi je putovala u svom djipu, kako bi na vreme stigla na tu ceremoniju u Baroli, malo selo pored Jodhpur, da se sretne sa svojom uciteljicom !

Sladak osmeh se sirio njenim licem jos od jutra ! Cak se i sada igrao na njenim usnama...i bas poput ljubavnika privucenog tim prizorom..nije napustao njene usnice jos od prethodne noci ! Razmisljala je...

There will not be any more dark clouds to linger in between them ...the moon light will cling close to the moon tonight, the floral garden will embrace the king of Spring any time ,an extension of the invitation for an enchanting display of romantic vistas!

Vise nece postojati tamni oblaci da se nadviju nad njima...mesecina ce biti blizu meseca nocas, cvetni ce vrt uskoro da zagrli kralja proleca, produzetak poziva za carobno izrazavanje romanticnih izazova...novi zivot !

Suddenly her eyes half closed with the beautiful dream of their future nights , ...imagining Shiv will react after learning of her consent ...

Will he entice her with fragrance of life and attract her with his smiles, or pull her towards him like a strong magnetic breeze? or engulf her like a whirl wind and make her breathless ...what will happen ..if he... if he embraces her will he display his happiness in that eternal moment ...what will he do will it ...

Iznenada, njene oci, napola sklopljene u prekrasnom snu njihove buduce noci...zamisljajuci...kako ce Shiv da reaguje nakon sto spozna za njen pristanak...

Da li ce je zavesti mirisima zivota, ili ce je privuci svojim osmesima...ili ce je privuci k sebi poput snaznog magnetskog povetarca? Ili ce je obuhvatiti poput kovitlajuceg vetra i ostaviti je bez daha...sta ce se desiti...ako je...ako je bude zagrlio...kako ce pokazati svoju srecu u tom trenutku vecnosti...sta ce uraditi...kako ce...

A sudden ring of her mobile ...awakened her from imaginary world, which created great lyrical emotions in her! Hello ..Ha.. Shiv ! Her lips quivering with happiness ...a smile slipped from her lips !

Iznenadna zvonjava njenog mobilnog...probudila ju je iz njenog sveta maste, koji je u njoj izazvao snazna lirska osecanja ! Hello...Ha...Shiv ! Njene su usnice podrhtavale od srece...osmeh je skliznuo sa njenih usana !

Anandi's meeting is cancelled ...I deputed the remaining office work to Bheem Singh ---listen ...please ask the driver to stop the vehicle aside and I am coming to meet you midway .. want to meet my wife's mentor, let us go in my car and will return by night ..where are you now ..?'

Anandi...danasnji je sastanak otkazan...predao sam ostatak kancelarijskog posla Bheem Singhu...slusaj...molim te zamoli sofera da se zaustavi sa strane puta, dolazim da te sretnem...zelim da upoznam mentora moje zene, hajde da putujemo mojim kolima, i vratit cemo se nocu...gde si ti sada?

Wait ...Makhan Kaka ..what is this village name?' She asked .

Shiv present We are near the village Shekhala ...OK I will wait here for you !'"

Kaka stop the Jeep near that by lane, Collector Sab is coming ..seems there is a pond ..let me see ...

Cekaj...Makhan Kaka...kako se zove ovo selo? upitala je.

Shiv...trenutno smo blizu sela koje se zove Shekhala...OK, cekat cu te ovde !

Makhan Kaka je zaustavio djip pored puta...Collector Sab dolazi...cini se da ovde ima neko jezerce...cekaj da pogledam...

She got down from the jeep and started walking towards the pond which is full of water lilies and lotus flowers ..a spectacular scene ! Serene atmosphere ...springs' afternoons are famous for invoking romantic feelings in young lovers' minds ...

Sisla je iz djipa i pocela da ide prema jezeru koje je bilo prekriveno vodenim ljiljanima i cvetovima lotosa...spektakularna scena ! Umirujuca atmosfera...prolecna popodneva su poznata po tome da izazivaju romanticna osecanja u mislima mladih ljubavnika...

A sudden thought , a bright flash in her mind ..'means ...means ..Shiv and me will be alone while travelling he also must be excited ...might eagerly try to woo me ,in a way he too should be in a highly romantic mood!'

Iznenadna pomisao, bljesak svetla u njenim mislima...znaci..znaci...Shiv i ja cemo biti sami dok putujemo...danas, i on mora da je zbog toga uzbudjen..mozda ce nestrpljivo pokusati da me zavede, na neki nacin, i on bi takodjer trebao biti u snaznom romanticnom raspolozenju !

Anandi stood there ...on the bank of the lotus pond ...looking into it ...thinking , --

'these lotus petals are resembling his eyes ...pinkish with desire ...that night ...carried her from the library room as if carrying a flower Bouquet ...while putting her on the bed with delicate care ..he saw her beautiful face close to his own.. and yes ...his lips were quivering with desire ...his eyes were in this lotus petal's colour ...left me there, controlled himself with great difficulty' she recollected the soft touch of his hand on her neck ,fusion of his ideas reflected in his touch peaceful she was when she was in his arms ...strong hands' delicate expressions ...

Anandi je stajala tamo, na obali lotosom prekrivenog jezerceta...gledajuci u njega...razmisljajuci...

Ove latice lotosa, podsecaju na njegove oci...ruzicaste od zelje...te noci...nosio ju je od biblioteke, kao da nosi najlepsi buket cveca,,,kada ju je spustao na krevet, nezno i je njeno lijepo lice tako blizu svoga...i da...njegove su usne drhtale od zelje...njegove su oci bile boje ovih latica...ostavio me tamo, kontrolisuci svoju zudnju sa velikom poteskocom...setila se neznog dodira njegove ruke na svom vratu, gomila ideja se oslikavala u tom dodiru...kako je mirna bila u njegovim rukama...nezno izrazavanje tih snaznih ruku...

Shiv you know eager I am to come in to your hands lose myself in your eyes, to embrace your smiles' ...a sudden feeling to touch his face ,moved her towards the lotus flower and besides it, felt as if nearer to his smiling face luring her towards him ...she was unable to control her emotional longing for him and ...just wanted to have a feel ...tried to touch his face which was reflecting in the still water of the pond! She bent towards it and suddenly slipped into the water with a jerk and a strong hand held her, stopped her from slipping and saved her ...!

Shiv..da li znas koliko zudim da budem u tvojim rukama...da se izgubim u tvojim ocima...da budem zagrljena tvojim osmesima...iznenadna zelja da dotakne njegovo lice, naterala ju je da se priblizi cvetovima lotosa, i pored njih, osecala se kao da je blizu njegovog nasmejanog lica, koje ju je privlacilo k sebi...u nemogucnosti da kontrolise svoju zudnju za njim i...samo zeleci da oseti...pokusavajuci da dotakne njegovo lice koje se oslikavalo na mirnoj povrsini jezera...sagnula se prema jezeru, i iznenada je poskliznuvsi se krenula prema vodi, kada ju je snazna ruka uhvatila, zaustavila je u njenom padu i spasila je...!

She looked back ...really she was in the hands of her charming husband Shiv, who is smiling and looking questioningly at her ..'what happened to you ? Anandi You want that flower ?'

She regained the balance and stood there beside him but his hand is still clinching her waist ...she caught his other hand and smiled at him ...

Pogledala je iza sebe...stvarno, bila je u rukama svog sarmantnog muza, Shiva, koji se smesio i upitno je posmatrao..."Sta se desilo sa tobom? Anandi, zelis li taj cvet?"

Ona je uspostavila svoju ravnotezu, i stajala tamo pored njega, dok ju je njegova ruka i dalje drzala oko struka...uhvatila je njegovu drugu ruku, i nasmesila mu se...

Shiv was in seventh heaven and told to himself...'she is not moving away from me! ... looking deep in to my eyes! what is the meaning of that smile ?'

Is she going to express her love ...he was expecting something from her she really going to ...?

Sab ..shall I wait ..or make a move?' Makhan's voice behind them ...

Shiv je bio na sedmom nebu pomislivsi: "Nije se odmakla od mene!...gleda me duboko u oci ! Sta znaci taj osmeh?"

Da li ce da mi izjavi svoju ljubav...ocekivao je nesto od nje...da li ce stvarno...?

"Gospodine...da li da cekam...ili mogu ici?" cuo je glas od Makhana iza sebe...

To be Continued ...

Nastavit ce se...

Edited by SEETHA.K - 10 years ago
ahilajkula thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Commentator 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

Edited by ahilajkula - 10 years ago
NatalyMusketeer thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Commentator 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: Bikica

Vidim nema vas ovde ,negde ste drugo,posto sam jako umorna i iscrpljena ja vam mogu samo pozeleti slatke snove noci ove .

A mi se cujemo kada budem u mogucnosti -zbog gostiju
Ljudi kazu: ''Pronadji dobre ljude, a lose ostavi iza sebe'' Ali, to nije tacno, trebali bi reci: ''Pronadji dobro u ljudima, a lose u njima ignorisi.'' Jer niko nije savrsen,jedino dragi BOG-jedino svrsenstvo
I ova divna pesma od neku vece Love all...Love SY

Biki, Andjele...❤️ tu smo mi sve...negde iznad duge...⭐️
i nocas saljemo svom snagom srca i duse nase zelje mladom mesecu...

a on vidi sta mi zelimo... ❤️SidYusha❤️ forever...⭐️ together...
