Chapter 14

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'Now you are gone khushi' Khushi thought at the sight of a smirking arnav at the door.

Arnav took slow stylish steps towards her not breaking the eye contact!

Khushi heart was beating like as is she had run a marathon..

She didnt felt like this way before..

She was lost in his eyes ...

looking at him keenly, she didnt even knew when he came and stood behind her...

She was confused as why he went behind...

But soon felt his breath fanning her neck.

Arnav whispered in her ears "You like marriages, dont you?"

Khushi:Ye..Ye..Yes...Who wouldnt?

Arnav Slid down his both haldi filled hands on her soulder till her wrists on both the hands while speaking :And what about haldi?

Khushi was not even in her senses to recignize what arnav did to her with the haldi she just knew that he is so handsome and is literally fanning his warm breath on her neck!

Khushi :Same for that...I like it!

Arnav smirked seeing her reaction and stepped away from her and stood in front of her facing her.

SHe closed her eyes!

He came a near her and apllied haldi on her face and backed off smirking "Challenge completed!"

Khushi eyes snapped open and looked at him wide eyed..

Realising his touch earlier she moved to the mirror and looked at herself being dipped in haldi right form her wrists till her shoulders and face!

Her jaw dropped and she looked at arnav who walked back from the room before giving a soft glance at her!


Next day everybody was up early in the morning as it was the marriage day!

Loads and loads of preperation was there and thankfully khushi recovered from the last day's events as it kept her awake till late night!

She was back to her crazy self and was now teasing shruti who was no less in answering teasy words!

However the whole day passed with a swing and now everybody was getting ready in their respective rooms!

The four friends were in shruti's room making her ready and also making her blush with their MARRIAGE talks!

And now it was time for the bride to step in the mandap!

And four friends brought her down with 2 of them at her either sides!

Khushi's dress

Payal's dress

Geet's dress

Karishma's dress

Shruti really looked like a beauty and his would-be husband cannot take his eyes of her!

No one knew that arnav ,aakash, karan and rahul were looking at their girls with intense eyes causing the girls to look at them with the same intensity as the four of them were looking too hot to resist in their smartest sherwanis!

But after sometime the intensity changed into protective looks as some teenage group of boys started ogling at her!

Khushi was chatting, laughing with anjali when suddenly arnav's patience snapped and he went near khushi and slid his arms arouns khushi's waist!

3 people were hell shocked!

Anjali who saw this scene as she was talking to khushi...



He thought 'what the!Whats gotten into me!Huh! I am just doing this to protect my friend!FRIEND?? Yes friend she is my friends thats why I am doing this nothing else!These is nothing to worry about!'He sighed!

He looked at up a shocked and amused anjali!

But he couldnt look at her properly something was blocking his way!

He looked at khushi and was mesmerised by her sweet beauty!

Khushi looked at arnav only to notice that her hair that was left open was fanned all over arnav's shoulder and some of her few strands past his face making him consious of his stupid teenage hormones!

Yes thats what he called this thing between them he felt yesterday too!A STUPID TEENAGE HORMONES acting uopn him!

Anjali tried to make her presance appear "AHEM!!" But they were too lost to listen She a bit loudly "AHEM AHEM!!"

That worked and arnav khushi looked at her their face reddening!

Anjali : CHote..are you on a date or what?

Arnav :Uhh di I ...was..

Anjali raised her eyebrows seeing her grumpy brother stuttering!

Arnav pointed towards a boy and anjali follwed his gaze only to see that guy muttering curses and looking at arnav with murderous gaze!

ANjali exclaimed "Oh!!!" She patted his shoulder and went from there leaving arnav and khushi alone!

Now khushi also know the reason for his behaviour so she was calm now!



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Comments (3)

Loved d storypls pm me wen u update

11 years ago

a very cute n sweet ff.. cont. soon..n pm me when update...

11 years ago

amazing update😊😊..loved it❤️..waiting for the next update..continue soon..and thanks for the pm😃

11 years ago
