Chapter 3

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Hey guys,

Sorry for keeping you guys waiting! A LOT (No EVERYONE) has been asking the same question about Maaneet's marriage. Sorry I cannot say anything only just wait and watch 😆😆😆 but keep guessing! 😳

Please do read a note at the end!

Chapter 3

Geet: Ayush beta get up...(Ayush stirred in his sleep...Geet couldn't help but smile at him) Don't you want to make new friends today? (his eyes pop open)

Ayush: I forgot it is my first day of school today

Geet (laughed): That's come on lets get you ready...

Ayush: Mom i can take a shower myself ...I am a big boy now..

Geet (hits her head): Ohh I forgot take a shower and come down fast..I prepared your favorite breakfast

Ayush (kisses her cheek): Thanks mom you are the best!

Geet stands up at the door and silently watches as her son runs around the room...he carefully takes out his own clothes and runs into the bathroom dragging a towel is going to be a new day...a new beginning..i guess it is time for me to move on just like he did just like he promised...why shouldn't I move on?...I got the only person I need in my life Ayushman...he is my life and my savior...I won't let anything happen to Ayush...and I will make sure that Ayush never meets Maan...we might be in the same city but we are miles apart...I have decided never to cry for him again...but I still cannot part away with certain things that remind me of our marriage...She looks at her mangalsutre...even if I want to I cannot take it out not because it reminds me of our marriage but because it protects me.

Two years after the incident, Geet had stopped relying on others for help or support. She only needed her son as her support. Geet was living in a rented house with her son. She sold whatever jewelry she had in order to pay for the rent. Her current job wasn't paying her enough in order to take care of him. She knew she had to do something fast. Geet left her son with her neighbor to look after to go talk to her boss. Her boss was around 40 years of age, she never liked him because of the way he looked at her. Not wanting to quit or having any other option Geet decided to stick around until she gains enough experience. She took in a deep breath and knocked on his cabin door.

Geet: may i come in sir?

Boss: yeah come in. (he looks at Geet and smiles. Geet looks down uncomfortably and takes a seat before him) how can I help you?

Geet: Sir I need to ask you for some advance. I really need the money

Boss (laughs and gets up): tell you what Ms. Geet, I will give you all the money you want if you give me something else in return (Geet looks at him and understood what he meant. She stood up to go...) Where are you going? I will be doing you favor. You need money and I need you. (she opens the door) think about your son...(she stops midway and turns to look at him. He smirks) From the looks of it, you don't' have a mangalsuture or have any indication that you are married or a widow. (Geet closes her eyes in pain tyring to control her tears) Think about it, your kid might need a father and well I am here. I will protect your son from those who would point fingers at him and you. Just become my wife and I will give you whatever you want. (Geet comes near him and slaps him on his face...he looks at her with anger)

Geet: How dare you mention my son from your dirty mouth. My son doesn't need anyone. He has me and as long as I am with him, I won't let you or anyone like you come near him. I will protect him.

Boss (smirks): For how long? People will bound to question you at every step of the way. How will you shut them up? (he paces around her) Forgot them how about your son? What will you say when he starts asking about his dad? (He sits down) Think about what I said.

Geet turns to leave the office. She walks off dazed thinking about the conversation in the office. "What will you say when he starts asking about his dad?" Hey Babji, why do you have to punish my son? What is his fault? I will protect him at any cost. After putting her son for asleep. She looks at herself in the mirror. She holds the mangalsutre she had taken out in front of herself. "you ruined my beautiful dream. A dream that every girls thinks of the minute they are born. You turned my dream into hell. If you couldn't fulfill your promises of protecting me then maybe your magnalsutre will do what you couldn't fulfil." She puts her magalsutre and sindoor on her head. "I will do anything for my son even if it takes for me to pretend I am married in front of the world."

Geet and Ayush walk outside of their house...Ayush was holding Geet's hands...he looked so cute with his little book bag and a water bottle hanging from his head...Geet was very happy that his school was 10 minutes away from the house...

Ayush: muma what are you going to do today without me?

Geet (laughed): Well first I am going to miss you all day...I will try to set the house...and buy some groceries and after you come back from school we will go and get more paint and some new furniture

Ayush: Yay! Can I decided the color of your room? please please

Geet: sure beta..whatever you will choose..we will decorate my room the way you want...

Ayush: When are you going to work muma...

Geet: umm in two days...and within these two days we will plan our sight seeings...

Ayush: ok...i still have the list...I will add more stuff

Geet: how about we finish the list first and then you can start a new one...

Ayush: Ok...muma school is here...(Geet bends down and gives him a hug...Ayush kisses her cheek and runs inside...she waves him goodbye and starts walking back home again...unaware of someone's eyes on her)

No it can't be her...Geet...she has married again? The little boy...seems familiar...she seems happy with her life...why wouldn't she..what have I gave her..nothing...(he couldn't remove his eyes from her)she still looks the same...just as I remembered...(Suddenly Geet image starts fading away from his eyes...the car started moving again as the signal turned green)
He entered his office and went straight to his cabin...her screams filled with pain and agony was ringing in his ears...he put his hands on his ears to stop the screaming but nothing helped...he banged his fist on the table and closes his eyes in pain...

Maan: Geet we have to host a party for one of our important clients and I want you to be in charge of the whole planning

Geet: but sir how can I...I am still learning things from here

Maan (gets up from his chair and walks toward Geet was about to step back he holds her wrists and pulls her toward him): Listen Geet...I don't want to hear any excuses (he starts stroking her face with one hand while holding both her hands with the other...Geet tries to move her face away but couldn't...she tried to move back but Maan held her in place)

Geet: Sssiirrr

Maan: me Maan...(she looks at him surprised)

Geet: Maan Sir I will host the party...can I go now please...(trying to get out of his arms feeling uncomfortable...)

Maan: ohh by the way the dress code is don't wear your a understand? (looking at her body)

Geet: a dress...I I I can't

Maan: can't what? wear a dress or buy a dress?

Geet: Both

Maan (lets go of her hands and goes behind his desk): hmm I knew it so that is why I bought a dress for you (he hands her the package...Geet opens the dress and was shocked to see the length of it)

Geet: par sir how can I wear this dress

Maan: What do you mean?

Geet: It is too short for me...

Maan: I don't want to hear any excuses I solved one problem for you now you figure out about the other problem...this is a professional event and I would like it to be that you understand?

Geet: Yes sir (looks down...Maan smirks..)

Maan: Good...start making all the planning today itself...everything should be done by Friday which is in two days...understand...

Geet: yes sir...

Maan: You may leave now (he watches Geet leave the cabin... "This party was just an excuse Geet...let's see if you really look as good as I imagined you in that dress...someone said the saying patience is a virtue...and ohh boy will it be a sweet victory for me...")

Note: I know the reason that I chose why Geet still wears magalsutre and sindoor might sound whack but I wanted to show how hard it might be for single parents, especially women, to live in a society with no father. Even though, India is very modern now and a lot has changed over time but still it is hard to change the way people think. I don't live in India but I am just going by assumption. So please do correct me if I am wrong with what I said.

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Comments (44)

loved the maan was desiring for her and the kid is maan's...u r right still ppl look indifferently when they c a gal without ms & sindoor having kids...i am glad that geet has ayush...i just want her to b cont soon

13 years ago

this is just amazing!!! please continue!!

13 years ago

Congrats n new FF...totally loving this one

13 years ago

This content is hidden.

13 years ago

Hey...plz continue...quite real story...& superb start...with ayushman as a kid...😳😳😳😳

13 years ago

Sorry for the delay in comments...I loved the story track... its very interesting...Oh my Maan seems to be a different person... very hard to predict him... especially in your stories...Loved the little Ayush... aawww he is so cute...continue soon Simi...

13 years ago

awesome ... superb ...thnx 4 d pm ...continue soon ...

13 years ago

thanks 4 da pm...interesting update

13 years ago

Wow nice track, plzzz cont sooon

13 years ago

part 3nice Geet and Ayush...happy go kid...nice upbringing by Geet...oh that Boss of hers was so nasty...sick person...oh just for that shes wearing Mangalsutra and Sindoor...its ok...ya even in this century also people dont speak good about single woman with kid...its always humiliating and ridiculing...was that Maan who saw Geet and kid?cont soon...

13 years ago
