Chapter 9

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Hey guys,
I am so sorry for the delay but my updates will be slow from now on atleast until I can get used to my new until then please be patience and will try to update whenever I have part written. I wish I could update everyday but I don't want to give you guys crap. I do double check my updates to make sure it is readable and if I feel like whatever I wrote is ok enough I put it up. So please be patient ๐Ÿ˜ณ
My sincere thanks to all of you guys that voted. I knew I didn't have a chance to win but thanks for voting๐Ÿ˜ณ
Chapter 9
Maan sat in his room thinking about the past when he heard the door open and close. He went toward the door and opened it find no one there. He was about to close the door when he heard some giggling noises coming from behind the pillar. He smiles knowing who exactly that might be. He goes back in his room and stands near the door. After few seconds, the door opened again and saw a head peeking in. He quickly opened the door causing the person to fall down. She looked at him with a puppy dog face. Maan looks at her with a stern face.
Maan: What are you doing Annie?
Annie: Woh we were all playing a game.
Maan: We? (he picks her up in his arms)
Annie: yeah my new friends from school. I invited them for a sleep over tonight.
Maan: How come I don't know about it?
Annie: You were busy that's why. (she looks at him with a big smile and innocent look)
Maan: Where are your friends? I don't see them.
Annie (whispers in his ear): they are hiding because they are scared
Maan: ohh really..hmm ok so why don't you tell your friends that I will give each candies if they want to become my friends
Annie (excited): really? yay I will tell them right now. (She jumps down from his arms and runs outside the room..Maan smiles and shakes his head..he decided to lie down for a little bit before she storms in here with her friends. He lies down closing his eyes, Geet and Ayush picture comes in front of him. He smiles seeing their faces calming his nerves. He jumped up when he felt someone's weight on him. He opened his eyes to see Annie sitting on his stomach looking at him with a smile.
Maan: hmm so have you found your friends?
Annie: Yes they are outside of the room because it is too dark in here.
Maan (roles his eyes and turns on the light..) ok how about now? If your friends don't come in here within 5 seconds then I am not going to give you guys a treat. (hearing treat word all the kids ran in and stood in front of Maan. Maan takes Annie and stands up..) hmm so you guys were hiding from me huh. Ok tell me each of your names. (All of them introduce themselves one by one still fearing Maan)
Annie: Our one friend is missing though. He couldn't come (she puts on a sad face) so we carry his picture with us so that he is right with us.
Maan (smiles): That's a good thinking. Ok so who wants ice cream? (every screams and hugs Maan almost causing him to loose his balance..) ok ok go put your boots on I will meet you guys soon.
Annie (kisses him on the cheek): My chachu is the best!
Maan (kisses her back): and don't you forget it ok now get ready for ice cream. (As Annie is walking away she drops the picture of Ayush by mistake. Maan didn't notice the picture on the floor and goes to the bathroom to get ready. After a while, he comes out after getting ready and heads for the door. As he was about to open the door when he notices something on the floor. He goes to pick it up since the picture side was faced down toward the floor, he turns the picture around. As he was about to see the picture Annie comes barging in and takes the photo away.
Annie: I dropped my other friends picture. Thanks Chachu you found it. I thought I lost it.
Maan: No problem. Ok lets go.
Annie: If my other friend was here he could've gone to get some ice cream with us too.
Maan: Don't worry maybe next time he could come. By the way we could go pick him up for ice cream
Annie: No. He had told me that he has to go somewhere with his mom. (she pouts)
Maan; Don't worry there will be more opportunities. Now lets go. (As Maan carried Annie down the stairs he saw Dadima come in. Maan puts Annie down on the floor and goes to Dadima after seeing her sad expression) Dadima what happened? Everything alright?
Dadima: Everything is fine beta.
Maan: How was the chairty event?
Dadima: It was good. I almost cried when the women was performing during the event. You could tell she had so much pain. As if she went through a lot in her past (Maan remembers what he did to Geet..he closes his eyes in pain...) and there was this little boy sitting right nex to me taking pictures with his little camera. I couldn't help but smile seeing his cute movements. Anyway where are you guys going?
All kids: ICE CREAM.
Vikrant: Geet we have a meeting today at 11, during that meeting I want you to take notes of what we discuss and if you are confused or have any questions about anything you can ask me at the end of the meeting. (she nodes her head...) ohh and before the meeting I will formally introduce you to my staff in the conferance room in half hour.

Geet: Ji sir.

Vikrant: One more thing call me Vikrant since you are going to be working closly with me it is better if we are not formal with each other. (he smiles at her..she smiles back and leaves the office to go her cubical.
She sits on her chair and closes her eyes. So much has happened since I have come to Delhi. I don't know what to do now, my past is slowly coming back and haunting me. The memories that I tried surpressing from my mind is slowly awakening. I feel so vulnerable in front of Ayush. It hurts to know that I can't provide him with the lifestyle that he needs and desire. I cannot bring his father back. It is just not possible to bring back the same person that turned your life into hell. Who broke all the dreams like a broken glass. Just like you cannot fix a broken glass, you cannot repare the same dreams again. They are gone forever and tarnished. Ayush is my angel to bring me back from hell and there is no way I will let him go into that hell. When I held him for the first time, I knew he was my life. He gave me another chance to live life again or else I would've been dead long time ago. I will never allow Ayush to meet Maan. NEVER. We are no one to him and I will keep it that way.
Vikrant: Alright everyone the reason for this abrupt meeting is because I would like to introduce you guys to our new member. (Geet sat in the confrence room along with 10 other people. She watched as everyone looks at her. She became nervous under the piercing gaze...) She is Geet and she will be my new assistant. From now on if there is anything important or some issues that needs immediate attention under my absence you guys can directly address Ms. Geet to the related issues. I have full confidence that she will handle the issues very effectively. Also, (he brings a flower pot and presents it to Geet) Geet this is from all of us. You can consider this as a welcome gift as well as a thank you gift from all the staff.
Geet: Thank you for what?
Vikrant: For taking care of the chairty function at the last minute. I heard good reviews from everyone working there. Too bad I couldn't come to see your work and for that I appolize. Please accept this small gift from all of us. (she smiles and takes the flower pot..) All right then we still have some time left for the actual meeting if everything is ready then you guys can introduce yourself one by one. I will see most of you guys later during the meeting. Excuse me. (he leaves the conference room. A girl happily approaches Geet.)
Pinky: Hi Geet I am Pinky. Congratulations for this positon, if sir hired you then we all have full confidence in your work. From now on we are friends. (she brings out her hand to shake)
Geet: Nice to meet you Pinky.
Pinky: Ok so let me introduce you to everyone else. This is Sasha, Adi, Romeo, Ajay and Shilpa. We all are like a group so from now on you are part of us as well.
Adi: Welcome Geet. You are very lucky to work with sir. To tell you the truth he is the best boss you can ever get. He is so nice and caring toward his staff. If you have any problems or questions then you can ask anyone of us.
Geet: Thanks guys.
Sasha: Alright guys we can discuss the rest during lunch and get to know each other better then. But for now we have a meeting to prepare for. (Everyone left the conference room in a hurry except for Geet and Sasha.) Geet here are the files of the project details that are going to be discussed during the meeting. Take some time out to look through everything before the meeting.
Geet: I already have ma'am. Sir gave me the file yesturday and I went over everything that was necessary.
Sasha: well then good. Can you make copies of these files. We need about 10 copies per person and bring it straight to the meeting when you are done.
Geet: Sure...(she takes the file and leaves the conference room "hey Babaji i hope everything goes fine today during the meeting. It is my first meeting, I am so nervous but I am lucky to have a wonderful boss and staff here. Everyone is so nice and caring. I feel like after a long time, i have found family. Please don't let anything bad happens and take this new fond happiness away from me."
Annie: Ayush too bad you couldn't come last night. We had so much fun. Chachu took us for ice cream too.
Ayush: Yeh chachu kya hai?
Annie (laughs): Chachu kya nahi kaun hai bolo.
Ayush: How would i know I don't have a chachu..
Annie: Idea tum mere chachu ko chachu boola sakte ho and then we will be like family.
Ayush: really? Ok. when can I meet chachu?
Annie: When you come over. Anyway tell me what did you do last night?
Ayush: haan my mom danced on a stage and she got this big (he extends his arms) trophy. It was nice. I took a lot of pictures I will show it to you
Annie: oOo let me see
Ayush: Stupid it is at home. I will show it to you when you and everyone else come over during the weekend. Will you come?
Annie; Of course and I will ask my chachu to drop us so that you can meet him too.
Ayush: Yeah (he hugs her and both play with each other)
Geet was looking at the time again and again. "Babaji today is my first meeting and you already made me late. The meeting started 10 minutes ago, I wonder what will boss think of me and this stupid copier sucks. Thank god only one more copy to go and I can run inside.. Whenver I want something good happen you decide to do the opposite. Why? huh?" She quickly finishes all the copies and runs toward the conference room almost dropping all the copies on the floor. She takes a deep breath before opening the conference door. She saw her boss, his staff and a guy sitting right next to him assuming to be the client.Vikrant looks at her and smiles.
Vikrant: Finally Geet you decided to come. We were getting worried about you for a minute. Adi you can hold off on the police station call. (everyone laughs..Geet looks down embarassed, she comes and puts the copies on the table and stands next to Vikrant.) Pinky why don't you hand the copies to each person. Mr. Khurana I would like you to meet my right hand person so to speak who will be handling all the matters besides myself from now on. (he extends his hand to shake with Geet. "Khurana? Can he be releated to... no no I hope not..") Mr.Khurana if you have any questions or comments during my absence then feel free to contact Geet.
Mr.Khurana: Sure thing.
Vikrant: Geet this is Dev Singh Khurana our client.
Geet: Nice to meet you sir.
Vikrant: Alright then so lets begin the meeting.
"Babaji why are you testing me at every turn? Why do you want me to feel more pain? I went through enough already and I don't have more power in me to tolerate anything especially when my son is involved." She sat there nervously stealing glances at Dev once in a while.
So I hope I cleared some doubts that you guys had in this update but NOT all of them. One step at a time and you guys may feel that the story pace is going slow but that is how this fan fic will be. Everything will be revealed when I think it is time and story will focus on not only Geet and Maan but also on Ayush and Annie. I want to show you guys how their realtionship and friendship is devolping as well. As of now, I don't have any intention of bringing Maan and Geet face to face ๐Ÿ˜† sorry to be evil but you guys just have to enjoy them in their past. The main reason for this is becaus I don't have a future story line in mind or it didn't come to me yet how I would have them face each other in the present time. ๐Ÿ˜† And I don't want to give you guys same cliched line where they are either working together or she is in danger...its been there and done once I figure out a unique way to unite them (at least I hope I do) then I will start writing that part up.๐Ÿ˜†
So umm that it for my blabbering..๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜†

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Comments (50)

Thank you so much Zee...I love that nickname of yours..heheheeAm so glad you liked it and is finally caught up with the updates lolahha I had to make someone cute in this fan fic considering how sad thits fan fic really is lol..Ayush is the charm that i needed to lighten up the mood lolMore twists and turns will come...ahhaa well now that I read the above bold comment it does sound funny ๐Ÿ˜† I wanted to make their meeting unique but ummm I haven't gotten any ideas yet ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ Love you!Simi

13 years ago

waiting for an update eagerly...plz plz plz update soon

13 years ago

awesome update dear...loved reading it.

13 years ago

part 9nice part...oh Annie is his niece and Dev's Ayush didnt come to the Mansion but Dadi has seen Geet and is impressed with her dancing and curious about her pain...Dev is the new client...Geet's life is completely surrounded by Maan and his family...Annie's and Ayush's friendship is steady and nice...Maan hasnt seen the pic of Ayush...cont soon dear...

13 years ago

AMazing ! Awesome.. continue soon.

13 years ago

hey nice update yaar...i loved annie is not maan's kid๐Ÿ˜Š...nice...looking fwd...

13 years ago

This content is hidden.

13 years ago

oh thank god.. thank u geets baba ji that maan is annies chachu and not daddy.. lol.. cont sooon yaar..

13 years ago

Hi...thanks 4 da pm n awesome update ! Ayush is adorable. Loved the bonding between him n Annie. Update soon

13 years ago

I'm loving Ayush and annie's friendship... Ayush is going to call his dad chachu ??

13 years ago
