Chapter 27

_Chaverah_ Thumbnail




Chapter 24 A:

It was really difficult for Anjali Jha nee Raizada to sit helplessly watching her Chotey suffer internally.. It had been a complete month since she saw him in person, and now, when she finally got to see him, he's all lost and in grief.. And her damned pregnancy hormones were doing no help in letting her be controlled..

She just had the time to hug him close to her before he let her kiss him and then leave to get freshen up... She was so ecstatic at finding her usually grim and grumpy Arnav skip the steps as he almost hopped to his room with his eyes twinkling in joy and warm in love, his body oh so relaxed and his face adorned with that never leaving smile... Her eyes watered as she hugged her husband and cried out of happiness... But, everything felt like a dream in a dream when she saw the same man who ran to his room with his teeth on an auction came running down with his face hard and eyes red.. His stance felt stiff and his jaw tight... Minutes later after she finally gave into Nani's advice to let Arnav be on his own, she saw her brother walking in with his face wet with his own tears, something that she hadn't seen ever since their parents' death... He kept whispering something again and again as he kissed the woman laying limp in his arms with utter tenderness.. Her heart twisted in agony as she watched her baby brother lay down his Love on his bed and kept calling out for her with all the love he had for her.. She reached him in a second only to get engulfed in his tight embrace... She felt shivers down her spine as he trembled in her arms.. Kissing his hairs as she always does, Anjali let the sister in her step aside for some time, letting the Mother and the Doctor in her take a forward step..

Assuring Arnav that everything was fine and that it was only of the stress his Khushi fainted, Anjali teared up as she saw not the Arnav Singh Raizada but the 4 year old Chotey who listened to her with rapt attention and kept asking for her assurances again and again with that adorable innocence.. She finally let out a sob as her Chotey hauled himself upon her, crushing her to him, letting her shoulder get wet.. She watched Shyaam trying to reach to them, but couldn't.. Hell! Even she dint know how to handle a crying Arnav.. An angry one, she can.. A grumpy one, she can.. A mad one, she can.. A stubborn one, she can.. Even a silent one, she can.. But, her Chotey never cried.. He did shed tears all those 13 years back, but it had been her who cried; he never did.. And when he was crying for the first time, she dint understand what to do.. It came as a huge blow not just to the rest of the family but also to her, to his Di.. Wiping away her tears determined, Anjali pulled out as she looked into his eyes, the same ones their Maa had.. Wiping his tears, she pulled both of them up and sat beside Khushi.. Laying his head in her lap, she stroked his hair as she heard him speak of what all he went through being here, how his Khushi was being made to suffer and his journey and success so far in his Love life.. She leaned down to kiss his forehead as she felt immense pride for not only her brother, but also the Business tycoon resting in her lap... She lifted her head to the heavens above thanking them for the wonderful man they'v made her Son become.. She let him let his heart out and when he finally felt a bit relaxed, Anjali kissed his forehead as she whispered to him in smooth caresses...

"I am so very proud of you, Chotey.. For the man you are, for the Love you'v earned... And let me also that you are the strongest man I'v ever known! You are my role model in that, Chotey.. Not just now, but in every step of our life, you'v always been the strongest, taking in all the hardships, bleeding yourself to work just so that you can make us live on our own.. And now, I ask you to be strong just once again.. I know it pains.. I know it kills, but, Chotey, YOU are all that Khushi has now.. If not for yourself, then atleast for her, be strong Chotey.. She's perfect now.. And whatever that is bothering her, I'm sure it isn't something that my stubborn powerful brother can't deal with.. Be her fort of strength and comfort, Chotey.. Love her.. That's all she needs.. Nothing more, nothing less..."

"Guys, could you please shut it out for some time?"

"Oh common, ASR.. Dr Di already told that she's fine and there's nothing to worry... She'l be around in sometime Bha.. Sir.. While, we,.. We have loads and loads to catch up.."

"I'd suggest you to shut up before I'd sign your termination letter.."

"Chotey, Payal was just whispering.. That too almost in my ear..."

"I don't care Di.. I need absolute silence.. And I'd really appreciate it if you guys would keep up with all that catching up outside my room..."

"That is a damned truth, though it was outright rude, Arnav..."

"Jijju, I never go wrong.. But I think its high time you keep my sister under your control.. I really pity you sometimes Jiju.. How do you even keep up with her?"

"The same way Khushi keeps up with you..?"

"Exactly Mrs.Glo.. Oops, I meant Gloria.."

"Kyun huyi na bolthi bandh?"

"Unbelievable.. Seriously, you guys just need to get out.. Now!"

After all the shuffling and mumbling went silent, Khushi fluttered open her eyes... She visibly trembled as she realized that she wasn't alone but most probably amidst his entire family or rather, her to be in law family.. She saw Arnav closing the door and leaning his head to it, before he took deep breaths and turned around only to stop abruptly.. She tried to smile back at his soft caressing smile that was in contrast with the turbulent worried eyes.. She tried lifting herself up when she felt his huge strong yet gentle hands go around her helping her into a better position.. Khushi lifted her lashes up to see her Man staring her with his eyes boring into her soul...

All she had was a moment to breathe before the air got knocked out of her lungs at the intensity with which she was embraced... It took a few moments for the reality to sink into her, before she ran her weak hands along his firm back.. A shaky smile played on her lips as her eyes went wet... She felt his urgent kisses mixed with concern, worry, fear and love as he peppered his way along her shoulder, neck and ear... Pecking her eyes softly, Arnav scooped down to devour her luscious lips not before watching her look back at him with all her love, silently asking him not to stop... Ending the bliss, for now, with languid lingering pecks, Arnav pulled Khushi into his lap as the later cuddled herself more into him, as if hiding away from the world... Breathing in her scent, Arnav leaned back onto the headboard, running his fingers along her hair as he whispered softly..

"The time to shed some light onto our relation has finally come.. Though I planned it to be the other way, this would be equally dramatic too..."

Khushi snapped up her head.. How did he know? Chuckling softly as he pecked Khushi's red button nose, he caressed her flushed cheeks as he replied to those wide questioning confused Hazel pools...

"Okay, I guess its time for some more revelations.."

Picking up his laptop from the side table, Arnav held Khushi close as she jumped and almost shouted at seeing the live recordings of almost every nook and corner of her house, except for the bedrooms.. She blushed profusely at the thought of what might have happened if there were cameras in even the bedrooms.. Or to be more specific, in her room... She hid herself as his chest rumbled with laughter, knowing very well that he read her embarrassing thought.. Kissing her forehead, Arnav spoke softly..

"I did have the generosity of leaving a bit of privacy, Khushi.. Though I now regret it.. If only I had let the Guest room to be recorded, we could have easily known what this fu*king slime is doing right now.. But anyways, that's nothing to worry about.."

And the next one hour went with Arnav explaining on how Parimala had been trying to sell Gupta Mansion and how Khushi is no more a part of them.. He cleared out everything about Shyaam Sinha and his empty threats that he might impose on Parimala, if he is doing exactly as Arnav expected, making Parimal force Khushi to marry him, if at all Khushi would downright refuse to give into in the first place... Arnav assured Khushi of how they were going to deal with all that chaos this evening, for once and for ever.. He was stopped from explaining any further as she ran into his arms and slammed herself onto him, her lips mating his, whispering that she trusts him with everything of her.. And in all that heated passion, Arnav forgot to mention that Gupta Mansion is in no danger and that it is going to be under its rightful owner...

Minutes later, as Arnav went down to get something for them to eat, not wanting to share his fragile beauty with anyone yet, Khushi smiled as she took a keen inspection of his room.. She colored up instantly at how he referred this room as their' room.. She couldn't help but imagine how they'd be together in their room in their home.. It was no Einstein's brain that was needed to say that her Man is a neatness freak and a highly ordered person.. He's got a great fascination for classic old melodies of all eras of both Hindi and English.. And the mini shelf stuffed with loads of books ranging from business related to classic fictions and auto biographies clearly showed his side of interest in literature too... When does he even have time to do all these? Smiling as she moved ahead, she saw the wall adorned with a lot of photographs.. And the moment she stood in front of them was the last moment she breathed... There were photographs of all the members of the family, the moments that had them smiling and laughing to their soul's content... Though her photograph of smiling calmly with her eyes closed and head raised up to the Sun came as a shock, the one at the exact centre of all these photo frames was what that stole her breath..

Khushi took an unsteady step towards the wall, her eyes blurred to the fullest... She raised her hand to stroke her own childhood photograph when a shaky sob came out involuntarily... It was the one when she was laughing with no boundaries, with no burdens; her Babuji chasing her and laughing as well in that very same fountain garden.. She ran her right hand lovingly on her Babuji's face while the other trembled as it held the frame tight... She was so lost in the nostalgia and the bitter sweet moment that she failed to notice her Man standing behind her with his eyes misted and overflowing with love..

Arnav placed the tray on the table and moved to his Love in slow calculative steps.. His heart clenched at finding her form shaking from the silent but violent sobs... In a moment he reached to her, engulfing her into his warm embrace.. He held her closer to him and tighter when she immediately turned around in his arms and finally let her heart out.. And he let her let it all out.. It had been a long due since she must have done it...

Rocking them back and forth, Arnav kept feeding Khushi, who ate reluctantly, lying in his embrace, sitting between his legs with her back plastered to his front.. She couldn't help but let the tears flow relentlessly much to her anger at how they weren't stopping even when Arnav kept wiping them patiently... Moments later, cuddled to him, as she sat on his lap leaning onto him side ways with her arms around his back and his front, her head resting in the crook of his neck, Khushi breathed in his scent as she felt him kissing her softly, speaking smooth caresses... She held onto him tighter overcome by the strong emotions of love, respect, admiration and gratitude in an all together another higher level..

After what seemed like hours later, Khushi whispered hoarsely, still being in the warm tight cocoon of her Man..

"But, how did you get these Arnav? All those childhood ones?"

Smiling as he ran his thumb along her plump bottom lip, kissing her forehead, Arnav made her stand along with him and led them to the photographs... Showing the exact one that stole her breath two hours back, Arnav pointed to the mat on which her mother sat at the farther back, under a tree.. As Khushi lifted her wet confused eyes to his warm ones, he pin pointed the boy standing beside her Mother, with his eyes on the Father-Daughter duo... Gasping out loud, Khushi took a few steps back as her hands flew to her mouth instinctively, and the tears began to ride down once again... She missed seeing that kid earlier.. Does.. Does that mean? Arnav smiled softly as his eyes blurred at witnessing the realization his Love is going through.. He leaned back onto the wall, his head resting on the photographs, his eyes tearing up but never leaving her pale face..

"An.. Annie?"

A deep chuckle emerged from his dry throat as he closed his eyes facing the heavens above.. Old habits really do die hard... Khushi never called him Arnav.. It was she who named him Arnie when she was a kid, when for the first time she began to speak.. But being a toddler, all she could manage was Annie, which remained the same till they parted.. Even now.. Arnav added silently chuckling to himself.. Though it was just once a year that both the families met, the vacation was a mandatory lasting for a week, with one of the families being the host alternatively.. And he was practically Khushi's protector where ever she went, whatever she did.. Even now and will last forever... Another addition to his self talk.. His Di usually spent most of her time with the elders so though she did have good rapport but not as much as he did.. And Khushi was just 3 years younger to him and hence they both hit quite well instantly.. She was 11 and he 14 when the tragedy of losing his parents happened and that was the last time he visited the Gupta family.. And he was practically.. That was the last time he met his Khushi in person.. Though Sashi Gupta kept visiting him every year for the next 4 years, till he went abroad, Arnav never met Khushi.. He simply couldn't.. All he had in mind to stand on his feet grow high in the society, give the luxurious life to his family as his parents might have given if they were alive. And in all this, he forgot that he needed to look after his childhood sweet heart, having an assurance somewhere down the line that she'd be happy and fine with her family.. Its only after his Nani called him o tell about the situation that he understood how wrong and stupid he had been all this long.. Guilt, shame, fear and pain crept inside him with an abundancy weighing almost as much as his love for her did.. HE felt the pang hit him that he failed not only his mentor and his Dad's best friend, but also his first and only ever love - his Khushi... Arnav slowly glided down to the floor to sit, having lost all his strength to fight these emotions... All he could muster was a very hoarse broken


Khushi could not breathe let alone move...

'Okay.. Hmm.. Why do you like his eyes?'

"They remind me of something.. I.. I can't point out what but, something in them spreads warmth in me.."

The chocolate brown eyes.. She knew them.. She has seen.. But where?

"Life does give all its flavors to us.. All we need to do is to accept them with open hands.. If we'v been through the dark, then we do deserve to go through light too.. Why stay and reserve into dark when Life itself is giving you its best.. Accept it with open arms.. Who know? May be, this is what you'v been destined for.."

Khushi stood stumped to ground.. These.. The words.. They were her lines.. Khushi's eyes widened and so did Arnav's hold on her..

"You remember, don't you, Khushi? A friend of mine gave me this piece of advice when I was buried deep down in my own gloom.. The simple few words that gave me the strength to fight everything that came my way and stand up smiling.. But I guess, its time I returned her words to her.."

Looking into his Chocolate pools, she tried searching her answers..

"Who are you, Arnav?"

Hugging her to himself, Arnav kissed her hair lovingly and snuggled into her neck..

"Not now.. Time is yet to come.."

Khushi pulled back and tried to speak but seeing Arnav nodding a negative, she stopped..

"You'l know me when you finally gather enough strength to trust me completely and love me back unconditionally.."

How did he know about her so much? Why the hell cant he reveal who he is? But, does it matter? Is it necessary to know who, what and how about him? Her heart screamed NO.. No, not as long as his Love for her is this pure, true and strong.. She softened her eyes and looked at him studying her and now smiling..

"Yes.. I want you to start trusting me, Khushi.. The day you would finally trust me with every ounce of your soul, you will realize who I am.."

Nodding at him in a daze, Khushi couldn't help but feel complete at having hear and see him laugh.. The way he stilled for a moment before he took the words in completely, laugh his heart out, with his eyes scrunched and head thrown back, reminded her of something or rather, of someone who is so dear to her, deeply buried in the depths of her soul.. But who? It felt as if she had been transported to another part of her life.. Something that she always cherished but kept hidden so as not to cry over her present for not having what she once had.. And now she realized that she bottled them up so tight and secretly that, she's now as good as a stranger to them, yet closely related..

Sensing Khushi all silent, Arnav turned to her, his face handsomely young, with the smile still adorned on his beautiful lips..

"I know you really well, dont I? You.. I.. I dont remember anything right now, but, this feeling.. Your laughter.. Its.. It is so familiar.. The way my heart is racing and its.. I'm filled with nostalgia right now, but of what? I still dont remember.. But.. This feeling is not alien to me, Arnav.. Are you getting what I'm trying to say? Its as if I'v lived through this like forever.. Like its something I loved so very dearly.. I.. I know you with my heart, Arnav.. My heart did recognize you, but, I dont think my mind figured it out yet.. I know you.. I do.. I can feel you and.. And I can swear that you were a very very dear person to me.. Oh, Arnav!! I love you!!!"

As a lone tear escaped his warm over whelmed eyes, Arnav kissed Khushi's inner palm that was resting on his slightly stubble cheek.. Kissing away her tears, Arnav placed a lingering kiss to her forehead, as Khushi threw her hands around Arnav's neck, pulling him into her..

"I love you too, Khushi,, And I'm sure your mind will mingle with your heart very soon.."

"This is the Khushi I knew... The Khushi full of life and colour... The one who could stand up against me and yet shut my mouth... The one who could read me even before I spoke anything... My Khushi..."

The last words trailed off as his voice broke and before he could cry out of joy and pain, Arnav went in for a deep kiss, letting her know the unspoken words, his inner turmoil, the pain and the unbound happiness, his plea of asking her to recognize him, at least now, his relief at finally seeing the Khushi he had been wanting to bring back, his pride at being the one to make it possible...

Slumping down beside her Man, Khushi reached out to him with trembling hands... Laughing even as she cried, Khushi lunged herself onto Arnav who kept looking at her with all the love and pain, appearing to be at his most vulnerable state, his strong facade and strength that he had been carrying on all these days, fading into thin air, as the lonely agonized lover came to light... Wrapping his arms instinctively around her petite frame in a death grip, digging himself into her hair, Arnav let his tears flow as he felt her urgent kisses everywhere she could reach...

"God! Annie, it was YOU? All this long.. I was with my Annie? Fell in love with my Annie? Heavens be praised! My Annie is my Savior?"

Pulling her more into him, Arnav did nothing but weep at the loss they went through, the struggle he had to go through, the joy of winning her Love and the relief of the truth being at open.. Nodding feebly, he kissed her nape before he dug back into her.. Khushi ran her hands over his back, trying to calm him, over whelmed with utter shock and boundless love for the majestically amazing person in her arms.. She could literally feel what it might have been for him when he first saw her, realized that she no more recognized him, but even then stick onto the mission of bringing her old self back, loving her without any boundaries or expectations or complaints, with all the patience and reverence.. Will she ever be able to Love him as much as he does? No! Never!! But she'd try till her last breath at least not to make him feel any less than what he makes her feel... She kept kissing him softly as he held her close, trembling with the intensity of the emotions racking through him, sending shivers down her spine.. It was the moment when Khushi Gupta fell head over heels in love with her Man, once again, irreversibly forever!

Taking a deep breath, Khushi smiled to the heaven above as she declared herself: Khushi Arnav Singh Raizada is irrevocably in love with her Man, Arnav Singh Raizada for eternity and beyond!


Author's Note:

A common doubt that most of the buddies had after reading this chapter 'Arnav had the cameras placed in Gupta Mansion?!'

Cleared out here : Coffee Chat 9

Chaverah_TFC2014-05-04 08:30:59

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