Chapter 10

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Hey guys!
I am back here with updates..I know I have been so slow in updates but I am so busy with work that I don't get as much time as before. Starting next week, I should be back to frequent updtes (hopefully) so stay tuned...
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Chapter 10
"mumma please mumma please. Can I go." (he holds her sari paloo and follows her around the whole house. Geet ignores him and starts preparing lunch. "Please mom you are the best mom in the world. Please can I go...please..." Geet sighs and looks at Ayush.
Geet: Ayush I said I will think about this later. Now don't bother me and go inside.
Ayush: But mom please I will be a good boy I swear. Please can I go.
Geet: If you don't stop now then I will say no right now.
Ayush: So that means it is a yes? (he asks her with a smile)
Geet; I didn't say yes either. How about I let you know after lunch?
Ayush: pakka? promise.
Geet: Yeah promise. Now go inside and play. (She watches Ayush go inside her room.)
After work Geet as usual went to pick up her son. She had hoped not to see Annie with Ayush. Each time she looks at Annie her past haunts her: the betrayal, his harsh words and the cruel reality that whatever he did was not some horrible nightmare where any minute now she will open her eyes and forget everything. No. He put her in this hell hole and where this one nightmare will never go away. Her only lifeline right now is her son Ayush. He is like the light at the end of the tunnel except she cannot cross that light. She is forever stuck in the darkness by his curel nightmare he bestowed upon her but she does know one thing she will NEVER let her son be in the dark tunnel. She will do anything to keep him far away as possible from that tunnel even it meant to hurt herself in that process. She smiles as she sees him coming out of school carrying his backpack over his shoulder and his waterbottle around his neck. She quickly goes up to him feeling relived that Annie wasn't with him. She takes out his waterbottle and holds his back.
Geet: How was your school today?
Ayush: It was fun. We did lots of arts and crafts today. I made this painting today. You want me to show you? (he grabs his back.)
Geet (laughs): No beta show me when you get home. Now lets go. (Both start to walk but stops when she hears someone calling Ayush. She turns around and sees Annie running toward them with the driver right behind her. She stops right in front of Ayush and takes a minute to catch her breath.)
Annie: Ayush you forgot this at school. (She hands him back his pencil case. Geet smiles looking at her innocence but quickly puts on a straight face remembering she is his child. Ayush takes his pencil case.)
Geet: Ayush lets go now. (She tugs on his hand. Ayush waves goodbye to Annie and starts walking with her. As soon both got home, Ayush showed Geet his painting which showed both of them sitting on a hillside mountain looking at the sunset. She puts the painting on the refrigerator. After he freshens up Ayush comes and hugs Geet from the back. She smiles because she knew that he wants something. She holds his arms and looks at him.) What happened?
Ayush: Promise you won't say no. (he holds out his pinky...) pinky promise.
Geet: I promise that I will try to give you whatever you want. Now tell me what happened? (She
picks him up in her arms...)
Ayush: My teacher is planning a two day trip. Everyone is going. Can I go too?
Geet: Trip? What trip?
Ayush: To this meusum far away from her and it would require us to stay there for two days and also we will visit zoos too. Can I go?
Geet: I will think about it (she puts him down..) Why don't you get you eat your lunch and afterwards do your homework.
Ayush: But what about my trip?
Geet: Ayush I said I will think about it. Now first do what I told you to do. (She watches Ayush leave for his room. Geet drops down on the sofa. Babaji what should I do? I can't live without him for a minute, how do you expect me to stay away from him for two days? I want to send him. I want him to be happy and experience everything that other kids experience but at the same time I have this huge fear if I let him go he may never come back. I don't want to lose him Babaji and I don't want to make him sad either. Help me. Please give me a sign of what I should do.)
Geet looks at the forms again and again for the trip. She notes down the address and the phone numbers. She hadn't made up her decision yet. On one hand she wants to send him for his happiness but on the other hand her fears are stopping her. Ayush puts cups his face by putting his elbows on the table and places his face on his open palms. He looks at his mom looking through all the forms again and again. He watches her every movement very slowly and to make it easier for her, he even placed a pen right next to her so that she doesn't have to get up which wasn't missed by Geet.
Ayush (growing annoyed): Mama how many times are you going to read the forms?
Geet: Ayush shh, I promised you I will do whatever I can. Now let me look at this carefully. I want to make sure they have all they thought of all the kids safety and if they accomidated everything. (Ayush sighs and patiently waits for his mom to finish. After a minute, the door bell rang. Geet was about to get up but Ayush stops her.)
Ayush: I got it. You just look at the forms.
Geet (sits back down..) Ok make sure you look into the peephole before opening the door.
Ayush: I know mom. I am not a little kid (Geet smiles hearing him. Ayush makes his way up to the door. He looks through the peephole but couldn't see anyone since it was too dark. He looked back to his mom who was busy reading the forms again and decided to open the door not wanting to disturb her. He slowly opened the door and peeped his head out. He smiled when he saw the person and yelled in happiness. The person smiled and picked him up in his arms.
Geet (who heard his yell came outside running..) What happened? Who is it? (she stopped in her tracks when she saw him. She smiled.) Yash?
Yash is the one that helped me during my tough times. If it wasn't for him I wouldn't be here working at my current position. He owns Indidan Paints in Mumbai where I worked as his assistance. He is my only friend that I can trust with Ayush. I know no matter what my situations are he will always be there as a helping hand. Yash and Ayush are inseperable both will do anything to annoy me. He was like the life of the company. Everyone loved Ayush.
Yash (smiled and puts Ayush down. He stands in front of her and hugs her) How are you Geet?
Geet: Am fine. Why are you here all of a sudden?
Yash: So it looks like someone is not happy to see me. Its fine I will go. (he picks up his bags and turns around.)
Geet (stops him): Yash you know I was joking. We are always happy to see you. Right Ayush.
Ayush: Of course. Come on Yash uncle show me what you got. (He holds his hand to lead him in)
Geet: Ayush that is not nice manners.
Yash: Its fine Geet. Anyway who was going. I was just pretending. (he laughs. He picks Ayush up..) So tell me what is going on with you?
Ayush: We have a school trip coming up. (he whisperes in his ears) Mom is not letting me go.
Please help me.
Yash (whispers back): What will I get?
Ayush: A big hug and I will show you Delhi of all the places we visited so far.
Yash (smiles): Ok deal. sshh your mom is coming.
Geet (places the tea on the table and serves it to Yash. She hands Ayush his milk and gives him a glare when he makes a face. Yash nudges Ayush to drink the milk if he wants help...Ayush quickly drinks his milk in one gulp leaving Geet surprised) Wow Yash he never drinks his milk that fast
Yash: Its my magic (he pops his collor)
Geet: yeah yeah so tell us what brings you to Delhi?
Yash: Well first I was missing my little person and second I have two weeks vacation from work so I thought why not come here and enjoy it with you guys. Kyun Ayush? (Ayush high-fives him)
Geet; Yash I already have one kid to worry about hopefully I don't have to worry about you too. I know when you tend to act like a little boy around Ayush. (Ayush nudges him toward the form...Yash winks at Ayush and shakes his head yes)
Yash (grabs the forms) What is this Geet? (he looks through the forms) It looks like school trip. Sounds fun.
Ayush: It is we are..(he quietens down when Geet gives him angry glare. He looks down)
Geet: Ayush why don't you go inside and get ready for bed. (Yash ensures Ayush it is going to be ok..he gets off his seat and goes inside the room stopping his foot angirly.) I never to get to have any fun. (Geet gets up and takes the forms away from him) Yash let me show you your room.
Yash: Geet you didn't answer my question.
Geet (sighs): Yeah it is, it is to some museum for two days. There will be other activities as well. (He takes the forms and looks at it)
Yash: Then why haven't you signed it?
Geet: I am still thinking about it. (she starts picking the tea cups and brings it to the kitchen. Yash follows her)
Yash: Geet
Geet (slams the cup tray down..) I am scared Yash thats why. Ok I am scared. I am scared that I will lose him if I dont see him in front of me even for a minute. You don't know how I feel. You don't know how it feels to know that I am living in the same city as him. That any minute now he will come to this very door and take Ayush away from me after he finds out the truth. Ayush is seeing different world right now and it is scary Yash. It is scary to know that you no longer have control over any situations. It is like holding on to a sand in your fist and the tighter you hold the faster it slips away from you. (She falls down against the counter on the floor) I don't want to lose Ayush Yash. I will die. (Yash sits next to her on the floor. She hugs him and cries. Yash pats her back) I am tired Yash. I can't fight anymore.
Yash: Geet but you have to understand with Ayush as your charm you will win any battle. This is not about you loosing Ayush. It is about your fears. Geet Ayush is not a dumb kid. He is very smart for his age. He knows what is right or wrong. He will never ever do anything that will hurt you. You just have to believe in him. Believe in your teachings and the right/wrong you have enlisted in him. He is your carbon copy Geet. He is exactly like you so you how can you think he will do something that will hurt you? Don't you trust him?
Geet: I do Yash I do but you don't know
Yash: You are right. I don't know. Geet I have known you for two years now, not once did I bother you for the truth. Not once did I ask you why are you wearing this mangalsutre and sindoor. Not once did I ask you about your husband or why he isn't here with you guys. Geet as a friend you have to trust me and tell me what happened with your past. Who is the person behind your pain? (Geet gets up and stands near the counter with her back against Yash..) Pleae make yourself lighter by sharing this with me. Geet you know I don't mind calling Ayush every once in a while to pretend to be his dad but don't you think it is high time that I know the truth. I am not saying that I want to stop calling Ayush. Frankly speaking, throughout these years, I have grown very fond of Ayush and I feel as if he is part of me now. But Geet for the sake of our friendship please tell me what happened? What will you tell Ayush when he starts asking for his dad as he gets older. When he sees all the kids with their dad attending games or even dropping the kids off to school. What are you going to do then? Present a random in front of Ayush and say here he is your dad. (he places his head on her shoulders and turns her around) Lighten your burden of me Geet. Please as a friend.
Yash breaks the glass in his hand after listening to her past. He had tears and anger in his eyes. Geet gets up and washes his hand and cleans the wound. "Who is he? What is his name?" (he speaks in anger..) "Tell me Geet. What is his name!"
Geet: I cannot say the name. I don't want any trouble Yash. I just want to live my life with my son. I don't want him to know that Ayush is his kid. (Yash moves away from Geet in anger...) Please Yash as a friend I told you my past and now as a friend please listen to what I am saying. You are the only one I have in this world that I can trust. Please Yash keep this between us.
Yash (calms down) Ok. (he hugs her) but I will never forgive that bas***d. I will never forget the pain he caused you and the pain he unknowingly caused Ayush. Geet now will you do one more thing for me. Please sign the forms for Ayush. (she looks at him) You have to take that leap of faith Geet and know that Ayush will be with you forever no matter where he goes. He is growing up Geet and you cannot tie him down. Let him enjoy his childhood. As a mother you can give him everything and do whatever you can in your power to make sure he is on the right path. You just have to sit and watch to see if he makes right decisions on his own in his life and follows your path. (He brings the forms to her) Sign the forms Geet. Trust me. (Geet replys the word in her head "trust...")
Maan: Geet we are going away for the weekend to attend this meeting. Make sure you have everything that is necessary packed up by the morning. I will pick you up at 7am and head off to the airport. Don't worry about the tickets and the place where we will be staying. Everything is taken care of by the company including the food. Any questions? (Geet just stares at him in shock. Nothing registered in her head after the first sentence. She just looked at his moving lips everything else was quiet as if no voice was coming out of his mouth...Maan looks at her after hearing no replies from her. He gets up and stands right next to Geet. He watches her in amuse as she stands there with her mouth open like a statue. He waves his hand in front of her eyes to see if she comes out of her state. He smiles. He holds her by her shoulder and faces her in front of him. He leans close to her ears and whispers "Geet" She comes out of her thoughts and looks at Maan with shock. She moves back a little as soon as Maan lets go of her shoulders.) Are you ok?
Geet: huh umm yeah am ok. Sir I don't think I will be able to go.
Maan: Geet you don't have to worry about anything. You are my secretary and I need you to be there and help me out. What are you afraid of? You don't trust me? (He looks at her intentally while Geet looks at him shocked with the question.)
Yash: Geet..(he shakes her..) what are you thinking? Nothing is going to happen. Sign the papers. (She smiles and signs the forms...)
Geet: Yash let me show you your room. (he looks around the room..) Alright then, I will see you tommorow. I am very tired. Good night.
Yash: Good night. (She goes to her room and lies down on the bed thinking of the past...)
"You don't trust me?"
Geet: I do but
Maan: Geet don't worry. I have booked two rooms and everything is taken care of. All you have to worry about is packing and getting a good night sleep. (She nodes her head) Ok then I will call you tomorrow when I am picking you up. You can go home. (She picks up her bags and leaves the office. Maan sits down on his chair smiling...)
Geet smiles and looks at the place. The mountains filled with light snow. People taking pictures assuming to be the tourists taking pictures with vast vallies in the background. They were in Shmila. She right away fell in love with this place. When the car stopped on the road she looked at a young girl carrying flower basket on her head selling flowers. She quickly looked inside her purse and took out 20 rupees. She signaled the girl to come over, the girl lowered the flower basket so that Geet can have a better view of the flowers. Geet picked up tulip from the basket and gave the girl her money. Geet sat in the car with her head on the window smelling the tulip. All this while, Maan looked at her and smiled. He loved her innocent gestures. He watched her smiling everytime she would smell the tulips. He extended his hand toward Geet but quickly pulled away when the car started moving again. Geet closed the window as it was getting kind of cold. She sat back in her seat and looked at Maan who quickly looked away. She fidgeted her duppatta in nervousness and looked at him.
Geet: sir woh (she hesitated...Maan looked at her with raised eyebrows)
Maan: hmm what happened?
Geet: woh umm
Maan: Geet say it already. You dont have to be nervous.
Geet: Actually, we don't have a meeting lined up till tomorrow so I was thinking if I can get off here. I have the hotel name and the address.
Maan (looks at her confused): why? Is something wrong?
Geet: woh umm I want to look around since I know we are going to be busy with meetings later on so umm that's why.
Maan(smiled): you got a point. (He asks the driver to stop the car. Geet opens the door and was about to go out when Maan holds her hand. She looks at him and then looks at her hand he was holding. Maan smirks) I didn't say you are going alone.
Geet: Ji?
Maan: We can go together. Acutally, I haven't had time to look around. I have come here many times but due to meetings I never got the chance. So Ms. Handa if you don't mind can I join you as well?
Geet (smiled) sure sir. (Maan instructed the driver to check them in and place the luggage in the appropriate rooms. He got out of the car and joined Geet. He slightly puts his hand on her waist. She shivered under his touch and blushed)
Maan: So where to first Ms.Geet?
Geet looked at the market in front of her with little shops spread out. She points it toward that area. Maan follows her eyes and leads the way...he watches Geet from afar as she goes through different clothes shop. She was about to go to another clothing store when bangles store caught her attention. She excitedly went up the store and started looking through the bangles. She selects some bangles and the guy holds it in his hand. Maan eyes shot fury when he saw Geet placing her hand in the guys hand and was about to put bangles on her wrist. He quickly walks to the shop and stops the guy. Geet looks at him confused. Maan then takes the bangles from the guy and holds her hand. Very gently he starts putting the bangles on her wrist gently one by one while brushings his fingers against her skin which tickled her. She tried to move her hand away from his but he held it only tighter. He gave her a look which made Geet stop moving. She looked down and just waited for Maan to place the bangles on her wrist. After he was done putting bangles on both her wrists, he holds her hands in front of him and looks at her. She blushes and pulls her hand away from his.
Geet: thank you (she quietly says to Maan and starts walking away. She places her hand on top of her fast beating heart and tries to catch her breath. She had held her breath while Maan was placing the bangles on her wrist. She was afraid to move or even look at him but somehow she didn't want him to stop. She suddenly felt so empty without having Maan on her side. She turns around to look at him and saw Maan standing a feet away from her smiling at her; sighing in relief she looks ahead knowing he was right behind her. A guy bumps into Geet and holds her as she was falling. He makes her stand up straight...she quietly starts walking away after thanking him. Maan watches in anger as the guy quietly starts following Geet. He stands right next to her shocking her when she was looking at some dupattas. She again moves to another shop where he again follows her. Having enough of this little game of his, he marches toward him. Maan grabs him by his shoulder and punches him on the face shocking Geet. He was about to punch him again when Geet holds Maans hand shaking her head no. Maan calms down and drops the guy on the floor. An elderly man comes running toward the guy and helps him up.
Elderly man: Are you ok Romeo beta? (he looks at Maan with anger) I could make you go to jail mister.
Maan (smirks) Ohh yeah I dare you. Your son was harassing her so I helped her out.
Romeo: I was just looking at her. (to his father) papa I think I found my bride. (he points at Geet who looks at everyone in shock. Maan takes a threatening step toward Romeo as he said the bride word. Romeo gets scared and hides behind his father..)
Maan: What did you say? (he said through gritted teeth)
Elderly man: We were in search of a bride for him and I couldn't be happier with my sons choice. (Geet holds Maan back as he was about to hit the father...)
Geet (smiles) Sorry but you are mistaken.
Elderly man: Ohh are you guys together. (Geet blushes and looks down and Maan looks at her)
Maan: listen it is none of your business. She is not getting married to him. (He spat out in anger and leaves holding Geet hand...Maan tries to remove her hand as everyone was watching. Getting fed up with her he pulls Geet toward himself) what is your problem? Is there anything else more to see? (He looks at her with anger. She knew he was being sarcastic with the last question. Not wanting to anger him further she shakes her head no. Maan leans forward and whispers in her ear "I wont let anyone take you away from me." He places a soft peck on her and moves away. He holds her hand again and starts walking away. Geet quietly looked at Maan's back and led him lead her away from here.
She stands near the window looking at the stars in the sky. "I don't know what destiny wants to do with us but I don't think I can ever trust you again." She lies down closing her eyes. The next morning, Geet places the forms papers in front of Ayush.
Ayush: What is this?
Geet: You are going on the trip. (He jumps and hugs her...) but there is a condition.
Yash: No acutally two conditions
Ayush: What conditions
Geet: Well you have to promise that you will call me and take loads of pictures when you are there
Yash: And mine is that you have to spend loads of time with me and show me Delhi
Ayush: Done...(he smiles.) Thank you mom! (he kisses her cheek. Yash clears his throat...Ayush goes and kisses him too)
Precap: Maan in the same restaurant Geet, Ayush and Yash...

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Comments (79)

ahhaa liz so does everyone 😆😆😆but sorry you have to endure the suffer more 😆😭😳

13 years ago

Good questions...sorry cant answer any one of them 😆😆😆You guys will get answer to your quetions as the story progresses

13 years ago

ahaha thanks zaara😳🤗

13 years ago

Maan is possessive of Geet then why did he leave her?Good question...that answer will be revealed later lol...but keep guessing lollets see what happens at the next update😆

13 years ago

ahaha that is cuz i love to torture you guys with suspence and not Yash😆😆😆😆😆For you guys the truth will be revealed when time is right 😆😆😆hmm Roop Tera never know...mght inclucde it or might not 😆Am i being too mean? 😆

13 years ago

I never planned to end it i was jsut upset of not getitng that many likes/comments lollets see what happens at the restaurant 😆

13 years ago

Thank you atiffaglad I still got you guys hooked on this fan fic 😆

13 years ago

wow in one go..thanks so much and thanks for reading this fan fic 😳haha I could've kept the whole chachu thing in suspence but then I thought I am already torturing you guys with the past secret I gave you guys one little opening at the truth so that you guys don't throw any tamatar or whatever comes in your hand at me lol That is also my favorite song too...actually all the songs in my fan fics are my favorite songs and/or are on my playlist 😆😆 including the old ones 😆 so thank you for enjoying my song playlist lol

13 years ago

Thanks so much!!!Flashback is the most important part of the story..eveyrthign will be revealed slowly..and why maan did what he did and WHAT he did will be revealed when time is right lollets see what happens at the restaurant 😆

13 years ago

Tahnks so much!The next upate will answer your question..cant say much 😆😆

13 years ago
