Chapter 4

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Hey guys,

Sorry for the very late updates..been busy 😆

Chapter 4

Geet went to Ayush school to pick him up...she hoped that he wouldn't notice her slightly red puffy eyes from crying...whenever the image of Maan with is wife and kid happy comes into her head...she breaks down...its as if it is permanently attached in her memory forever..tormenting and taunting her saying "look he did what he promised...he doesn't even care or remember you" She lost all her hope of hoping that one day he would search for her and come after her...that hope turned into a wish over the years...but she knew that wish will never come true and now neither does she want it to come true anymore...she saw Ayush coming out of school...she quickly waves him and puts on a happy smile only she knew how much sorrow is hidden behind that smile...she bends down and hugs Ayush...soon both started walking back home...

Ayush: Mom I love this school...I made new friends today...three of them

Geet: Really...what are their names?

Ayush: umm Roshni, Rahul and Rohit

Geet: hmmm wow that's good...i would love to meet them someday

Ayush: yeah I will invite them over once we decorate the house...ohh mom I forgot to tell you..I have a new list of the places I want to see...I asked my friends and they gave me loads of new list

Geet (sighs): Ayush how about we finish one list first before starting a new one? and plus once mummy starts her job we will have more money to see everything ok

Ayush: when are we going to see first? I want to see Delhi Gate...and then we can

Geet (laughs): how about we finish the house first..and do some shopping before going home?

Ayush: Yay! I forgot I have to take pictures of my room and show them to my friend..I told them that I decorated the room...

Geet: hmmm ok you can do whatever you little monkey (pulls his cheek)

Ayush: mom I told you don't pull my cheeks in can do it at home...(whines like a little boy)

Geet: Ok ok I forgot..sorry...lets keep walking...
Both made their way into the grocery shop...Ayush paid attention to his mom while Geet was busy deciding on what to buy...he takes out his Polaroid camera and starts taking pictures of Geet from different angels once in a while he would call out to her and ask her to pose or show what she is buying..then later on he started taking random pictures of the people around him...Ayush loved taking picture..for a five year old he is quiet creative...everyday he comes out with random projects...he stores all of his pictures in his scrap book...the scrap book is made of anything and everything, drawing, cut out pictures from magazines, his lists of things he want to do and see...He never lets anyone touch or see his scrap book without him being around. Geet was the only one he allowed touch and see whenever she wanted but when it came to his friends..he would hold the scrapbook in his hand and turn the pages for them once done talking about each and every picture in details. He is very talkative like Geet and very smart like his "father". Ayush stops after a while and looks at all of the pictures...he looks at Geet and then at the picture of the women that shopping in the store...he kept on going back and forth between Geet and the pictures..

Ayush: Mommy how come you don't wear saris like other women? (Geet looks at him confused...all the women looks at Ayush smiling...)

Geet: Why beta?

Ayush: I noticed that all the women are wearing the same black necklace and has that red powder on their forehead like you but you are wearing a suit not a sari (all the women laugh at him hearing his talk)

Geet (surprised by his question): umm because it is not necessary to wear a sari..I am more comfortable in a suit that's why

Ayush: No mommy it is necessary since no one else is wearing a suit besides you...good thing I noticed that...(Women next to Geet starts laughing..Geet holds Ayush hands and brings him to the check out)

Geet: Ayush we will talk about this at home...

Ayush: But you have to wear a sari like other people...

Geet (bends down and holds Ayush hands): beta do you want mommy to look like everyone? I thought you told me that there is no one like your mommy

Ayush: Of course no one is like my are the best...I want you to dress like that you don't feel left out...

Geet (tears escape from her eyes): how can I feel left out if you are with me..hmmm

Ayush: ok...(puts on a sad face)

Geet (sighs): ok if I wear a sari on my first day at work? will that make you happy?

Ayush (smiles): yay! yeah...(Geet laughs and leaves the market together...Maan comes out of the store and watches both of their retreating figures...he smiles remembering Ayush question to Geet, he felt sad when he saw their bonding...he wished that Ayush would talk to him one day..he knew that he has no right in messing with her married life...he was happy to know that she has moved on...he screwed up everything with his own hands...Ayush could've been his Maan you have no right to think about Ayush like did this to ruined your own married have no right to bother Geet or her happy family or to even think about her...I will not see Geet anymore..I will let her live her life.. I don't even know why i followed Geet. Ever since I saw her I cannot get her out of my mind. I want to talk to her but is scared to. What will I even say to her? Am sorry? Is my sorry even justified by the pain I caused her? NO...I know there i nothing I can say or do that will take back what I did...I don't have the right or face to come in front of her again..(Maan get into his car as his driver pulled up in front of him...but little did he knew that destiny (or in this case the writer lol) has another plans for him)

Maan: Where is Geet? (Maan had entered the party...he was amazed by the decorations that Geet had done..he was very pleased by her choice of colors and designs...he scanned the whole room..tyring to look for her but more importantly to see how she looks in the black dress he gave her...he grew impatient and angry when he could not spot her anywhere inside the hall...he marched toward her "friends" that he always see hanging out with and laughing at silly jokes they do with one another...the jokes that he never understood...he didn't see of what was so funny with chitti and hatthi (ant and elephant) was it even possible for elephant to see ant or even talk to an ant? quickly coming out of his thoughts he went up to them...they stopped talking and laughing as soon as he stepped in front of them...)

Pinky: No sir...the last time I saw her she was in the changing room...she should be coming any moment now (she quickly finished her sentence and looked down in fear...)

Maan: hmm. (with that said Maan left them and went to the bar...he held a glass in one hand and quietly sipping his drink with his eyes glued on the entrance door...there was something about Geet...she didn't pay attention to him like most girls...and that bothered him...why he was not good enough for her? He didn't care if she had someone else in her life...he wanted to show her who Maan Singh Khurana really is...he wanted her so badly...ever since he saw the dress in the shop...he could picture Geet looking sooo sexy in the dress...he knew it will fit her perfectly without second thought he bought the dress...however, Maan knew that Geet would NEVER wear this dress at all unless she had a reason to wear he came up with this party excuse and gave her the dress that he chose...he counted every day and hours to fully see her in the dress...and he cannot wait anymore...)

Maan crushed the glass in his hands at the sight in front of him that came moments later...there she was standing Ms.Geet Handa as she entered the hall...dressed in a white sari..he angrily got up from his chair and approached Geet ignoring the blood dripping down from his hand...
mrs.msk2011-07-19 13:29:32

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