Why does he so feel and calls it a bad film and all, i think most of the critics agreed that he gave a really good performance and i personally agree, from his looks to his personality, he nailed the part. he was bogged down by a lousy script and screenplay. his act was pretty intense and I kinda liked it, i actually haven't seen many of his masala movies like abcd 2/3 or judwaa 2 they never really inspired me to watch it, neither i shall watch his coolie no.1
but kalank despite being a dud shall known for his intense act n m sure its going to multiply his fan following. also Bollywood doesn't give importance to home video unlike bollywood. here i think many gonna appreciate him.
he shouldn't feel so bad or bitter about it. you can't control the box office pull everytime. ultimately its the content speaks, is he angry with kjo or verman?