Chapter 7

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Hey guys,
Sorry it took so long but am finally here with an update BUT I got some bad news..from now on my updates will be slow when I mean slow I mean hopeless-ly slow 😆😆😆 I will try to update every weekend but that depends on if I have a part written for any of my fan fics. Sorry guys!!!
Chapter 7
Few days had passed ever since that incident. Ayush had forgotten all about the stranger that came to their house but for Geet it remained in her head ever since. She often thought what would've happen if she had opened the door. What would she say to him face to face after all these years? I wonder what game is Babaji playing. I came here to start a new life, forgetting everything else, with my son. I don't know if I made a right choice or not by coming here but please don't bring more suprises, I don't know if I can handle anymore. It may seem selfish but I don't think I can share Ayush with anyone. He is my son only. Maan has no right on him. He had lost that right after that night. Please Babaji, don't take him away from me. I am about to start my new job today, give me your blessings. I hope everything goes alright with this job. She finishes praying while Ayush finishes eating his breakfast. She goes up to him and pats his head. Ayush looks up to her with a smile an holds a apple slice for her. Geet bends down and eats the apple from his hand.
Geet: Are you ready for school?
Ayush (makes a baby face): No. I still want to explore.
Geet: We went to all the places that you wanted to see. What more is left?
Ayush: I want to see museums and aquariums.
Geet (sighs): ok, we will do that some other time. For now we have to go.
Ayush: Alright..(He said in a sulking voice)
Before Ayush could go into the school. Geet holds his hand.
Geet: Ayush listen starting today, you might have to wait a little for me to come and pick you up from work. DON'T talk to anyone or take anything anything from anyone. You just wait inside the school until I come. Understand me? (He shakes his head yes) I will tell the security guard and teachers as well. I have a feeling that something is going to happen today. I just don't know what. Maybe it is just me being paranoid for no reason but I can't risk anything when it comes to Ayush. I have to make sure that he is safe and doesn't go or talk to anyone especially with Maan. I don't want him to know the truth nor I think he deserves to know the truth. Ayush is like breath of fresh air for me, he is everything that I have without him I am nothing. I rather die then to see anyone touch my son. He could be innocent when he wants to be.
Ayush: Alright mom I got it. (he kisses her cheek) Good luck on your job and tell me everything. (he whisperers in her ears..) You look nice in the sari mom...ok bye mom...(he runs inside as he sees his friends...Geet waves her hands and starts walking...)
"Ayush do you know we have a new student in our class today. Lets pick on her it will be fun..."
Ayush: Really? Who?
Rohit: Over there look...(he points toward a girl wearing a pick frock...)
Rahul: Haan Ayush, it would be so much fun.
Ayush: How do you know she is new?
Rohit: I heard the teacher will be fun
Ayush: I don't know...lets be friends with her then we can pick on her
Roshni: don't be a spoil sport. You are our friend right? (he nodes his head yes) ok then you have to do what friends do...
Ayush: Ok...karna kya hai? (All go in a circle making a plan...Rahul and Roshini waited outside the class room keeping an eye for the teacher while Ayush and Rohit went up to the new girl. She was on her table drawing something and humming a tune to herself. Rohit snatched her drawing and looks at it. The girl looks at both of them with confusion..)
'Yeh meri drawing hai..."
Rohit: We are just seeing what you are drawing.
"I am drawing a tree with birds.."
Rohit: it could be better...chi you call this drawing? (The girls looks down about to cry...Ayush puts his hand on Rohit's shoulder...)
Ayush: Are you new?
"haan...I came back from vacation yesterday.."
Rohit: What is your name?
"Anwesha..but everyone calls me Annie.."
Rohit: What kind of name is that? And what are you wearing? yellow frock? (Annie starts crying.)
Ayush: Rohit stop it now. She is crying. (he takes out his handkerchief and gives it to Annie...) We were just playing with you. It was a joke (Roshni and Rahul comes in running and quietly sits on their chair...the teacher comes in right behind them. Rohit and Ayush quickly grabs their seats looking down at the table.)
Ms. Sharma: Ok class we have a new student today. Please help me welcome Annie Khurana. (She looks toward Annie and sees her crying. She quickly goes up to her...) What happened? Why are you crying? (Ayush and his clan look at one another with fear...) Who made her cry? (she looks around the classroom) Answer me. (The clan look down...) If no one answers me right now then all of you will stay after school and call each and everyone of your parents. (Ayush nudges Rohit and Rohit signals him to be quiet...)
Geet entered her new ofice building "Singhania Groups" I hope everything goes alright. I don't know why but for the first time I am feeling very restless. I never got this feeling before when starting a new job. Maybe because I am starting a new job maybe that is why I am feeling restless. Babaji let everything be alright. She goes to her boss cabin and knocks on the door. There she saw a guy who looks in his late 20's. He got up and walked up to Geet with a smile.
Vikram: Hi you must be Ms. Geet. I am your new boss Virkam Singhania. (he holds out his hand for a shake. Geet smiles and shakes his hand)
Geet: Nice to meet you sir.
Vikram: Same here. Alright then let's get down to business. I will have my personal assistant show you around the office but before that let's discuss your post. Please have a seat. (he helds out a chair for Geet to sit. He goes around the table to sit on his chair) I must say Ms. Geet I have never recieved such a phenominal reference letter before. Your previous boss couldn't stop praising you. I am glad to have you on board with us.
Geet: Thank you sir.
Vikram: Now, I don't know how much you know about your position or what you were told but I will go in details with you about your day to day activity. You will basically will be my right hand person. (Geet was shocked) I know that is not the position you were told of but after carefully reviewing your resume and your reference letter, I believe you will be able to handle this post. You see Ms. Geet I have a lot on my plate. Even though I have PA's there are certain things that they cannot handle or rather personally trust them to do. So I believe you will be a great fit for this position and I hope you won't let me down. You will basically handle all the things that I would normally do in my absence. I travel a lot so I really need someone who can order and handle situations during my absence. I will train you and give you time to get familiarized with everything.
Geet: Ji sir
Vikram: I will have you go into meetings with me so you can learn on how to handle clients and what to say to them. Also, I will increase your pay as this is a higher post then what you were orginally prepared for. My PA will show you your contract, your cabin and answer any questions you might have. (He calls his PA in.) Until my PA comes in do you have any questions for me?
Geet: Sir actually I have a five year old son and I need to pick him up everyday from school.
Vikram: ohh ok well I think we can arrange something for that. When does his school usually ends?
Geet: umm around 4
Vikram: Alright that should be fine. You could work from home if you like after you pick him up but I do have to tell you there will be times where you will be required to stay in office all day due to meetings or for whatever reason. So with that being said, I hope you have alternative options for your son. I mean there could be someone else that could pick him up or take care of him until you can go home. Maybe your husband?
Geet (Looks at him...controlling her tears..): umm my hus..(she clears her throat) I meant to say that he is usually away for business trips but I will find some other option. If it is ok with you until I do find some other option will it be alright if I could bring my son with me to work? He will be very quiet and not bother anyone.
Vikram (thinks for a minute): umm sure I have no problem with that as long as the work gets finished on time.
Geet Thank you sir. (After few minutes someone knocks on the door.)
Vikram: Come in Sasha. Ms. Geet I would like you to meet my PA Ms. Sasha. (both greet each other) Sasha Ms. Geet will be my right hand person. Please show her the office and go over the necessary paperwork I asked for you to do earlier.
Sasha: Sure sir.
Vikram (gets up and shakes Geet's hand): Alright then your traning will start today Ms. Geet.
Geet (smiles): Thank you so much sir and please call me Geet.
Vikram: Sure thing. Sasha please show her around.
Sasha: Sure but before I do I believe I have a bad news. The person that was suppose to dance for our charity event couldn't make it. The event is tomorrow night and I don't know how we are going to find replacement this fast.
Vikram: Oh no. This is an important charity event. We are expecting big people to attend this event. I don't know what are we suppose to do. We can't cancel the event either, everyone bought the tickets.
Geet: Sir can I help in anyway?
Vikram: I am sorry Geet. I forgot to tell you about this event. Every year our company host a charity event where all the money collected will be donated to children's hospital. The money would be used to treat kids with cancer and help the poor parents that can't afford to pay for their children's operation. This year we had hired a dancer to present for our event but unfortunately she canceled at the last minute. I don't know what to do now.
Geet: Sir if you don't mind then I will perform for the event.
Vikram (shocked): You?
Geet: Yes sir. During college I was mostly nominated to do college events. I am sure I will be able to do this. Please it is the least I can do for what you have offered me and plus you won't be able to find anyone else at the last minute. I won't let you down sir.
Vikram: Alright Geet you are in charge for this event. I won't be able to show up for the event tomorrow so you will handle everything, the guests, the preperation, everything. Consider this as your first assignment. Sasha will give you all the necessary information about the event.
Geet: Thank you sir.
Vikram: No problem. Sasha please go over the necessary information and have Geet sign the contract for our company.
Sasha: Sure sir. (she leads Geet out of the cabin...)
It was lunch time at the school. Ayush and his clan watched Annie as she sat by herself during lunch. She looked up at them and quickly turned her back towards them looking away. All felt really guilty for making her cry and picking on her. Ayush decided to go up to her and apolozie first.
Ayush: Hi Annie I am Ayush. (he comes and stands in front of her. She turns her face away from him...he sits right next to her facing her way..) what are you eating? (she again ignores him and turns to go..when Ayush stops her...) Annie we are all very sorry. We were just playing jokes. (Rahul and everyone else came...too...)
Rohit: Annie we made this for you...(He opens up a big card that said sorry in their kidish handwriting with lots of hearts...)
Rahul: Please we are sorry. We promise never to do this again.
Ayush: If you want you can pick on us we won't mind. Please Annie forgive us. (Annie smiled at all four...)
Annie: Fine but promise you guys will never do this again.
All four: We promise...
All the kids laughed and ate their lunch together.
Ayush: Annie could you tell the teacher to not call our parents. If my mom finds out then she will take away my camera and cancel all the trips we planned.
Annie: Ok but in return you guys have to do something for me.
Roshni: What?
Annie: come to my house and play with me tomorrow.
All: Done.
Precap: Chairty event
Geet meeting Annie...
Author's note: Could you guys come up with a group name for Ayush and his friends? Please be creative and the person with the BEST name will recieve a promo of next part. So get going guys! 😆
P.S. I know I don't have any past incident written up here...Don't worry I will include past incident later on. I wanted to build Geet's character a little bit more and show how everyone will connect in future which will help me move the story smoothly later on. Sorry for not having Maan in this part..will try to include Maan in the next part...(emphasis on try 😆)
mrs.msk2011-07-25 19:50:45

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Comments (36)

lovely update simi...I'm liking this Annie cutey girl... and also Ayush Cutey boy...

13 years ago

hahaa I like your nickames is so hard to come up with something unique lol...haha Liz sorry can't say much on the past lol..u guys just have to wait ...I like torturing you guys just like u like to torture us with your fan fics lol..hehehewill update soon!

13 years ago

haha I like FF and chillar paarty for their can see why it was so hard for me to come up with a proper name lol

13 years ago

hahaha RARA forgot there is one more person...Rahul...I can't say anything about Annie...all will come out in good time lol

13 years ago

Bacha party is so sweet...and a promising start for Geet's new job all in all too good update!!!! maanhar2011-07-26 12:51:56

13 years ago

Nice !Group name :The Incredibles Fantastic 5/4 (depends on the group member nos)The Chipmunks PaintedSky2011-07-26 11:17:09

13 years ago

This content is hidden.

13 years ago

part 7nice part...the baccha party scene was so nice...abhi se teasing...Geet's boss seems to be nice...and also considerate...cont soon...the name well since the gang is of 5 and 3 names' start with R and 2 with A why not RA5?funny or silly i dunno...

13 years ago

fabulous updatefeel soo bad geet ayush iz so cute cont soon x

13 years ago

luvd deir small frndship...i hope dere vl b maneet scenes in d nxt part

13 years ago
