Chapter 13

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All retired to their rooms!

But the crazy four gang was not at all sleepy due to the excitement they were having to come to paris that too on a super duper grand wedding!

It was a luxury suit, So there was a huge LED tv with speakers in all the corners of the suit.

Khushi put a DVD that has Justin Briber Songs and forwarded it to the song..."SOMEBODY TO LOVE" to an extremely loud volume that could break the windows and glasses of the whole hotel!

But thankfully the room was soundproof except the door!

Just then arnav wanted to talk to anjali about some ceremonies that are going to held here...he passed khushi's room only to stop a few steps away listening to something thats ounds like a song played nearby!

Concentrating he found that it was coming from khushi's room!

He thought it would be as mild as it was sounding from outside the door!

But as soon as he opened the door he stumbled back a few steps at the huge volume at came striking straight away on his face bursting his ears in way!

He put his fingers in his ears and stepped inside making weird faces and closing the door behind him as he didnt want the people here in neighbouring rooms to burst their ears!

Arnav went inside the room only to find khushi, payal,karishma and geet jumping on the bed and playing pillow fight at the same time dancing on justin bieber's songs!!

He looked around the room only to find to no less than a zombie land!

The side table beside the bed was lying as if throw purposely...the cupboard was half open with funny scarfs and masks popping out out of which some they were wearing.

Arnav was now looking at them with eyebrows raised,suddenly noticing his presence they turned towards him with a shocked expression.

Khushi: You what are you doing here mr.temperamental!??This is a girls room! dont you know ?

They all marched twoards him with a fury expression when he confessed"hey its not my fault yaar!I heard loud music so came here to see the jungle mein mangal which can disturn the other poeple in the rooms!"

Geet : For the last time we are leaving you! NO GO!!!

Arnav went out and sighed :phewww bach gaye! thanx goodness!


Nest day it was the haldi mehendi function!

And all have to wear anything in yellow . And now they all were almost ready!

Khushi's dress

Geet's dress

KArishma's dress

payal's dress

The haldi function was at two different houses for the bride and the groom!

But khushi and her friends insisted to keep it in one mansion so that they could enjoy both!

And so it was, all were hustling and bustling from one room to another not missing a chance to tease the bride and groom at the same time!

Now as khushi and her friends were ready they decided to make their appearance in the function!

As they four were descending down the stairs together and elegantly,

Looking at those bewitching beauties..

Arnav forgot that he was talking to someone...

Aakash forgot that he was having a sweet which was now halfway to his mouth ..

Karan, who was now ogling at geet shamelessly...

And of karishma..she didnt knew that the guy named rahul who was her classmate turned out to be from the groom's side and was drooling over her without blinking...


Throughout the whole function the boys could not take their eyes from their unknown hidden love...

When the girls were applying haldi they too came forward doing doing sweet-nothing but making their girls go red!

After applying haldi and finishing the rasams , It was almost 11 pm but none of them wanted to go in their rooms...

Just then shruti revealed the reason to make the guests wear strapless yellow gowns...

It was because...well have a look!


After good five minutes and lots of OOHHSS and AHAASSS,

Khushi came running towards payal and applied a handful of haldi on her face making her jaw drop and result in khushi running from payal to save her from the HALDI WAR!

All were applying haldi to each other,

Some by love..shying away..

And some by war to fun!

Payal was after khushi to take REVENGE when aakash came in front of her...they were lost in each others eyes, when aakash took a small amount of haldi on his finger and flicked it on payal's nose earning her gasp...

The other way...Arnav was peacefully sitting in a corner of where the haldi game was going on...just then khushi came from behind and applied loads of haldi on his face earning his huge 'WHAT THE' and ran away from there...

But arnav was fast he was about to catch her when she ran upstairs barging in arnav's room which was the only room near..

All the french doors and windows were locked from outside so khushi was trapped in with a smirking arnav at the door!...


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Comments (2)

awesome update so sweet loved it

11 years ago

amazing update😊😊..loved it❤️

11 years ago
