Chapter 5

Mrs.JamesBarne Thumbnail

Scarlett kevin


sandhir os :Make Me Alive By Ur Luv
Randhir just stood there stunned n confused what to believe n what not to . But the person who watched all this from the begining standing behind the tree ,came n stood before randhir to clear this great misunderstanding which broke two hearts.Randhir was shocked to see the person before him and too with a calm face as he said''parth''
Yes the person was none other than parth .The same parth ,who is now sanyukta's parth or this is how randhir thought.Randhir was confused to see him with a calm face even after he witness all the happenings . He don't know whether to console him or leave him alone.But now he thought to console him keeping his personal problems aside ,after all he well the know the pain of betrayal .
''parth listen i know what pain u will be going through now . But please parth don't feel bad for her who didn't deserve ur feelings.Just forget her parth . I never though she will be this cheap.she don't deserve ur just leave sanyuk...''but he was cut off as parth gave a tight slap on randhir's ceek and randhir closed his eyes by the impact of the slap.
As he opened his eyes he saw a parth who was boiling in anger. This confused randhir to the core.As he was about to speak ,parth caught his collar and shouted''NOT A WORD .NOT A WORD ABOUT SANYUKTA ANYMORE RANDHIR . U KNOW WHAT I THOUGHT U R GOOD AT HEART INSPITE OF UR ATTITUDE.BUT TODAY U PROVED ME WRONG. U R JUST AS CRUEL BY UR HEART AS U SHOW OUTSIDE. ''
Randhir who listened everything now got angry and free him from parth and shouted back''OH JUST STOP IT PARTH,STOP SUPPORTING UR SO CALLED GIRL FRIEND SANYUKTA.SHE IS NOT THAT GOOD AS SHE SHOW OTHERS.SO STOP SUPPORTING HER .And for ur kind advice don't waste ur love for a cheap girl like her,coz she don't deserve ur luv or anyones luv''and turned to go .
This is the limit for parth's patience ,he grabbed randhir
shoulders and turned him and continued''what u said?she don't deserve anyones luv ,no u r wrong .U R THE ONE WHO DON'T DESERVE ANYONES LUV. And mainly her luv.u know how much she luvs u?how much she cares for u?.Even after ur continuous insults she still luvs u .But u didn't even think once how much it would hurt her before taking this cruel words to her?Not even once?''asked parth.
''Enough parth .ENOUGH.please u too don't be this cheap.I know u both r in luv ,so please stop ur drama and leave me alone.''said randhir with a irritated face
''Randhir what the hell u r talking about ?From where did u get the idea of we are in luv.haan?''asked a confused and irritated parth
''Please parth i have seen the whole proposal drama that u both created .so stop acting innocent n get the hell out of here.''said randhir
''What canteen what dra...''but parth stopped as he realised what happened .
''u know what randhir u r impossible.The proposal which u r saying as drama is nothing but ACTUALLY A DRAMA .Just-a-drama''said parth as he sat on a bench near him.
Randhir was stunned would be an understatement.He just stood there just loooking at parth with a question look.But parth just stood there with a closed eyes .Then randhir started speaking breaking the silence
''what r u saying parth?drama?but what drama?''asked randhir with a defeated voice.
upon hearing his defeated voice parth closed his eyes and asked with extreme anger''WHY NOW RANDHIR ?WHY NOW.U WANT TO KNOW THE TRUTH NOW AFTER BREAKING THE GIRL WHO LOVED U WITH EVERYTHING SHE HAD. WHY CAN'T U THINK BEFORE U SPEAK.''
But randhir just stood there silently coz he know he made a grave mistake,but the emotions he saw in their face was so real this is what made him really confused.
''But parth the emotions i saw in ur faces ...that was so real''said randhir looking parth
''what ?but why this acting to get vardhan sir's approval''asked randhir
when parth was about to answer he remembered how hurt was sanyukta by randhir's words and said
''why should i explain everything to u randhir ?,to hurt sanyukta more?.NO i will not allow this happen anymore. Just whatever u want coz she is better without u .so its better if u stay away from her. so let this end here.''said parth n turned to go ,but randhir's broken and chocked voice stopped him.''parth please .once tell me what happened.please parth''
Parth turned and only to see a deafted randhir as tears continuously flowed from his eyes .Parth really felt sorry for him. He always know sanyu had a effect on him which he refused to admit it coz of his fat ego.Parth walked near him and made him sit on the bench and sat beside him and started explaining him what happened from last night.
As the exam of the second and third year was over and the vacation of one month is starting from next week everyone are busy in packing for their depature .BUT some of the second years students gathered in the canteen discussing something very serious except randhir .
''Arrg its enough guys.For how long we are going to just sit n keep discussing like this . Any one of us should ask for vardhan sir's permission right ''said a irritated vidushi.
''vidushi is right guys .Anyone of us should ask his permission to praticipate in this some one is going to ask and that too within toinght .so come on decide who is going to ask ''said arjun(a student sanyu's class)
''of course its sanyukta who is going to ask ''said vidushi .
sanyukta who was drinking her juice still now spitted her juice on hearing this.
''WHAT ? .Are u planing to kill me vidu?No i am not going to give me head into a lion's mouth willingly.''said sanyukta with an angry glare.
parth laughed on her comment but as sanyukta diverted her glare on him it was enough to shut his mouth.
''come on yaar sanyu ur the best student in the class. so if u ask him permission he may think about it please sanyu please do this for us na ''asked vidushi with a pleading expression which made sanyukta to agree
''ok guys i will ask his permission but i want parth to come with me''said sanyukta with a evil smile looking at parth.Now it was parth turn to spit his coffee and looked at sanyu with a ''WHY ME?''expression
''ok sanyu he will help you .Now both of u get up n go ''said arjun make sanyukta stand from her chair as varun(other classmate)made parth stand
Finally both of them agreed as they went to vardhan sir's cabin.It was nearly 7.30 when vardhan decided to go to his house just then he heard his door being knocked.He saw the time in his watch n wondered who would come this late even after vacations has been declared and gave permission to come.But he was suprises to see sanyu and parth together entering the cabin n too with a nervous face.He eyed both of them from top to bottom n said
''Good evening sanyukta and parth.can i know the reason for ur sudden visit?''
Both sanyukta n parth looked at each other and finally sanyukta replied''Sir there is a cultural competition is going to held in mumbai next month , as the vacations are starting next week second year students want to pracitipate in that .so sir we want ur permission to praticipte sir''said sanyukta in one go and let out a breath .
vardhan looked at sanyukta few seconds and asked''But may i know why u need my permission u guys can atten it on ur own right?''
Now parth replied''No sir actually it is an college culturals.only college students can practicipate in this .But we need college dean's approval and one of our teacher to come with the praticipating students.So we request u to help us by asking dean sir's permission and we all want u to come with us sir''
Vardhan thought for some moments and spoke''Interesting very interesting.But can u both give me a single reason to help u by wasting my time in this?''
Sanyukta looked at parth n replied''Sir all the colleges from all over india is praticipating in this if we won prizes it will rise the reputation of our college n more over there r money prizes to which will help the students and important is that we can express our talent apart from studies too sir.So we will get a chance to prove ourselves .we assure sir we will make this college proud if u give us a please sir we request u to help us .''
vardhan was really impressed by her confidence and he deeply thought something for few minutes and replied''ok i will help u''
This brought a big smile on sanyukta's face .vardhan saw this and replied''I am not done sanyukta . I will only help if i feel this help is worthy .so i will give u both a task tomorrow morning and if u guys passed that i will help u''
''But sir.what is the task?''asked a confused sanyukta.
''I will give the task next morning meet me here next moring sharp at now both of u go to ur room .'' said vardhan with means there is no space for any arguments.
so both of them came out of the cabin with saying a polite ''thank u '' and headed towards the canteen to explain everything and went to the hostel after their friends thanked them.
Sharp at 8 am our sarth reached vardhan sir's cabin and wished him''good morning '' and vardhan wished themm back and gave them the task.
''so here is ur task guys .I want parth to propose sanyukta and u should say yes to his proposal in the middle of the canteen .Everyone present in the canteen must think it must be real as two persons r deeply in love with each other and expressing their luv after waiting for along time . so everyone in the canteen thought it is real i will help u . Am i clear ?''and he turened to look at them who stood with a shocked face
Never even in their worst dreams NO NO NO not drream nightmare to be exact, both of them thought their vardhan sir will give this kind of romantic task .They were brought back by vardhan's voice''Hmmm. I know the reason for u shock guys. But it is not a competition between machines but between arts for which feeling is the life .so if u pass in this task .so i will leave u guys alone for 10 min to practice .u can pracitice here i will wait outside and went outside leaving both of them alone.As he went outside both of them looked each other and said''WHY US?''
After 10 min they came outside and three of them went to the canteen.And the proposal scene happened .seeing the reaction of the students vardhan gave his approval and explained to everyone about it as he not wanted to bad mouth about his two students true friendship but what confused him was the true emotions on their face which stunned him .As vardhan went out of the canteen ,arjun came n hugged parth who was near the exist with sanyukta and thanked them and asked ''Everything is ok guys ,but the emotions was so true how u guys managed to do that?''
''This credit goes to our love guru sanyukta arjun its her idea which made this whole drama work''and he explained what happen in the ten mintues inside the cabin
After struggling for five minutes with different way of proposal which failed sanyu and parth was really upset .Then sanyukta got a idea which she explained to parth
''parth i have an idea .if we did it like this with no emotions then we will surely fail in this let us do us like this .If we imagine whom we luv in our places then it will surely pass. so u imagine me as arpitha then it will be easy''said sanyukta to which parth agreed and they did a final attempt which satisfied them and came out of the cabin.
''so as per my idea parth imagined arpitha in my place and in the place of parth i imagined randhir so...''but sanyukta stopped realising what he said and looked at parth and arjun who are now looking with a teasing smile as both of them said''RANDHIR HAAN?''
Hearing this sanyukta ran from there while both of them bursted into laughted .
But unknow to the trio vardhan who came back to take his mobile which he left heard their whole conversation from outside of the canteen had a knowing smile and said ''Interesting very interesting finally my plan worked ''

As parth explained everything randhir vision got blurred with his tear as he sat there like some one snatched his life from him.

TO Be Continued

Friends in this os vidushi is really a nice and good friend of sanyukta.
Here ends the chapter 5.Hope u enjoyed it guys. sorry for grammar and spelling mistakes.please let me know ur feedbacks.

with love,

Scarlettkevin2014-05-10 19:13:18

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Comments (10)

thank u😊😊

10 years ago

Thank u so much dear .Really u made me ☺️.

10 years ago

Thanks a lot dear😊😃will update soon ...

10 years ago

Thank u so much dear .Yea randhir is going to pay for this from the next part 😆.will continue soon dear

10 years ago

thanks and welcome dear😊

10 years ago

thanks dear😊will update soon

10 years ago

it was just awesome...:-)Loved it...:-)

10 years ago

you should go and write the actually sadda haq👏👏👏 ,the creatives should take some tips from you .

10 years ago

wow yaar nice update... parth ka gussa... Randhir's feelings, Vardhan sir's plan... superb... Jaldi next part update karo na...

10 years ago

Wow...seriously u r amazingThis twist is just awesome Even me also thought that actually parth proposed sanyu and poor randhir bechara ab to gaya...But the truth is really way too out of the imagination yaar...I love to read it...thankkkuuu so much for pm...keep update soon dear...

10 years ago
