Chapter 7

Mrs.JamesBarne Thumbnail

Scarlett kevin


Hey friends thank u all for ur lovely comments . Here goes the next chappy.Enjoy reading...

''parth''called randhir with a hesitated voice
''Haan randhir bolo''said parth
''can i come with u tomorow ro select the gift?''asked randhir ''ofcourse u can''replied parth with a smile .Randhir smiled and nodded her head and parth switched off the lights and both of them slept saying goodnight to each other with a new found frienship between them .
As the morning rays hit his face Randhir poened his eyes and the nexr moment he closed his eyes coz of the headache.After few seconds when he opened his eyes and looked around the room he found it empty.But the water sound coming from the bathroom indicated that parth having bath.when he turned to take his mobile from the bed side table he noticed a strip of tablets with a note under it .when he took the note there was written''I know ur head would be bursting in pain from last nights crying .so have this table.parth'' .He smiled and thought ''how much i misunderstood him''.This note made all the yesterday nights memories came rushing into his mind ,which brought tears of guilt in his eyes.

Randhir's P.O.V:
I know sanyukta i have made a biggest mistake and hurted u very much.But i will seek ur forgive me at any cost sanyukta.At anycost.I know the wound which gave u must be very deep and still paining.But i will put the medicine myself with my love .I promise u sanyukta i will give all the happiness in the world.I love u sanyukta and always will.
***************************End of P.O.V****************************
Thought randhir with determination and wiped his tears.Just then he saw parth coming out of the bathroom drining his hair.
Parth looked at randhir and smiled which randhir returned.
''Good morning Randhir ''said parth with a smile.
''Good morning parth''said randhir returing the smile.
''Randhir go and get ready man.I we will go to buy gifts within a hour.ok''asked parth taking money from his cupboard.
''ok parth and thanks for the tablet''said randhir getting up from the bed and taking clothes from his cupboard .
parth turned and looked at him and said''Its ok randhir''
''ok i will be back in 2o minutes''and left to have bath.
parth smiled at their new found relationship and continued to get ready.And both of them left to buy the gift in randhir's bike .
As they entered the college canteen after buying a beautiful gift ,they saw sanyukta,vidushi arjun and vihaan sitting in a table and discussing something .They immediately understood it must be related to culturals .As they reached their table togetherly vihaan chocked his juice seeing them together and started coughing.Sanyukta who was writing something keeping the note in her lap didn't notice them coming,but vihaans cough made her look at vihaan and she handed over a glass of water to him and rubbed his back and asked ''Can u even drink ur juice properly vihaan.''
Just then sanyukta looked at parth and randhir together smiling and understood what made vihaan to chocke his drink.Even she was shocked at this first but she just ignored and started talking to parth.
''Finally my friend come bhai came .so Mr.Parth good morning .How did u come perfectly on time ?''said sanyukta with a fake smile
''ok meri maa i am sorry i am late .But now please leave ur anger and let me wish a very happy raksha bandhan''said parth with a smile.
Sanyukta smiled at him and when near him and gave him a hug wishing him''A very happy Raksha Bandhan bhai''and broke the hug as parth kissed her forehead.And both of them tied rocy to each other.
''one minute''said sanyukta taking her bag and took out a a box wrapped in a gift cover and handed it to parth.
''open it''said sanyukta with a smile .parth smiled at her and opened the gift .The box contained two beautiful watches.
''It was so nice sanyu,but why two watches?''asked with a confusing look.
''Parth its a couple watch.These two watches has a chip with will send signal to each other watches.I know its a couple watch but i thought i will be the best gift ,coz we can send signal to each other if we miss each now give me hand and let me tie ur watch''said sanyukta with a lovely smile.
parth smiled at her and forwarded his hand to her as she tied his watched and he tied her watch back.Then parth gave her a gift box and asked her to open it.
when she opened it the box contained a beautiful sliver braclet with two hearts hanging from it and ''i luv u sis''was engraved above the hearts .sanyukta really loved it and hugged parth once again and parth tied it on her hands.All their friends are smiling at them admiring their pure relationship which can never be explained in words.
''ok guys if ur RB celebration is over can we go and started selecting students for the culturals''said arjun with a smile
''Haan yaar its already getting late we must go now''said sanyukta as others nodded their head and all of them left to the select the students.But in this everything none except parth noticed that randhir was trying his best from getting out of there coz of her ignorance.Parth though that he must do something to make Sandhir to spend some time alone.
The whole morning went in a flow as everyone was busy.Randhir was really shocked when sanyukta replied him casually to him for whatever he asked.It stunned as well as scared him to his core.He thought she will not speak a single word to him.But she acted as his last night didn't happen at all.Randhir really feared this calm side of her.Finally everone went to have their lunch leaving the trio alone.Parth thought this is the best time to let them alone .
''sanyu u finish this work i will bw back in 30 minutes with our food and other necessary things''said parth knowing that sanyukta was deeply engrossed in her work and will not leave in incomplete.
''ok parth but please come soon already tom is chasing jerry in my stomach''said sanyukta without looking up from her work.
''ok sanyu i will be back soon.bye''said parth and gave a smile to randhir went out of the room leaving both of them alone.
After parth left there was a complete slince as none of them spoke .sanyukta was totally engrossed in her work and didn't even look at him once.she sat there like he didn't even exist there .Finally Randhir gathered his coursge at broke the silence.
''sanyukta''called randhir with a little hesitation.
''Haan randhir bolo''replied sanyukta in a normal voice still doing her work.Finally randhir cannot take this indifferent attitude of her stood up and snached her note from her hand.
''Please sanyukta slap me,hit me ,call me by words ,but please don't be like nothing happened last night.This guilt will kill me sanyukta.I know i made a mistake ,not a simple mistake but a crime.So give me any punishment i will accept it happily but please don't be silent sanyukta .please''said randhir in a broken voice as tears flowed freely from his eyes.This time he didn't wipe it or feel ashamed for being week infront of her.
Sanyukta who listen to this calmly and said''why should i punish u randhir?Afterall i am a characterless girl who will sleep with anyone for why are u asking this to a girl like me?''with a normal and calm tone.
Hearing these kind of cheap words about her from her mouth pained randhir heart like thousand draggers have been pushed into it.
''sanyukta what the hell are u talking about urself .How could u even talk about urself like this''asked randhir with a hurted voie.
''why randhir u said the same last night .Though u didn't say it directly it is what u implied .Then why can't u hear the same when i myself saying it.Oh imknow coz it didn't give u happiness as it gives when u call me by urself right?''
This broke randhir's heart into million pieces.
''Sanyukta please don't kill me by ur words .Please don't talk about urself life this.I know sanyukta what i have done is unforgiveable sin ,but please give me any punishment .But after that please forgive me sanyukta.I can't live with the guilt anymore sanyukta ''said randhir
''why randhir why my punishment and forgiveness is so important haan bolo''asked sanyukta still calmly.
''COZ I LUV U SANYUKTA .I LUV U AND CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT U''shouted randhir finally letting his feeling out.
sanyukta was first shocked hearing this and the truth in his voice,but when the last night incidents and his acidic words.
''Love . u love me .But u know what randhir?I HATE U''said sanyukta with a disguisting look at randhir.
This literally made his heartbeat stop for a moment hearing the word hate from his mouth.
''please sanyukta don't say that again .Please don't say that u hate me ever again .Please sanyukta u don't how much it hurts me?''said randhir .
This is the limit for sanyukta .The anger and pain she kept inside her from last night came out like a boiling volcano .
''Pain .Even u can't handle this little pain.Then think how much pain i would have went through last night .U know randhir i always thought u r good at heart though u r rude .But u prove me that u didn't even have a heart last night .''sanyukta paused for a moment composing herself and continued''u are saying that u luv me right .But u didn't have the basic feeling of love on me.TRUST.Trust randhir trust.Have u even give me a chance to explain me about my innocence?NO.Asusual u came to a conclusion that i was in love with parth by seeing the act in the canteen right?''asked sanyukta looking directly into his eyes .He was stunned by this .He still didn't say anythink about how he come to a conclusion that sarth are in luv.seeing his shocked expression sanyukta just gave him a lifeless and sad smile and continued''I know randhir when u entered the canteen with parth smiling and the guilt in ur eyes said everything.I can read u like a open book randhir.After all i love u.I never thought u will say something to me like that.If u truly loved me u should have never doubed me even if u seen me and parth in the same bed,atleast u should have gave me a chance to explain the truth.But what u did randhir?u didn't trust me a single bit.I never feel ashamed for falling in love with my enemy coz i though i have seen the same feeling i ur eyes too.But last night for the first time i felt like i am the cheapeast girl not for loving u,but for being a untrustable girl.I never thought i would love a person deeply like i am loving u randhir ,but u just killed my heart last night by killing the love with my heart ''sanyukta was in tears now .''ok randhir u want my forgivness right?ok i forgive u but please never say that u love me coz it makes me feel like i am the cheapest girl who can't even gain the trust from the man who loves her.Only two more years randhir let us think last night never happened and i never loved u .coz this is what i am going to do from this moment .From now u r none to me randhir .And u don't exist in my world anymore.''and sanyukta took her bag and went towards the door,as she was about to leave she turned and looked and randhir who was standing there with tears continously flowing from his eyes and said''And congrats randhir .Finally u have broken me beyond repair.U won randhir''with this sanykta ran out of the room.
Randhir just stood there lifelessly and after few minutes he broke down on his knees.

-To Be Continued .
so friends here ends this chappy .leave ur lovely comments .

with love,

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Comments (17)

Thanks dear...will surely pm u:-)

10 years ago

awsmmm... awestrukingly penned dwn.. :-) plzzz pm me :-*

10 years ago

Thanks dear ...will unite them soon...

10 years ago

lovelybut bring them together soonwaiting for next part

10 years ago

Thanks a lot dear ...and u r welcome ...

10 years ago

Thanks a lot...

10 years ago

Thank u so much dear ...will update soon...

10 years ago

Thanks a lot dear ...glad u love this story...will try my best to give nice updates...

10 years ago

Thanks a lot mickey ...i am so glad u loved the part dear ...yea it really hurts when the loved ones didn't trust us ...will update soon dear...

10 years ago

Thank u so much dear...yea as u said trust is the most needed thing...thanks again

10 years ago
