Chapter 11

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YAHOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I GOT IT!!!!! (Doing a backward filp..mentally๐Ÿ˜†) I figured out how they would meet or for whatever I have planned..I GOT IT!!!! It came to me..๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜† HOPEFULLY YOU GUYS WILL LIKE IT TOO!!!!
Chapter 11
He came out of the shower getting ready for his meeting. He moved some clothes from the closet on one side and started at the picture of Geet dressed as a bride. He closed his eyes and saw her beautiful eyes at the time of their marriage filled with hope and love awaiting to start her new journey with him but instead he tarnished that hope and her love. Now, her eyes are filled with sorrow and hatred. All because of him and his deed. He couldn't even drown himself with sorrow, he had to pretend as if everything is fine. No one in the family knows of what he did but for how long? The truth has to come out sooner or later. It seems like that is my life now. One meeting after another and my stupid staff can't do any work right. I had told them not to set any meetings at any place except at work but no one listens. (He looks at his watch) I have to leave right now before am late. (He gets up to leave his house but was stopped by Dadima)
Dadima: Maan where are you going?
Maan (turns around looking at his watch again): umm I have an important meeting to go to. Do you need anything?

Dadima (shakes her head and comes near him) Yeah I need to ask you something.

Maan: What is it Dadima?

Dadima: Maan your brother Dev is married and even has a kid (Maan roles his eyes knowing where this topic is headed) When will you get married? You are the eldest

Maan ("Marriage? How can I tell her that I already am or was married but I ruined it with my own hands. How can I tell her that she would've been playing with her great-grandson who is the same age around Annie but I ruined it. Will she ever forgive me? Forget Dadima how can I ever be able to forgive myself? I don't think I can ever face Geet let alone ask for her forgiveness.") umm Dadima I have to go. (He quickly leaves for his meeting. Dadima looks at him with disappointment.)

He calls his assistance for the details of the meeting location. He looks outside of the window as he remembers his conversation with Dadima. I know you are disappointed in me and want to see me married but I can't for the reasons that I cannot tell you. I have already dropped so low to a point where I can't get up even if I wanted to. There can't be anyone in my life anymore besides Geet, I love her and always will. (Something struck his mind) Wait a minute Ayush and Annie are of same age? How? (He quickly did the math in his head) It has been 6 years since I last saw Geet and Ayush should be 5 years old not 6. Can it be that he is he actually my,,,NO NO how can it be the sindoor and the mangalsture are also a true fact. (He takes out his phone...) yeah I need you to find some information for me. It is urgent and I need it ASAP. Understand! (He gets out of the car when he arrives at the restaurant. He sees his client waiting for him at the dinner table. He smiles and shakes his hands with the client.)

Maan: Hello Mr.Chopra nice to see you.

Mr.Chopra: Pleasure is all mine. Sorry I couldn't meet in the office.

Maan: No problem. (Both sit down at the table and order their food.)
Geet, Ayush and Yash arrive at the restaurant since Maan's back was toward the door he couldn't see who came in or not. Geet sat on the chair facing her back toward Maan. (So both were facing their backs to each other) Ayush and Yash both sat together since they were busy joking and laughing out loud. The waiter came and took their orders. Ayush saw napkins and started making airplanes with while Yash helped.

Geet: Yash why are you helping him? Don't encourage him or else he will get hyper.

Yash: Relax Geet we are just making planes we are not going to fly them here in this boring restaurant. Right Ayush? (he looks at him and winks...)

Ayush (smiles): Right.

Geet (shakes her head): I saw that. You guys better not do something that is stupid and embarrassing. Especially you Yash. (Yash looks at her with a fake surprised expression) You always act like a little kid in front of Ayush and looses all sense of thinking.

Yash: I won't do anything. Promise! Can I just help him make plans at least so that we can fly them out after dinner?

Geet (sighs): Fine it is not like you were going to stop if I said no. (Yash smiles and winks at her. Geet smiles looking at Ayush smiling after making his airplane. He throws the airplane while Yash cheered him on and Geet looked at him with anger. Ayush puts his head down. She was about to yell at him but was interrupted by a phone call.

Geet: Ji sir. Now. umm ok I will be there. (She hangs up the phone and looks at Ayush and Yash.) Sorry I have to go there is a meeting that I have to attend.
Maan couldn't concentrate on the meeting at all. He kept looking at his phone waiting for it to ring with the information that could possibly change his life around. Maybe I am getting another chance if what I am thinking is true. I really hope that it is true. Ayush (he smiles just by his name. Just then he felt something fell on him. He opened his eyes and saw a paper plane land in his food. He looks at the plane and his spoiled food in anger. He immediately calls the waiter and orders his food again.

Ayush and Yash tilt their head a little after hearing someone yell. They saw their plane in someone's food and both gulped in fear. Geet turns around as well and realized why there is all the commotion. She looks back at Ayush and Yash with anger.

Geet: I had told you guys not to do this. Now look what happened. Yash you are lucky I have to go but I will see you at home (he gulps in fear) and you Ayush I want you to go apologize to the man and if you don't then I will not let you go to the trip. Understood! (He nodes his head yes) Good! Yash let me know if he says sorry and don't even dare to lie to me.

Yash: ok.. (Geet shakes her head and leaves the restaurant...Ayush looks at Yash scared. Yash pats his head and motions for him to go say sorry to the person. Ayush gets up and walks a little bit and looks back at Yash again who gives him a thumbs up to go ahead...he goes to the table but sees the person was not there. He asks the other person who was sitting on the table)

Ayush: Excuse me mister where is the guy that was yelling?

Mr.Chopra: He went to the bathroom. He points toward the bathroom.
"is this what I pay for? Why even bring kids to a restaurant if you cant control them. The meeting is ruined. (He looks in the mirror and his outfit) thank god there are no stains on my suit or else I would've had to cancel my meeting right now. (He closes his eyes trying to compose himself and thinks about Ayush calming him down)

Ayush goes toward the bathroom and slightly opens the men's door. He sees a guy standing up and peeing. He goes to the person and tugs on his pant. Maan comes out of his trance and looks down at Ayush surprised. Ayush looks at him and then at him peeing. Maan gets embarassed and quickly finishes his business off. He coughs a little to gain Ayush attention back.

Ayush (tilts his head a little and looks at Maan then he gets surprised): You are the same stranger right that came to my house before? (Maan nodes his head yes) ohh that is why I thougth you look familiar. Why were you peeing outside?

Maan (was taken back by his question): Outside? (he looks around to make sure if he was in the bathroom)

Ayush: Yeah. How come you didn't go inside the stall (he points toward the stalls)

Maan ("how do I explain it to him? I wasn't prepared for this random question..he is just like Geet...she loved talking and asking random questions as well." He smiles): umm that is where guys pee. (Ayush stands near one of the thing...he tried to go on his tip toe but couldn't reach it since it was kind of tall for his age...) Do you have to go?

Ayush (shakes his head yes. Maan comes and picks him up, he smiles at Ayush..Ayush looks at him) Don't look at me. Turn your head the other way.

Maan (looks away but looks at him from the corner of his eyes...) you never used this before?

Ayush: No because mumma always takes me with her to the ladies toilet. It is so embarassing. I tell her all the time that I am a big kid now and that I can go by myself to mens bathroom but she doesn't listen to me.

Maan (tried so hard to control his laughter...) Are you done?

Ayush: Yes you can put me down now mister. (Maan puts him down and points toward the sink to wash the hands..) You didn't wash either. (Both walk to the sink. Maan wanted to freeze this moment forever. He looks at Ayush as he washes his hands like a good boy. "Geet he is so much like you, your smile, your talks everything..." After washing the hands Ayush starts looking around the bathroom.

Maan: umm do you need anything?

Ayush: I am looking for someone...(He starts looking through each stall...)

Maan (looks at him amused): Who? Maybe I can help you.

Ayush: I have to say sorry to someone. I dropped my paper plane in his food and mumma said that if I don't say sorry to that person then she will not let me go to my school trip.

Maan: hmm I might know who you are looking for.

Ayush: Really? who? Is he mad? I heard him yelling out loud like shrek. (he imitates Maan)

Maan (crosses his arms over his chest and looks at Ayush.."shrek? Thats I look like shrek and yell like him? I must ask Annie when I get home. On second thought, Annie would start calling me shrek..." Ayush tugs him on his pant again.Maan comes out of his thought...): ohh umm the might forgive you if you become that persons friend.

Ayush (thinks): But how can I be that persons friend when I don't even know him

Maan: You didn't know your friends either but you became their friends too right?

Ayush: ohh yeah you are right. (he thinks) hmm ok but that person has to go outside with me and tell my uncle that I apolozied to him and that he forgives me.

Maan ("uncle? As far as I know Geet didn't have any relatives then where did this uncle come from?") who is your uncle?

Ayush: He is mummas friend. He came here to live with us for his vacation. I made list of things that we are going to see together.

Maan felt tinge of jealousy and possiveness knowing that there is a guy that is close to Ayush and Geet.
Maan why are you even being jealous? (his self-concious spoke)

"I don't know.."

SC: Did you forget so easily of what you did?

" I live with that bitter truth everyday. How can I forget. I cant forget it even if I wanted to. Its my fault..."

SC: Then what right do you have in being jealous? What right do you have thinking about Ayush and Geet? You want to hurt them again?

"NO! I would never imagin of hurting them again especially Ayush. Even if he is not my kid I will never hurt him."

SC (laughs): Don't you think you already are hurting them by going in front of them? Aren't you hurting Geet by letting her relive the moments that now turned into nightmare for her? (Maan closes his eyes in pain...) Don't you remember what she said before leaving?

"How can I forgot her last words to me...they are forever etched into my brain, my memories, and my heart..."

SC: Then forget them and let them live...

"I want to live too!" (He has tears in his eyes) "I want to live again...I have been like a dead body living without any soul and heart..I want my heart and soul back. I want my Geet back. I will beg if I have to and seek her forgivness..."

SC (smiles): Its not as easy as it sounds.

"I am ready to accept the challenge..."

Ayush: Mister...(he tugs on his pants again..Maan looks at Ayush and picks him up...) where is the person?

Maan: You are looking at him. I am that person.

Ayush: What? You couldn't tell me before? (he wriggles in his arms and motions Maan to put him down...) You have to tell my uncle that you forgive me so that he can tell my mom.

Maan: Your mom is not with you?

Ayush: No. She left for her work.

Maan: Before I go first you have to tell me if I am your friend.

Ayush (looks at him "mumma told me not to talk to him but he is so nice. If I don't become his friend then he won't forgive me and then I won't be able to go to my trip with my friends. Maybe I should become his secret friend where mumma doesn't know...") umm yeah we are friends...
Ayush holds his hand as Maan leads him out of the bathroom. He points to their table. Maan sees a young guy sitting at the table waving at Ayush. Maan clenched his fist controling his anger but before he goes to Mr.Chopra and reschedules the meeting. Maan then goes toward their table. Ayush lets go of Maans hand goes to Yash as he stands up seeing them...)

Yash (picks him up and looks at Maan with smile. He brings out his hand to shake with him. Maan reluctantly shakes his hand with Yash) I hope you have forgiven him. Its not his fault. It is mine. I shouldn't have encouraged him to make paper planes. (Maan nodes his head...)

Ayush: Yash uncle I am hungry (Maan watches Ayush and Yash interact. He wished that it would be him holding and talking to him)

Yash: Ohh yeah sorry. I reordered the food since it got cold. It should be here any minute.

Ayush: Ok. (He sits on his chair and starts making some other things with napkins...)

Yash: Make sure you don't throw anything. We will make loads of planes once we are home and fly them around. (To Maan) would you like to join us for dinner? It is the least we can do. Please.

Maan: umm sure...(Maan sits down while Yash sits with Ayush)

Yash: By the way my name is Yash Malhotra.

Maan: I am Maan Singh Khurana.

Yash (shocked): Maan Singh Khurana as in MD of KC? (Maan nodes his head yes) wow its a pleasure meeting you. I read so many good things about your company. I can't believe I am actually sitting across from you.

Maan (clears his throat): umm thanks

Ayush: Dost do you like planes? (Maan nodes his head yes) alright I will make you one right now.

Maan (smiles): Not only do I like planes I also know how to fly one. (Ayush looks at him with a huge smile) I have my own plane.

Ayush: Really? I rode on plane once when we were coming here but it wasn't as fun since there were a lot of people (he pouts)

Maan; if you want I can take you to my own plane for a ride

Yash (before Ayush can say anything Yash interrupts): You have to excuse him he gets excited for nothing. (Maan did not like Yash interfering between him and Ayush.)

Maan: I don't mind and besides we are friends now so I could take him as a friend. I have a niece of my own who is the same age as Ayush. I am sure both will have good time.

Yash: Thank you Mr. Khurana but the decision really depends on Ayush's mom.

Maan: hmm (the food came and all started eating. Maan ate half-heatedly as he kept looking at Ayush and thinking about Geet.) So what do you do Yash?

Yash: I am the CEO of Indian Paints company based in Monday. I am here for my two weeks vacation.

Ayush: yeah we have a lot of things planned. (Yash and Maan listen quietly to Ayush go on and on about the things he planned and what he wants to see and what he saw since his time in Delhi. Maan being very conservative and hating anyone that speak so much surprisingly he listens to Ayush without being bored. He could listen to him all day long if he have to just to see that smile on his face forever. As the dinner comes to a close so does his evening with Ayush.)

Yash: Alright Mr. Khurana we have to go now. It is getting late. (Maan gets up and shakes his hand with Yash as both stand up as well. Ayush waves goodbye to Maan and leaves the place with Yash..after few minutes Maan gets up and goes back home. He lies on the bed closing his eyes)

Geet: Sir this is not the way we had originally came for the meeting. (Maan looks at Geet as he drives the car. He was amused to see her getting scared and worried. He looks at her hand while she twirled her dupatta in her hand due to nervousness)

Maan: Hmm I know. I heard the radio earlier and there is a possibility of a snow storm so I am taking a back route in case. Don't worry we will be back to the hotel soon but it will take time since this is a long way.

Geet: Snow?

Maan: yeah snow baraf. This is Shimla Geet and having snow is pretty common here. Its just that this time it will be little bit heavier that is why I didn't take the original route since its dangerous to drive that way with snow on the ground.

Geet: long will it take to reach the hotel?

Maan (looks at his watch): umm probably an hour. Why don't you sleep until then and I will wake you up.

Geet: no am ok. I am not tired yet. (She looks outside the window and sees that it is starting to snow. She hugs herself as she watches the snow in amazement.) This IS the first time seeing snow. (Maan looks at her as she talks looking outside the window with a smile) I always wanted to see this place. I always see movies where the actors visit so many beautiful places but I never thought I would actually see the places myself.

Maan: Do you have any favorite locations in mind?

Geet: hmmm I want to see in the movie Baachna eh haseeno.

Maan (smiles): Hmmm you only want to see that place because of a movie?

Geet: yeah I actually would want to visit all the palaces that they showed in the movie. You know take Euro-trip.

Maan: ohh with who?

Geet: By myself.

Maan: You don't like company?

Geet: umm no I am ok by myself. (The car suddenly stops...Maan gets out of the car to look around while Geet sat in observing him. She comes out of the car) What happened?

Maan: Flat tire. We can't drive anymore.

Geet: Now what? (She seemed scared since it was getting dark and they were not even on a road where someone could help them.) We can't stay in the car all night long.

Maan (looks around..) hmm I see a cottage up there (he points toward the direction) Maybe someone lives there. Lets go and check it out.

Geet: But sir how can we

Maan: Geet we have two options: either stay here in the cold and sick OR go to that cottage and possibly find someone to help us

Geet: Alright sir lets go. (Both walk toward the cottage. Geet was getting cold so Maan gave her his jacket. Maan knocks on the door, after getting no response he opens the door to find it totally abandoned. Both enter the cottage and look around. It was pretty old with spider webs and some broken furniture.)

Maan: Looks like we have to spend the night here.

Geet: Kya? What if someone comes?

Maan: Geet no one is going to come this is pretty old. I don't think anyone has been living here for years. (he looks around and finds a fireplace) I am going to start a fire to keep us warm. (She nodes her head and watches Maan as he takes the broken furniture and tries to light the fire. After several attempts he finally succeeds. Geet comes closer to the fire to warm up both sit opposite of each other. Maan looks at Geet watching her every move while Geet looked everywhere else besides Maan feeling his eyes on her.) Geet your clothes are wet. (Geet looks at her clothes realization dawns on her)

Geet: umm it will dry up soon (She puts her dupatta making sure she is covered)

Maan (takes out his shirt and gives it to her and he also looks around the room and sees a bed sheet. He grabs the bed sheet and gives it to Geet) Here take this and go change. You will catch a cold.

Geet (looks at the clothes apprehensively) Sir I don't need it.

Maan (gets mad) If you are not going to change then I can do it for you. Choice is yours. (Geet looks at his serious face having no other option she quickly grabs the clothes and looks around the room) What are you looking for?

Geet: Where will I change?

Maan (looks around and sees a partition..) Behind there.

Geet nodes her head and goes behind the partition. She turns her back toward Maan even though it was behind partition she could tell his eyes were still on her. She silently prays in her head to have everything alright. After changing she slowly comes out. Maan was busy warming himself up but turned around when he heard a noise in the back. He saw Geet coming out in white like an angle. His shirt really suited her and that open hair added new beauty. He wanted to go up and kiss her as he sees her trembling lips in fear but he controlled himself. She quietly came and sat sat down next to him. There was a huge tension in the room. She collided against Maan as she was sitting down, Maan puts his arm around her waist protecting her. She closes her eyes as she felt his warmth. She felt his grip tighten around her waist. She wanted to move but didn't have the enough strength too. She was slowly melting against his touch. Then she started feeling cold, she slowly opened her eyes and saw that Maan was retreating his arm. She looked down feeling shy and embarassed by their current situation. He mumbled sorry and was about to get up when Geet held his arm stopping him in his track. He looked at her hand and then looked at her.

Geet (she quickly lets go of his arm and looks down while speaking) Sir you can sit here or else you might catch cold. (She was about to get up but Maan stops her)

Maan: Geet we both can sit here. (she sits down avoiding any eye contacts. It was quiet none of them spoke. They could hear the heavy winds outside, tree rustling. Geet looked up every time she heard a noise coming closer and closer toward Maan each time. Maan looks at her amused) Are you scared? (He looks at her with faint smile and with his one eyebrow arched up)

Geet (looks at him embarrassed and moves back a little) Nn no

Then the window flew open causing Geet to hug Maan in fear. She sat on his lap hugging him as tight as possible as if someone might take her away. Maan was too shocked to respond. He didn't expect for her to do that. He hugs her tight gently rubbing her back to calm her down. Geet opens her eyes after feeling Maans hand on her back gently rubbing her, she didn't know how to move or what to say or even make any eye contacts with him. She slowly loosens her grip from around his neck. Maan hugs her even tighter after feeling her loosing her hold. He didn't want to let her go. Don't know why but he wanted to hold her forever like this. Geet closes her eyes as he hugs her even tighter. The room starts to get cold and the snow started to come in through the window. Geet pulled out of the hug and goes near the window to close it. The window shutter kept on moving making it difficult for her to grab it. Maan stands right behind Geet, she stops in her track with her hand in the air after feeling his breath close to her neck. Maan grabs the window shutter and closes it while leaning closer and closer to Geet while trying to close the window. He holds Geet's hand that was still up in the air and gently brings it down but still holding her hand. She couldn't move back or front from Maan. Maan brings his other arm and puts it on the window pane blocking her. He slowly tangles his hand with Geet's, she stops breathing closing her eyes. He leans closer and closer toward until she is against the window. She yelps as soon as she touched the window due to cold. He turns her around and looks at her face. Her lips trembling and her eyes closed she looked like an angle. He slowly bends down and kisses her on her lips. Geet opens her eyes looking at Maan. She pushes him back and stands ahead of him keeping great distance between them. She puts her hand on her chest to calm her beating heart. Maan slides his finger in his hair and looks at Geets back. He comes and stands behind Geet. She was about to move when Maan holds her again by putting his arms around her waist and pushing her to his back.

Maan (bends down to whisper in her ear): Geet why are you running away from me?

Geet (puts her hand on top of his hands on her waist): Sir please let go of me. (She moves her face the other way.)

Maan: Tell me Geet what you are feeling is fake. The increase in heartbeat whenever I am near you. Is it fake? Or when you blush whenever I am around you. OR avoiding my eye contacts at time. Why Geet?

Geet: Sir please (She whispers)

Maan (tightens his hold on her...) Let me tell you something. You make me into a whole new person whenever you are around. You make me laugh. You make me smile. You make me feel the things that I didn't feel before and you know I understand it now why is that. (He turns her around and makes her look at him in his eyes) It is because I love you Geet...(She looks at him shocked and surprised) You are different from most girls and I love your beauty, your innocence, your smile, your talks..everything...(Geet looks down in tears. He brings her chin up with his thumb so that he can look into her eyes) what is your answer Geet? Do I take your silence as an acceptance of my love? (Geet looks at him)

Geet: I...

Maan wakes up hearing a phone. He groans in anger and curses at whoever disturbed his sleep. He looks at his phone and immediately sits up on the bed. He quickly takes the phone call...

Maan: Hello...yeah...
Authors Comment: There is nothing like bonding time then in the mens bathroom ๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜†
Read NOTE!
Need YOUR opinion:
1.) Do you guys think what Maan is doing right?
2.) What do you guys want to hear at the end of the phone call?
Based on the answers I will write the next part accordingly. If you guys want me to slow down then I will if not then let me know...
Its in your hands...
mrs.msk2011-08-26 14:29:02

Your reaction

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Awesome Awesome
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cry Cry
Continue Reading next part >

Comments (62)

loved da update do continue it was amazing

13 years ago

right now am in teh process of finishing up BM ff part lolso hopefuuly I will have that part up by tonight and new SS part...I will PM everyone 2marow if i don't get enough time today ๐Ÿ˜†Thanks! Won't make you guys wait for long ๐Ÿ˜ณ

13 years ago

R u planning to update another ff now??? i m fine with it, as long as u update. update plzz

13 years ago

i hope u get it done tomorrow...๐Ÿ˜’will be waiting...๐Ÿ˜

13 years ago

I still have to write the next part...if I get it done by 2marow then I will post it ๐Ÿ˜ณsorry to keep you waiting

13 years ago

WHEN R U UPDATING????????????????????????? UPDATE NA PLZZZ

13 years ago

Awesome!!!!Ayush is so cute... luved ayush n maan convo..continue soon

13 years ago

Superb update.. I am not sure if what Maan is doing is right or wrong, but I do want him to know that Ayush is his son. I want ayush to punish Maan in some way to show his respect towards his mom. I want Ayush to keep his mother first than having a father for himself. I know too much expectation from the little boy. But, you can show Maan trying to talk to Geet and Ayush telling that Maan can be friend with geet (Assuming Ayush doesn't know that Maan is his father..) for a while, but if he upsets her he doesn't want to talk to Maan also.

13 years ago

Hi Simi...tahnks 4 da pm n super long detailed awesum update. Loved Maan n Ayush's bonding! When will Maan find out tht Ayush is his son? I want to know Geet;s answer ...update soon

13 years ago

i want him to hear that that's his son. and please continue with the flashback.i am eager to know geet's answer.lovely update and thanks for the PM.

13 years ago
