Chapter 9

Mrs.JamesBarne Thumbnail

Scarlett kevin


Hey friends thanks a lot for the lovely comments.So here goes the last chapter.Enjoy reading...
''I can't live without him parth.Please do something parth ,i can't lose him'' sobbed sanyukta hugging parth.parth held her tighter rubbing her back and said in a soft voice''shhh sanyu calm down nothing will happen to him.Ur love is powerful sanyu ,it will not allow anything to happen to keep faith in ur love sanyu ,just keep faith in ur love''said parth .Just then doctor came from the emergency ward as the trio stood up to receive the news hoping it to be good.
They went near the doctor with a tensed expression and sanyukta held parth's hand for support.
''Uncle how is he now?''asked Arjun with a worried voice.Doctor smiled at them.
''Nothing to worry Arjun .He is perfectly alright now.Though is he week now coz of the blood loss ,he will be alright within a weak with proper rest .I will prescribe him medicines .U can go and meet him .He is concious now''said the doctor and left to his cabin.Finally the trio let out a breath of relief .
''Guys u go and see him i will visit uncle and will get the prescription''said arjun and left to the doctor's cabin.After Arjun left parth asked sanyukta to meet him first and waited outside.
As sanyukta entered the room silently ,she saw Randhir lying on the bed with closed eyes .When she went and stood near the bed she could she his face which was pale and dark circles under his eyes.Seeing him like this bought fresh tears in her eyes and sat on the chair beside his bed and took his bandaged hand in her and kissed it with love and care which made Randhir to wake up from his sleep.As he opened his and looked at sanyukta who was holding his hand and sheding silent tears,he was feeling guilty for hurting her like this by his action.
''Sanyukta''called randhir in a week voice .sanyukta immediately looked at him with a teary eyes.
''I this is the only way to seek ur forgivness i would have did this the next day we fought''said randhir with a slight smile .But on the other hand sanyukta was damn angry on hearing this.The next moment she stood from her chair and slapped him really hard as an impact he closed his eyes covering his cheek with his hand.when he opened his eyes after few second and looked at sanyukta who was boiling in anger.
''Stop speaking this heroic dialogue randhir and what the hell u did today haan?.Have u ever thought what would have happened to me if something happened to u?Have u once think how will i live with of guilt of killing u ?U know what randhir u became so coward to the extent of cutting urself .U thought i will happy seeing u doing this so called act for me.?No randhir i will never like this kind of acts.Do u have single bit of idea how many death i died untill hearing u are fine.I feel like killing seeing u like this randhir .u know how much hurt seeing u this week to an extent of hurting urself.i never know my love will make u this week randhir .i never knew i will become ur weekness.''said sanyukta as her voice cracked at the end and she left the room immediately not want to break down infront of him.Here randhir was feeling really guilty for doing this .But he can't take the pain of her ignorance too.Just then parth entered the room and came towards randhir and stood before him crossing his arms on his chest.
''So this is ur talking with her haan?''asked parth with a stern voice.
''parth i am sorry''said randhir lowering his head.
''I never expect this from u randhir .i though u will be more matured than normal teen agers.But u disappointed me randhir.''said parth with a unapproving tone.
''I am sorry parth i am really sorry .I know what i did was wrong ,but i can't take her ignorance anymore parth.she is the only person i have in my life.i just can't function without her parth.I don't know what made to take that step,but that time i was only thinking to make sanyukta forgive me.I know i acted like a week love strack teenanger,but i am nothing without her parth.I just can't imagine a future without her anymore .she became my reason to live parth .I know what i did is not right but at the same time ,i didn't have a reason live without her anymore''said randhir as tears formed in his eyes.
parth can uderstand his feelings very well .After all he too lost his love once and he too went through the same feeling many times.He sat beside randhir on the bed and kept his hand on his shoulders .
''Randhir i can understand ur feelings ,but u know how broken sanyukta was .I thought she will to die if something happens to u.Please don't do anything like this again randhir.I can't see my sister in that state ever.''said parth with a small smile.
''I promise u i will never do like this ever again''said randhir with a small smile.Then parth noticed the finger marks on his cheeks and started laughing imagining the scence sanyukta slapping randhir.Seeing him laughing like this randhir gave him a confused look.
''I can see how strong my sister is by seeing ur cheeks now''said parth controlling his laughter.
''Haan yaar ,ur sister is really a Jansi ki rani''said randhir touching his cheeks.Just then arjun and sanyukta came back with medicines.After arjun asked about his health ,arjun and parth left them alone.
There was an uncomforable silence between sandhir as both of them don't know how to start a conversation.Randhir was just looking at sanyukta who was busy in her phone and was not even looking at him once.Randhir want to talk a lot with sanyukta ,but he didn't have the guts to speak anything.After few minutes randhir was feeling thrist ,he tired to talk the glass from the bed side table by his injured hand as his other hand had the IV.But as he streached his hand a little more he hissed in pain and closed his eyes in pain.But the next second he felt a very familiar soft hand on his injured hand and caressing it lovingly.As he opened his eyes he saw sanyukta sitting beside him .
Then she poured some water in the glass and took the glass near his lips .Randhir silently drank the water looking at her without a blink.After he finished drinking sanyukta kept the glass back on the tablet.Randhir was finally feeling somewhat happy seeing her care for him.Sanyukta was about to get up from the bed but randhir held her wrist .
''Sanyu i am sorry .I know what i did was very wrong .But please don't kill me by ur silence sanyu please .Give me whatever punishment u want except ur silence please''sasid randhir with an emotional voice.Sanyukta on the other hand was also sheding silent tears and the next moment she hugged him as her life depending on it.Randhir too hugged her back resting his head on her shoulders.
''Buddu ,stupid ,idiot u know how much i was worried.If u ever do like this again i swear i will kill u MCP''said sanyukta between her sobs.Randhir smiled at this .
''Ok meri farzi, i will never do this again .''said randhir kissing her head.After staying in the same position for few minutes,sanyukta finally broke the hug and cupped his cheeks which had her finger marks.
''Is it paining?''asked sanyukta caressing his cheeks with love and care.Randhir smiled at this and got a naughty idea in his mind.
''Its paining sanyu,but if u put the medicine it will disappear within seconds''said randhir with a naughty smile.
''Ok wait a minute i will take the first aid kid ''said sanyukta getting up from the bed but randhir held her wrist and pulled her and she landed on his chest with a bang.Randhir looked at her lovingly and sanyukta was lost in his eyes.Randhir slowly neared her face and sanyukta closed her feeling his hot breath on her face.
''I want the medicine called kiss which only ur lips can provide''said randhir in a husky voice which send shivers into her body .Sanyukta opened her eyes and looked at him with love and passion in her eyes.
''I love u sanyukta and always will''said randhir with love visible in his eyes.sanyukta smiled at him and kissed his forehead and his both cheeks.
''I love u too randhir and forever will''said sanyukta lying next to randhir and resting her head on his chest listening to his heart beats while randhir pulled her closer and kissed her forehead and both of them drifted to a peaceful sleep after a long time.
The next one week went in the hospital with their silly fights ,lovely kisses and hugs.In these one week sanyukta took complete care of him and pampered him like a child.Finally after one week he was dischared from the hospital and they took part in the culturals in the mumbai.Coz of the hard work and true dedication they won many prizes and returned to the college with a happy and victories smile.
The dean and vardhan was very proud of their students and decided to arrange a party for them.
The party was on full swings and all of them were enjoying after vardhan sir personally appreciated everyone.In one corner parth ,randhir and sanyukta are talking randomly ,but randhir was least bothered in the coversation as he was busy in admiring his love his sanyukta.Sanyukta stood there clad in a black and red saree with a smiple diamond chain and earing looking breathtaking as ever.Suddenly randhir got an idea and excuse himself from them and left sarth standing there with a confused look.
After few seconds there heard a voice from the stage and sarth was shocked to find randhir there.He looked at sanyukta and smiled with love in his voice.
''Attention everyone .A very good evening to everyone present here.Today i am going to propose a girl who was reason of my heartbeat,who had the guts to challenge me and call me a MCP .She made me a better person and made me fell in love with her destroying my ego.I always though girls are only good for kitchen work ,but she proved me wrong with her hard work and passion.I request this girl who made me complete with her love.So sanyukta i request u to come on stage''said randhir deeply looking at sanyukta with love and passion.Sanyukta on the other was feeling like flying in the sky hearing his words ,She never thought randhir will do something like this.She slowly started walking towards the stage and when she reached the step randhir held out his hands to her which she took with a smile.
Randhir stood before sanyukta and held her hand in his and kissed it with a smile.
''Sanyukta i know our relation didn't start smoothly.We fough ,insulted each other,hurted each other,but as u said its the magic of our relationship.But sanyukta u thought me the value of friendship ,love and relationship.U made me realise that true love does exist.U showed me the love which i didn't get from my childhood.U became the reason of my surival.''said randhir with an intense voice and on the other the other hand sanyukta was in tears by now.She felt like she was in a fairy tale dream with her prince charming.But what randhir did next made her stunned and speechless.
Randhir bend down on his knees and took out a box from his pocket which contined a beautiful platinum with diamond ring and looked at her.''So Miss .sanyukta Aggarwal will u give me the honour of becoming Mrs.sanyukta randhir shekawat .Will u make me alive by ur love by marrying me?''asked randhir with a moist eyes and a charming smile.On the other hand sanyukta stood there froze not finding any words to answer him .This was like a dream to sanyukta .None expressed their love for till now like randhir doing now.She was bought out her thoughts when she heard everyone shouting her to say yes to his proposal and she looked at randhir and held her hand out for him.Randhir who understood her replay stood up and slipped the ring in to her finger and the next moment sanyukta hugged him tighly as randhir hugged her back.
''Yes i will marry u randhir .I will marry u''said sanyukta as tears flowed happy from her eyes and everyone clapped for this lovely couple.Vardhan was the happiest person as he was glad that his best students love story didn't end like his and niharika's.Just then yoyo started playing the music and everyone started dancing .sandhir also joned them and started dancing to the tune hugged ech other closer to each other..After few minutes as the music became soft sanyukta rested her head on his chest and lost in his manly fragnance.
''Why u did all this randhir ?What is the need for all this haan?''asked sanyukta with a soft voice.Randhir smiled at this and cupped her and looked into her eyes deeply.
''Coz i love u sanyukta.And u MAKE ME ALIVE BY UR LOVE sanyukta''said randhir with love in his eyes and the next moment sanyukta did the unexpected by slamming her lips into his stunning randhir for a moment. After few seconds randhir started to respond to the kiss maching her passion and love in the kiss.Both of them forgot about their present and lost in their own world of love enjoying the present moment making each other alive by their love.
************************THE END***************************
So friends i end this story here .Thanks a lot and lot for all whoever liked this story and gave me the love and supported to finish this story🤗.Keep loving me and my stories.

With Love,

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Comments (23)

Thank u😊😊

10 years ago


10 years ago

Thanks a lot sweet heart will continue writing...

10 years ago

Thanks a lot sweetheart ... And i am so sorry for not sending PM ...will surely send for other stories...

10 years ago

I started reading ur story today n read all the chapters!BEAUTIFULLY WRITTEN!just cudnt stop reading ail of them!keep writting!👏👏👏

10 years ago

sanyu slapped rd...yes!!any1 doin this kinda act shld recievebut all ended asa gppd as fairy happyver very niceahh u didnt pm mebut koi gal nahi.. i m a stalker

10 years ago

Thanks a lot dear😊

10 years ago

Thanks a lot and lot sweet heart for ur love and support🤗

10 years ago

Thanks a lot dear😊

10 years ago


10 years ago
