Chapter 30

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So sorry it took so long!

Really got busy!๐Ÿ˜†


Chapter 29


Maan sat in his office looking at Geet and Ayush's photo. It has been a week since he left and not a day go by where he yearns to hear her voice. Every time he picks up the phone to dial the number, he stops. Her last words at the park haunts him. Her words stops him from making any call. He rests his head back on the chair. He missed her so much.

He wanted to see her happy again but couldn't. As long as he is there...she will never be happy. If me going away from her will make her happy then that is what he will do. He will do anything to get that same smile back on her face however hard it will be for him. He just hoped that one day she will be able to forgive him. He wipes his tears as the phone rang. He looks at the caller ID it was from home. He quickly picked up the phone fearing something must've happened to Ayush.

Maan: Hello

Ayush: papa...(Maan sighed in relief hearing his voice...)

Maan: Yeah are you.

Ayush: I am mad at you. You didn't call at all. Pata hai I waited for you to call.

Maan (closes his eyes...out of this whole mess he forgot about Ayush. He should've known how much Ayush will be missing him. How much time he wants to spend with him. He ends up hurting everyone around him even if he doesn't mean too...) Am sorry Ayush..I just got busy with work. How are you? Are you going to school on time? I hope you are not bothering your mom.

Ayush: being a good boy like you said...I always do my homework and help mama as well. Do you know that mama was waiting for you to call as well.

Maan (smiled hearing that..."does she miss me too just like I miss her?") Is your mama there?

Ayush: No she just went inside to the kitchen. Papa when are you coming back? Did you get my toys?

Maan: I will come soon beta. Yeah, I got you loads of toys. I wonder how I am going to bring everything back.

Ayush (yells) yay!! come back soon. ohh and call everyday or else I won't talk to you

Maan (smiles) Okay I will...bye...take care...

Maan hangs up the phone. Is she really missing me? Does she want to talk to me too like I do? But then whey didn't she talk to me? Why did she run away? He gets up and leaves the office. He walks around the park. He sits on one bench and saw two couples sitting on the grass holding each other's hand. He imagined himself with Geet. He is holding her hand while she kept talking on and on. He kisses her on her lips to shut her up. She blushes and hugs him.

He comes out of his thoughts. He gets up and walks around the park. He saw little boy running ahead while his father runs behind him. He watches the ocean he was walking away...he saw another couple..the women was pregnant...she had her head on the guys shoulder while both walked hand in hand... He closes his eyes in pain and walks away.

That could've been him. He caused her so much pain. Maybe he deserves to be alone for the rest of his life. He doesn't deserve her at all. How can he expect her to forgive his grave sin. A sin that almost killed her. A sin that his son had to pay for without him. How can he ever forgive himself? He walks home in the dark without paying attention. His life had no meaning without Ayush and Geet. Without them he was incomplete. He had no destination nor future anymore.
Geet sat in her room..thinking about the phone call. She did want to speak to him but couldn't. The past memories and pain is too much. It always stops her from taking any further step. She still remember the day when she had to give birth to Ayush...that is when she needed him the most. She went into labor one week early..she was lucky that her neighbors helped her get into taxi and to the hospital safe but what about the rest? She needed him...she kept shouting his name while giving birth, she wished that he was that Ayush could see his fathers face first..but no..he never came.

What is the father's name? That one question kept repeating again and again. No matter how many times she had tried to forget her past or tried to move on with Ayush..that question always popped up. What was she suppose to write under the name section when he himself kicked her out. She didn't know if he would want the kid. She didn't want him to find out about Ayush but I guess destiny had some other plans for her.

Maybe in some shape or form..she does want him back. She wants to see him in front of her again. She cannot hate him. She can't but she also can't bring up the same love she had for him again.
As days, hours and seconds passed both yearned for each other but always stopped themselves from taking any extra step. Maan made sure to call Ayush everyday no matter how busy he was. At least, through him he got to know how Geet was doing even though she never came on the phone. Sometime told him that she misses him too and can't say it.

As the time passed, the more determined Maan was. He was going to make her pain go away. If she doesn't want to be with him then that would be fine too as long as she was happy. He looked at their photo again with smile..."I will make you forget your past Geet so that you can move on. You deserve to be happy..and if you get it without me than I will accept that as well. You are everything to me Geet...I will be back soon...I will make you smile like you used too..." He hugs the photo with tears...

Maan walked to the airport..A month had passed...Maan was so happy to be back. He looked at the airport. He waved to Dev who was standing there waiting for him. No one knew he was coming home. Not even Ayush. He wanted to surprise him and most importantly surprise Geet. He wanted to see her reaction seeing him back. Dev and NT made sure no one in the house knew about this. He was glad that they are with him in order to help Geet.

Geet stayed in the house today. She didn't know why but she was feeling restlessness today as if something was going to happen. Ayush was inside playing with Annie while for some reason she had her eyes on the door. This whole month was so difficult for her. She kept imagining Maan everywhere no matter what or where she was. It was hard for her to stop her feelings but she needed him deep down.

She looked at the door and saw Maan standing there with his luggage. She shook her head thinking it was her imagination. She got up when Maan didn't disappear. She walked towards him. He smiled at her..she smiled back...Maan dropped his suitcases on the floor. Geet stood before him..she slowly brought up her hand to touch his face...he followed her hand with his eyes.

He brought up his hand to touch the hand that was on his face. Geet waited for him to disappear but he never did. Why? Maan held her hand..Geet looks at the hand and then at he real or fake? Ayush comes out of the room screaming...and hugs Maan from his waist..."he is real?" She thought...she quickly removes her hand from his...Maan looks at her while she turns her head away feeling embarrassed. Maan smiles.

Okay sorry if it is short..I just wrote this now! Also, now the story will take a new turn..I think I gave you guys enough senti-ka-mental updates๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜†
mrs.msk2011-11-22 13:16:08

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Comments (76)

pls update both soon..!!waiting for both...!!

12 years ago

yes it is long time scince you update HAHK but i like the ff SKG most love the concept how pammi massiii try to play with maan,s emotion simi if she try to harm GEET than wt,s maan,s reaction becoz only GEET can give maan,s pari wink wink than wt,s a situation of maan,s in securities love that ff very much

12 years ago

want bm plus hahk cause i know u can give us both the updates now dont play with us come and give us update soon will be waiting simi

12 years ago

Update dis one bt plz give ur long update

12 years ago

Update HAHK :-)))) please Lov262011-11-29 17:37:55

12 years ago

Please update...Eargerly waiting... ๐Ÿ˜› ...

12 years ago

Please update HAHK...Please update HAHK...Please update HAHK... Please update HAHK...Please update HAHK...Please update HAHK... Please update HAHK...Please update HAHK...Please update HAHK... Please update HAHK...Please update HAHK...Please update HAHK... Please update HAHK...Please update HAHK...Please update HAHK... Please update HAHK...Please update HAHK...Please update HAHK... Please update HAHK...Please update HAHK...Please update HAHK... Please update HAHK...Please update HAHK...Please update HAHK... Please update HAHK...Please update HAHK...Please update HAHK... Please update HAHK...Please update HAHK...Please update HAHK... Please update HAHK...Please update HAHK...Please update HAHK... Please update HAHK...Please update HAHK...Please update HAHK... Please update HAHK...Please update HAHK...Please update HAHK... Please update HAHK...Please update HAHK...Please update HAHK... Please update HAHK...Please update HAHK...Please update HAHK... Please update HAHK...Please update HAHK...Please update HAHK... Please update HAHK...Please update HAHK...Please update HAHK... Please update HAHK...Please update HAHK...Please update HAHK... LONG ONE TOOO

12 years ago

The other one is called Bramachari Maan๐Ÿ˜ณ

12 years ago

What one is the other fan fiction?

12 years ago

Please update HAHK...Please update HAHK...Please update HAHK... Please update HAHK...Please update HAHK...Please update HAHK... Please update HAHK...Please update HAHK...Please update HAHK... Please update HAHK...Please update HAHK...Please update HAHK... Please update HAHK...Please update HAHK...Please update HAHK... Please update HAHK...Please update HAHK...Please update HAHK... Please update HAHK...Please update HAHK...Please update HAHK... Please update HAHK...Please update HAHK...Please update HAHK... Please update HAHK...PlePlease update HAHK...Please update HAHK...Please update HAHK... Please update HAHK...Please update HAHK...Please update HAHK... Please update HAHK...Please update HAHK...Please update HAHK... ase update HAHK...Please update HAHK...Please update HAHK...Please update HAHK...Please update HAHK... Please update HAHK...Please update HAHK...Please update HAHK... Please update HAHK...Please update HAHK...Please update HAHK... Please update HAHK...Please update HAHK...Please update HAHK... Please update HAHK...Please update HAHK...Please update HAHK... Please update HAHK...Please update HAHK...Please update HAHK... Please update HAHK...Please update HAHK...Please update HAHK... Please update HAHK...Please update HAHK...Please update HAHK... Please update HAHK...Please update HAHK...Please update HAHK... Please update HAHK...Please update HAHK...Please update HAHK... Please update HAHK...Please update HAHK...Please update HAHK... Please update HAHK...Please update HAHK...Please update HAHK...

12 years ago
