Chapter 28

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Chapter 24 B:

The chain and the ring shining proudly on her ring finger made the hell break loose with the females of the family bouncing on Arnav with innumerous questions, Payal pestering Khushi for the details while the men kept congratulating and praising.. And finally, not able to take any more hammering noises, he declared it straight and short...

"We love each other and are gonna get married soon.. Infact, the preparations will start right away this coming Monday, after I'l sort out some more important things out here and we'l shift back to Delhi.."

He looked at Khushi waiting for her approval of the wedding, preparations and the Delhi shifting and all he got was her bright proud smile and a blink of her twinkling hazel eyes.. His heart swelled with love and adoration for his Lady Love at the trust she put in him.. He mentally noted to check each and every detail regarding their wedding.. Nothing.. Nothing will go short of what she deserves and even more... Forever for his ever her...

Arnav smiled wide as he saw his filmy family hover over his Khushi mercilessly, loving her, cuddling her, hugging her, making her feel too overwhelmed, teasing her to no end and also, thanking her with their tears with no barricades.. He sat with Mrs.Gloria and Payal, sipping in the black Coffee his Love made exclusively for him while watching the entire emotional reunion as the entire family took turns of explaining how they'v missed her and her family and how they kept searching but were forbidden from contacting, how he suffered all those years away from them and how he came immediately when he was informed about the oddness they felt when they last met Parimala... How much he secretly loved Khushi and how he died every single second as he lived alongside her, learning what dark times she went through, how she couldn't recognize him... And above all, how much they were waiting for her to come with them to Delhi as the eldest daughter-in-law cum their favorite daughter...

Though there were times when Arnav wanted to ask them to stop making her all emotional, he knew that this was what Khushi missed all these years - love.. Love of family.. He sat silently watching her smile, laugh, cry and assure them, get over whelmed, turn to him to thank, sometimes in shock seeking for assurances and answers, sometimes showing her gratitude and love.. Arnav sighed as he saw his family sit around her chatting away to glory, playing, laughing, teasing and most importantly, being truly and making her happy.. He faced the heavens above as he smiled and pledged to his in laws that this is just the beginning and that he'd be there in every step of their daughter's life for every breathing second of his life... He moved to them as Khushi called out for him, asking him to join them.. Cuddling her to him, making her sit leaning her back to his front, inspite of the deep blushes and hesitant glares, Arnav kissed her open mouth infront of everyone, making her divert from her shyness and shut his family's teasing looks, making all of them gasp and giggle loud..

Arnav watched with blurred eyes as Khushi slept peacefully with her head in Nani's lap and cuddled to herself... He leaned back into his Di's lap and he closed his eyes as Anjali massaged his head just as Nani was doing with Khushi's... He couldn't help but drift back to their cute banter a few hours before, just after both of them calmed down from Khushi's realization of Arnav being her Annie... He chuckled softly at how she pounded on him, beating him with her tiny fists, crying why he dint tell her all this earlier, why he waited so painfully and why he loved her so much... He couldn't help but laugh out loud on her face when she complained how he never made it a point to let her know his full name when they were kids...

"How in the weirdest dreams can I imagine that my silent Annie would be this romantic enigma called Arnav Singh Raizada? I aint no God, Dammit!!!"

It felt so amusing and wonderful as well when she used his lines straight on him... Arnav kissed her hard and full, leaving both of them breathless and kept kissing her till she forget every single ounce of anger and every single complaint, till she was aware of nothing but him, his touch and their love... And it will be the same way he's gonna handle her anger from now on forever, he decided.. It was the moment Khushi began to run her fingers on all his files that were placed in the shelf did he remember what was amiss.. He immediately pulled out the red file and called her to him softly asking her to sign the documents.. He knew she wouldn't read, not that he'd mind, but he wanted it to remain a surprise.. And she dint disappoint him.. Asking for where all she needs to sign, Khushi went back to take in every single detail of the rest of the photos adorning the wall... He always carried photographs of his family with him, where ever he went, if at all his stay would extend for more than 3 days.. They help him from not feeling alone and also bring out a strange serenity... And he was glad he had this odd habit.. Its coz of them that finally Annie came into the picture.. Sighing as he reached Khushi, Arnav hugged her from behind, kissing her neck softly as he began to narrate the incidents behind each photograph, letting her enter his past and live with him again...

It was around 6 in the evening when Aman came to Mrs.Gloria's house along with Lavanya.. After the initial family catch ups, leaving a very happy Aman and a highly excited and ecstatic Lavanya, Arnav prepared himself for the final show down that they are gonna face in less than an hour... Though the entire family wanted to be there, Arnav dint want to make things more complicated than they already are.. And to top it, he was a bit disturbed at how Khushi requested him not to involve the police in this matter.. According to her, the truth they are gonna face will be a punishment to live with for more than a lifetime... Though what she told was right and he did give into her request, somewhere down the line, Arnav felt that they were being a bit too generous to them than they deserve...

"I know that you guys would love to be with us, and trust me, even Khushi and I would love to have you guys, but, all it'd do is just complicate things.. I wanna get this idiocy to be wrapped up as soon as possible and get back here with Khushi.. Jiju and Aman will be coming with the both of us and we'l take an hour tops, not more than that.. Meanwhile, why don't you guys prepare for a night camp? We'l go somewhere you'd love to.."

A fuming and highly fashion-malfunctioned Riya opened the door almost about to lash out on her step sister, but all she could do was gape open mouthed as she watched Arnav dash past her, hugging Khushi all to himself... She dint move a bit even when two other men followed the earlier ones... ASR and Khushi? How in the freaking world did it even happen? It was only after she heard a loud crash did she run into the Mansion only to find a few more people to accompany her in standing utterly shocked...

Parimala stood without her knowledge as she saw her step daughter enter the Mansion in such grace, elegance and dignity that, it reminded her of her sister walking in with her husband, wrapped in his arms, full of love and the aura of perfection... She saw Arnav walking hugging Khushi to himself sideways and being a perfect gentleman as he made her sit before he joined her and cuddled her back into him... She saw two more well built handsome men sit on the chairs on the either sides of the sofa that the couple were sitting on... Something about this entire thing screamed that everything she oh so carefully planned and plotted since the past 5 years has begun to crumble down to nothing... But still, inspite of the majority of her senses asking her to quit and run for life, she held onto the last thread of insanity stating that she has the city's best lawyer, Shyaam Sinha on her side...

"Evening Mrs.Gupta.."

The deep thick voice brought her out of her now building little comfort zone, pushing her into the abyss of defeat and darkness.. Picking up her broken faade, Parimala sat on the sofa opposite to her step daughter, facing the new couple, whose very sight began to make her spine shiver.. All the anger, disgust and fury towards Khushi faded into nothing as she saw her staring right back into her, accusing her, daring her to speak a word against her, as she lay protectively cuddled in her Man's embrace... The very love she saw in the eyes of ASR for her step daughter was more than enough to scream out to her that the game is over! It was when Mr.Sinha joined her, did she breathe, not knowing that no matter what or who may come, her destruction has already been set... And didn't take much time for her to realize it just as Aman began to speak..

"Mrs.Gupta, I'm Aman Mathur, the head of PR and Finances of AR as well as ASR; and his best friend as well.. This is Mr.Jha, the legal attorney of AR and ASR; and his brother-in-law.. And let me introduce the most important person.. This is Ms. Gupta soon to be Raizada, the fianc of ASR, the CCO of AR Corp and also the childhood buddy and sweetheart of ASR.. And finally, ASR himself.. Well, we have a few important things to discuss this evening and I advise each and every member of your family and anyone else whom you think are important to be included in your family matters to be here and listen to every single word we'l be telling you in the coming half an hour or so, since we, the AR'ians, DO NOT repeat ourselves... I'm gonna give you a chance to speak after the complete discussion of each and every point and would want your absolute co-operation in listening without interruption as we speak... So, now, is there any one to else to join us? If so, we are ready to give you a spare of 15 minutes precisely, after which we shall start our meeting with no delay and no disturbances..."

It took a complete three minutes for the rest of the members to actually react and three painfully hard minutes for Arnav and his co to not laugh out on their faces... The first to come burst out was the twin sister, Siya followed by the other twin sister, their mother but, in all this, the slime chose to be silent.. The best decision he must have ever taken in his entire life time, according to Aman...

"What the f*ck is going on here?! How the hell is she the Fianc of ASR? This is all a trick! A disgusting foul play that she must have played yet once again..."

"How the hell can she become the CCO of AR Institute when she doesn't even have the qualifications?"

"Who the hell are you to talk all this utter rubbish? And what do you mean by she is his Fiance? I am her mother and its me who'l have to decide that.. For your information, she is already engaged to this gentleman, Mr.Shyaam Sinha... Did you hear that?"

The fact their out burst left no impact on the four of them sitting in front of them, watching them with slow grins as if they were some loony toons enraged the mother-daughters trio.. Just as they were about to lash out once again, Aman spoke in a composed and well practiced controlled straightness, with the just amount of coldness and fact stating confidence...

"Okay, since you'v already started the discussion, we are assuming that there are no on.."

"Oh you just shut up! I'm talking to ASR and my filthy sister!!!"

If Arnav and Shyaam were furious, they dint show it.. If Khushi cringed, she dint show it either.. If Aman felt himself doing somersaults at how well he was succeeding in irritating these people, he too dint show it.. Continuing the step sister's sentence...

"ASR and soon to be Mrs.ASR are here just to make their presence acknowledged.. They will not be speaking a single word, let alone talk.. The entire meeting will be done with me and Mr.Jha speaking and you are allowed to ask questions for which the either of us will answer you in the presence of our employers.. As I mentioned earlier, you are advised to not interrupt us as we speak, since we wouldn't repeat ourselves, incase if you'd miss anything we'l say amidst this banter..."

Controlling his level best to not smirk, Aman continued with a subtle nod, as the fake Gupta family settled down literally puffing smoke out of their noses and ears...

"So, as I was saying, assuming that its only you people with whom this discussion will be further continued, I'd like to start the discussion by giving you your answers..

One, A very important meeting is being conducted here, which is legally both personal and professional.. We will not tolerate any accusations against our employer, Ms.Gupta soon to be Raizada.. Since you were her so called family at once upon a time, we are generous enough to excuse you for this time and only this time.. The next time we'd hear or learn of anything of such sort, you'l be filed with cases of emotional harassment and tapering with the name and prosperity of ASR and his family.. Ms.Gupta soon to be Raizada is the Love interest of ASR ever since he was a kid and he came here to win her back, not the other way around.. Though this is personal, you being her family at one time, made you worthy enough to have this explanation...

Two, it is AR Corp, not AR Institute... The CEO has a few veto powers in his hand to appoint anyone to any position in his company.. Also the other way is by nominating the person and getting majority votes of approval by the members of the board, as in, the directors of the company.. In Ms.Gupta soon to be Raizada's situation, it had been both the ways.. ASR being the CEO, declared her as the CCO of AR Corps which was readily agreed by the rest of the board of Directors which comprise of ASR, me, Mr.Jha, Mr.Raizada, Mrs.Jha, Ms.Roy soon to be Raizada, Mrs.Mathur and Mrs.Mallik.. Coming to qualifications, our CCO has finished her masters in arts from the University of Manali and is a renowned landscape painter.. The artistic skills are one of the most rarest and most important qualities that we, as the designing and fashion house members need to have..

As for the third point, Mr.Jha will explain more specifically.."

Aman sat down trying with all his might not to fall on the floor rolling with laughter... He saw Aranv giving him a bright look, with the corner of his eyes crinkled and his right eyes brow cocking up slightly with his jaw tight and firm; which clearly indicated that he was more than happy with his performance and that he was rolling with laughter in his mind.. He winked ever so slowly at him before he did the same to Shyaam who inturn shook his head slightly, amused at how Aman could be so jovial even in such a dead pan situation...

"As our head of PR and Finances, Mr.Mathur introduced, I am Shyaam Manohar Jha, the legal attorney of AR and ASR; and his brother-in-law as well.. Ms.Khushi Gupta is now all 24 and is a major by all means and senses to take any decision on her own without giving any explanations or excuses to anyone including her own family members.. Also, according to the transaction that took place exactly from 2:30 to 3:00 in the afternoon day before yesterday, i.e. on the 24th of April, 2014, you Mrs.Parimala Gupta, the second wife of late Mr.Sashi Gupta, the biological father of Ms.Khushi Gupta have cut all your ties with your step daughter, declaring her of being in no way related to you by blood or by word, legally.. And Mr.Sinha, your legal lawyer was the one who took up this case for you.. Also, there were signatures on the legal papers that mentioned that you were in your full consciousness and so was Ms. Gupta as you declared yourself as not her mother... So, this means that though she can get engaged or even married without as much speaking a word about it to anyone, if at all she'd want to inform to her mother regarding anything of such, You are in no way her mother... Coming to the engagement with Mr.Sinha, as an individual, she can decide it to call it off and sadly unlike marriage, we don't have any customary set of rules or anything to perform before calling it as a break.. Also, it is clear from Mr.Sinha's right hand, where there is no engagement ring on his ring finger, that this so called engagement is just a fake news you are producing, for which you shall be heftily punished if repeated...

The second important thing that we are going to discuss now is regarding Gupta Mansion.. The Gupta Mansion, which was earlier on the name of late Mrs.Garima Gupta, after her death, was written under the name of her only daughter, Ms.Khushi Gupta.. However, during the past 3 years, this property had been shifted under the name of Mrs.Parimala Gupta, the sister of Mrs.Garima Gupta and the second wife of late Mr.Sashi Gupta... Though there is a slight conformation of how the transaction might have been done, we are not going to dwell much into that right now.. After having this property under Mrs.Parimala Gupta, again a case taken up by Mr.Shyaam Sinha, as per the recent transaction yesterday, i.e. on the 25th of April, 2014 at precisely 10:30 to 11:00 in the morning, this property was sold to an anonymous third party through a mediator named Mr.Khanna for a hefty amount of 8 crores. Which clearly states that the Gupta Mansion is no more the property of Mrs.Parimal Gupta.. All these are the facts that all of you are very well aware of.. Now, I'd like to tell how ASR comes into picture.. Apparently the anonymous third party to whom this Mansion was sold is ASR.. And according to the transaction that took place this evening, i.e. on the 26th of April, 2014 at 4:00 p.m., this Gupta Mansion legally and rightfully belongs to Ms.Khushi Gupta soon to be Raizada, the CCO of AR Corps and the fianc of Mr.Arnav Singh Raizada...

These are the copies of the respective things I just told and a few of them that I'm about to tell as well.. Firstly, you'v got exactly 90 minutes to pack all your belongings and move out of the premises of Gupta Mansion and to never return back or have any contacts with anyone or anything related to this Mansion or Ms.Gupta.. Violation of this will cause you to end up as a prisoner.. Secondly, as per Ms.Khushi Gupta's insistence, no police action is being taken this time, but from the next, it will be a direct criminal case of playing with the safety of ASR's family, irrespective of what you'd do if you'd as much as try to contact or interfere with Ms.Gupta's life.. Thirdly, Mr.Shyaam Sinha, as the legal attorney of Mrs.Parimala Gupta, you'v committed illegal acts, for which we have the proofs and so do you have a copy of them.. Based on this, you are prohibited from practicing you profession hence forth and the same judiciary applies to you too, if you'd try to contact anything/anyone related to ASR/Ms.Gupta, let alone meet or make a mess.. However, we are not going to press any charges against you, since to date, you'v been of no potential harm to ASR/Ms.Gupta.. Nevertheless, we wont remain silent in the future if you wouldn't follow our terms as stated earlier to the T...

So, with this the meet comes to an end from our side, and as promised we'v taken exactly 23 minutes which is within the half an hour that we'v asked for.. And now, you are free to ask any questions.. We are ready to answer, coz this'l be the last time we'l ever see you.."

Deadening silence spread through the Mansion as Parimala Gupta stood up after a few minutes, to leave.. Her stance unslacked and the former shock and defeat is now no where visible on her face anymore.. She appeared as firm and proud as ever as she walked past her gaping daughters, with not much as a look spared at Khushi..

"Wha.. What are you.. Aren't you gonna say anything?!"

Parimala stopped in her tracks before she turned to the twins and spoke in that very same controlled voice..

"No.. Everything I needed to know was told.. And I donot fight a losing battle, let alone a lost one.. All I wanted to say is.. *turning to Arnav* Thankyou.. For not involving the police.."

She then turned back to resume her way to the stairs before she spoke in low but firm tone..

"90 minutes is all we'v got and I'd prefer you guys to begin with you packing.."

Arnav moved closer kissing her hairs as Khushi dug herself into the crook of his neck as she visibly trembled with all the sudden turns of her life... She never wanted things to go this way.. Never.. Though Khushi never loved Parimala or her daughters owing to the negative vibes that they always created, the fact that they are related to her mother never let her hate them.. All she wished was to have a happy life with a happy family, if not an extra ordinary one.. They could have all lived together as a happy family if Parimala wanted to.. Sharing the same loss of having lost their dear ones, may be they would have bonded stronger than one can ever imagine.. But alas.. Everything went in the exact contradictive way.. She couldn't help but cry at how every one related to her Maa and Papa are now in no way related to her.. Arnav rubbed her back trying to sooth her as sobs began to rack her body... His heart clenched and a new anger began to build up in him.. Their presence brought tears to her, so is their departure.. He swore to never let even their shadow be crossed with his Khushi's.. From the corner of his blurred eyes, Arnav saw both the Shyaams in deep discussion, with his Jiju standing firm on his ground while the other continued every single way to plead and manipulate... Pressing his lips softly to her ear, Arnav whispered as he wiped her watering eyes...

"Khushi.. I always wanted to see your room, Love.. You know, from the inside.. Will you?"

A low chuckle escaped her chocked throat as Khushi recalled how hormonally desperate teenager like they behaved when Arnav visited her room last night at the absurd time.. She smiled wide and bright as she pulled him up along with her, entwining their hands as Arnav cuddled her to himself and they walked to her room...

Arnav walked into Khushi's room, with a euphoria filling within him... The room that must have seen every single emotion his Lady Love went through, the room that must have been the witness of her tears and smiles as well... In no time did both the love birds forget about the chaos happening outside the closed doors of Khushi's room, drowning deep in the reminiscences of the childhood, especially now that Khushi finally has her Annie with her.. Settling on her bed, Arnav cuddled his fragile beauty into his arms, her back perfectly fit to his front, as his hands encased her entire form in an affectionate embrace.. They lived their moments as the evil of their lives was finally moving away from them.. From the corner of his eyes, Arnav saw his mobile flashing and it took no brainers for him to understand who it was.. Smirking as he found a message instead of a call, Arnav reached for it, being careful enough not to disturb his Angel's monologue of what all she loves and did all these years.. He kissed her hard and swift making her shut all of a sudden.. The text he received a moment back made his insides jump in a child like joy... Parimala Gupta along with everything of her including her shadow have been successfully eliminated from their lives, for a forever... Smiling at a shocked Khushi, Arnav dipped down once again to take her in a slow languid passion to which Khushi responded with equal fervor..

"We're good Jiju.. You guys just go and start the fun, we'l join in about an hour.. And do tell Lavanya how absurd her husband is being... *...* What the?! Is he insane? He is our family Jiju and its time you involve Di in this.. Her hormonally hyper state would for the first time come to some constructive use.. What? I'm serious.. Do tell Di everything about it.. We all will be leaving this Friday and till then, I need my entire family to be with me... So, I'l see ya guys in an hour? Good then.. Bye.."

Arnav smiled as he cut the call and looked out at the lawn that was filled with various flowers and plants.. Oh how he loved this place.. He knew that a change of atmosphere is what Khushi needs right now.. And what can be a better deviation than this crazy filmy family? Even though he could rush Khushi right now to join with the rest of the family to the fountain garden, he wanted to be selfish.. Selfish to have his love all to himself for some more time before letting his family have her.. Just as he was about to turn around, Arnav felt two soft small hands cover his eyes.. Grinning like a toddler, Arnav playfully pulled Khushi to his front circling her in his arms.. Pecking her smiling shining lips, he pushed back the loose tendril of her hair gently..

"You were supposed to guess.."

Chuckling at her softly, Arnav ran his hand along her spine from the small of her waist to her neck, earning her shivers and her slump on him... Kissing her eyebrows along its length, Arnav whispered to her ears before he kissed the baby hair below her temples..

"I don't have to guess, Love.. Its only you who'l ever do that to me.. Its only to you that I give those rights.. Only you and no one else..."

Tightening her grip on him, Khushi snuggled deeper into Arnav as she rubbed her cheek on his thumping heart.. Smiling at the sync of her heart with his, Khushi whispered back as she felt him kiss her hair and cuddle her more into him...

"I too have something to gift you.. Something really personal.."

As Arnav was about to stop her, Khushi cut him off, pecking his lips and running her fingers along his handsome features, etching every nook and curve into her memory...

"I know.. Its not because you gave me something.. Not because of any other reason.. Its because I want to, Arnav.. I want you to have it.. Today.. Now.."

Nodding as he kissed her forehead, Arnav walked along with Khushi into her room.. He stood stilled having guessed what she might be giving him.. Her creation? To him?! Overwhelmed with love and tenderness, Arnav whispered her name only to get hugged by his love in a tight grip...

"Open it.."

Holding her form to his with his one hand protectively, Arnav slid the veil on the painting only to get his heart stop its beat.. He dint know when Khushi lifted her head from his chest to gauge his reaction, when her eyes turned wet, when she smiled with gratitude and love, when she kissed his stilled heart long and stayed there.. He dint know anything except the fact that he was seeing himself.. A live portrait of himself with utmost precision... It was so perfect that, even the shade of the stitches under his eyebrow were to the T.. The crinkling of the corner of his eyes, the golden specks of his deep chocolate orbs, the deep brown of his upper hair when he'd stand in Sun, the hearty laugh that was oh so rare.. Every single thing screamed such perfection that if it wasn't his Khushi, he'd have bet that this was a photograph converted to a sketch using the advanced technologies... He slowly felt the warmth creeping up his nerves as the blood was finally reaching his brain, his heart slowly began to start its beat, and finally attain that marathon rate.. His vision blurred as the reality finally began to sink and the words he next heard only added to the feeling that he might burst out of this Love and happiness that he's going through...

"I waited to give it to you at a special moment.. What more than today? First its You who made all my dreams come true.. You are the chocolate brown eyed Savor I always dreamt of... You officially made me yours.. But above all, you are my Annie.. And then I met our family.. They accepted me and most probably have already begun discussing everything regarding our wedding.. And then this.. This Mansion, the revelation that I'm its owner.. Making everything fairly justified and finally.. Just Us.."

If words could lay the permanent path to Heaven, Arnav is right now walking on it.. His heart swelled with Love, pain, admiration, pride, respect and possessiveness... Tilting her chin ever so softly, Arnav brushed the pad of his thumbs against her wet eye lashes, blinking away his own.. Dropping lingering wet hot kisses along every inch of her face, he finally let his kiss do the talking.. Embracing her in his cocooned warmth, Arnav walked the both of them until they hit the wooden pillar of her room... Breaking apart for the much needed air, Arnav took a deep intense look at every single feature of his Lady love, reveling in her flushed cheeks, swollen lips and withering body.. Pecking her open mouth swiftly, Arnav lifted Khushi above the ground making her wrap her legs around his hips as he rasped out hoarse that sent tantalizing shivers to Khushi's every single nerve ending..

"I love you, Khushi Arnav Singh Raizada.."

And thus began the dawn of another new chapter in Khushi Arnav Singh Raizada's life.. A chapter that'd never see the dark, a chapter that'd be painted with the most vibrant colors ever, a chapter that'd never tire of being updated with many more happy moments, a chapter that'd be written with the ink of Love of Arnav Singh Raizada - the Ray of Khushi's Dawn...

Chaverah_TFC2014-05-01 09:05:13

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