Chapter 8

Mrs.JamesBarne Thumbnail

Scarlett kevin


Hey friends thanks a lot for ur lovely comments.I think i will end this story in 2 chapters and may be with an epilogue.Here goes the next chapter.Enjoy reading...
Randhir just stood there lifelessly and after few minutes he broke down on his knees.The next moment he felt a hand on his shoulders and looked up to see parth sanding there with a sad look which told randhir that he heard everything.Randhir wiped his tears and stood up looking at parth.
''I lost her parth.Ilost her forever''said randhir in a defeated tone .Parth held his shoulders and said ''u didn't lose her randhir .stop behaving like a normal teenager who doesn't know how to fight back randhir.Where is the randhir i know who will never accept the word defeat haan?where is the Randhir who will fight till he gets what he wants?.I never seen u accept ur defeat even for small challenges,then how can u accept the defeat easily for ur challenge of life randhir.Yes i know she was hurt by ur words and the wounds are still raw but that wounds can be only cured by u randhir.If u can give her a wound which can not be cured by anyone then it can be only cured by u .so stop acting like this and act as urself randhir .I know she is hurt and angry on u for breaking the trust she had on u but not trusting her ,but she can never hate u randhir.coz she loves u more to an extent that she will never able to hate u even if she gain her trust again.I know it may be tough but its not impossible too.''said parth with a dertermination.Randhir realized whatever parth said was 200% correct and he promise himself to get her trust on him back .
'' u r right parth .I should not accept my defeat easily.I will fight for my love parth.I will gain back her trust at any cost.I am the one who gave her wounds and i will cure it myself parth .I will do anything to get her back parth''said a determined randhir.parth smiled at him .
''OK now please can we go to canteen i am dying in my hunger''said parth to change his mood.
''ok yaar lets go ''said randhir giving him a smile.And both left to the canteen.
A whole week passed ,randhir tried his best to gain her trust again but everything went in vain.sanyukta acted as he was just her classmate and she didn't even love him like she said .But randhir was determined to gain her back at anycost even it costs his he ploted a plan in his mind which even parth don't know as randhir didn't tell about this as he was sure Parth will not agree to this plan at anycost.
It is a warm sunday evening ,only the students who are in the culturals are in the college campus.Even they are going out today to check their costumes .so the entire college campus will be empty.But our randhir had other plans .He was determined today that he will make her accept his love at anycost ,so he asked parth to make sanyukta stay at the autitorium alone as he want to speak to her.Parth as always helped for this love birds and made sanyukta stay in the autitorium and they left for shopping leavin these two alone in the college campus.
Sanyukta was deeply engrossed in editing the songs for the culturals,so he didn't notice the person who entered the autitorium closing the main door .When sayukta heard the sound of key falling she turned and looked at Randhir who was standing there looking at her with an intense expression.Sanyukta was first shocked to see him here as she thought everyone left for shopping,but she turned and continued her work thinking he must be here for asking forgivness and make her accept his love again.Though she have forgiven him a long back for his mistake,but her hurted self respect and broken trust is not allowing her to accept his love .Eveyone may think it was her ego not allowing her to accept his love,but only she know how broken and wounded she is after that night.Sanyukta Is really feeling bad for randhir seeing his current condition as she know he is not eating well,sleeping well and hurting himself which she came to know by parth.She want to take him in her arms and comfort him whenever he looks her with a longing ,lonely and guilty expression ,but her trust which was broken is holding her back.For the last one week whenever she refused to accept his love she was also hurting a lot with randhir,but again her broken trust helped her to hide it best.As sayukta closed her eyes few drops of tears came out and rolled down her cheeks but the next moment she felt a very familiar warm hands wiping it with love and care,when she opened her eyes randhir shook his head indicating not to cry.
''No sanyukta these tears are precious .So don't waste it for me who is worthless for it''said randhir in a intense voice which made sanyukta's heart to miss a beat.
''what are u doing here randhir?''asked sanyukta taking a few steps back composing herself.
Randhir was really hurt seeing her walking back from him ,but he know he deserved it .But today he will make her accept his love at any cost .He took a deep breath and composed himself.
''sanyukta can u never accept my love ?''asked randhir looking into her eyes.sanyukta wanted to say ''yes dammit i will accept ur love''but when that night even came before her eyes she composed herself.
''Randhir how many times i have to tell u this that i will never accept ur love after what u did .so please bothering me like this randhir ''said sayukta with a annoyed face.But randhir was more subborn than she is,he know sanyukta was lying ,but today randhir was determined to get her trust back and make her accept his love even if the last thing he is going to do .
''Sanyukta i know i made a grave mistake put please give me a chance to prove my love .''said randhir
''Please randhir u can never make me accept ur love at stop wasting ur time and please leave me alone i have lot of work to do''said sanyukta and turned to continue her work.
''OK sanyukta if ur are this much determined in ur decision then i am too determined in mine.i will surely make u accept my love today''said randhir taking somethimg out from his pocket..
sanyukta who was not ready to listen to him just ignored him and continued her works.After few minutes when sanyukta felt something wet on her feet ,she looked down and was shocked to see a pool of blood ,her heart literally stopped for a moment knowing whose blood it was.Immediately she turned back and was shocked to see the sight infornt of her.
Randhir stood there with a knife held tight in his left hand which wrist was already cut and blood was flowing from both wrist and palm sanyukta felt as if someone pulled her life out of her body ,she never thought randhir will take this step to make her accept his love ,without thinking for another moment she rushed towards randhir.
''Randhir what the hell u r doing ?Leave the knife right now .Are u gone mad randhir?see how much blood is coming.please leave it''said sanyukta literally shouting and pleading as tears freely flowed from her eyes as she tried to pull the knife which is cuting his palm now but randhir's hold was so tight so she can't even move an inch.But randhir was happy seeing her care and love for him.
''Why sanyukta ?why?why can't u see me hurt?Even if my blood is wasting let it waste atleast i will die peacefully instead of living with this guilt ''said randhir looking into her eyes.sanyukta was crusing herself for pushing him to this extent and cupped his face with her other hands and said''Randhir i am sorry for being insensitive.But please leave this knife and let me stop the blood please''said sanyukta with a chocked voice.
''Then please forgive me and accept my love sanyu i can never ever think a life without u''said randhir
''Haan haan i love u ,i accept u ,i forgive u.But please leave this knife randhir please if something happens to u i can never forgive myself.I love u randhir.I want to spend my whole life with u please''said sanyukta deeply looking into his eyes.Hearing this randhir finally dropped the knife down and was about to loose the balance coz of the blood loss,sanyukta caught him by his shoulders and made him sit on the chair.She then removed her scarf and tied it on his wrist to stop the bleeding ,then she took her phone and called parth.Parth took the call after several rings.
''haan sanyu bolo''said parth.
''parth where are u now?''asked sanyukta in a teary voice.Parth who sensed this started worring about her .
''Me and arjun just returned to take extra money we r in our room now .sanyukta is everything alright?''asked parth with concern in his voice.
''Parth please come to autitorium ASAP.please take arjun with u .This blood idiot randhir have cut his wrist parth please come soon''said sanyukta breaking down.
''what?is this randhir out of mind .Ok sanyukta just calm down we will be there in five minutes''said parth cuting the call .sanyukta turned and found randhir in half concious state as her both scarf as getting more wet by each passing second .sanyukta rushed and hugged him and started sobbing.
''why randhir why?what is the need of doing this ?why randhir ?''said sanyukta between her sobs.
''Coz i love u sanyu''said randhir not more than a whisper but sanyukta heard this and held him tighter.
As said within five minutes both arjun and parth reached there and rushed a unconcious randhir to hospital.
As randhir was taken to emergency ward,sanyukta,parth and arjun sat in the corridor while sanyukta rested her head on parth shoulders as silent tears flowed from her eyes continuously while parth encircled his hand around her shoulders.
Parth was feeling bad seeing her sister come best friend's condition .He never thought Randhir will take this extreme step.
''Its all my fault parth''said sanyukta first time speaking since she reached here.
''No sanyu nothing is ur fault.Infact there is no one fault it in.This is all coz a small misunderstanding ,but sanyu don't worry he will be alright''said parth in a assuring tone.
''But what if something happens to him parth?what if i loose him forever?what if i can't never express my love for him parth?''said sanyukta like a child looking parth with a broken expression.parth who could not take this anymore just took her in a comforting hug as she broke down weeping lovely.
''I can't live without him parth.Please do something parth ,i can't lose him'' sobbed sanyukta hugging parth.parth held her tighter rubbing her back and said in a soft voice''shhh sanyu calm down nothing will happen to him.Ur love is powerful sanyu ,it will not allow anything to happen to keep faith in ur love sanyu ,just keep faith in ur love''said parth .Just then doctor came from the emergency ward as the trio stood up to receive the news hoping it to be good.

-To Be Continued.
so guys here ends this chapter.Please leave ur lovely feedbacks friends

With Love,

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Comments (12)

girl! u kill him i will hunt you down and kill you...god! uff..i read it all in one go...mashallah! so now...writer what happened to you? why june 5? waiting for your next update...lovely!

10 years ago

Thanks a lot sweet heart for this lovely comment🤗🤗

10 years ago

Thanks a lot dear...will update soon...

10 years ago

hey read it in 1 go..from start till end..its amazing plz pm me next part whenever u update..update ssooon...waiting

10 years ago

Thank u so much sweet heart...

10 years ago

Omg this is really horrible yaar...Randhir this act is like a typical psycho lover boy...

10 years ago

Dear, very emotional part... Never ever expected Randhir to do this as he is very strong minded person... but this shows how much he became weak in Sanyu's love and will go any extent to get back her... your explanation is amazing superb... Love,Mickey

10 years ago


10 years ago

Thanks a lot dear ...will continue ASAP

10 years ago

Was quite really very emotional...!!!!I feel like crying for both Sanyu and Randhir..😭😭😭But this was not acceptable from Randhir..It's a symbol of weakness...By doing so and acting in such an amateur way, Randhir has proved himself to be an extremely weak personality...He should not have done that...Physically hurting yourself and then convincing your lady love for forgiveness and love is not at all justified...That's my personal opinion...But the update was quite awesome...👏👏Thanks a lot for such an amazing fiction...😛😛Love ya kirtiarora1112014-05-25 10:15:24

10 years ago
