Chapter 6

Mrs.JamesBarne Thumbnail

Scarlett kevin


Hey friends thanks a lot for ur lovely comments .Here goes the next chapter.Enjoy reading...

As parth explained everything randhir vision got blurred with his tear as he sat there like some one snatched his life from him.All the cruel and nasty words he spoke to sanyukta just few momomets back ecohed in his ears like a acid.He recalled all the moments he spend with her.The days and nights he craved for her love.Fially when he came to know she too loves him ,only to realize he have broke that love into million pieces by his ego and anger.He recalled the care in her eyes this morning for him and closed his tightly for his fooliness.He was disguished with himself for speak that cruel words to her,for a moment he thought of killing himself for even thinking about her that cheaply.He always admiried sanyukta's pure heart and her true care and love for her friends even on him,this is the qualitity that always attracted him to her.When he realise he fell in love with her his world turned up and down ,he started live in a world which contained only her love ,but he never thought that world would be broke by himself.On this thoughts brought more tears and he started to sob loudly ''What have i done?''and he broke down completely.Next moment he was engulfed in a warm hug by parth and he consoled in a caring voice''shhh randhir calm down .Everything will be alright..''
Parth who was sitting next to him who wittness every emotion played on his face.He was really feeling bad for him.Though he was angry at him for hurting sanyukta ,he also know how much randhir loved sanyukta though he never admitted coz of his fat ego.He alway know randhir was a loner who needed love and care which wasdenied to him from his childhood ,when he saw love for randhir in sanyukta's eyes he was really happy for both of them.Sanyukta was the only girl whom he felt his own after he lost arpita,but they shared a noble bond called FRIENDSHIP.He always considered sanyukta as his own sister who cared for everyone,even sanyukta too considered him as her own brother.Their love and care for each other was only brotherly and sisterly love only few understood like vardhan.He could not blame randhir too,even if he was in his shoes may be he could have reacted in the same way.Though randhir always gave a cold relation with him,he know it was the result of his and sanyukta's closeness.Parth know now randhir need someone to hold him and console him ,someone to share his pain .So he decided to be the one and hugged him ,afterall who know what is mean by pain more than him .
''please randhir calm down ,everything will be alright ''said parth with care while rubbing his back and consoled him.
''No parth nothing is going to be alright .I broke her parth i broke her into milion pieces.How could i be so cruel parth?.I always hurted her,insulted her ,but still she loved me .But what i have done ?I just broke her love ,insuled her love.You are right parth i am the one who didn't deserve anyones love.I lost her parth.I lost her totally parth''said randhir with a defeated and a broken voice.
Parth hearning his broken and defeated voice understood what he is going through.He also know well what the pain of loosing the girl u love ,he too went to the same pain when he lost arpitha.Tough randhir always cold towards him,he know randhir was a guy with a golden heart who cared for his friends,even for him which he never showed.His toughts were broken when randhir pushed him and stood up .
''Randhir are...''but he was cut off by randhir.
''No parth please don't care for me.I don't deserve it.I am a person who don't deserve anyones love or care.Even i also insulted u many times.So please parth leave me alone ,coz i only deserve lonliness.Coz a bad person always deaserves lonliness ''said randhir with a chocked voice
Parth had a knowing smile on hearning this as he went and stood before his and held his both shoulders .
''Randhir first stop blaming urself.I know u made a mistake by saying those painful words ,but i know those are not from ur heart.Look randhir everyone makes mistakes,its human nature to make mistakes.U do did the same ,now u realised ur mistake now everything will be alright .And about insulting me,it really didn't hurt me randhir coz i know u r doing all this as u can't see sanyukta close to me.Even if i was in your shoes i would have done the same .And one more thing u r not a bad person u never was,i know u r good from heart randhir which u never showed.u have a golden heart randhir''said parth truthfully
Randhir who never expected words like this from was really admiriding him.He recalled how many times he insulted him but even after everything he is supporing and consoling him .Now he understood why sanyukta always admired him and considered him as her best friend .
''I am really sorry parth for everything i have done to you.I hope u will forgive me ''said randhir lowering his face like a small boy who caught by his mom while steeling chocolate.
Parth smiled at this and hugged him while randhir hugged him back finally ending their cold war.
''I forgive u randhir ''said parth breaking the hug.
''so friends''said randhir forwarding his hands to parth .parth smiled and shook his hands and said''Friends''
Just then parth's mobile rang flashing sanyukta's name .Parth looked at the time and tensed receiving her call at midnight,randhir was also tensed as it was really late .
''Parth please put it on loudspeaker ''said randhir with concern visible in his voice.parth nodded his head and attened the class and shooted questions without giving sanyukta a chance to reply
''sanyu are u alright? why are calling in this hour?Is there any problem?Do you need any help?Should i come to the hostel?Hello sanyukta why are u not replying?''
But both of them heard her laughed on the other side and was releaved as she was alright.Sanyukta controlled her laughter and said''Arrey parth if u keep on asking questions how can i reply haan?''parth smiled at this and asked''ok madam now tell me why u called at this hours ?''
''I called u to wish u A VERY HAPPY RAKSHA BANDHA BROTHER.But u know what parth u are saying that i am like ur own sister ,but u didn't even remember raksha bandhan.shame on u parth''said sanyukta with a fake anger in her voice.
parth laughed on her antics and said ''ok meri maa no no meri sister i am so sorry ,from next year i will wish u forgive ur brother now''
Sanyukta smiled at this and said''Ok u r forgiving.But don't u dare come infront of me tomorrow without any gift ok''with a warning tone
''ok sanyu i will .AND A VERY VERY HAPPY RAKSHA BANDHAN TO YOU TOO''said parth
''ok parth i am really feeling sleepy meet at college tomorrow .good night yaar''said sanyukta with a sleepy voice.
''ok have a very good night bye''said parth and ended the call and looked at randhir who was in tears again.
parth understood that he must be feeling guilty and decided to change the mood.
''Arrey why are u crying now?sanyukta wished me Raksha Bandhan not to u man''said parth with a smile.
But randhir was dying in guilt after hearing their phone conversation for insulting a pure relationship like this.
''I am really sorry parth for insulting ur pure relationship.Ireally lost her.''said randhir with pain and guilt visible in his voice.
''No randhir u didn't lost her forever.I will help u to get her back ''said parth .
''Parth how could u be so selfless.U r helping me who broke ur best friend and sister heart .why parth?''asked randhir
''coz i know u both r made for each other,And only u can keep her happy in her life and only u can treate her broken heart.And one more thing u said i am selfless,no randhir i am very selfish coz i know sanukta loves u and her happiness is only being with u ,so i am doing this only for my sisters happiness so don't treate me as a saint''said parth playfully.
Randhir smiled in hearing this ''thank u so much parth.But do u think she will forgive me?''
''ofcourse she will forgive u randhir.she can't stay angry on anyone for a long time''then he looked at his watch and said''but randhir if i didn't give her gift tomorrow i will be a death meat .so i think we should go and sleep .Tomorrow morning i have to go and get her a gift''
Randhir nodded his head and they started walking to their room.once they reached their room both lay down on the bed and parth was about to switch off the lights when randhir called
''parth''called randhir with a hesitated voice
''Haan randhir bolo''said parth
''can i come with u tomorow ro select the gift?''asked randhir
''ofcourse u can''replied parth with a smile .Randhir smiled and nodded her head and parth switched off the lights and both of them slept saying goodnight to each other with a new found frienship between them .

-To Be Continued

so here ends this chapter.sorry for the gramatical and spelling mistakes.Please let me know ur lovely feedbacks.

with love,
Scarlettkevin2014-05-16 04:54:43

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Comments (11)

Hey that comes first ...hope u r fine now ...thanks a lot for ur comment yaar...will update soon...take care of ur health...and love u too ...

10 years ago

Firstly... A biiggg sry for my late comment. I was in hospital... due to my health. Ur story has hooked me up. The way described Randhir's pain, Sanyu feelings, Parth's understanding is just amazing. U made me love them even more.. shraddhask2014-05-18 10:58:20

10 years ago

Thanks dear...will PM u if i update...

10 years ago

Thanks a lot for ur lovely comment dear...

10 years ago

Its awesome... yaar for next update na pls me me... he always considered Sanyu as his lit sis wow if this happens in show na really I will dance

10 years ago

He always considered sanyukta as his own sister who cared for everyone,even sanyukta too considered him as her own brother.Their love and care for each other was only brotherly and sisterly love only few understood like vardhan. i just read this and felt the urge to comment"""wah wah wah wah wah wah"""😆

10 years ago

thanks dear will update soon...

10 years ago

thanks dear ...will sure try to improve..

10 years ago

Thanks a lot dear ...I always wanted to sarth like this in the show ,but alas they are spoiling their friendship...thanks for this lovely feedback...will update soon...

10 years ago

nice one but i think u can improve more

10 years ago
