Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Geet looks at Maan with fear as he holds her tight by her waist, forcefully dancing with her. She felt she could die any minute just by his looks. He was shooting daggers at her with his eyes which was enough for her to go weak in her legs; if it wasn't for his support holding her upright. She couldn't understand why he was mad at her. What did she do wrong? Before the party had started, she made sure everytihng was perfect the way Maan sir wanted it to be; then where did she fail? She wanted to get out of his grip, but his grip on her waist only held her tighter and closer each time she struggled. Geet gasped in pain, as she felt his nails digging on her waist. She looks at him with tears. Fianlly, unable to stand his wrath, she got enough courage to ask him.
Geet: Sir what did I do wrong? I did everytihng you had asked me to
Maan (pushes her closer to him with anger): The dress. Where is the dress I got you? (Geet looks down but Maan forces her to look at him.) I asked you something.
Geet: woh woh (She winces in pain as Maan holds her wrist really tightly and twirls her around. Now, her back was toward Maan, while he was holding holding her waist with one hand and her wrist with the other hand) Please sir let me go (tears start rolling down her face)
Maan: That is not the answer to my question. Answer my question and I will let you go.
Geet: I...I was iorning the dress and it burned by accident. (Maan twirls her around harshly so now she was facing him. Geet looks down unable to meet his eyes) I had no other option but to wear this saree. I am sorry. I will pay you for the dress. (Maan dips her and brings her back up really fast)
Maan: What if you are lying? I hate liars. Look at me when I am talking to you. (Geet quickly looks up hearing the coldness and threat in his voice)
Geet: I..swear on Babaji I am not lying. You could even see the dress yourself. (She looks at him with unexpectant and fear. Not knowing what he will do or say next)
Maan (smirks...he slowly moves his hand, which was on her waist, toward her upper back. Geet tries to move back after feeling his touch. Maan moves closer to her while Geet moves back in fear) You know I love the fear in your eyes for me. (he whisperes in her right ear)
Geet (looks down): Sir, please can I go now. (she tried removing his hand from her back, which angered Maan)
Maan (pulls her closer): Why are you always going away from me? You don't like the way I look? (Geet doesn't say anything) or maybe you don't like it when I touch you or come close to you? (hearing no response from her, made him more mad. He slowly comes closer to her and starts kissing her on her shoulder. Geet tried to release herself from his girp but it was no use. She felt his lips reaching her ears...) Do you like this Geet? (He kisses her on her ears then moving to her cheek. He stops and looks at her lips. Maan lets go of her wrist but just when Geet was about to get away from him, Maan brings her closer by his both hands on her waist. He dips Geet and kisses her forcefully on her lips. She opens her eyes in shock and looks at Maan who had his eyes closed. Maan slowly lets go of her one wrist but making sure that she was held in place..he slowly starts tracing her curves. It was dark so no one can see what was going on. Tears flow down from her face when she felt his hands around her curves. After a while, Maan stops kissing her and pulls Geet up. The minute she stands on her feet, Geet slaps him. The lights came on and everyone, including Maan, looks at her with shock.
Geet: What do you think of yourself? Just because you are rich, you can get anyone to fall for you? I may be poor but I am not like other girls who would sell themselves just to spend a night with you. You have crossed all your limits Mr. Maan Singh Khurana. I had put up with you before because I needed this job to support my family, something you wouldn't know anything about. You maybe could buy whatever you want but I..I need to work hard in order to get what I want. (she holds his color) What did you think huh that you will do whatever you want and I will not say anything? Why? because you got money and power? Well I got news for you Mr. Khurana, I don't need you or this job. Right now, at this moment, I quit this job. I don't wish to work for a man who don't respect women. Dignity and self-respect is the most important thing a women can have, without them they are nothing. Remember that! (She shoves him and walks out of the party crying.)
Maan bangs his hand on the stearing wheel. He was driving back to his house when the car broke down distrubing his thoughts. He got out of his car and checked the tire. "Great flat tire", just what I needed. It seemed like ever since he saw Geet his life has never been same, bad luck seems to follow whereever he goes. He didn't know what else is stored for him, maybe he is getting what he deserves. He checked the trunk for a spare tire but was diappointed when he didn't find it. He looked around at all the houses. "Where am i? This is not the route to my house. What is happening to me." He kicked his car in furtursation. He checked his phone and threw it on the floor angirly when it was out of battery and to add to his missery it started raining. "Great just what I needed, a flat tire, dead phone and rain on top of it. How can this get any worse?" Maan stood there for couple of minutes, upon finding no options, he decided to ask one of the neighbors for a phone. He looked around the houses, almost all of the houses had their lights on expect for one. "I am sure one of them has to help me"
Maan sat in his car fursturated and angry at everyone. The minute anyone had opened the door, they had shut it on his face before Maan could even get a word out of his mouth. "what is wrong with everyone? Didn't even let me complete a sentence. Isn't it a moral duty to help a stranger? Be a good semeritan" Maan was thinking of different options he had for tonight: either go home wet and catch a cold or wait for a car to pass by in this weather or sleep in the car for tonight and get some help tomorrow morning. After weighing his options, Maan decided to sleep in the car for tonight since no one was willing to help him. He got out of the car to get his spare clothing he keeps in case of emergency out of the trunk. As soon as Maan closes his truck, he sees a light in one of the house in front of him. "I didn't go there. I think someone is awake, maybe they can help me." Maan quickly puts the bag inside the car and runs to the house.
Maan knocks on the door and waits for someone to open up. He could faintly hear noises of feet shuffling inside the house. He knocks again, getting fursturated by whoever was inside the house. Maan was relieved when he heard the doorknob turn and everything in a hurry as soon as the door was open.
"Listen, before you close the door on me like every other people in the neighborhood, I need help. My car broke down and I just need to borrow your phone to call a mechanic." Maan looked ahead of him and saw no one in front of him but the door was open. Then he felt someone tugging his pants, he looked down and was shocked to see Ayushman.
mrs.msk2011-07-19 13:30:54

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