Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Maan stood there shocked to see Ayushman. He felt some kind of joy and happiness in his heart even knowing the bitter truth that he could've been his father but he belongs to someone else. "Geet..I had promised myself that I won't come in front of Geet and her family and now I am standing in front of her son. What kind of game is destiny playing with me. I don't know if I have enough courage to face Geet after what I did. How will I even ask for her forgiveness. i don't have the face.." Ayush who was watching this stranger in front of his house with confusion. He waited for him to say something but finally decided to take the matter into his own hands. Maan comes out of his thoughts when he heard a loud noise, he looked in front of him and was shocked to the door closed. Sadden by this, Maan turns around to head back to the car when he heard the door open again. Maan turns back and looks at Ayush who was now standing in front of him on a chair to come to his level. Maan smiled seeing him place his hands on his hips and waited for him to speak.

Ayush: What do you need mister?

Maan (completely forgot why he even came to the door..) wohh..ummm...(Ayush gets down from the chair and was about to close the door when Maan stops him on time...) my car broke down..I need to use the phone.

Ayush: Phele nahi kehe sakte the? (he spoke angrily to Maan with his hands still on his hips)

Maan: Sorry I forgot...umm can I speak to an adult? (He wanted to see Geet...his heart started beating fast just of having the thought of seeing her...)

Ayush (snapped his fingers in front of Maan...he looks down at Ayush): Why do you need to see an adult?

Maan: ohh umm because it will be better if I talk to an adult

Ayush: Kyun? I can't help you?

Maan (sneezed because of the rain...) Can I come in and use the phone?

Ayush: minute...(he closes the door and runs inside Geet's room. After, making sure she is sound asleep, he quietly closes her room door. He goes to the living room and looks around until he spots what he needed. Happily, he picks up the camer and goes toward the door, where Maan was waiting impatentially to get glimpse of Ayush again. There was something about him that attracted him toward Ayush but couldn't figure out what. Maan smiled as he heard the door being open again. He looks down at Ayush who was holding a poloroid camera in his hand.) Get down on your knees...(Maan was shocked...he gets down on his knee since he couldn't refuse...Ayush comes and takes his picture..Maan was confused of his actions..) ok can I see you ID?

Maan: What? ID?

Ayush: mom said I am not suppose to let strangers in the house without her permssion or even talk to stangers.
Maan: hmm what she said is true. Why don't I talk directly to your mom directly?

Ayush: No...she is very you have to be very quiet..and besides what if you steal..I would need to show your id and your picture to the police. (Maan smiles..hearing all this..he quietly takes out his ID and looks at Ayush taking picture of his ID) Alright, you can come in and use the phone...(he puts the pictures in his pocket and leads Maan in. It was a small cozy house, Maan could tell Geet decorated the whole house by herself. He looked around and saw a picture of Ayush and Geet together. In the picture, Geet was hugging Ayush from the back both smiling for the camera. He holds the picture in his hand and touches Geet's face...) What are you doing? (Ayush comes up from behind...and takes the photograph) This is my know this is my favorite picture. Mom had gotten me a new outfit just to take this picture. (he quietly puts it back..and holds Maan's hand and leads him toward a chair...Maan happily follows him quietly enjoying his company and touch...he makes Maan sit on the chair and places a phone on his hand. He disappears in the room and comes back with a towel..) here this is for you...

Maan (takes the towel): why I don't need a towel

Ayush: no you should dry your head or else you will catch a cold.

Maan (smiles) hmm thanks...

Ayush: Your welcome. Now you can make the phone call. I will be over there (he points toward the pile of pictures scattered around the floor) and remember I will be watching you.. (Ayush hops his way over to his little area..Maan watched him with a big smile as he placed various pictures in his book. Maan just forgot everything and watched him. He felt he could watch him all day and not get bored. He looked around again the house taking in all the details and the pictures. Geet built a nice new life here...I am happy for her but yet still feel sad. There is one thing that bothers come I don't see any pictures of Geet and her husband? Where is he? Did he also did what I did? NO NO no one can be as cruel like me...then where is he...

Maan (Makes a call and comes sit next to Ayush...he takes one photograph of Geet when she was at the grocery store...he was looking at it when Ayush took the picture and placed it in his scrapbook) What is your name?

Ayush (looks at him..with his brown eyes..): Ayushman Singh

Maan (Singh? So his father's last name is Singh. I don't know if I should ask him where he is? I don't know why but something is bothering me...) Singh..hmm what does your father do?

Ayush: he is a business man. Mom says that he has to travel a lot every day. He is never in the same place twice. I talk to him over the phone every month.

Maan: ohh wow...he does seem very busy

Ayush: Waise mister what do you do?

Maan: Main umm I too have a business...

Ayush: I bet it is not big like my father's..he has the biggest business in the world...

Maan: what is your father's business name?

Ayush: I am not telling...I am not suppose to tell that to strangers...

Maan: I thought we were friends now?

Ayush: no...I don't even know your name..and waise friends aise nahi bante...

Maan: toh kaise bante hai?

Ayush: hmm friends should know about each other. Like all my friends...they know everything about me...they are all in here...(he points to his scrapbook)

Maan: Can I see?

Ayush: one is allowed near it except for me and my mom. I will show it to you by myself..but you have to sit little bit back because you are wet...(Maan sits back a little and just when Ayush was about to open the book a car honked outside...) I think your ride is here...

Maan (gets up mad): hmm ok I got to was nice meeting you

Ayush: Alright bye...(Maan waves as he goes outside. Ayush closes the door after Maan gets inside the car...)
The next morning Geet woke up early and looked at her sleeping son. Since today was a day off she lets him sleep as long as he wants or until she finish cleaning the house. She looks at the mess in the living room..she shakes her head knowing he was up all night putting the pictures in the scrap book. She picks up all the pictures and puts them in a pile. She pics up a pic smiling and gets a shock of her life. "Maan? How? When was this taken? Did he find me here? It looks like Ayush took this picture of him. When did he meet Maan? Babaji I hope Ayush doesn't know the truth about him. Only I know how hard it was for me to lie to him about his father. How could I have told him the truth what he did. I didn't want him to hate his father. No kid should have to learn this about their father. I had promised myself that I wouldn't think about Maan and yet you are bringing him here in our life why Babaji? What are you thinking? I will protect my son from everyone even if it has to be Maan..." She goes in the room and wakes up Ayush...he looks at her with a sleepy face.

Geet: Ayush look at me. Where did you take this picture? Who is this man? (Ayush looks at the picture scared)

Ayush: woh mom..

Geet (holds his arm tightly) Tell me the truth now

Ayush: woh he came last night his car was broken down so I let him in to use the phone. But you had said that never to let any stranger inside the house so I took his picture just in case if he stole something (he started crying and hugs Geet) I am sorry. I know I should've woke you up.

Geet (calms down..and hugs Ayush) Am sorry for making you cry. Will you forgive me? (he shakes his head no) how about if I make you your favorite choclate cake? (he looks at her) umm with lots of icing...(he smiles...Geet hugs her again) Am sorry. Ayush you have to promise me something. If you EVER see this guy again DON'T talk to him or take anything from him. Got it?

Ayush: Why mom?

Geet: just do as I say. You trust me right? (he shakes his head yes) good now remember what I said ok? (he nodes) ok go take a shower while I make you your favorite breakfast. (Geet went outside and leaned against the door..trying to control her tears...daizingly she moved toward the kitchen)

Geet ran outside of the hall with tears and started walking as soon as she was outside. She couldn't believe that so much had happened in one night. She started running when she heard some footsteps from behind her. She briefly looked back and saw Maan running after her with anger. She started picking up her pace but due to her wearing a saree and heels she couldn't go far. Maan caught up to her and hauled her towards him. She hits his chest really hard and looks at him with fear.

"Let go of me..." (She starts twisting her wrist from his hold but couldn't release her hand...) "I said let go of" (He smirks and pulls her toward the elevator.) "Where are you taking me? Let go of me..please" (She started crying...while trying to release her hand...He shoves her inside a room and closes the door...Geet looks at him with shock and fear. She grabs hold of her saree...and looks at him coming near her...)

"No one dared to touch MSK before and you dared to slap me? But you know what? I liked that someone had the guts to stand up to me." (he speaks as he moves closer and closer to her...)

"I have to go...please don't do this..." (She looked down on the floor with tears)

"Then go..I am not stopping you..." (He moves out of her way...Geet looks at him shocked...she slowly walks toward the door away from Maan...her legs and hands were trembling with fear...She looks back at Maan who was standing with his arm crossed his chest smirking at her...)

" the door..." (She looks back at the door...and holds the door knob...she looks back at Maan again who was still standing in the same position...she turns the door knob but stopped when she felt his arm around her waist...she tried to scream but he kisses her lips...after the kiss he looks at her...while she stood there paralysed on her spot...he leans closer to her and whispers in her ear)

"I am sorry for what I did..." (She looks at him shocked and confused...) "I won't let the same mistake happen again. Will you forgive me? I promise to never let this happen again." (He wipes her tears and opens the door...for both of them..) "Will you let me drop you home?"

"I will go by myself..." (she starts to walk)

"That means you didn't forgive me" (She stops in her tracks and looks at Maan...) "No, its fine..I know what I did was wrong..." (She turns around and takes a deep breath...she comes back to Maan and stands in front of him...)

"Shall we go sir?" (she smiles...both walk toward the car...Maan drops Geet home and looks at her as she goes inside. As soon as she is inside, he drives off...)

P.S. I kept my promise..thank you everyone that voted for my friend 😳

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Comments (67)

loved the ff loved geet n ayushs relation more than anything maan n geets past is surely very troubledupdate soon n do pm me shruti

13 years ago

Hey sorry for hte delay..I know..I am working on the part..will update by 2marow..😳

13 years ago

Hey plz can u continue further...i am waiting eagerly since wen...😭😭😭😭

13 years ago

Loved the updates !!! they are awesome

13 years ago

heysuper awesome partsluvd demthnx 4 d pmcont soon

13 years ago

thank goodness Maan is regretting what he did now 😆keep rocking!

13 years ago

awesome updates...maan is back...n ayush met her...maan does not have a family...he is repenting...but whether he deserves to be forgiven depends on what he did...continue soon...thnx for PM...

13 years ago

hey I have added you...will update maybe next week 😆

13 years ago

Thanks so much!if he asked her to leave why he brought her to that room...good question..but that answer will be revealed later...😆 sorry can't say much

13 years ago

You don't have to be sorryI understand..job comes first lolas for what going on his Maan's afraid only Maan knows lol

13 years ago
